Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 74: Portal, Open Again, Go To The New World

Before you know it, the day has passed.

Esther's gene extraction research has also been completed.

"Extraction of Esdes gene successfully!"

"The analysis of the essence of demons revealed by Tegu Demon God is completed!"

Following the sound of the adjutant's reminder, Luo Cheng can now raise his soldier's physique to the level of Esthers.

And new options also appeared in front of Luo Cheng.

[Devil God Appears. Essence of Demons Commander Privilege] Cost: **G After the research is completed, the commander will have the ability of Essence of Demons.

[Esdeth skill memory] Cost: 1000000G After the research is completed, the unit will be able to obtain all the combat skills of Esdeth.

"Do you want ten million?"

"It can hold up to two nuclear bombs~"

Luo Cheng laughed and complained,

"And can I inherit her technology?"

The ability to inherit this Teiju can be said to be the most expensive of all Luo Cheng's production and research projects.

But for Luo Cheng, such efforts are not a loss.

Nuclear bombs are consumables. Although they are powerful, they need to be remanufactured after they are used up.

But the power of the Devil's Essence is permanently improved for Luo Cheng.

Although the general expenses have increased a lot, at the same time, Luo Cheng's income is higher than before, and he can get hundreds of millions of resources every day, so this ratio is not a big bleeding for Luo Cheng.

As for combat skills, it can not only strengthen the combat effectiveness of the troops, but also allow Luo Cheng to use Teigu's abilities more skillfully.

He clicked OK immediately, a powerful force surged into his body, and at the same time a new memory flooded into Luo Cheng's mind.

This is exactly all the fighting skills of Esdeath!

Luo Cheng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the surrounding air instantly froze into ice.

He has fully inherited the power of Estes, as if he was born with it.

Although it is said that a Teigu user can use at most one Teigu at the same time, if he uses more than one Teigu forcibly, it may cause irreversible damage to the body, but the Teigu produced by Luo Cheng through the system does not have these restrictions.

So Luo Cheng is not only dressed in evil spirits, but at the same time activates the ability of the essence of demons.

It can be said that Luo Cheng's own strength is already at a very terrifying level.

And at this moment, the adjutant's voice sounded again:

"Commander, your technological and military level has broken through Level II, and the door to another world has been opened.

"Is it turned on again?"

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, and now he has been able to open the door to another world.

In the world of Crimson Crimson Pupils, although Luo Cheng does not control much land on the surface, all the foreign nationalities around him obey Luo Cheng and become vassals of Jiuxia Kingdom, and Luo Cheng can also mine freely. their resources.

It can be said that half of the world has become Luo Cheng's mine.

In this way, the only thing Luo Cheng needs to deal with is the threat of the empire, and Esdeth, who is the strongest in the empire, has already surrendered to him, which gives Luo Cheng enough experience to develop the third world.

Once Luo Cheng completes the study of the Supreme Throne, the entire world of Crimson Eye Slashing will completely become Luo Cheng's possession.

Moreover, Luo Cheng has realized that as the intensity of research projects and production units is increasing, the cost and research expenses will definitely increase, and resources may become stretched at that time.

So Luo Cheng also needs to go to other worlds to obtain more resources.

It also unlocks more technologies and units.

At this time, Estes also came out of the combat laboratory, and she just finished the operation, but she was full of can't wait.

"Master Luo Cheng, when can we go to the new world?"

Estes said excitedly.

"It will be ready soon, just make a little preparation."

Luo Cheng made another duplicate body and transferred his consciousness into it, so that no matter what dangers he encounters in another world, nothing will happen.

At the same time, he called Tanya, Boris, sisters with red pupils and black pupils, and a team of Jiuxia elite infantry to form a team to explore the new world, and let Yuri X and Najieta stay at this time to ensure this The stable development of its own forces in the world.

Now Najieta has been brainwashed to become her loyal subordinate, and as a former general of the empire and leader of night raids, she is also suitable for this position.

"Are you ready, everyone?"

Luo Cheng asked.

0…ask for flowers……

"It's already ready, Estes said impatiently."

"very good.

"Let's go!"

After all, Luo Cheng took his team to the new world.


After passing through the gate of another world, Luo Cheng controlled the copied body and brought his troops to the new world.

At this time, they were in a dark night, they couldn't see their fingers, and only the faint moonlight barely penetrated the clouds, allowing them to barely see the road ahead.

The branches of the huge trees are intertwined, turning into a strange shadow, which seems to devour all the people who step into this place.

"Is this a different world?"

Estes looked around with great interest,


"Can someone show up who can interest me."

"Is it the forest again?"

"Turn on the flashlight.

With Luo Cheng's order, the Jiuxia elite infantry under him immediately turned on their tactical flashlights, directly illuminating the road.

"The current task is to grasp the relevant information of this world as soon as possible."

Luo Cheng said, and immediately led his subordinates towards a certain direction.

The entire forest was silent, like a tomb, but Luo Cheng noticed along the path that someone walked out in the forest, and there were many footprints that had just been left on it, and various footprints were mixed together.

He carefully observed the footprints. Judging from the depth and shape, the shoes worn by the other party seemed to be very similar to ancient clogs.

This allows Luo Cheng to be sure that there is indeed civilization in this world, but the level of technology should not be high.

But what caught Luo Cheng's attention was that according to the distance of the footprints, this person seemed to be running and fleeing from something.

There were scattered bloodstains on the ground.

And on the other side, there is a deeper and larger footprint, which shows the strength of the person's footsteps when moving.

That's not something ordinary humans can do.

"Lord Luo Cheng, there seems to be something interesting waiting for us ahead."

At this moment, Estes seemed to notice something keenly, with a smile on his face.

Luo Cheng also noticed that there was a faint smell of blood in the air, which became more intense as he moved forward. .

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