Infinite weird games

Chapter 283 Hypocritical Alliance

After Yu Jinsheng left, the discussion in the venue exploded.

Some people are asking what happened to Jiuzhou, and some are testing Tingfeng to see if he has the intention to replace Jiuzhou. Of course, more people are discussing the three pieces of news announced by Yu Jinsheng.

Many things are not secrets for cutting-edge guilds. They have a large number of top-ranking members, travel through major special dungeons, and occasionally touch the secrets of gods. Even if they have not experienced it personally, they have heard it from people in their network. Got up.

But in any case, many previous rumors were just vague speculations. Now, after Yu Jinsheng publicly raised it at the exchange conference, the meaning is different after all.

Some people have begun to speculate whether Ragnarok will happen again this year like it did twenty-two years ago.

Meng Wenfei turned her head and seemed to want to chat with Lin Chen.

Qiss stood up and silently ordered through the soul contract: "Follow me to the rostrum."

Lin Chen: "Oh!"

So from Meng Wenfei's perspective, the gloomy President Lin stood up expressionlessly and walked along the aisle to the podium without even giving her a look.

Meng Wenfei: ...The president of this new guild is really difficult to get along with.

At this moment, some guilds had already left the meeting one after another, probably wanting to return to the guild headquarters to discuss countermeasures.

The aisles were crowded with people coming and going. Qisi was extremely considerate and guarded Lin Chen, blocking the flow of people for him.

Lin Chen asked in his mind: "Brother Qi, what are we going to the rostrum for? Are we looking for someone to form a team?"

Qisi felt uncomfortable due to the strong popularity. He half-closed his eyes to prevent sweat from burning his eyes, and at the same time denied it concisely: "No."

"Ah? Are you going to go on stage and introduce yourself?"

"No, I'm just going to see if there are any acquaintances." Qisi's eyes swept across the aisle leading to the backstage in the shadows of the audience, and then landed on the rostrum.

No one foolishly followed Yu Jinsheng's suggestion and directly picked up the microphone to introduce themselves to the audience - that would be embarrassing just thinking about it.

The rostrum is used more as a venue for players from all parties to meet and communicate, and all team formation and alliances are conducted privately.

Qisi also heard several familiar names as he walked over, including Li Yunyang, the player who ranked first on the newcomer list in the previous issue, Mu Chuqing, the player who ranked second on the newcomer list in this issue, Tingfeng Guild's Dream...

"An acquaintance?" Lin Chen looked around and asked, "Are you looking for Chang Xu? He seems to be the number one newcomer on this issue, so he should come too, right?"

"No." Qisi looked around and didn't see the figure he expected to see.

He didn't know what he was looking for, but the secret feeling of familiarity that arose in an instant pulled him forward, and passed through his fingers like an elusive mist, scattering into a confused trance.

He shook his head slightly, and soon forgot his thoughts of the previous second, and said lukewarmly: "Even if you are not looking for someone, it is good to be familiar with a capable player. I will meet you in the dungeon in the future and I will hug you."

He did not go through the soul contract to say this, but said it directly. The wording sounded like a joke.

Behind him, a familiar female voice said with a smile: "With your strength, it's okay for someone to hug you."

Qisi dropped a hint to Lin Chen, who naturally turned away from him and hid deep in the crowd.

He then turned his head and smiled at the person who came to him: "Long time no see. From now on, should I call you Xu Ning or Ning Xu?"

"Just call me Ning Xu. They all call me that." The woman nodded slightly as a greeting.

She was wearing the gray jacket and black jeans she wore when they first met. At that time, she also called herself "Xu Ning" and carelessly changed her first and last name. She probably didn't intend to hide it for long.

Qisi looked at Ning Xu and suddenly understood the source of the strange feeling before.

He looked left and right obviously: "Didn't Jin Yusheng come with you?"

Ning Xu seemed to have heard a humorous slang and laughed: "Do you suspect that he also entered the weird game and became a player?"

"Isn't there?" Qisi asked.

"It seems that there are some coincidences happening from your perspective, just like we suspect that your president 'Lin Crow''s true identity is Lin Chen."

Ning Xu looked over Qisi's shoulder and looked at Lin Chen in the crowd behind him: "I can only say that our previous judgment of you was correct. You are indeed very cautious."

She said the word "cautious" in a tone that didn't sound like a compliment. It was probably equivalent to "suspicious and seriously ill."

"Maybe." Qis sighed softly, "I can't think of any reason for you to involve an innocent person who has nothing to do with the weird game."

"Because of you." Ning Xu said lightly, "The only connection between him and us is you. The reason why we decided to conduct a thorough investigation into his crimes such as forging credit cards and reselling contraband is to establish contact with you through him."

