Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 325 Return to where the dream began

"Okay, let's stop here, old man. We have a happy cooperation. Say goodbye."

On the way, Qin Ming suddenly stopped the car, holding the golden seal in his hand, quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Seeing this scene, the seventy-year-old driver's expression changed and he hurriedly reached out to stop him.

"But you haven't paid for the trip yet! The trip back and forth!"

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this. After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly reached out and pointed towards the car.

"I've given you the package, just use it as travel expenses. Take your leave."

"Huh? No! I told you I don't accept souvenirs! This thing is worthless! Hey! You pay for travel expenses! Hey!"

Looking at the backpack of cultural relics on the back seat, the old driver didn't buy it and yelled at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately, Qin Ming had no intention of stopping.

After a few jumps, Qin Ming quickly disappeared into the woods, leaving only the old driver shaking his head and sighing.

After another wasted trip, he had no choice but to start the car and leave. As he drove the car on the road, he kept lamenting the declining social customs in today's society, and he couldn't even afford to pay for a taxi.

What's the use of giving him a bunch of rags? Can these piles of souvenirs be exchanged for money?

Just when the old driver was sighing, the news sound suddenly sounded from the speaker in his car.

"Every citizen, please pay attention. All citizens, please pay attention. A bad robbery has just occurred in this city. The city's museum was robbed. A total of 23 cultural relics were missing, with a total value of 2.8 billion neon coins. The robbers Wearing a black coat, a vest-turned-hood, and holding a pink water gun, if you find the criminal, please notify the police in time..."


The screeching sound of brakes suddenly sounded, and the old driver suddenly stepped on the brakes, his eyes widening in shock.

He suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, looking at the cultural relics that filled a backpack, and then recalled Qin Ming's previous appearance.

The old driver's face turned pale for a moment when he found that the two were completely compatible.

He quickly realized that the person just now was not a cosplayer, but a real robber, and took another look at the stolen goods in a backpack.

Then he stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, turned the car around on the spot, and ran towards the police station... in the opposite direction!

What? Return cultural relics? He and his companions earned cultural relics based on their skills! Why should you let him return it? Do you think his efforts were in vain?

Amidst the cheers, the old driver quickly disappeared at the end of the road.

On the other side, Qin Ming, who climbed up to the fourth floor through the window again, also controlled Bai Yan to take off his crime uniform and water gun, and cleaned up all the tools of the crime.

After finding another set of clothes and changing into them, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting on the sofa and thinking about it, he confirmed that there was no problem in any link and that no one had seen his true appearance. He forcefully took out the cotton stuffed into his mouth and his voice finally returned to normal.

Then he rubbed his face and took out the prize from his arms, the golden seal of the Han-Japanese slave king!

He held the gold seal in one hand and the space certification certificate, a special consumable in the other.

Qin Ming, with a determined look in his eyes, merged the two without hesitation.

The next second, with a flash of light, a piece of special equipment that may be unique in the entire space appeared in Qin Ming's hands.

Name: The Golden Seal of the Han-Japanese Nu King (Real World)

Category: Special equipment (dark golden quality)

Effect: Anyone who holds this prop will start with a special identity with certain rights every time he enters the mission world.

Introduction: I am the king of the Japanese slaves of the Han Dynasty! What? never heard of that? Did Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty ever hear of it? I'm his little brother! The kind of person who is personally sealed! This is the proof!

Playing with the golden seal in his hand, Qin Ming looked stunned.

To be honest, the grade of this gold seal did not exceed his expectations. After all, it was a cultural relic, so the gold quality was normal.

But the special effects of this equipment far exceeded Qin Ming's expectations.

It does not enhance attributes or increase combat power, but it can actually improve Qin Ming's initial status.

Tsk! I knew this thing had such a special effect! He went to grab other higher-grade seals! Wouldn't the effect be more powerful?

If you can get the legendary jade seal from the country! Then I'm afraid he will either appear or be the protagonist!

Qin Ming wiped the gold seal hard, put it away casually, and immediately booked a return ticket.

For safety reasons, he prepared to evacuate the scene of the crime quickly

Although Qin Ming himself felt that this operation was quite seamless, who knows if there would be any clues that could be found by others.

So if you can run, you have to run. He still doesn't believe that the other party can chase him to his house and catch him.

It's just that the old driver suffered a lot. I don't know what will happen to him after being caught because he took the blame for himself and was forced to become a member of the robbers.

He is so old, so he shouldn't be imprisoned. After all, if he is really imprisoned, it will not be a punishment for him. Wouldn't it be equivalent to providing him with old age care?

Qin Ming quickly booked his tickets and got on the plane early the next morning.

