Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 73: I Am Willing To Conquer The World For Jiuxia!

Just now, Estes and Luo Cheng traveled through the portal to the Academy of Apocalypse, and invited the other party to follow him on a Black Hawk fighter plane to overlook the world.

After the fighter plane was launched, Esdeth was a little surprised that this vehicle was really consistent with the intelligence and could fly.

And has such an exaggerated speed.

The Sombra Fighter can easily have a speed exceeding Mach 10, which is impossible for any vehicle or dangerous species among the Crimson Pupils.

On the plane, Estes was finally able to see the whole city.

Now the entire Neon Kingdom has been recovered by Luo Cheng and has become the domain of Jiuxia, and the dilapidated streets are now full of vitality.

Such a scene has never been seen by Estes in his life.

Looking at the vast city that is far more developed than the empire, Estes was finally able to confirm that he was in another world.

When he returned to the world of the Crimson Pupil, Estes still couldn't forget the scene just now.

"It's really amazing."

Estes couldn't help admiring, which made the three beast warriors even more curious about what their boss had seen.

"Lord Luo Cheng, I finally understand what you mean."

"This world of ours is just one of your goals, right?"

"What you want to conquer is a different world!"

Estes said a little excitedly.

She finally understood the narrowness of her consciousness, and what she conquered was just one country after another.

But Luo Cheng's goal is the whole world.

"I can provide you with the opportunity to conquer other worlds, allowing you to experience more exciting and intense battles.

Luo Cheng looked at Estes and said slowly,

"But as a condition, you must serve me, and you must not disobey me in the slightest."

Luo Cheng's words were full of majesty.

"It's the first time someone talks to me like that."

A smile appeared on Estes' face.

In the empire, neither Ernest nor the emperor dared to make mistakes in front of Esdes.

Not only because Estes has the most powerful force in the world, but also has almost half of the country's military power.

These soldiers are not loyal to the empire, but only to Aedds. It can be said that except Aedds, no one can command these troops, not even Bud.

As long as Estes wants to rebel, no one in the empire can stop her—even Bud can't do it.

But because Estes has no desires or desires other than fighting, and he doesn't care about being promoted to an official position, this also allows Ornest to cooperate with him.

Luo Cheng was the first person who dared to speak to Esdeth like this, and also asked the other party to be 100% loyal to him.

And Esdeath didn't dislike such words, but was excited by what he saw and heard just now and the domineering leadership shown by Luo Cheng, and his heart beat faster and faster.

As long as she can fight, she is willing to do anything!

From one point of view, Estes is the most likely person in the empire to be controlled by Luo Cheng.

Under the shocked eyes of the three beast warriors, Esdeth knelt on the ground with one knee, the curve of his body moved accordingly, and his long blue hair fell on the ground, like the waves of the sea.

"Esdes, may your sharp blade, Lord Luo Cheng, sweep away any world for you!"

Even Esdeth's three beast warriors did not expect the development of the situation to be like this.

But since Esdes has already surrendered, as her confidant, Sanchitian can only obey.

"We are willing to obey your command, Master Luo Cheng."

"very good."

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes, all of this was in his calculations.

As a fighting maniac, Esdeth could not refuse the condition of conquering other worlds.

"May I ask when we will go to another world?"

Estes said impatiently.

"There's no rush, we still need to prepare."

Luo Cheng said with a smile,

"Before that, we need Estes."

"Appreciate further details."

"I want to extract your genes."

Soon, Luo Cheng sent Estes into the laboratory, and at the same time related options also popped up.

【Extract Esdes Gene】Cost: 2000000G Time: 24 hours

As a research project, extracting Esdeth's genes is much more expensive than extracting other people's genes or analyzing Teigu.

Not only does Yin Esdeth have the world's top physical strength, he may even be above Brand.

And Esdeath's Teigu has been fused with her genes.

Her Teigu Demon God Appearance [Devil's Essence] is the extremely terrifying ice Teigu, which was forged from the blood of a super dangerous species that is said to live in the extreme north. It was placed in a pot before and drank Everyone who passed it went crazy.

And Estes drank the whole pot of blood directly, not only suppressed the power of madness, but also completely absorbed Tegu's power, this is the reason why she stood at the top of this world

It can be said that Estes and Teigu have now been fully integrated into one.

Therefore, if you extract the genes of Esdeth, you can also obtain this powerful ice Teigu.

With the addition of the Essence of Demons, Luo Cheng's own strength will also get a huge leap.

The imperial capital, within the palace.

At this time, Ernest was moaning in his mansion.

Compared with the previous days, he has lost more points, and the bloated fat on his face can't hide the dark circles under his eyes.

He gave the order feebly, asking his servant:

"Is General Estes back?"

Ernest's tone was a little anxious.

"Returning to the minister, the general hasn't come back yet."

The servant replied respectfully, but this was the thirteenth time Ernest had asked him.

It has been a full day since Esdes went to the Nine Xia embassy.

At the beginning, Ernest was a little nervous. Even though he told Esdeth not to be too public, he was still afraid that Esdeth would do something excessive and directly cause the empire to go to war with Jiuxia.

But Estes didn't come back for a long time, which made Ornest even more flustered.

Why haven't Estes and her three beast warriors come back yet?

So what happened?

Wouldn't even Estes have been killed by Luo Cheng?

Ornest is sitting on pins and needles now, but he doesn't have the courage to go to Luo Cheng's territory to confirm.

He didn't know that the current Estes, together with his three beast warriors, had already become Luo Cheng's subordinates. .

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