Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 312 A major incident

"Yesterday, a vicious bombing occurred in the metropolis. After two terrorists attempted murder, they detonated two buildings, killing more than ten police officers and injuring dozens of others. Now the mayor is officially Two terrorists have been wanted. Citizens are asked to stay away if they see them. Safety first, Metropolis TV reporters will report to you. "

On the TV, as the reporter finished speaking, two photos appeared on the screen, which were the portraits of Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto.

This made Berg, the boss of the Crazy Gear Gang, look grim when he saw this scene, and quickly raised his hand to turn off the TV.

Turning around in the electric wheelchair, he looked at his senior executives with an expressionless face, and suddenly said in a cold voice.

"Not bad. Kidnapping and murdering people on the street seems to be no longer enough for you. These are machine guns, grenades, and even bombs. What's wrong? Did I accidentally recruit two big shots? The way they act, It’s much more powerful than our little gang.”

After hearing what Boss Berg said, Qin Ming, who was standing opposite, had an expressionless face. Miles Kasamoto, who was standing against the wall next to Qin Ming, didn't even raise his head. He kept lowering his head and twirling his fingers.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Boss Berg's eyes trembled again. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but Poison beside him suddenly stood up and interrupted.

"Boss, we can't blame the hyenas entirely for this. They did this to help us get rid of the trouble as quickly as possible. It can only be said that they did bad things with good intentions."

Having said this, Poison turned his head and glared at Qin Ming with his hands on his hips.

"You idiot with no brains! You are more like a potato than a potato like Hugo! It's been in the limelight recently! Hide it from me! If it doesn't work, go abroad! Come back after the news has passed!"

Poison's reprimand was loud and stern, and he seemed really angry.

But after she, the boss who was nominally in charge of the little boss Qin Ming, had finished reprimanding him, Berg, the real gang leader, could no longer speak even if he still wanted to reprimand or even punish him.

As the eldest brother, Berg naturally knew this, so he couldn't help but take a deep look at Poison.

At this time, he really had to give Poison some face, because Poison, who was originally just a big boss, had recently been promoted to the leader of the Crazy Gear Gang and became a high-level member of the gang.

As for why she was suddenly promoted? Isn't that because the original high-level leader Damud died.

With Damud's death, no one took over the area and work he was responsible for, and under Damud, the most famous thing was poison.

Not to mention that she had already been the boss and had brought capital to invest in the company, so she would have to become a senior executive sooner or later.

Just because she is very good at fighting, plus there is a big stupid helper who is even better at fighting, it is enough for them to sweep away all their competitors.

So Berg decisively promoted Poison and officially became a member of the top management.

Originally, in his eyes, this was a good move. After all, Poison had no ambitions, and she was still a woman, so she was perfect as a subordinate.

But now when she took a closer look, she found that there were three very capable guys gathered under her hands unknowingly.

And what about your own side? Damud died half a month ago, and the warrior Sudum was also killed yesterday. Of the three original kings around him, only one is left!

Although Berg never suspected that this was Poison's manipulation, she secretly sent people to hunt down other high-level officials so that she could seize power from her.

After all, it's just the charm of poison, coupled with Damud's virtue as a street gangster, and Damud's enthusiasm for poison.

If Poison really wanted to seize power, why kill him? I'm afraid that with just a few words of temptation, that guy could be charmed into rebelling.

But it is not a good thing after all for the people under my command to form a small group, not to mention the two newly recruited guys, who are too ruthless.

Who knows if they continue to let them run wild, one day they will provoke the army...

With his eyes flickering, Berg suddenly smiled slightly while sitting in his wheelchair.

"That's fine, then let's listen to Poison. There has been a lot of noise recently. You two should not show your face casually. The mayor's daughter Jessica is temporarily handed over to Abigail and he will take care of it. As for you two Where to hide specifically... We can't stay in this metropolis for the time being. Let's go to Japan and take a boat. "

Berg, who arranged everything in a few words, controlled the automatic wheelchair and turned around to look at the TV again.

Next to him, a very burly man stood up slowly and grinned at Qin Ming.

He is Abigail, one of the top leaders of the Crazy Gear Gang, a big guy who is as tall as Hugo and the hyperemia version of Qin Ming, and even slightly taller.

And among the Crazy Gear Gang, he is not only the largest one, he is also definitely the strongest one!

Name: Abigail

Strength 70

Constitution 70

Agility 10

Spirit 10

Skills: Abigail style fighting technique (C level) Abigail special attack (B level)

Introduction: Some people have been dissatisfied before, why can such idiots with neither brains nor fighting talent become the top leaders of the Crazy Gear Gang? Until they were punched in the face by Abigail, there was no one anymore. I dare not be dissatisfied.

70 points of basic attributes! And it also has dual attributes of strength and body!

Looking at Abigail, who was grinning at him, with a face full of flesh, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his mouth even though he had secretly observed his attributes several times.

If calculated according to the standards of normal fighters, Abigail is obviously unqualified, because his fighting proficiency is only C-level, which does not meet the standards at all.

Not to mention his slow speed and sluggish movements.

But the problem is that these problems suddenly become insignificant in front of Abigail's terrifying strength and physique.

Looking at Abigail's huge body, Qin Ming has no doubt that if he is caught by him, he will definitely be carried and hammered to death like a sandbag.

The street fighters who practice the special power of Qi are originally thick-skinned and very durable.

Before, just Ninja Kai could take so many moves from Qin Ming before he died.

Based on the size and muscle mass of Abigail in front of him, Qin Ming even suspected that if he really fought with him, he might not be able to beat him!

The reason why Berger was able to hold the position of the boss was not only because he had a good business sense and knew how to make money and develop power, but also because of this Abigail.

This silly guy respected Berger very much.

So with him protecting him, anyone who wanted to seize power would have to think carefully.

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