Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 153 Death of Li Dian

Name: Li Dian (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 Act 1)

Strength 50

Constitution 50

Agility 25

Spirit 25

Skills: Three consecutive thrusts (B level) Spin slash (B level)

Introduction: Confucian general Li Dian, the gatekeeper boss in the first act of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2, was given the nickname: Adventurer Killer!

Li Dian, who was forcibly dismounted, was furious. He rounded the spear in his hand and slashed at Qin Ming.

This guy is fast, attacks fiercely, and has strong martial arts skills. It can be said that he has no shortcomings at all.

Especially those two skills, one is to spin and roll over to kill you with one shot, and the other is to quickly stab you with three shots. The method is both sudden and explosive, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

After only a few rounds of fighting, Qin Ming was completely suppressed by him.

After all, in terms of martial arts, he was no better than the opponent, and in terms of attributes, he was crushed by the opponent.

In addition, he is good at fighting with bare hands, but the opponent is holding a two-meter gun. Even if he shoots with a single sword, he will escape death, let alone seizing the gun with bare hands!

Move sideways and hide! He avoided the spear thrust by just a hair’s breadth! And he grabbed it on the barrel of the gun!

Before Qin Ming could grab it with force, Li Dian roared angrily, swung the gun and directly swung Qin Ming who was unwilling to let go, and then smashed it to the ground.

Looking at Qin Ming who suddenly fell to the ground, he was just about to rush forward and give him a kick, but he never thought that at this moment, a cold light suddenly lit up from a distance.

With a click, the arrow hit Li Dian's eye hard. He opened his mouth in pain and couldn't help but scream. It turned out that Huang Zhong, the veteran, bent his bow and arrow for the second time and assisted Qin Ming.

And before Li Dian could endure the severe pain and break the arrow, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded.

Before the people arrived, a giant energy ball with a size of two meters was already blasted from the front!

"Bawang Xianghou Fist!"

It's a sure kill if you take action! The double-gun woman who blasted Li Dian away with one shot! Don't wait for the opponent to struggle to stand firm! The white light is already dragging behind him! Rushed over with a whoosh!

The second stage is super sure to kill! Dragon and tiger dance wildly!

Amidst the roar, the double-gun woman came up and launched a series of continuous blows. Sparks flew from Li Dian's body as he hit him, and his armor quickly twisted and deformed.

By the time the continuous fighting was over, before the Double Gun Woman could launch the third phase of pursuit, she had already reacted and was kicked in the chest by Li Dian, sending her whole body flying backwards like a cannonball.

Li Dian, whose face was covered in blood, opened his mouth and screamed. He raised his spear and was about to start chasing him, but suddenly he felt a heavy weight behind him.

It turned out that Qin Ming had attacked him again and jumped directly on his back!

With his hands and legs tightly locked on Li Dian's body, Qin Ming opened his bloody mouth and bit Li Dian's neck!

The severe pain caused Li Dian to scream crazily and swing his body desperately, but no matter how he swung his body or punched Qin Ming in the face, Qin Ming refused to let go.

And after being beaten, he was also hitting Li Dian crazily at this moment. The flaming fist kept hitting Li Dian's temples, and his helmet was completely shattered after a few punches.

The pain in his head and the severe pain in his neck made Li Dian even more crazy.

Li Dian reached out and grabbed Qin Ming's hair and used all his strength to pull him off his back. Li Dian, who was already bleeding from his neck, raised his gun and was about to give Qin Ming a slap in the face.

But he never thought that at this moment, Qin Ming, who was being pulled by his hair, suddenly had airflow condensed on his two palms, and slashed out on the left and right together. His hands just sandwiched Li Dian's head in the middle, and merged with all their strength.

Close version! Charge up the sonic hand knife!


Two streams of air hit the temples on both sides! Li Dian suffered such a heavy blow! For a moment, I just felt like the world was spinning in front of me! My mind goes blank!

His ears had lost their sound, and his eyes had lost their vision. He couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north. He relied on his memory to kick Qin Ming away in front of him to prevent him from continuing to pursue him.

Then he covered his dizzy head and stood unsteadily on the spot, trying to recover from the dizziness as soon as possible.

After holding on for two seconds and enduring the severe pain, Li Dian finally regained some of his vision. However, when he raised his head, he found a figure standing in front of him, with a serious expression on his face and a fist aimed at him.

And this person is called Shuangqiangpo......

"Heaven and Earth! Overlord Fist!"

There was a roar, followed by a flash of white light, and the two-gun woman who had been charging for a second finally punched.

The fist that dragged out the afterimage, which was not very fast, hit Li Dian's chest from the front.

At the moment of contact, the general's armor on Li Dian's body was already torn to pieces, and then his fist hit the body with undiminished power, tearing the skin and cutting the flesh until...


Terrifying air waves spurted out! The chest was penetrated directly by a punch! Li Dian forced a big hole out! At this moment, a pair of eyes are wide open! The body flew upside down on the spot!

And before the body sprayed with blood could hit the ground, a fiery red light from the distance was already coming towards him.

Charge up! Sonic hand knife!


A crisp sound was heard, and a huge sword flashed across the sky and disappeared into the night.

Li Dian's body, which was slashed in mid-air, was split into two and fell to the ground.

He forced himself to take four big moves! Finally, he died under the combined attack of the two!

Qin Ming, who was looking at Li Dian's dead head and holding a sonic hand knife, was panting and blood was flowing uncontrollably down his forehead.

The double-gun woman who had punched the strongest punch was now pale.

Ignoring the skill requirements, she forcibly delivered this attack, and the backlash effect was also not small.

She dropped her fist helplessly, looking at the two corpses in front of her, the double-gun woman's eyes widened, still somewhat unbelievable.

"Dead, dead?"

Qin Ming, who also dropped his hands next to him, wiped the blood off his face and answered casually.

"If he can't put his lower body back together and sew it up, he should be dead."

"Dead! He's dead! I passed! I passed!!!"

After confirming that the target of the mission was really dead, the double-gun woman suddenly raised her hands and cheered.

She didn't care that she was in a chaotic battlefield now, and there were soldiers fighting for their lives everywhere.

After running a circle, she turned around and pounced on Qin Ming, hugged Qin Ming's still bloody face, and bit him hard twice!

"Hyena! I thought I couldn't make it this time! You are my lucky star! I love you so much!"

"Alright, alright, alright, it's not up to you to decide whether you love me or not, get down quickly."

"Come on! Let me kiss you twice!"

"Get down quickly!"

"No! Let me kiss you twice!"

"Fuck you! You're not done yet!"

Looking at the double-gun woman hanging on him, holding his head tightly, and kissing her wounds, Qin Ming, who couldn't bear it any more, finally got angry and grabbed her waist and threw her over his shoulder!

With a bang, the double-gun woman fell to the ground headfirst, and finally calmed down.

Qin Ming, who had dealt with her, stood up and wiped his face with disgust.

Footsteps sounded from the side. Huang Zhong, who had been helping Qin Ming and his men to raid the battlefield from a distance, but followed the previous agreement and did not help unless it was absolutely necessary, quickly walked over with a longbow in his hand.

He first looked at Li Dian's corpse, whose eyes were still open, and then at the two-gun woman lying face down on the ground, motionless at the moment. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"What happened to her?"

"Ah? It's okay. She had a headache. She'll be fine after falling down. You don't have to worry about her."

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