Sitting in his seat, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then after happily looking around, the smile on his face suddenly froze. He hurriedly sat up straight and looked forward with a stiff expression.

Because opposite to him on the left, a familiar old man was sitting there...

The old driver who buried all the cultural relics after returning home, now doesn't want the car or the home, and has booked a flight abroad. He is now sitting on the same plane with Qin Ming, preparing to run away!

The old driver who fled for fear of crime had a very stiff expression at this moment, and Qin Ming, who noticed him, also had a stiff expression.

The two guys just looked ahead without saying a word and quickly returned to China.

Then they got on the same bus again...

A few hours later, the two people who were very destined to be together finally ran out of fate and completely separated during a transfer.

Qin Ming, who returned to his temporary residence, suddenly let out a long breath and sat on the sofa, feeling weak all over.

On the way back just now, Qin Ming was really afraid that the old man would continue to follow him, or even follow him home directly!

Fortunately, he didn't follow him in the end, otherwise Qin Ming would have to consider how to deal with the corpse in the real world.

After taking out the golden seal and looking at it again, Qin Ming, who finally relaxed completely after returning to his old nest, immediately entered the nightmare space and prepared to share his joy with Kasamoto Eri and Sun Ji.

From now on! He is also a person of status!

In a blink of an eye, the halftime break is over and a new round of tasks is about to begin.

Qin Ming, fully armed, with a revolver on his waist and a newly acquired bulletproof suit on his body, stood in the room and waited quietly.

In his other hand, he was still playing with the newly acquired special equipment: the golden seal.

As the time came to twelve o'clock, Qin Ming's body radiated brilliance, but in a blink of an eye, he had disappeared and entered the mission world again.

And this time the world is called...

This world is: Dinosaur Fight

Mission difficulty: C level

Number of people entering: 5

Main task: Kill a boss-level figure of a poacher organization.

Task completion reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points.

Task failure penalty: 1000 points.

Optional task: Enter the fourth level in advance.

Mission completion reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points.

Mission failure penalty: None

World introduction: With the destruction of the vanguard of the poaching organization, the war between Hannah, Jack and others and the poaching organization has just begun...

(Hint 1: This world is in peace mode)

(Hint 2: The maximum stay time for this mission is thirty days)

As he opened his eyes, Qin Ming had come to a very familiar world.

Looking at the modern buildings around him, he couldn't help but sigh, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

The Dino Fighting World, his novice mission world, is also where he got his first pot of gold.

The pistol that exploded from the first boss he hunted, Weiss-Thun, is still hanging on his waist, and it is one of his main equipment.

I never thought that after going around in circles, I came back again.

Qin Ming, who sniffed hard and sighed about his life, pushed the door open and strode out.

And while moving forward, he also looked down to check his current situation.

The effect of the special equipment gold seal has taken effect. This time he is no longer an ordinary person, but has a certain status.

His appearance this time is still the protagonist camp because of the title ability.

And he has completely joined the nature conservation organization and became a middle-level cadre. He can be regarded as a colleague of Hannah, an old friend.

Of course, in terms of status, he can't compare with Hannah, a professional diplomat.

And this time, the title mission was opened when he entered, and there are still three.

Title Mission 1: The Best Way to Protect Dinosaurs (Hunting 25 Elite Poachers)

Completion Reward Green Title: Activist (Ignoring 10 points of humanoid defense)

Title Mission 2: Super Friendship (Reach 600 points of favorability with a dinosaur)

Completion Reward Green Title: Dinosaur Knight (Can turn this dinosaur into a pet and take it out of the mission world)

Title Mission 3: Release Master (Do not kill any creatures in this mission)

Completion Reward Blue Title: Pacifism (The target reduces the damage to itself by 50% without causing any damage to the target)

Looking at the three title missions this time, Qin Ming's expression became very strange.

Since he was promoted to an intermediate adventurer, he found that there are very few title missions that directly increase basic attributes, and instead have become various strange special effects.

This time, the three titles are no exception, and the effects are more strange than one another.

Specially for humans, there is a super friendly cross-species love with dinosaurs, and there is also a main character who does not fight back or scold.

If you say the effect is weak, the effects of these three titles are not bad, at least they are much more useful than the attribute-adding titles in the low-level area.

But if you say it is strong...

Looking at the second title task, Qin Ming scratched his head subconsciously, and a special picture of a dinosaur lady appearing on his future bed subconsciously emerged in his mind, and he couldn't help but shudder all over.

It's true that he fantasized about being a dragon knight when he was a child, but not in this way!

If this task is really completed, I'm afraid that Xu Xian will come and shout "awesome" when he sees him!

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