Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 300: The Shot That Breaks the Game

Inside the room, there was a continuous buzzing sound.

He roared again, and continued to control the golden wheel to shoot, further compressing the golden ring of Kasamoto Eri's activity space. Seeing that Kasamoto Eri had been forced into a corner and had nowhere to hide, the smile on his face became more and more ferocious.

He suddenly swung his hand to take back all the golden wheels, and he was ready to throw them out while accumulating power. His body was shining, and it was obvious that he had already burst out with all his strength.

But before he could use his skills this time, a deafening roar suddenly sounded in his ears.

The next second, Jinhuan, who was facing Kasamoto Eri, was shocked, and a blood arrow burst out directly from his forehead!

This sudden attack froze the smile on Jinhuan's face, and his hands trembled. The nine golden rings that had been aimed at Kasamoto Eri also lost their accuracy on the spot.

The swooshing sound became a continuous one, and the nine golden rings shot out and stabbed into the walls on both sides, but none of them successfully hit Kasamoto Eri.

Jinhuan, who shot the weapon, turned his head in surprise, widened his eyes, and looked behind him in disbelief.

Behind him, Jessica, who was covered with a bed sheet, now had a horrified expression on her face, holding a female pistol in both hands, aiming at him, and a wisp of gunpowder was still emitting from the muzzle.

Jinhuan, who did not expect that he, as a rescuer, would be shot by the rescue target, quickly recovered from the shock.

With his digitized body, he was not shot to death even though he was shot in the vitals, and his face suddenly showed an angry expression.

With a strong swing of his hand, he slapped Jessica's face hard, forcibly swinging Jessica who tried to continue shooting away.

The white sheet was blown up on the spot, knocking Jessica's Jinhuan away, and his expression was still angry. He raised his hand to recall the weapon room, and was ready to forcibly dismember Jessica with the golden wheel in his hand!

However, he was so furious at this moment that he obviously forgot something...


Just as Jin Huan grabbed the weapon and raised it, a sharp sound of a gun being loaded suddenly sounded behind him.

Jin Huan froze when he heard the sound, and his angry expression turned pale in an instant.

Finally remembering that there was a strong enemy behind him, he hurriedly grabbed the weapon and tried to turn around to fight, but it was too late.

Relying on his agility of 50 points, Kasamoto Eri, who had seized the opportunity to rush behind Jin Huan, raised the machine gun in his hand, directly pointed the muzzle at Jin Huan, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

The sharp gunshots were connected on the spot! Under this almost zero-distance sweep! Jin Huan had no chance to dodge!

Countless blood arrows exploded on his body on the spot, and he couldn't help screaming. His thin body was pushed away by the impact of the bullets, and after his body hit the wall, he was actually pushed against the wall by Kasamoto Eri who caught up with him! Directly facing him, she forced a burst of bullets!

The characters in the gun world often have two extremes in combat effectiveness.

When they have the advantage of the first move, they can even suppress a team of adventurers by themselves with the lethality of the guns in their hands.

But when they don't have the advantage of the first move, they will be beaten by an adventurer alone because of their weak attributes!

The same is true for Kasamoto Eri. It's okay if she doesn't catch the opportunity, but once she catches the opportunity, she will set up the machine gun and suppress you with strong firepower.

Let alone ordinary adventurers! Even Qin Ming has to avoid her! Dare to force it and you will die!

After all, it's a dazzling silver-level light machine gun! This firepower is not a joke!

In order to cooperate with his own rage ring nine-fold stunt, Jinhuan's attributes are originally mainly to increase strength and spirit, and the increase is very extreme.

This makes his ability to resist attacks very weak. Let alone compared with meat shields, his defense ability is not even as good as ordinary adventurers.

Now that Kasamoto Eri has pulled him in close, he is against the wall and fired a volley of bullets. How can he withstand it!

When the gunfire finally stopped, Jinhuan, who slowly slid down the wall, had completely turned into a sieve.

With blood holes all over his body, he lay on the ground like a puddle of mud, and he was already dead.

Kasamoto Eri, who had beaten the other person to death, snorted coldly and pulled the bolt to quickly change a new magazine.

After checking the room and confirming that there were no other enemies in the room, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and had time to look at Jessica next to him.

Looking at Jessica, who was lying on the ground, bleeding from the corner of her mouth after being slapped, and now crying softly.

Kasamoto Eri, who raised his hand and put the light machine gun on his back, quickly walked over to help her up, and even wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

Eri Kasamoto really didn't expect that it would be this woman who helped him break the situation. He had just been playing role-playing, transformed into an evil kidnapper, and maliciously tortured others.

Looking at Jessica who was still crying, Eri Kasamoto hugged her tightly and patted her back gently.

"Okay, okay, he has been killed by me, it's safe, it's okay, don't cry."

"He! He hit me!"

"It's okay! I have helped you get revenge! If you are not satisfied, go and shoot him a few more times!"

As he said this, Eri Kasamoto hugged the naked Jessica tightly, put her gently on the bed, and covered her with a sheet.

Then he pulled the wardrobe, put his light machine gun on it, and aimed directly at the door.

After doing all this, Kasamoto Eri frowned, still a little worried, and stood up to take out C4 explosives and prepared to install some in the room to prevent anyone from breaking in again.

Although he didn't think those adventurers could beat his boss, he didn't guarantee that someone would force their way into the room.

In order to be on the safe side, it was necessary to arrange backup measures.

But just when Kasamoto Eri stood up and prepared to install explosives, her clothes were suddenly grabbed by someone.

Kasamoto Eri turned around and saw Jessica holding the bed sheet covering her chest with one hand and the corner of her clothes with the other hand, looking at her with a panicked expression.

"Don't, don't go, I'm scared..."

In just one day, she was kidnapped, threatened, forced to sleep, and just beaten.

This made Jessica, who was just a female college student, almost collapse her psychological defenses. She instinctively regarded Kasamoto Eri, the only one among the group of fierce robbers who was not so fierce and was also a woman, as a life-saving straw.

She had just come to her senses from her trance, so she instinctively shot to help Kasamoto Eri.

Otherwise, if Kasamoto Eri was beaten to death, she would have to face a group of big and strong vicious kidnappers.

Jessica could barely accept being taken advantage of by Kasamoto Eri.

But if it was by those robbers who were uglier than each other...

Thinking of this, Jessica instinctively trembled all over and quickly hugged Kasamoto Eri's waist.

This made Kasamoto Eri scratch his head in melancholy.

How could this good-looking meat ticket in front of him suddenly become so enthusiastic? Could it be that he had Stockholm syndrome?

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