Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 151 Confrontation in the Camp

"General Li Dian! You called me over, but are you going to send out troops? The last general is willing to be the vanguard! Avenge my cousin!"

In the camp, Qin Mingren's voice had already reached him before he came in.

As the door curtain opened, Qin Ming, whose injuries were still not healed, strode into the tent, only to find that it was filled with Li Dian's personal guards.

Li Dian, the big boss, was sitting behind the desk expressionlessly, looking at him with cold eyes.

The most important thing is that standing next to the camp is a man wearing tiger and leopard riding armor.

Qin Ming couldn't help but be startled when he found that something was not right about the atmosphere inside the camp.

Before he could react, Li Dian, who was sitting behind the desk, had already reached out and pointed to the side.

"Brother Zhao, do you recognize him?"

Qin Ming, who followed the gesture and looked at the tiger and leopard rider who was frowning at him, couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

"I don't know, General Li. Do you also have tigers and leopards in your camp?"

After hearing the reply, Li Dian ignored Qin Ming. Instead, he turned to look at the tiger and leopard rider and said coldly.

"What about you? Do you recognize this young man named Zhao?"

The tiger and leopard rider was stunned when he heard this and looked Qin Ming up and down carefully.

Although he always felt that the guy in front of him looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, he couldn't remember who he was in a hurry, so he shook his head.

"I have never met General Xiahou. I know all the children named Zhao under General Xiahou, but I don't have this brother."

"Oh? You haven't seen each other before? That would be interesting!"

Narrowing his eyes, Li Dian looked at the envelope in his hand and Xiahou Dun's autographed letter inside. The corners of Li Dian's mouth slowly turned up, revealing a sneer.

"You said the camp was under siege, but he said the camp was safe. So, between you two, who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie?"

After Li Dian finished speaking, Qin Ming and the tiger and leopard knight on the opposite side looked up at each other with astonished expressions.

Looking at the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry opposite, Qin Ming couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and immediately understood that something was wrong.

That Xiahou Dun is not stupid either! Watching his cronies die! And his head was cut off! He actually sent someone to deliver the message! Notify Li Dian of this matter!

And the messenger was not intercepted by the Five Tiger Generals! I actually sent the letter!

Could it be that he summoned the five tiger generals to join forces to cause trouble and transferred all the soldiers guarding the road, which caused him to break through the defense line?

He raised his head and glanced at the letter in Li Dian's hand, and then looked at the tiger and leopard knight opposite him who was looking at him with an unbelievable expression.

Qin Ming's face darkened, his mind was racing at high speed. Before the other party could speak, he suddenly took a step forward and roared first.

"Who are you! Why are you pretending to be a tiger and leopard rider!"

"What? Am I pretending? I am actually a Tiger and Leopard Cavalry! General Xiahou Dun's confidant!"

"You fart! Why do you lie about the military situation when you are a close confidant! Where did your letter come from! The person who was responsible for delivering this letter was clearly a centurion of the cavalry! He and his soldiers are already dead You were intercepted by Guan Yu in front of us! It was even because of this that General Xia Hou led his troops to get ambushed!"

Pointing at Hubaoqi, he roared angrily. Before the other party could give a reply, Qin Ming turned to look at Li Dian and at the same time raised his hands and clasped his fists.

"General Li Dian! Our general did send someone to deliver a letter to you before! It was a reply after receiving your envelope! At that time, my third brother Zhao Xiong died unexpectedly. In order to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of this matter, I wanted to send someone Let me inform you! But something happened! The person who sent the message was intercepted and killed by Guan Yu in front of us!"

Li Dian, who was sitting on the chair, had no expression on his face when he heard this, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

"Why didn't you tell me about Zhao Xiong's death before?"

"This... because the cause of my second brother's death is somewhat unspeakable. He had a rather special hobby. This time he did not die in the hands of the enemy, but he was killed by a centurion when he was forcing him..."

Halfway through his words, Qin Ming stopped talking.

When Li Dian heard this, he couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows.

He had heard about Zhao Xiong's special hobby.

