Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 311 Both sides suffer

"Cough, cough, cough!"

A violent cough sounded in the room, and Yuan Liusai Maki, who was punched in the chest, had a distorted face.

Qin Ming on the opposite side straightened up and twisted his jaw hard, his muscles all over his body tensed to the extreme.

He raised his sunglasses on his face and quickly checked the enemy's attributes with his equipment. After seeing her name and values ​​clearly, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows.

Name: Yuan Liusai Maki

Strength 40

Constitution 40

Agility 25

Spirit 20

Skills: Wushen Style Fighting Technique (B-level) Wushen Piercing Leg (B-level) Wushen Eight Pairs of Fists (B-level)

Introduction: One of the Wushen Style disciples, a genius who has a crush on his senior brother, and a rare 39th generation Wushen inheritor who has cultivated Wushen Piercing Leg.

(Current character favorability: 650!)

Looking at the other party's data, especially seeing the last prompt, Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

On the other side, Yuan Liusai Maki, who had fought Qin Ming for several moves in a hurry, finally saw the appearance of the sneak attacker at this moment.

Looking at the burly iron tower man opposite, her eyes suddenly widened.

It was obviously the first time they met, but she always felt that the other party looked unusually pleasing to the eye. She was a little stunned for a moment, and after quickly reacting, she shook her head and stood up and put her crutches on again.

What's going on? Don't I like my senior brother? What's the matter with this big man in front of me?

I don't like this kind of rough guy either!

Gritting her teeth, relying on the willpower of a warrior, she forcibly suppressed the weird feeling in her heart, and suddenly opened her mouth and roared.

"Who are you! Why are you helping her!"

As soon as Yuan Liusai Maki finished speaking, before Qin Ming could give an answer, Kasamoto Eri next to him had already come over with his chest covered, and came to Qin Ming and whispered.

"Boss, the situation has changed. They reacted quickly."

"Boss? Are you her boss?!"

Hearing what Kasamoto Eri said, Genryusai Maki suddenly realized something and his face turned livid.

"You killed my senior brother?!"

(Ding! Story character Genryusai Maki! Your favorability has decreased!)

Hearing the prompt sound in his ear, Qin Ming couldn't help but tremble.

Unexpectedly, he would encounter the title selection target in this way, and he didn't expect that the target selected by the title would be his enemy. He nodded with a straight face.

Knowing in his heart, the effect of this title might be useless again.


"I killed you!!!"

Hearing the affirmative answer, Genryusai Maki roared and instantly jumped up and kicked Qin Ming.

The favorability of Qin Ming has dropped again!

Because of the extreme rage and injuries, Genryusai Maki's rash kick this time has been far below the standard.

Qin Ming dodged sideways and swung his arm to intercept her in mid-air!

Yuan Liusai Maki, who passed by Qin Ming, was hit in the abdomen by an arm, and the whole person was hit into a C shape, and fell to the ground with his mouth wide open.

Before she could struggle to get up, Qin Ming, who was standing next to her, had already given her a war trample with a stern face, completing the finishing blow.

What? High favorability?

As long as it's an enemy! You have to die even if you have a high favorability!

Yuan Liusai Maki, who was stepped on the chest, was stepped on by the size 49 big foot, and her eyes were wide open, and her tongue was desperately spitting out.

Before she could recover from the severe pain, a big hand instantly pinched her head and forcibly lifted her from the ground.

Pulling Yuan Liusai Maki with one hand, Qin Ming's eyes were fierce. He first punched her chest twice to disintegrate her resistance, and then pinched her and launched his skills without hesitation.

She was injured before! Just use her to recover!

As the flesh-sucking skill was activated, Yuan Liusai Maki's body twitched wildly and rolled her eyes.

A large amount of blood in her body flowed down her neck to Qin Ming, constantly recovering Qin Ming's injuries.

After being nourished by the blood, Qin Ming, whose wounds were immediately healed, had more and more strength in his palms, and veins on his arms were bulging.

Looking at Yuan Liusai Maki, a third-rate fighter whose fighting power was not even comparable to Kai's and who had not grown up, he grinned and hummed.

"The weak are the prey of the strong! You can't blame me! Woman!"

After saying that, Qin Ming suddenly raised his other arm and prepared to grab it with one hand.

However, at this moment, the door next to him was suddenly knocked open, and the two bosses, Mayor Mike Hag and Cody, rushed in quickly with their men.

They climbed the stairs desperately! At this moment, they finally arrived!

Looking at the aggressive crowd on the opposite side, he glanced at Yuan Liusai Maki in his hand.

Qin Ming, with his eyes flickering slightly, suddenly threw Yuan Liusai Maki out of the building, and then he hugged Kasamoto Eri next to him, opened the flight backpack and took her to the sky.

Seeing this scene, Mayor Mike Hag and Cody, who had already rushed over, suddenly changed their faces.

Although they wanted to stop Qin Ming who was trying to escape, with the burst of the two, they could indeed forcibly pull Qin Ming down from mid-air.

But the problem is that if they go to stop Qin Ming! Then who will save Yuan Liusai Maki!

The two people gritted their teeth and made a choice almost at the same time.

Mayor Mike Hag flew towards Yuan Liusai Maki, and finally at the last moment, he reached out and grabbed Yuan Liusai Maki who was falling.

On the other hand, Cody rushed directly towards Qin Ming, swung his hand and shot out a stream of air, trying to knock him down from mid-air.

Qin Ming, who was controlling the aircraft and holding Kasamoto Eri at the same time, did not have time to block.

But Kasamoto Eri threw a wooden-handled grenade at this time, which hit the tornado hard.

With a roar, the flames exploded in mid-air.

The rotating airflow and the grenade forcibly offset each other. Before the flames dissipated, Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri had already soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into the night.

Cody, who failed to stop Qin Ming from escaping, turned around and punched the wall hard, his teeth creaking.

Mayor Mike Hag, who was pulling Yuan Liusai Maki up with force, couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at Yuan Liusai Maki, who had been severely injured and was now covered with scars, he sighed.

"Go back and recover first."

"But them!"

"I'll issue a wanted order after I go back!"

Mayor Mike Hager said, holding Yuan Liusai Maki and walked towards the door. Seeing this, Cody followed with a dark face.

Just as the two took a few steps, Mayor Mike Hager, who was holding Yuan Liusai Maki, was suddenly stunned and turned his head to look at the side with some confusion.

Looking at the red dot that was constantly flashing in the dark, he frowned and looked over carefully, and then his face suddenly changed.

Because the light that was constantly flashing in the corner was the spare C4 bombs that had not been used yet!

"Not good!"


There was only time to let out a scream, and the next second, Mayor Mike Hager and others were engulfed by the rapidly gushing flames!

Amid the huge explosion, all the windows on the entire floor spewed out flames together and turned into ruins on the spot.

And above the sky, Kasamoto Eri, who was being hugged by Qin Ming, threw away the detonator in his hand viciously.

This time, both sides suffered heavy losses and no one gained any advantage.

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