Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 205 Undercurrent

The hound troops led by Qin Ming finally settled in the barracks. They found an open space to set up camp and began to rest on their own.

Qin Ming, who successfully received the rank of corporal, retreated to his own camp and began to order the soldiers to strengthen their vigilance.

Although he had never been a soldier, let alone an officer, he understood one truth very well, that is, how could others be allowed to snore in the same bed.

After all, he had watched so many war-themed movies and TV series before, and how could a disobedient troop suddenly come to the camp without causing hostility from the commander.

In a small sense, this is called disobedience and arrogance. In a big sense, this is disregarding military orders and holding troops for oneself.

This is a taboo in the army. The other party will definitely try every means to take back the military power in their hands, so it is impossible not to prevent it.

In fact, the best way to deal with it now is to make a clear attitude and surrender to the other party and become one of the other party’s own people.

In this way, he is not Cheng Yaojin who shows up halfway, but Zhuge Liang who helps in danger.

But the problem is that he is an adventurer with guns, cannons, cars and soldiers in his hands. You ask him to lick a plot character? !

If it is a heroine like Kasamoto Eri or Fio, he can still try it out reluctantly.

But the other party is not a heroine! He is not even a plot character! He has not even appeared in the original plot!

Then why should he lick him? What qualifications does he have?

Before he became an adventurer, he had to lick people for a living. After he became an adventurer, he still had to lick people for a living? Then he was an adventurer in vain!

He has already hung his life on his belt and entered the nightmare space to play with his life, and he still licks people? It’s good that he didn’t go crazy and kill people!

So it’s impossible to bow your head, and it’s impossible to bow your head in this life.

Being suppressed by the other party, resulting in compromise and needing to act according to other people’s faces, it can only mean that your fists are not hard enough! There are not enough guns in hand!

As long as there are guns in hand! There are soldiers following! What major generals and admirals! It's all bullshit! How many bullets can your military rank protect you from?

Therefore, after leading the troops to move into the camp, the first order Qin Ming issued was to recruit soldiers! Recruit the wounded and defeated soldiers in the army!

Those who were injured and disabled by the explosion, and the army was unwilling to spend precious props on them for treatment, recruit!

Those scattered small troops that were defeated and disorganized, and no one wanted, recruit!

Or the local troops that are not welcome in the periphery, or the local recruits who were temporarily recruited, recruit!

Not even a day after entering the camp, Qin Ming had already launched a vigorous recruitment of new soldiers.

And Qin Ming also came to the scene to supervise in person, in order to avoid the infiltration of adventurers, or the spies sent by the major general.

Relying on dinosaur glasses, he forcibly drove away several adventurers who tried to sneak in to see what was going on, and two natives whose military ranks were obviously wrong.

In just one night, Qin Ming's troops had increased from more than 400 to more than 1,000.

As the commander-in-chief of the front line, Major General Collins naturally knew about his sudden private recruitment.

Now several of his subordinates have entered his tent and are reporting to him.

The colonel who had played the bad guy and almost caused a civil war between the two sides was no longer as aggressive as before.

At this moment, he looked extremely calm, not like a grumpy old man at all, but more like a counselor.

Looking at Major General Collins who was looking down at the map, his eyebrows were furrowed.

"Sir, the other side is recruiting soldiers to expand the army, and it is obvious that they are guarding against us."

Hearing this, Collins didn't even raise his head.

"How many have been recruited?"

"There are already more than a thousand, and they are still recruiting."

"Did the people we sent sneak in?"

"No, the other side is very vigilant and has found them all."

"Oh, then just ignore them for now."

"What? Sir! If we continue to let them recruit soldiers like this, it will easily lead to a situation where they are too powerful to get rid of! He......"

"Du Lin, stay calm, things are not as bad as you think."

Major General Collins finally took his eyes off the map and looked up at his adjutant with a bright smile on his face.

"No matter how good they are at fighting, they are just a subordinate unit after all. They still have to obey my command, and their military achievements must be attributed to me. Besides, is it useful to be able to fight in the regular army? Does he have a backer? Does he have someone to support him? Can he climb up?"


"No matter how good they are at fighting, if he wants to continue to be promoted, he will eventually have to find someone to rely on. Otherwise, he has no power and no room for advancement. Why would his soldiers listen to him? Would you choose to fight for your life on the battlefield with such a leader?"

Raising his hand and patting the adjutant's shoulder, Collins looked very confident.

"And in this camp, who else can he rely on besides me? So, you don't need to be so nervous, maybe he will be one of us in the future."

Turning his head and looking out the window with his hands behind his back, Collins' eyes flickered slightly.

"Besides, it may not be a bad thing for him to recruit soldiers. The reason why he can threaten us is that he has just made great contributions and the soldiers are very obedient. But the original soldiers are loyal, can the newly recruited soldiers be so loyal? When the army is mixed with good and bad people and there are more people, and it is no longer so united, do you think he will still have the right to challenge us? Without the soldiers, he is nothing. Even if he suddenly dies in a corner, no one will care."

"I understand!"

"Well, so, now under my command, the army has just won a great victory. Now is not the time to quarrel internally, but we must seize the opportunity to expand the victory. Therefore, your top priority is not to trouble them! It is to lead the troops out to clear the battlefield immediately!"


"Do everything well, because we won the battle, Admiral Jamie Fox will come to personally review and reward the troops. Don't embarrass me when the time comes, understand!"


Accompanied by a salute, several officers quickly left the room.

For a while, only Major General Collins was left in the room, with his hands behind his back, looking out the window, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a little.

"Hyena, right? A third-class private dares to fight me. I have plenty of time to play with you slowly!"

At the same time, when the orders began to be issued here, Qin Ming also summoned his two adjutants in the small camp on the other side and was issuing new orders.

"Flying soldier Shuke! You continue to be responsible for recruiting people! You can't stop for a moment! Got it!"


"Tankman Beta! You are responsible for issuing uniforms and weapons! But don't send them to the newcomers yet! Wait until I come back and check them all! After confirming that there are no spies inside, send them out!"

"Yes! Promise... Hey? Boss? What are you going out for again?"

"Lead the new recruits for training! How can my soldiers not have been to the battlefield! I will take them out for a stroll myself!"

"Lead the team yourself again?"

"What? Is there a problem? If you have any objections, you can just say it. I don't mind tying you to the tank and taking you out together."

"No objection! Absolutely no objection! Tankman Beta resolutely obeys the boss's orders!"

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