Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 326 Goodbye Protagonists

The door creaked open, and because of the effect of the golden seal, Qin Ming, who had descended directly into the branch of the nature conservation organization, entered the command hall directly.

He looked at the countless dinosaur surveillance images on the surveillance camera in front of him, and then looked at the countless staff members who were busy.

Qin Ming strode to one of them and patted his chair hard.

"Please contact diplomat Hannah for me."

Hearing this, the man who was concentrating on operating the computer hurriedly looked up at Qin Ming.

"Yes! Captain Hyena!"

He turned around and started to dial the phone. After some operations, the man's eyebrows suddenly frowned.

"Captain Hyena, no one answered. I contacted the nearby members. They said that diplomat Hannah has gone out with her people. They said that the motorcycle gang has been dispatched again and is hunting dinosaurs everywhere. Diplomat Hannah is leading people to hunt them."

"Motorcycle gang?"

Qin Ming's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he quickly realized that the third level of the plot had begun. He turned around and walked out without hesitation on the spot.

"Tell me the specific address! I'll go check it out!"

"Yes! According to the information sent back by local colleagues, they should be near Monument Valley now!"

"Got it!"

As he spoke, Qin Ming had already walked out of the door and suddenly took out a gong and hit it hard.

With a crisp sound, the sound of horse hooves sounded next to him, and a black warhorse quickly ran over from one side.

Qin Ming, who had climbed onto the horse, shook the stiff reins fiercely, and controlled the warhorse to gallop away.

Although the name of the Nature Conservation Organization sounds like a civilian organization, it is actually a regular large military organization.

You can think of it as the National Guard of various towns, which is used to protect the safety of the city.

Their combat effectiveness may not be as good as those of poachers, but their intelligence collection ability is definitely not bad.

Otherwise, without the backstage to provide supplies and intelligence, how could Hannah and the others fight against such a behemoth as the poacher organization and not lose at all?

Now that Qin Ming has become one of them, he quickly relied on the help of the organization to lock the location of the four protagonists on the spot.

As the warhorse galloped, Qin Ming, who had completely accelerated, continued to gallop in the wilderness.

While he was rushing on the road at a high intensity, he frowned and thought about one thing, which was the doubts he had in his heart since he entered this world.

There were still five adventurers entering this time, that is, there were four besides him.

And this time the mission world continued the plot development when he left before, so the question was, is it his plot that continued? Or the plot of the other four people?

If something special happened in the middle, such as who attacked Hannah, or who killed other bosses in advance, or killed the protagonist.

Then would the plot change? The experiences of the five people were different, whose experience should be followed?

Qin Ming, with his eyebrows frowned, became more and more confused the more he thought about it. After all, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing as re-entering the previous mission world and continuing the unfinished adventure.

Therefore, he was a little unsure about the current situation, which was why he was so anxious to find the protagonist group.

As long as we find them and confirm their previous experiences from them, everything will be clear.

After running for two hours, relying on the dim gold-level warhorse, Qin Ming finally arrived at his destination before dark.

And the moment he rushed into the Grand Canyon, he saw the figures of several old friends.

Hannah's four-member team! They are fighting with people in front!

To be precise! They are driving cars to hit people!

Four specially modified Cadillac cars roared and rushed on the broken road. All obstacles encountered on the road, or poachers, will be ruthlessly knocked away by the cars.

Next to the four Cadillac cars, there are a large number of motorcycle gang members riding motorcycles, who are constantly throwing various objects at the cars.

Homemade Molotov cocktails, stones, flying axes, daggers, some are even throwing grenades or shooting.

Various things kept hitting the car, and the surface of the car was sparked, but it was completely unable to stop the speed.

The four Hannahs drove the car, bumping left and right, making the car feel like a bumper car, artificially creating various car accident scenes.

As the saying goes, cars are made of iron and motorcycles are made of iron. If you dare to chase a car with a motorcycle, you are really risking your life.

Facing the four cars running wild, the bikers who were constantly hit began to perform acrobatics in the air for a while.

Their bodies twisted into various shapes in the air, and they were thrown out by the overturned motorcycles one after another. They screamed and kept hitting various obstacles. The muffled sound made people feel numb.

Qin Ming, who saw this scene from a distance, had a flash of eyes, and quickly raised his gun to summon Kasamoto Eri. While waving his hand to signal her to control the warhorse, he pulled up the energy machine gun on the warhorse and began to shoot wildly at the crowd.

The harsh gunshots were connected, and the bikers who were suddenly attacked were thrown off their horses for a while.

With the help of Kasamoto Eri, Qin Ming, who was riding a horse and catching up, soon rode side by side with the four cars.

The four protagonists quickly noticed the movement here, and their faces changed at the same time after seeing Qin Ming.

Only Hannah and the others showed joy on their faces, but Jack in white had a dark face.

