Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 75: New World, Blade Of Demon Slayer

"Everyone is alert, go and see what happened."

Luo Cheng calmly gave the order.

From the clues just now, Luo Cheng can confirm that there is human civilization in this world, and there seems to be some kind of dangerous beast in this forest.

Luo Cheng also ordered everyone to keep quiet, hide their bodies, and slowly move towards the source of the bloody smell.

Finally, they finally reached their destination and saw the maker of the footprints just now.

On the other side, are three people.

One of them was sitting slumped on the ground, his body was trembling uncontrollably, his face was full of tears.

"This, what the hell is this, what kind of monster?!"

His voice was slurred with violent tremors, fear robbing him of control of his body.

And the other person, no, it should be said that it was a creature that existed as a human "four or seven" before, tearing the third person into pieces, and stuffing it into his mouth as if enjoying delicious food .

The color of his skin was ashen, and the blood vessels on his body writhed like maggots under the skin, and his fingernails stretched like sharp knives, "cutting the body in front of him with ease.

This is where the bloody smell comes from.

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes, presumably these two people originally acted together, but after encountering a third party, one of them was scared out of his wits, while the other was killed on the spot.

The dead man's cloudy eyes were full of despair.

"Is it a zombie again?"

Luo Cheng guessed, but immediately discovered the difference between the humanoid monster in front of him and the zombie.

Zombies will not tear their prey into pieces like this before gnawing on them.

This guy is a different kind of monster

Only a few seconds later, the monster had already eaten the corpse in front of it until there was not even a bone left.

"It's been a long time since I ate human flesh, but this time I was able to eat two at once. I'm so lucky!"

A jackal-like smile bloomed on the monster's face, and he walked slowly towards the only surviving person, but the latter had completely lost the desire to escape, and he was at a loss for what to do with the huge fright, so he could only sit there blankly, Waiting for death to come.

Hearing the monster's voice, Luo Cheng became more sure that it was definitely not a zombie. Zombies have no thinking ability and only pursue the instinct of hunting, let alone talking.

But the monster was able to speak freely.

And the words spoken are neon language that Luo Cheng can understand.

When Luo Cheng first crossed into the world of Apocalypse, he naturally mastered the language of the Neon Kingdom, but the world of Crimson Eye Slash uses another language system, so it needs to be re-analyzed.

At least Luo Cheng can now be sure that they are currently in the Blue Star Servant.

"Go get that guy out."

Luo Cheng gave the order,

The reason why Luo Cheng gave the order was because he wanted to get information about this world from that person.

The Chinese infantry on the side immediately pulled the trigger, and the powerful bullets directly blasted the monster's head into pieces.

"But is that so?"

Estes shook his head in disappointment.

But at this moment, the monster whose head had been blown off quickly began to regenerate, and a new head grew out again.

Bone and flesh continued to grow out of the fracture, and the red tissue was like maggots stained with blood, quickly crawling around the cervical spine.

"What kind of weapon is this, is it a firearm?"

The monster squatted down, picked up the bullet that was in the broken head just now and observed carefully, but soon lost interest, turned to look at Luo Cheng and others not far away, his face was full of excitement expression,

"There is another delicious food delivered to your door."

The turbid and foul-smelling saliva flowed from the corner of the monster's mouth, rows of sharp knives were exposed, and the eyes were full of greed.

"There are so many people!"

“Enjoy yourself today!”

"Okay, it's been a long time since I've had so many people!"

After all, he walked directly towards Luo Cheng and the others, intending to eat all of them alive.

And at this moment, a blue and white figure stood in front of him.


"Interesting, can't you die without a head?"

With a smile on her face, she waved ten icicles from the TV University straight up from the ground and stabbed at the opponent.

The monster didn't react at all, and was directly pierced by the icicle.

The monster spit out a mouthful of blood, desperately trying to pull the icicle out of its body, but it was powerless.

"This, what kind of ability is this..."

"Can you survive with a broken spine?"

The smile on Estes' face became more obvious, and the air around her was condensed into thousands of ice blades.

Down like a waterfall!

The monster was directly hacked into pieces, and its body was already torn apart.

But it is still alive.

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes, the survivability of this monster was a bit surprising.

However, from the current point of view, no matter how powerful the regenerative ability of this monster is, it cannot be immune to pain.

Luo Cheng can let Esdeath have a good time to torture him.

Estes is the queen of torture, able to extract relevant information from anyone's mouth.

As long as they can feel pain, even monsters must obey.

"what are you?"

"Where is this place?"

The monster wondered why Luo Cheng and others would ask such a question, but he had to confess and be lenient.

"This, this is the forest near Yoshiwara..."

"Here is my foraging range..."

"Because that side has been occupied by the upper string, I can only come to this wilderness to try my luck


Luo Cheng heard the other person's words, and frowned slightly:

"Are you a ghost?"

"No, that's right..."

The ghost looked at Luo Cheng and Esther 0.0, and said frightenedly,

"You, aren't you from the Ghost Killing Squad?"

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, of course he knew which world these nouns belonged to.

The Blade of Demon Slayer.

In this world, there are horrible creatures called ghosts, they are infinitely powerful, they can regenerate infinitely, and they eat people. They can only be killed by beheading them with a weapon called a sun wheel knife, or by irradiating them with sunlight. .

Among them, powerful ghosts have the ability called vampirism.

And the leader of all ghosts is an existence named Ghost Dance Tsuji, and all Si must obey his orders.

Luo Cheng carefully observed the ghost in front of him, various thoughts emerged in his mind, and a malicious smile appeared on his face.

"This ghost comrade."

"Can I have a chat with your boss?".

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