Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 301 The romantic Kasamoto Eri


A loud and ear-piercing noise suddenly reached my ears, and the door was twisted and deformed on the spot, and someone forcefully pulled it open.

Hearing the noise, Miles Kasamoto, who was lying on the bed with Jessica in his arms, reacted very quickly. He quickly stood up, picked up the light machine gun, aimed at the door, and at the same time grabbed the detonating device.

Jessica, who sat up next to her, nervously hugged Miles Kasamoto's waist.

Under their nervous gaze, footsteps sounded at the door, and a huge figure strode in from the door.

Qin Ming walked into the room with a serious expression, holding a head in his drooping palm.

The corpse of an adventurer, which had been beaten beyond recognition and sucked to an extremely shriveled state, was dragged and slid along casually like a rag doll, leaving a conspicuous blood mark on the ground.

And this corpse belongs to the extreme master Fist Ghost among the three adventurers!

The three of them worked together to try to confront Qin Ming from the front, but the adventurer ended up fleeing to the death and failed to win at all.

When Qin Ming dragged the mummy into the room, the first thing he saw was Miles Kasamoto sitting on the bed with nothing on.

And Jessica, who was holding her tightly and screaming at the moment.

Turning his head to look at the dead body of an adventurer in the distance, and then at Miles Kasamoto on the bed, Qin Ming's eyes twitched and his eyes slowly narrowed.

On the opposite side, Mile Kasamoto saw Qin Ming coming in, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. While putting down his light machine gun, he turned around and patted Jessica on the back, softly comforting her.

"Don't be afraid, this is my boss, one of our own."

After comforting her, Miles Kasamoto suddenly stood up from the bed and opened his arms towards Qin Ming enthusiastically when he saw Jessica finally stopped shouting.

"Boss! As soon as I guess, you will definitely win! It's just three adventurers! It's a blessing for you!"

Qin Ming grinned when he heard this, raised his hand and released the mummy in his hand, strode up to Miles Kasamoto, stretched out his hands enthusiastically... and strangled Miles Kasamoto's neck! It shakes hard when you go up!

"What the hell! I asked you to come in and look at the meat tickets! You actually let me sleep inside the meat tickets! Is this how you keep an eye on the meat tickets for me? Your boss is working hard outside! You secretly enjoy it in there! As you are so It’s work!”

After being pinched so that his legs were dangling in the air, Miles Kasamoto vomited out his tongue for a moment. He quickly struggled to grab a grenade on the table, swung the wooden-handled grenade and hit it with a hammer, aiming it at Qin Ming's head. Bangbang banging randomly.

While knocking, he struggled hard and kept stretching his legs to kick Qin Ming.

"Ahem! Let go! I can't breathe!"

"Still want to breathe? I'll strangle you and me to death!"

"I slept on my own merit! What's wrong with you again? Just say you didn't watch me and that's it!"

"How dare you give me a hard word!"

The two people here had an internal fight and got into a fight on the spot.

Jessica, who looked shocked next to her, finally woke up from a dream.

Seeing her newly recognized best friend being bullied, she couldn't care less for a moment. She hurriedly threw away the white sheet and rushed over to try to pull Qin Ming away from the murderer.

But with her little strength, it was difficult to tickle Qin Ming, let alone pull it away.

The internal strife lasted for several minutes before it came to an end. The main reason was that there was the sound of cars outside, and Damud, the boss of the Crazy Gear Gang, came with people to support him.

Qin Ming, who heard the commotion, had to choose to let Kasamoto Miles go temporarily. After all, this woman was naked now, so he couldn't just take her out.

After throwing Miles Kasamoto heavily on the bed, Qin Ming, who ordered her to get dressed quickly, closed the door and turned around to go to the hall.

And here, after learning that the secret base had been attacked, Damud, who immediately brought people to support him, happened to walk in from the door.

After confirming the situation with Qin Ming, Damud finally breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that the meat tickets had not been stolen.

Then he quickly took out his phone and called his boss.

"Yes! Boss! The mayor sent people to attack us! He has no intention of cooperating at all! If you want me to see it, I will just kill him... Oh, bring his daughter to see you? I understand. ! I’ll send it over right now!”

Quickly putting down the phone, Damud raised his head and glanced at Qin Ming, then spoke and walked towards the back room.

"Brother, the boss has a new order to take this Jessica to see him, then it's up to me..."

Before Damud finished speaking, Qin Ming suddenly reached out to stop him and silently turned his head to glance at him.

"I'll send it over."

"Ah? Are you sending it?"

"Well, don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

Looking at Qin Ming with sharp eyes, Damud rolled his eyes and finally nodded.

"Okay, you can deliver it if you want. I'll call the boss again and tell him."

After saying that, Damud turned and left.

Qin Ming stood in front of the door and watched him leave. It wasn't until the other party and his people disappeared completely that he turned around and opened the door and walked in.

Looking at Miles Kasamoto and Jessica who had already changed clothes in the room, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Come on, follow me to meet someone."

.........A car was driving at high speed on the street.

Miles Kasamoto sat in the driver's seat and drove the car attentively.

Jessica sat behind her, huddled up like a quail, and Qin Ming sat next to her.

Jessica was obviously very scared of Qin Ming. After all, anyone else would be scared if they saw a kidnapper of such a size.

Even if Qin Ming had never done anything to her, and another female hooligan who didn't look scary at all had done everything she could and couldn't do to her.

The car was very quiet at this moment. Qin Ming and his friends had already met with the boss of the Crazy Gear Gang and were on their way back.

Originally, Berg, the boss of the Crazy Gear Gang, was planning to keep Jessica by his side as a hostage to threaten the new mayor.

Mainly, he was worried about leaving this woman with other senior executives. After all, he knew the personalities of his younger brothers very well, and they were all bastards.

Putting a sheep in the mouth of a wolf, what if the other party couldn't resist the temptation and ate the sheep?

It's best to keep the hostage in your own hands.

However, this plan changed after the two sides met.

Mainly, the boss Berg noticed that Jessica seemed to be very attached to the newcomer Qin Ming, or more precisely, to the newcomer's younger brother Kasamoto Eri, so he immediately had a new plan in his mind.

If he could find a way to get Jessica, the mayor's daughter, to join the group, and use Jessica to change the stubborn new mayor and make him cooperate with him, it would be much safer than threatening with hostages.

After all, Berg was still quite afraid of this famous street wrestler, and the other party's strength was no joke.

It's best not to make enemies. There is no benefit in going against the mayor.

On the contrary, the two sides can join forces and get a win-win situation.

Why do we have to fight to the point of bloodshed when we can sit down and negotiate?

Therefore, Berg changed his mind on the spot and immediately issued a new task to Qin Ming, the newcomer, which was to find a way to get Jessica to join the group.

Even this task! It also triggered the rules of the nightmare space! It was issued as a hidden task!

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