"Ah, then he is really unlucky." Chiss sighed, "It sounds like he was coerced by you to do a lot of things in order not to be shot, just so that you could see me and talk to me on the phone. "

"It's just his own fault." Ning Xu said, "Based on the things he committed, it would not be an exaggeration to shoot him ten times according to federal law."

Chiss nodded in agreement, with an inquiring smile on his face: "I'm very curious, you have all attacked him, why don't you just come to your place and invite me to your place for tea?"

"We don't want to be at odds with you, but we want to cooperate with you in a friendly manner. Can you understand?" Ning Xu smiled sincerely, "And, I personally feel that if that day comes, you will definitely have a way to cause us heavy losses."

"I understand." Qisi maintained a smile and asked, "You come to me now, what's the matter?"

Two white rings appeared in Ning Xu's hand: "You should have learned about the guild's joint operations before setting up the guild, right? The next joint operation will most likely arrange for you to form a team with our Kyushu. The configuration is two people each."

She handed the ring to Qiss, who took it and asked, "You want to find out more about us, right?"

"You can understand it that way." Ning Xu smiled, "Isn't it necessary to understand each other's strengths as collaborators?"

Qisi looked at her with a half-smile: "In the current dungeon, we should integrate the top resources and let the people from Kyushu team up with our small guild. No matter how you look at it, it is a waste. Is this a private act?"

"You guessed it right. I can tell you that this is Fu Jue's private behavior." Ning Xu's expression did not change. "He hopes to know something and is willing to exchange the same amount of information with you."

"Sounds like a deal." Qisi said with great interest, "I have never met your God Fu, but he seems to know me."

"Just the idea of ​​'getting out of the control of the puppet master' is enough to get you into the eyes of many people."

"It sounds like you are very familiar with Fu Jue. I would like to know if anything happened to him during this time?"

"He is very busy." Ning Xu looked into Qisi's eyes. "The weird pollution that invades reality is getting more and more serious. There is a large-scale outbreak of germs near the Mississippi River Basin, which is suspected to be related to the weird game."

"Then he is really worried." Zis put the two team rings into his pocket and asked, "What is the specific process of the joint operation? When?"

"Rehearse it first." Ning Xu looked away and looked at the door of the venue, "At two o'clock in the afternoon on April 23, you and your people will enter the weird game on time and randomly match the copies."


"It's not a formal operation, so you can enter any dungeon at will. It's just to determine the composition of the personnel and get used to it. If you die in the dungeon, it means you are not strong enough."

Qisi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Which two people are you going to send?"

"It's not confirmed yet, you'll know when the time comes."

Qisi looked at the corner of the venue. A young man in a black sweatshirt squatted there with an expressionless face, as if he would not let strangers approach him. It was Chang Xu.

His smile became weird: "When the time comes, will you consider yourself unlucky if you are sure to die?"

"Maybe no one will die." Ning Xu said this and turned around to walk out of the venue without looking back.

It wasn't until her back completely disappeared from sight that Lin Chen came closer and asked in a low voice: "Brother Qi, do you know each other?"

Qiss did not hide anything: "She is the person I told you before, who is staring at me in reality. She is also a member of the Weird Investigation Bureau and the Kyushu Guild."

Lin Chen's voice became nervous: "Then why is she looking for you? On this occasion..."

"For joint operations, we need two people to form a team." Ziss said, "They also need two people."

There are only two people in the unnamed guild, which is incomparable to the Jiuzhou Guild, which has a big business. If you are not careful, it will be "no such guild" from now on, and you can only have one name on the guild list as a memento of its existence.

"Two of us, should I go too?" Lin Chen asked.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw Qisi's caring smile: "President, it's enough to just sit back and ensure survival. I will find a way for the other person."

Xiangcheng, the headquarters of Tianping Church.

Dong Xiwen lay in a ten-square-meter room, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

After returning from Jerusalem with the main army, he was given five days' leave. These days, he has been thinking about the [divine face] that White Crow got, the words of "Yuan", and... his younger brother.

The Tianping Church has no president, only two vice-presidents, "Yuan" and Bai Ya. One manages the economy and politics, and the other manages the religion and military.

But in recent years, "Yuan" has appeared less and less often, and White Crow's reputation has increased day by day. Many new believers gradually regard White Crow as the only leader, and even the highest person under the god they believe in. exist.

Dong Xiwen does not believe in the so-called oracles and fate. In his opinion, there is probably a dirty and dark power struggle behind this, and it will become more intense as the balance of power expands.

And he was inexplicably placed under the command of "Yuan" unilaterally, playing the role of a spy.

