Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 154: Rescue Cavalry

With the sudden death of General Li Dian, the soldiers immediately fled in all directions, and the blocking battle was quickly declared over.

After successfully killing General Li Dian, he finally moved back to the first round. This made the Five Tiger Generals couldn't help but smile on their faces. Their favorability towards Qin Ming and the others increased a bit, and they were about to reach 400 realm points. It is the degree of confidant.

The double-gun woman, who has officially confirmed that she has completed the promotion task and will be promoted to an intermediate adventurer when she returns, is also smiling brightly. On the way back to the camp, she always has a silly smile on her face.

When she first learned about the mission goal and that there were three thousand soldiers protecting her, she felt extremely desperate. She thought that the mission would definitely fail.

I never thought that this kind of dead situation would be revived!

In the camp tent, everyone sat down again. Perhaps because of the excellent performance of Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po, the Five Tiger Generals actually gave them seats this time. It was obvious that they regarded them as the same level. Come treat.

He looked at the double-gun woman beside him who was still giggling, and then looked at the reminder of the nightmare space that would force him to leave in 48 hours.

Qin Ming suddenly spoke in a low voice with an expressionless face.

"Hey, mother-in-law."

"What's the matter? Cutie?"

"If you disgust me again! Believe it or not, I will make it impossible for you to go back!"

After glancing at Shuangqiang with a grin and warning her not to push her too far, Qin Ming finally got down to business.

"Do you want to take a gamble before leaving?"

"Betting? Haven't you already solved the target? Why are you betting?"

"Li Dian will be fooled! Xiahou Dun will be fooled too!"

Seeing Qin Ming talking about business, Shuangqiang's expression became serious, and she immediately understood the meaning of Qin Ming's words.

"Are you planning to attack Xiahou Dun, the boss of the second act?!"

"That's right. It took a lot of effort to set up a game. How could it end so hastily? Wouldn't my risk be in vain? How about it? Are you willing to take a gamble?"

Feeling Qin Ming's gaze, Shuangqiang Po raised the corner of her mouth and shrugged indifferently.

"My promotion mission has been completed. I have nothing to do. It's up to you."

Seeing his companion agree, Qin Ming nodded vigorously, then stood up and came to the side of the five tiger generals.

Looking at the five tiger generals who all turned to look at him, he reached out and touched the area of ​​Xiahoudun Camp on the map, and suddenly spoke solemnly.

"Several generals! The last general has another plan! I can help you kill this Xiahou! I wonder if you are willing to cooperate!"

.........Xiahoudun's camp was in chaos at the moment.

The troops were divided into three groups. Li Dian's troops who came to rescue and the other two groups had already arrived in front of the camp and successfully reported the secret signal.

Then they discovered that the deputy general who was leading the team at Xiahou camp was safe and sound, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

Xiahou Dun, who learned the situation from the other party, was also dumbfounded.

He quickly realized that Li Dian had fallen into a trap, and hurriedly gathered his troops to prepare for rescue.

After all, Li Dian was afraid that something would happen to him, a close confidant of Cao Cao, and he was also worried that Li Dian would die in battle.

After all, Li Dian was one of the generals with a surname other than his own. He had a good reputation. If he died under his own command in such an inexplicable way, he would not be able to escape the blame when he returned.

Xiahou Dun quickly gathered all the cavalry, and even mobilized the tiger and leopard cavalry of the personal guards. Xiahou Dun, holding a broadsword, could be described as menacing for a while.

But before he could lead the team to set off, an accident happened suddenly.

That was the third support force, the team led by Li Dian himself, who also escaped at this time.

Looking at the defeated army with countless wounded soldiers in front of him, Xiahou Dun immediately found one of the centurions with the highest rank, grabbed him and questioned him for a while.

"Where is General Li Dian! How is he doing?"

The centurion who was picked up was still in shock after hearing this.

"Li, General Li Dian is surrounded! He was trapped on the mountain by the Five Tiger Generals! Now he is fighting with the enemy!"

"Then why are you running! Why don't you save him!"

"This, I, we..."

"Ouch! A bunch of trash!"

Throwing the centurion to the ground, Xiahou Dun stepped onto his horse with a broadsword in his hand and rushed towards the gate with great momentum.

"Cavalry! Get ready to come with me to rescue people!"


Upon hearing this, thousands of cavalrymen mounted their horses, all ready to attack.

But before they could take action, someone suddenly grabbed the reins of Xiahou Dun's horse.

Xiahou Dun looked down and found that the person blocking him was his beloved general Zhao Ming.

"Zhao Ming? What else do you want? Why did you stop me?"

Upon hearing Xiahou Dun's inquiry, Zhao Ming looked very serious at the moment.

"General! You know the skills of the five tiger generals! If he were to face one person alone, I believe that General Li Dian would never be defeated easily, and he might even turn defeat into victory. But now that the five tiger generals are here, he can still Withstanding the attack, we were just surrounded, don’t you think this is wrong?”

"you mean…………"

"It's a scam! The general suspects that they are just trying to lure the snake out of its hole! The reason why they surrounded General Li Dian but not attacked! It's just to lure General Li Dian over! So I can catch them all in one go! So General, you must not go!"

"But Li Dian..."

"I'll go! My two brothers and I will go with the cavalry! General, you stay here to guard the camp! If it's really a trap! As long as you are fine, General! The camp is not lost! Then it's not considered a defeat!"

Looking at Zhao Ming with a resolute expression, Xiahou Dun, who was riding on his horse, nodded slightly after being silent for a long time, turned around and dismounted.

"Okay! Zhao Ming! The three thousand cavalry troops are now in your hands! If you find it is a trap! Do not hesitate! Retreat!"


"As for the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry......"

"General! You should keep the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry with you just in case. If this is really a trap, a hundred Tiger and Leopard Cavalry may not be able to stop the Five Tigers. It is useless for us to bring them."

Raising his hands and making a fist, Zhao Ming jumped on his horse and immediately led the other two brothers and the cavalry troops to rush out of the tent.

Xiahou Dun, who watched them disappear into the night, looked very gloomy for a while, leaning on his sword and keeping silent.

After a long time, he snorted coldly, threw away his weapon and turned to walk towards the tent.

A deputy general next to him saw this and hurried over and whispered.

"General, how should we place the remaining soldiers of Lord Li Dian?"

"What a bunch of cowards! If we weren't fighting now! I would have to punish them for fleeing without a fight! Let them set up camp by themselves! Don't worry about them! But remember not to let them walk around the camp at will! No one can do that!"


As the order was issued, the silence returned to Xiahou Dun's camp.

In the corner, among the unwelcome deserters, those Li Dian troops who were beaten and fled suddenly raised their heads slowly.

The five tiger generals mixed in the crowd looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths gradually curled up a little.

Camp! Successfully sneaked in!

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