Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 152: Falling into a trap

"General! General Li Dian! I am really a Tiger and Leopard Cavalry! I am really a close confidant of General Xiahou! I saw you when I was guarding the gate! You can't kill me! He is fake! He is really fake! He is just trying to trick you out! His target is you! It has always been you! It is you!"


With a crisp sound, the struggling screams stopped abruptly.

Qin Ming silently retracted his gaze and lowered his head. His pounding heart finally calmed down gradually.

This time it was really too dangerous! He really didn't expect that Xiahou Dun, that rough guy! Would send someone to deliver a letter! Inform Zhao Xiong that he was dead!

Fortunately, the kid didn't know the complete information, and he was finally defeated by the fact that he was holding a machine gun, otherwise this time it would really be a disaster!

Li Dian's cavalry unit was swept by Qin Ming and his men with machine guns.

Therefore, even if he had never seen it, he would definitely be impressed by this weapon after learning about the power of machine guns from the remaining soldiers.

Qin Ming told him that Xiahou Dun's cavalry was wiped out in the water, and they were all killed by this weapon, and the elite was gone in an instant.

This sounds unreliable and is obviously a lie, but it will gain Li Dian's trust.

The reason is very simple, because although Xiahou Dun's cavalry was not killed by machine guns, the only 100 cavalry in Li Dian's hands were really killed!

This is also the main reason why the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry died. He has never seen a machine gun, and he doesn't believe that there is a weapon that can withstand the cavalry charge and kill all the cavalry.

The more he desperately denies this, the more Li Dian will suspect that he is deliberately hiding the information about this weapon.

And who would hide the secret weapon information in the hands of the Shu army for fear of being known by others? The answer is obvious.

In this case! If he doesn't die, who will die!

Picking up the weapon again and walking towards the gate, Li Dian, who came to Qin Ming, reached out and patted his shoulder hard.

"Brother Zhao, how is your injury?"

"It's okay, it won't affect the battle."

"Well then! Just stay with me and act with me!"

"Yes, sir!"

Li Dian didn't trust Qin Ming completely in the end. He kept an eye on him and kept Qin Ming by his side to prevent him from passing on messages.

Qin Ming didn't care about this at all, because his mission had been completed, and now he didn't need him to pass on messages to the outside!

The news of the troops here had already been known to the other side...

The camp was opened, and all three thousand soldiers were dispatched, divided into three groups and killed towards the distance, and at the front of each group, there was a Li Dian!

This is a standard sleight of hand, which can effectively prevent the general from being sniped when he is really ambushed.

Even if he was really fooled this time, Li Dian's chance of being hit was only one-third!

Of course, this only refers to normal situations. As for abnormal situations...

In the woods, looking at the thousand-man army rushing quickly from the front, the hundreds of soldiers hiding in the woods did not attack, but still squatted silently.

The double-gun woman, who was hiding in the front, was fiddling with the telescope in her hand, or more precisely, the compass above.

This is another function of this silver tactical telescope, which can lock a target and keep the compass pointing in his direction.

The double-gun woman had locked on to the big boss Li Dian from a distance when she first met him. After all, he was the main target for her to complete the promotion task.

At this moment, the double-gun woman looked down at the compass, looked at the slowly moving pointer on it, and suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Attention! It's coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, the five tiger generals sitting next to them tightened their weapons at the same time, looking at the official road outside the woods with a fierce momentum.

At the end of the official road at this moment, the third thousand-man army, that is, the team where Qin Ming and Li Dian were, was rushing towards this side in a mighty manner.

He looked up at the bridge in front of him, and then looked at the woods on both sides.

Li Dian, riding a tall horse, had a blank expression on his face, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

For some reason, he always had a sense of uneasiness in his heart, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

If it were any other time, he would have followed this feeling and chosen to retreat, but the problem was that he had nowhere to retreat now!

Because he didn't dare to gamble! He didn't dare to gamble whether Xiahou Dun was in danger!

Compared with such a trusted general, a general like him, who was not a general of a different surname, especially a second-rate general who was not even one of the five best generals, was nothing at all.

If Xiahou Dun was killed under his nose, he would be buried with the other party!

So this was an open conspiracy. Not to mention that Li Dian had believed in Qin Ming's identity, even if he didn't believe it! For safety reasons! He would definitely send someone to confirm the situation!

Because he couldn't afford to gamble!

Looking at the silent woods on both sides, Li Dian, who was increasingly uneasy, held the spear in his hand tightly, and finally did not let the soldiers slow down and stop, but continued to command the soldiers to cross the bridge.

Just when his soldiers had just walked halfway across the bridge, an accident suddenly occurred.

Shouts and shouts rang out from all directions! A large number of Shu soldiers rushed out of the woods holding weapons!

And the people who led the charge! They were all the Five Tiger Generals!

Five powerful and prestigious bosses, riding their war horses and surrounding them from all directions, the scene was so creepy that it made people feel horrified just thinking about it.

With the five of them leading the charge, the thousands of soldiers on the road were almost dispersed on the spot, and the entire official road was in chaos.

Riding a warhorse and holding the reins, Li Dian looked at the enemy troops around him, his face was livid for a moment, and he knew that he had been hit after all.

Holding a spear, he had a gloomy face and did not choose to lead his troops to break through. Instead, he suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Boy! Do you know why I insisted on bringing you with me!"

The weapon shook, and it was swung out in an instant. With an extremely ferocious look in his eyes, Li Dian swung his hand and swept the gun at Qin Ming who was also riding on a warhorse.

"It's for now! Dog thief! I'll kill you!"

On the side, seeing that the large army had already launched a surprise attack, Qin Ming, who was taking the opportunity to stuff consumables into his mouth to recover, quickly raised his arms and blocked it with force.

With a muffled bang, his arms collided with the spear, and the whole person was swept away by a huge force, and flew several meters away from the warhorse before rolling to a stop.

As soon as he got up, he heard the fierce sound of horse hooves. Li Dian, holding a spear, galloped over, his eyes spurting with anger, and stabbed with his spear.

"Give me your life!!!"


Li Dian's fierce spear ultimately failed to hit the target, because the spear was hit by an arrow as soon as it was thrust out, and it was knocked off course on the spot.

And taking this opportunity, Qin Ming had already swung out a sound-speed hand knife, and just chopped it on the horse's hoof, and the horse screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

Li Dian, who was thrown out in an instant, rolled to the ground. Just as he got up, he was hit by Qin Ming's two-tone speed hand knife, which sparked on his armor and made him retreat again and again.

Before he could struggle to stand firm, Qin Ming, who had swung out two-tone speed hand knives, had already rushed over fiercely, jumped up and hit him with a knee, hitting him in the chest, and knocked Li Dian out on the spot.

"Kill me? It's not certain who will kill whom!"

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