"Qin Ming?!"

"Long time no see! Dayang... Beautiful Hannah! Miss me!"

Hearing the exclamations of several people, Qin Ming grinned at them, then released his firearm and suddenly flew to the side.

His body was smashed onto a motorcycle on the spot, and he sat on the back uninvited.

Looking at the speedster in the car, he turned to look at himself with a horrified expression. He grabbed the other person's neck without politeness and threw him away with all his strength.

"Sorry! Carjacking!"


Amidst William's screams, the speedster rolled and fell to the ground. He rolled for more than ten times in a row before stopping.

Qin Ming, who easily solved the target, tightened the accelerator and controlled the motorcycle to accelerate forward with a whoosh.

He was so fast that he reached the limit of speed and couldn't help but cheer loudly.

When passing by a speedster, he raised his leg and kicked the opponent unceremoniously, and kicked him and the car away together.

With sparks flying, the motorcycle rolled and fell to the ground and exploded on the spot.

Qin Ming, who jumped over him, was riding a motorcycle and continued to rush towards the second person quickly.

The second speeding party! kick!

The third speeding party! Keep kicking!

The fourth speeding party! Then... this kick couldn't be done, because the opponent who had noticed the situation here chose to strike first. Before Qin Ming could raise his legs to kick him, he had already taken the lead in swinging the iron rod and aimed it at the approaching man. Qin Ming's head was pounding.

The iron rod kept hitting Qin Ming's head. In front of his new skill Steel Body, which had been upgraded to S level, he was unable to break through the defense and made a dull sound.

Qin Ming, who was hit several times in a row, reacted and waved his hands to fight with the opponent. In the end, seeing that he couldn't take away the opponent's weapon, he suddenly jumped off the motorcycle!

Then, with everyone around looking as if they had seen a ghost, Qin Ming grabbed the handlebars with both hands and ran desperately with the motorcycle. In the next second, Qin Ming suddenly raised the motorcycle high!

Then, while running with the help of inertia, he picked up the motorcycle and hit the speedster who hit him on the head with an iron rod just now!

With a loud bang, the members of the speeding gang who were thrown out on the spot turned into sparks along with their cars.

Qin Ming, whose speed began to drop sharply due to the loss of his mount, was quickly overtaken by the crowd behind him.

Turning around to see a car approaching at high speed from behind, Qin Ming, who was worried that there was no vehicle available, looked happy. He braked and stopped running on the spot. The moment he passed the car, he grabbed the car door.

Then it’s time to get in the car! Kick it out! Kick the driver away on the spot! Complete the car-stealing operation to occupy the magpie's nest! A set of movements can be said to be smooth and flowing! Done in one go! Handsome yuppie!

The only fly in the ointment is that the person he snatched away the car and kicked out was not some speedster, but Jack in White, one of the four protagonists...


Looking at Jack who suddenly smashed the car door, rolled and fell on the road, and was even trampled by Kasamoto Miles' control of the horse, the other three protagonists were stunned for a moment, and Hannah quickly slowed down to save people.

Ahead, Qin Ming, who saw through the rear mirror that Jack was being helped up and that he was not dead, couldn't help but clicked his tongue with a look of displeasure on his face.

He is really tough! It's all okay! If I had known, I would have thrown him in front of the car!

Qin Ming suddenly turned the steering wheel and hit a motorcycle next to him. He sandwiched the speedster between the rock walls and forcibly turned him into meat buns. Seeing that his revenge failed, Qin Ming had no choice but to kill him again. Take it out on the poachers.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that everyone in the speeding party was completely eliminated that the car finally stopped.

As soon as the car came to a stop, Jack, who was covered in injuries, kicked the door open and walked towards Qin Ming menacingly.

He pulled open the car door forcefully, and at the same time grabbed Qin Ming's collar who was sitting in the car.

Jack, with a fierce expression, said nothing and raised his fist to fight.

"What the hell! You!"

Halfway through his words, Jack's voice suddenly stopped.

Looking at Qin Ming, who had slowly stood up from the car and was covered by the shadow, Jack's eyes widened suddenly and his mouth gradually opened.

He looked at Qin Ming's terrifying physique of two meters and three meters, and the ridiculously bulging muscles all over his body due to severe congestion.

Because he was pulling on Qin Ming's collar, he was pulled up by Qin Ming. Jack, whose legs were dangling in the air, now looked confused.

Something's wrong with this! This guy in front of me! He didn't remember this kind of body shape!

Isn't he still taller than himself? Why did his body grow so big in just the blink of an eye? !

At this moment, not only Jack was stunned, but the other three protagonists who got out of the car and tried to break up the fight were also stunned.

Qin Ming slowly lowered his head, looking down at Jack, his enemy, and suddenly raised his hand and pulled his head hard.

"What's the matter? You want to fight, you!"

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