Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 324 Museum Robbery

In the real world, in a rural room he rented temporarily, Qin Ming was lying on the bed, playing with the props in his hand leisurely.

And the new prop in his hand was the reward for this clearance, a top-quality consumable obtained from the clearance treasure chest: Space Certification!

In the Street Fighter world, although Qin Ming failed to crack the world view like in the Captain Hook world, he successfully cleared the entire game.

Therefore, he still got the clearance key, and the certificate was opened from the crystal key.

Holding the booklet in his hand that looked like an ID card holder, Qin Ming's expression was very strange at the moment.

Because the properties of this prop were really special, he had never seen it before.

Name: Space Certification (Nightmare Space)

Category: Disposable consumable (no grade)

Effect: You can specify an item in the real world and forcibly convert it into space equipment.

Introduction: Contraband is prohibited from being brought into Nightmare Space... Hmm? Are you a friend of Lao Meng? Oh, that won't happen again!

A special item that can transform any item into equipment, how terrifying the effect is can be imagined.

After getting this item, Qin Ming has been thinking about how to maximize its benefits, and now he has been thinking about it for more than a month.

Finally, Qin Ming decided to get a big one! Since he got this item! He must use it on the blade!

He is going to rob a cultural relic! A famous cultural relic! And then force it to be transformed into equipment!

The effect must be very powerful!

As for which cultural relic to rob? China's one is not good, he will rob the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, or the Terracotta Warriors, he is afraid that he will have a life but no life to spend!

Besides, there is no reason to rob your own home! What's the difference between that and not robbing? Can taking your own things be called robbing?

If you want to rob, you have to rob foreign ones, or rob the Mona Lisa portrait? But what effect can the portrait have if it is transformed into equipment? Summon Mona Lisa to help him chop people with a smile?

The Mona Lisa portrait is not good, then rob the Egyptian Tutankhamun's golden mask? But he didn't like masks, mainly because wearing a dead person's mask was too unlucky.

Qin Ming, who had been looking up information during this period, finally chose a target.

Based on the principle of proximity, he decided to go to Neon for a walk.

I heard that there was a golden seal handed down from the period of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, which seemed to be quite famous and was called a national treasure.

Since it was a national treasure given to them by Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, Qin Ming thought that it should be quite reasonable for him, a descendant, to ask for it back.

So this so-called golden seal of the King of the Han Wa Nu Kingdom was targeted by Qin Ming.

The reason why he chose this golden seal, which was not very famous, instead of those well-known cultural relics, was that it was easier to get it, but there was actually another reason.

That is, this is the real world after all, and Qin Ming dare not guarantee whether he will meet a master or not.

If he really went to steal the Mona Lisa portrait, he would just approach it and turn around to find two high-level adventurers guarding the painting. The scene would be too embarrassing.

Then you say he is dead, or dead, or dead.

He didn't dare to steal from his own home, and this was also part of the reason. He was afraid that when he went to steal the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, he would encounter high-level adventurers guarding there. After discovering his ill intentions, they would directly smash the glass and chop him with a sword...

It's good to have a small reputation. No one is watching it, and it's easy to get it.

Therefore, after buying a plane ticket and getting a visa, Qin Ming immediately flew to Neon.

Then he started to scout the place without stopping.

Standing in the museum, looking at the endless stream of people around, Qin Ming soon saw his target in the core exhibition area.

A very, very small gold seal.

It is two centimeters long, one centimeter high, square, with an animal sculpture of unknown thing on it, and the total weight is only more than 100 grams.

Looking at the so-called golden seal of the King of Han Wa Nu, which looks no different from a street seal and doesn't look domineering at all, Qin Ming was expressionless for a while.

To be honest, when he came here, Qin Ming was still very excited, and his heart was full of expectations for this good treasure that was about to be in his hands.

But now after seeing the real thing, Qin Ming found that he seemed to have been fooled.

Can this thing be called a seal? This is too small! Why is it still a pocket version! Why is it working before it reaches adulthood!

Can it have good properties after being converted into equipment? If it doesn't work, I'd better try to steal the Mona Lisa painting myself!

Following the crowd out of the museum, Qin Ming, who turned his head and looked at the building, sighed heavily, and finally slapped his face hard, and made up his mind to get started.

Now that I'm here, I can't go back empty-handed, not to mention that I'm just an intermediate adventurer with limited strength, and I can't covet too much.

Let's make it small! No matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat! Do it at night!

Return to the temporary residence and quickly prepare professional clothing... um, that is, a gangster hood temporarily modified from a cheap vest.

Then he went to the black market... that is, the night market and got a water gun and a fruit knife.

Qin Ming, who was quickly fully armed and transformed from a three-good youth into an international gangster on the spot, wore a modified gangster hood on his head, cheap clothes and shoes bought temporarily, a water gun on his left waist and a fruit knife on his right waist, and jumped out of the window in a menacing manner.