[God's Face] is a prop used to limit divine power. By taking the God's Face in public, is Bai Ya conveying a compromising attitude to "Yuan"?

Bai Ya specially brought him with him. Did he know about his relationship with "Yuan"?

Wait, he obviously has nothing to do with "Yuan". The one who has something to do with "Yuan" is his younger brother...

Thinking of his younger brother, Dong Xiwen felt even more distressed.

After his parents passed away, he worked part-time while attending college while supporting his younger brother's education.

In his impression, his younger brother has always been a well-behaved and obedient child, quiet and silent.

But now he was told that his younger brother had committed a lot of murders and arson behind his back, and even being bullied might have been his own design...

Even when he boarded the cult pirate ship, there was also the shadow of his younger brother...

Dong Xiwen just felt that the world was crazy.

"Dong Xiwen, come to Sunset Ruins."

A familiar voice sounded in his mind, and Dong Xiwen was startled: "Brother Zhang, it turns out I'm not in the game, can you still send me a message?"

When he saw the record of Lin Chen clearing the copy of "The Ghost" at Sunset Ruins before, he specifically asked Qisi's real name, and the reply he got was "Zhang San".

Although he knew that this was a trick to fool him, since everyone said so, he, as an unlucky man who was controlled by others, had no choice but to believe it.

"Just call me 'Siqi' in the game from now on." Qisi's voice was particularly amiable this time.

Dong Xiwen felt that the pronunciation sounded familiar, and he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

Two seconds later, he jumped up from the bed: "What the hell? Brother, you...are you the legendary Sicily who got rid of the shackles of the puppet master? Is the vice-president of the unnamed guild also you?"

Qisi said "hmm" and asked word by word: "So, can you come to Sunset Ruins now?"

At the Ruins of the Sunset, the people in the venue had dispersed, and the magnificent buildings rising from the ground disappeared into nothingness in an instant, leaving an empty square under the orange sky.

After Qisi sent Lin Chen away, he returned to the game space, held the Poseidon scepter and sent a message to Dong Xiwen.

Among the tool men whose souls were controlled by him, Lin Chen must not end up. Otherwise, when the clearance record is broadcast and Lin Chen's name is displayed, everyone knows that "Lin Chen" has a close relationship with the unnamed guild.

Liu Yuhan has joined the Jiuzhou Guild and cannot fill the head of the unnamed guild; Zhang Yiyu is still locked in a small dark room in the Weird Investigation Bureau and cannot be called out; if the villagers of Qijia Village and the players infected with the insomnia virus show up, they will expose him Extradition is a weird thing...

After all, there was only one option left.

After Qisi finished delivering the message, he put down the Poseidon Scepter, entered the Ruins of the Sunset again, and sat on the roots under the World Tree to wait.

Not long after, Dong Xiwen's figure appeared in front of him: "Brother Siqi, what are your orders?"

Ziss took out a team ring from his pocket and threw it to him: "At two o'clock in the afternoon on April 23, wear the team ring to randomly match the copy."


"The guilds are taking a joint action. Jiuzhou will send two people, and we will send two people."

"As expected of Brother Si, he has been recognized by Jiuzhou so quickly." Dong Xiwen put away the ring and did not refuse to die.

He even has a little expectation in his heart. After all, team building props have not yet become popular, and he has not tried what it feels like to form a team to fight a dungeon.

And since he is cooperating with people from Kyushu, Qisi must not dare to bully him too blatantly, and he might be able to take the opportunity to get rid of Qisi's control...

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Dong Xiwen asked tentatively: "Brother Si, won't our president go with us?"

Qisi looked into his eyes, grinning and showing his white teeth: "If Fu Jue personally issues the copy, I think our president will be happy to accompany him."

Dong Xiwen smacked his lips at the meaning of his words and couldn't help but be stunned.

This humanoid seems to have a lot of respect for President Lin. What kind of person must be able to control such a madman? Isn't the unnamed guild a gathering place for human-like apes?

And judging from the subtext, President Lin, who sees the dragon but never sees its end, has a high status. Is he a figure similar to Fu Jue?

Dong Xiwen had previously suspected that Lin Chen and Qi Si were the same person. After learning that Qi Si was "Si Qi", he also suspected that Lin Chen was his president "Lin Crow".

But now it seems that the time is not right.

There may be a few characters who can rival Fu Jue, but they are definitely not a newcomer who has only been in the game for less than two months.

Dong Xiwen opened his mouth and was about to ask a few more questions, but Qisi's figure had disappeared into the golden light.

It seems that there are some things I can only ask when we meet again on April 23. (End of chapter)

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