Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 204: Speak with respect

The aggressive rebel army retreated.

And this time, it was not just a simple retreat, they even took the initiative to retreat and gave up all the occupied territory.

This was a miracle for the regular army. After all, they had always lost territory before. It was the first time that they had regained territory.

Looking at the rapidly retreating rebel army, and the regular army on the opposite side that went upstream and attacked anyone who blocked the way, and actually beat the rebels to avoid them and dared not to fight them head-on.

The regular army that had been guarding the bunkers and the front line and fighting a defensive battle was completely dumbfounded for a moment.

It was not until the hound troops led by Qin Ming completely broke through the front line and came to them that they woke up from their dreams.

They hurriedly sent people to check the code. After confirming the organization and identity, Qin Ming and his men were finally let in.

Looking at the hundreds of troops carrying various weapons on their shoulders, they looked at the tank squad and the chariot squad leading the way in front, as well as the various equipment and supplies loaded on the chariots.

The soldiers around looked at each other in shock.

Especially after seeing that one of the station cars was full of official badges and flags of rebel officers, everyone was really dumbfounded when they saw the dense number of them.

Sitting on the alloy warhead tank, Qin Ming, who was walking at the front of the team, was wearing sunglasses and constantly scanning the surroundings.

After just a moment of observation, he had found at least six adventurers in the crowd, and they all had official positions.

Although the positions were not high, and the highest level was only a corporal, it was obvious that they were still doing well.

Just as Qin Ming was silently looking around, with the sound of footsteps, the crowd made way from both sides, and the highest commander of this position finally came after hearing the news.

And he! It was the so-called Major General Collins!

Wearing a major general's uniform and with a bunch of medals on his chest, Major General Collins was not very old. He looked very young, at most in his thirties.

He was with several senior officers, looking at the troops in front of him with his hands behind his back.

After seeing their dazzling array of trophies, his eyes couldn't help but flash, and after a second of silence, he suddenly said with a stern face.

"Excuse me, who is the commander of this warrior unit?"

Hearing the voices here, Qin Ming, who was sitting on the tank smoking, finally looked up.

"I am."

"Oh? Then I wonder what your name is? What is your title?"

"Hyena, private third class."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Major General Collins' eyes widened, with an unbelievable look on his face.


"Yes, is there any problem?"

"Yes! Of course! Who allowed you, a private, to wear officer's clothes! And when you used the telegraph to communicate before! Why did you refuse the command of the headquarters! Don't you know that this will delay the opportunity to fight! If you obeyed the command at that time! The battle would have ended long ago!"

After hearing Qin Ming's words, before Major General Collins could speak, an officer standing next to him suddenly roared.

With the rank of Shangxiao on his chest, it was obvious that he was not of low rank, and he was also a confidant of Major General Collins. He spoke in an aggressive tone.

While speaking, he even pointed to the ground in front.

"Who allowed you to sit up there! Don't you know to come down and salute when you see the superior! Private! Come down!"

Hua La!

As soon as he finished speaking, the members of the hound unit in front immediately obeyed the order and came down.

But they were a little too obedient. At this time, not only did they come down, but they also brought their weapons down.

Rifles, submachine guns, and machine guns were raised at the same time and pointed at the officers in front, frightening them so much that their eyes widened and they froze on the spot.

The soldiers who were originally acting around saw that this side actually raised their weapons, and they were frightened and picked up their weapons in a hurry.

As they raised their weapons, more soldiers of the Hounds also set up their guns. Some soldiers standing on the car even directly set up machine guns on the roof of the car, and the gun barrels of the tanks also quickly turned and pointed at the crowd around.

As the two sides confronted each other, the atmosphere on the scene solidified on the spot.

The officers who were pointed at by countless long guns and short guns at close range had cold sweat on their foreheads for a while, and they swallowed their saliva nervously.

Standing in front of the opposite side, Major General Collins, who was pointed at his face by several guns, couldn't help but twitch wildly in the corners of his eyes.

Looking at Qin Ming who was still sitting on the top of the tank smoking and looking at this side, he looked at the soldiers around him with guns pointing at him.

After taking a deep breath, Collins suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"This is a military camp. You only have a few hundred people, but we have more than 30,000 people."

As soon as he finished speaking, his adjutant Beta, who was pointing a pistol at his chin and looking at him closely, raised his eyebrows and grinned back.

"Then should we try to see if your more than 30,000 people can help you block this bullet? Hmm?"


Major General Collins' face turned pale when he heard this. Before he could speak, another adjutant, Shuke, who was also pointing a rifle at him, frowned and spoke.

"Major General, I don't know if we can defeat 30,000 people, but we can absolutely guarantee that once the fighting starts, everyone present will definitely be dead! And after killing you, we can break out of the encirclement and walk away. Just like when we killed the rebels before, do you believe it?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the surrounding soldiers who were confronting each other with guns suddenly froze.

They still vividly remember how this unit had penetrated the enemy's lines before, charging forward with such force that the enemy had to give way on their own initiative.

If a fight really breaks out at this time, they don't know whether the opponent can get out, but based on the opponent's fighting power, everyone present should be dead...

Even the soldiers could figure this out, and so did Collins, a major general, so his face turned very pale for a moment.

Before he could open his mouth to speak, Shu Ke, the adjutant opposite who was pointing a gun at him, had already added in a deep voice.

"So when you talk to our commander, please be a little more respectful, Major General."

While speaking, Shuke raised his hand and took the lead in putting down his weapon, while waving his hand.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers following Shuke looked at each other and silently lowered their weapons.

Adjutant Beta on the other side ignored Shuke, but turned to look at Qin Ming.

After seeing Qin Ming who was sitting on the tank, he nodded, and then waved his hand to signal his own men to put down their guns.

Seeing this scene, Major General Collins looked gloomy, and after two seconds of silence, he suddenly grinned brightly.

While raising his hand to signal the soldiers around him to put down their guns, he said cheerfully.

"Misunderstanding, this is purely a misunderstanding. Commander Hyena, we have always admired you fighting heroes. How could we meet you with swords? It's just that you, a third-class private, don't know how to command the army in military uniform." Okay, the main reason is that this is not in compliance with the military regulations. How about this? I will do my best to promote your rank to corporal. No matter how high you are, I don’t have that right. Then I have to apply to the government to accept my fate. That’s it, I’ll send a message to the government immediately and report your military exploits to them, and I will definitely give you a military rank that satisfies you!”

To be able to climb to the position of major general, this Collins is obviously not a simple person.

After weighing the gains and losses in his mind, he, who was pointed at a gun one second, became extremely enthusiastic the next second, as if the two sides had never been at war with each other before.

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