Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 203: The Confrontation of the Ace Troops

Looking at the tough and thick-skinned man opposite, Qin Ming knew that it would be difficult to defeat him with fists and feet alone. Seeing that the other party was about to rush up with a dagger in his hand, his legs suddenly spread apart and kicked the ground, while his arms suddenly stretched out to the left and right.

Airflow! Rotation!


The violent airflow mixed with white flames broke through the air in an instant.

Seeing this scene, O'Neal's face turned pale and he quickly rolled away from the spot.

He stood up and turned his head to look at the huge air blade that flew directly into the battlefield and cut a tank in half on the spot. He couldn't help but screamed.

Before he could finish his cry, five more air wheels followed.

The air wheels that drew various arcs in the air were like huge electric saws rotating at high speed.

Fortunately, the distance between the two was not short at this time, giving O'Neal enough time to react. Otherwise, facing such a dense attack, if he was hit, O'Neal would be either dead or disabled!

O'Neal, who brushed past the five air wheels while dodging flexibly, successfully avoided the bombardment.

But even if he was not cut directly, he still felt a stinging pain on his skin from the air waves!

Before O'Neal, who was frightened and sweating, could recover from the shock, Qin Ming, who was standing in the same place, had opened his hands again.

He instantly turned into a turret! The second round of bombardment! Start!

Looking at the huge knife light that was whistling and connected into a piece, O'Neal's face was pale, and he dared not try to get close again.

He hurriedly turned around and ran away. In order to avoid the cutting of the air wheel behind him, he could be said to be rolling and crawling all the way.

And the area where he was was also bombarded by a large number of sonic hand knives, and the gravel was scattered and the dust was flying!

Anyone or anything who dared to get close to him would be dismembered in an instant! No one could stop it!

O'Neal, who had been dodging and fleeing for half a day, was ultimately unable to dodge all the attacks. His vision was obscured by the dust, and he was hit on the back by a sonic knife.

The super physique that had been transformed could not help him take the attack without injury this time.

As blood splattered, O'Neal was cut and spun in the air before landing with a bang.

When he fell, a narrow scar had been cut on his back, and the length of the wound almost crossed the entire torso.

Covering his bloody back, O'Neal knelt on one knee with a ferocious expression, looking up and glaring at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who was standing opposite, was now holding his arms out, with fire condensing wildly in his hands.

Accumulate power! Sonic knife! Six bursts!

Buzz buzz buzz!

The huge knife light that was connected into a piece shot out again, killing O'Neal who had been severely injured by a blow at a high speed.

But before the attack hit, a large number of shells suddenly fell from the sky, accurately bombing the sonic hand knife's path.

In an instant, flames appeared, explosions were heard, and the sonic hand knife was forcibly blocked.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, quickly raised his head and glared at the sky, but saw a large number of fighters hovering in the sky, among which there were even several armed helicopters.

And it was these helicopters that just threw bombs in batches and forcibly intercepted the sonic hand knife.


Looking at Qin Ming standing below, the fighters in the sky rushed towards him at the same time. Before the planes approached, the machine guns began to roar wildly, and several heavy bombers even threw shells.

There were bursts of rumbling sounds, and Qin Ming's position was blown up on the spot, and smoke and dust were everywhere, and it was completely covered by flames.

However, before the explosions ended, several sharp sword lights had already emerged from the fire.

Tearing through the smoke and cutting off the flames, the six-tone sonic hand knife rushed into the sky at a high speed.

The pilots who were flying fighters to perform dive bombing only had time to scream when they saw the knife light suddenly flashing in front of them.

The next second, there was no time to turn, and the fighter was hit head-on by the knife light.

Cut off the wings, slash the propeller, and even cut the pilot in half instantly.

In the thick smoke, several fighters completely lost control, passing over Qin Ming with black smoke, and crashed into the ground fiercely, exploding into a ball of fire on the spot.

Seeing this scene, although the other fighter pilots were pale, they still gritted their teeth and continued to dive and shoot at Qin Ming.

And Qin Ming also kept waving his hands, throwing out one sound speed hand knife after another, and constantly shooting down the fighters that rushed in.

Just when the two sides started to bombard each other here, General O'Neill on the other side had taken this opportunity to grab the hanging rope ladder and was dragged by a fighter to fly away at high speed.

O'Neill, who was almost killed, escaped instead of fighting head-on.

Qin Ming noticed the situation here and found that the enemy actually wanted to escape. He roared and swung his hand, shooting a sonic knife directly at O'Neal in the air.

But before the sonic knife hit, a fighter plane rushed from the side and forcibly blocked the attack for his general.

The fighter plane that was cut fell out of control. Qin Ming, who tried to continue chasing, was also hit by a large number of bombs dropped by the helicopter above and was directly swallowed by the flames.

When he waved his arms and forced his way out of the sea of ​​fire, he found that O'Neal, the big boss, had already lost his sight. The fighter planes and helicopters that had been fighting with him quickly turned around and fled to the distance.

Standing in place, he looked at the rebel troops that began to retreat around him and the fighter planes that flew away completely in the sky.

Qin Ming, standing in the ruins, with the wreckage of the crashed plane everywhere around him, had no expression on his face for a while.

Just at this moment, a roar sounded from the side, and the adjutant Beta, who was driving the alloy warhead tank, finally drove away the enemy and rushed over.

"Commander, are you okay?"

"Not dead yet."

"Then what's next......"

"Notify the soldiers not to chase! Retreat! Go and meet up with the main force!"


With the order issued, the Hound Corps under Qin Ming retreated quickly.

They had a head-on encounter with O'Neill's ace troops, and this time they obviously encountered a tough opponent, and there were actually a lot of casualties.

Nearly a hundred of the five hundred soldiers died in the battle!

Of course, compared to them, O'Neill's ace troops suffered greater losses.

Qin Ming alone killed nearly ten fighters, and the tanks and soldiers killed by the Hound Corps in the head-on battle were countless.

If Qin Ming was injured, then O'Neal was crippled by the battle!

If they hadn't relied on their numbers and their speed, they would have been wiped out if they had continued to fight like this!

The Hounds moved the bodies of their companions onto the chariots and quickly evacuated the battlefield.

The equipment on the companions had to be taken back. After all, it was not easy to strengthen a top-level equipment. The most important thing was that once the equipment fell into the hands of the enemy, it would be troublesome.

The bodies of the companions had to be taken away for cremation. They couldn't just be thrown on the battlefield and left to rot.

After all, these were all soldiers who followed Qin Ming. He wouldn't allow his people to die in an uneasy way and not even be buried in peace in the end.

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