He jumped down from the fourth floor, and after walking a long distance, he even hailed a taxi.

As the car door opened, the driver was stunned, and Qin Ming, who was about to get into the car, was also stunned.

The reason why the driver was stunned was that Qin Ming was wearing a hood and holding a water gun, which looked too strange.

And the reason why Qin Ming was stunned was because the driver in front of him was too old!

Looking at the old man in front of him who was probably in his seventies, Qin Ming was confused.

"Are you a driver?"


"You are still driving at such an old age?"

"Life forces me to do so. Besides, at my age, I am already considered young among drivers. So, where are you going..."

"To rob, please take me to the museum."

Turning around and getting in the car, Qin Ming began to fiddle with his water gun very professionally.

And looking at him wearing a hood and concentrating on assembling the water gun, the old driver couldn't help but grin.

"Young people nowadays are just playing around. They even play robbers in role-playing games. But you are not dressed professionally. The gun looks like a water gun. You should at least buy a real one!"

"Simulation? That costs money! Sir! With my financial resources, I am lucky to be able to buy this one!"

Because of the improvement of basic attributes, although Qin Ming did not become smarter, his memory and learning ability have been greatly enhanced.

Therefore, he learned knowledge like foreign languages ​​that only need rote memorization very quickly.

Of course, whether he can use it perfectly is another question.

So communicating with Japanese people is not a problem.

Qin Ming, who had been chatting with the old driver on the road, suddenly raised his hand and pushed open the car door when he saw that he had arrived at the destination.

Before the old driver raised his hand to stop him and asked for money, he took the initiative to turn around and speak.

"Old man! Please wait here for a while! I'll go get some money for the trip! I'll be back soon! Remember to wait for me! The round trip fares will be calculated together!"

After saying that, without waiting for the old driver to react, Qin Ming, who had drawn the water gun from his waist, had already walked towards the museum aggressively.

Seeing this scene, the old driver shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Young people nowadays are really playing in a special way. They come to the museum to play role-playing games? It seems that I am really old and can't keep up with the trend."

While sighing, the old driver gently put on his headphones, closed his eyes and began to listen to music, preparing to wait for Qin Ming to come back from the party.

Just when he closed his eyes and listened to music, Qin Ming, who had already strode to the door of the museum, finally came into contact with the security guard.

I found a guy wearing a hood and holding a water gun strode over, and the two security guards at the door were confused.

Subconsciously pulling out the baton, they just wanted to step forward to organize, but saw Qin Ming suddenly raised the water gun and pulled the trigger at them.



Bloody water gushed out! It hit the two people hard! It actually knocked the two security guards out!

One fell on the wall and fainted on the spot.

The other flew and hit the glass door behind, smashing the hard glass door directly.

Qin Ming, who dealt with the two people in an instant, walked into the hall with a water gun in his hand.

Looking at the tourists who had not yet dispersed in front, he raised the water gun on the spot and pulled the bolt hard, shouting.

"Bagayalo! Robbery work! Put your hands on your head and lie down! Otherwise, you will die!"

As he said that, Qin Ming also raised the water gun and aimed it at the security guard who rushed over next to him.

With a bang, the security guard who was hit by the blood was shot back several meters away on the spot and hit the wall hard and was completely motionless.

Such a horrible scene made everyone at the scene silent.

After they reacted, they saw Qin Ming, wearing a mask, pointing the funny water gun at them. Everyone fell down in agreement.

They had no time to figure out why a broken water gun could produce such a terrifying killing power.

Everyone, including the security guards, who knew the situation, all chose to surrender.

Qin Ming, who strode through the crowd lying on the ground, also began to grab things frantically.

He swung his cloth-gloved arm and slammed it heavily on the glass cover, smashing it to pieces on the spot.

Qin Ming, who kept taking out various cultural relics, stuffed these precious cultural relics into his backpack. After taking more than twenty, he took out the golden seal of the king of Han Wa Nu and stuffed the underage golden seal into his pocket.

After doing all this, Qin Ming turned around and ran back to the taxi on the side of the road. He opened the door and got in, while patting the seat hard.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Hearing this, the old driver finally stopped enjoying the music.

While taking off his headphones and starting the car, he glanced at Qin Ming through the rearview mirror.

"Quite fast, what? Did you find the museum boring and come out? Actually, I don't think it's interesting either."

Qin Ming put his backpack aside and took out the gold seal in his arms and looked at it. He grinned when he heard it.

"Of course it has to be fast! Speed ​​is of the essence!"

"Huh? Is this a souvenir in your hand? Remember not to buy it next time. These things are all low-quality and will fade. And you can tell they are old at a glance."

As they were talking, the taxi had already started to drive away, and the next second after the car drove away, a shrill alarm sounded in the museum, and a large number of police cars began to gather here.

However, when the police arrived, everything was too late. Qin Ming, sitting in his partner's car, had already disappeared from the scene.

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