If the other party really died for this reason, then as a descendant of the Zhao family, there is nothing wrong with the kid in front of him not wanting to mention him. After all, the cause of death is too embarrassing.

Just when Li Dian was deep in thought, Qin Ming spoke again.

"General! I don't know where this guy comes from! But he is definitely not from us! This letter is just news from before! It has been intercepted by the enemy a long time ago! General Li! General Xiahou is in danger! Please immediately Send troops to the rescue!”

"What? Danger? Rescue? No, no, no! No! General Li Dian! The camp is fine! He is fake! He is a liar! He is a spy of the Shu army! He is here to lure you out of the city!"

Upon hearing that something was wrong, Hubaoqi quickly stood up to stop him.

Seeing that this guy was completely at odds with him, Qin Ming turned pale for a moment, and quickly turned the gun and pointed it at him again.

"You say I am a Shu army spy?"

"That's right!"

"Then when did the Shu army have the Zhao family's children with steel and iron bones again?"

"You are not from the Zhao family at all! There is no one like you under General Xiahou! I have a letter written by the general as proof! What do you have!"

"I have the head of my fifth brother! Break out with me! The head of Zhao Chui who died on the battlefield!"

"What? Zhao Chui?!"

"What? You didn't expect it! His head was not cut off by your people to take credit! Instead, he asked me to cut it off and bring it over as evidence! If the army was not surrounded! Then why did my fifth brother break out of the encirclement with me! Why did you die on the battlefield? "


The news of Zhao Chuishen's death obviously confused Hubaoqi.

He left the camp early to deliver the message and had been thinking of ways to break through the Shu army's interception. How did he know about Zhao Chui's death?

Especially when he turned around and saw Li Dian taking out Zhao Chui's head, his expression was even more astonishing. He was dumbfounded for a moment and didn't know how to answer at all.

Before he could recover from the shock, Qin Ming was already kneeling on one knee, cupping his fists and yelling.

"General Li! He is the one sent by the enemy to prevent you from sending troops to rescue! They must be attacking General Xiahou's camp with all their strength! They won't be able to hold it there for long! Please send troops to rescue immediately! Otherwise, they will be defeated one by one! There will really be nothing. That's too late!"

Hearing Qin Ming's roar, Hubaoqi woke up from a dream and quickly knelt down and shouted.

"General Li! Please don't believe what this spy says! My camp is impregnable! How could it be breached! There are not many soldiers left in the Shu army! Besides, we still have cavalry! There are three thousand cavalry and one hundred tigers Where's the Leopard Cavalry? They're the best of the best! He's just trying to trick you into leaving the city!"

"You fart! The cavalry is gone a long time ago! The cavalry and tiger and leopard cavalry are all dead a long time ago!"

"You're the one who farted! The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are the elite of the army! Even the Five Tiger Generals have to avoid their edge! How could something happen to them suddenly?"

"Because the Shu army has special weapons! There are Zhuge Liannu!"

Qin Ming suddenly stood up and gestured with his hands, describing as he gestured.

"General! You may not believe it! But the Shu army really has a special weapon! That thing shoots extremely fast! Once it is fired, it will cover the sky! The arrows will leave no trace! It is impossible to prevent them! Follow the general out to chase Guan Yu. The tiger and leopard cavalry and the three thousand iron cavalry were led into the water and shot alive!"

"You're talking nonsense! Where in the world did that kind of stuff come from! You nonsense liar! Who will believe your nonsense! You..."

"This is a letter from the general."

Before the excited Hubaoqi could stand up and finish spraying on Qin Ming, Li Dian, who was sitting above him, suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

Ignoring the startled look from Hubaoqi who turned around, Li Dian stretched out his hand to rub his forehead with a gloomy look.

"It turns out that the thing that killed a hundred of my cavalrymen in the water was called the Zhuge Liannu. Zhuge Liang... Lieutenant general! Inform the entire army! Prepare to follow me to rescue General Xiahou!"


The deputy raised his hands and cupped his fists, then quickly turned away.

Li Dian, who watched him leave, waved his hand without raising his head.

"Come here, send this tiger and leopard on the road, and sacrifice his head to the flag."

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