Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 327: Kasamoto Eri's Chat Tips

As the saying goes, thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river. Don’t bully the young, middle-aged, and old to be poor.

The once fragile newcomer who had just entered the nightmare space and could only survive with a pistol had already become a different person when we met again.

Terrifying attributes, strong body, and the power of up to two S-level skills.

This makes Qin Ming, who was once like a minion in front of the protagonist, now have the ability to crush the protagonist head-on. He is no longer the little Karami who allowed others to bully him but did not dare to come back with revenge.

Jack in white, who almost didn't fly out after being photographed, stumbled to his feet and looked up at Qin Ming in disbelief.

If Qin Ming's appearance hadn't changed much and his attitude was still so bad, he almost thought he had admitted the wrong person!

What the hell is this brute force!

"Qin Ming? How did you become so tall?"

At this moment, the other three protagonists on the side finally ran over, and Hannah couldn't help but ask as soon as she got close.

Qin Ming turned his head quickly when he heard the voice, and his eyes suddenly lit up after seeing Hannah's attributes.

Because at this moment Hannah's favorability level for him is showing at 650 points!

It is clear! The effect of this title mission! The chosen target is the heroine in front of me!

"Practice for fitness."


"Oops! Protein powder and nutritional solution for weight-increasing surgery! Don't care about these small details! What's going on with you?"

As Qin Ming changed the topic, Hannah and others' expressions immediately became serious.

"We are chasing the leader of the hunting organization's speedster gang! This guy leads people everywhere to hunt small dinosaurs! And he steals dinosaur babies! This has caused dinosaurs to riot in several cities!"

Taking out the map from her arms, Hannah looked grim.

"His motorcycle troops have appeared in these locations. As for where he is now, we don't know exactly. Qin Ming, you came just in time. We are about to disperse to find him. You can help just in time. Oh, by the way, I also invited a few other friends to come over and help.”

"other friends?"

"That's right, Feilong, Monkey and Tank. You know Tank. We have worked together to defeat the Bloody Butcher before. Have you forgotten?"

Looking at the group of four who looked up in confusion, Qin Ming's eyes couldn't help but twinkle slightly.

tank? He didn't remember encountering such a being during his previous adventures.

It seems that after the adventurer re-enters the mission world, the plot of world succession is extremely special...

He quickly got into Hannah's car, while not forgetting to pull Jack out and drive him to other cars.

Facing Qin Ming, who had greatly changed his form and was extremely powerful, Jack found that he was no match for him in wrestling. He was so angry that he dared not speak.

The most important thing is that Hannah didn't refuse Qin Ming to get in the car, and he couldn't say anything.

Qin Ming, who ignored Jack's disgusted face, quickly asked Hannah about the previous information in the car.

After some inquiries, the current situation was quickly confirmed.

The adventurer plot inheritance mechanism is really special. It actually mixes the previous events of the adventurers who entered for the second time with each other.

The adventurer codenamed Monkey, Hannah said he once saved Jack's life.

The guy named Feilong also helped a lot when dealing with the first level boss, Wes Terhune.

The most outrageous thing is that tank. In the memories of Hannah and others, not only did he rush into the second level and confront the bloody butcher head-on, the most important thing is that he is also the boyfriend of the black uncle Mustafa!

That’s right! This guy completed the title mission! Successfully conquered Mustafa the Yellow Hat!

The most important thing is that from Hannah's mouth, Qin Ming also heard information about the last adventurer, a man codenamed Wild Wolf.

The guy actually severely injured her and Jack, and almost killed them both. The two of them struggled to save themselves for a while before they were able to rescue them.

Looking at Hannah, whose expression turned very hostile after mentioning the other party, Qin Ming's eyes gradually became weird.

He suspected that they were not nearly killed, but had already been killed. However, as multiple adventurers entered the same space, the two of them were forcibly resurrected.

Good guy! He actually killed two protagonists when he was a novice! The opponent was so cruel! Whose general is this?

Compared with Qin Ming's many problems, Hannah, who was concentrating on driving, actually had many problems.

And her first question was not about Qin Ming's huge change in body shape, but...

"Qin Ming, who is that woman?"

"Ah? Miles Kasamoto, my girlfriend."


After slamming on the brakes, Hannah looked at Qin Ming with wide eyes, a look of shock on her face.

"Your girlfriend?!"


"Why do you have a girlfriend?"

"Why can't I have a girlfriend? I don't lack arms and legs!"

"get off!"


"Get out of the car! You are not welcome in my car! Go ride your girlfriend's horse!"

Qin Ming, who was forced out of the car as Hannah pushed hard, looked confused.

Watching Hannah driving away quickly as she stepped on the accelerator, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Miles Kasamoto.

This made Mile Kasamoto, who was riding a horse and holding the reins, grinning evilly.

"Oh ho, someone is jealous, come on boss, others don't want you and I want it, come up quickly."

Raising his hand and patting the horse's butt hard, Kasamoto Miles laughed very badly at this moment.

Seeing Qin Ming reluctantly getting on the horse, she spoke while controlling the horse in front.

"Too high a favorable impression is not always a good thing, you see, he turned against her at once, don't worry, leave this matter to me, I'm an expert in this area!"

Looking at the smug Kasamoto Eri, Qin Ming couldn't help but pout.

The other party is not an expert, at least compared to him, he is much more professional.

Based on Qin Ming's current body shape, any woman who doesn't have any special hobbies will not be able to have a good impression of him.

In front of him! Everyone is an expert in picking up girls!

As the convoy returned to the base, the four protagonists began to organize their equipment.

After a while, the door opened, and several adventurers who came here by their own means made a brilliant appearance.

Feilong, a thin and tall man with sharp eyes, kept playing with a flying knife in his hand.

Monkey, it turned out to be a woman, wearing a leather armor.

The last one was Tank, a two-meter-tall man who looked very burly. The most important thing was that he was wearing an equipment that Qin Ming was very familiar with, which was the bloody butcher's little red vest.

The five adventurers, except for the one who had a grudge against the protagonist group, quickly gathered together.

They looked at each other, and no one greeted each other. After all, they were competitors this time.

The task required killing a boss in a hunting organization, but there were only a few bosses in total. If you were quick, you would lose. You had to race against time.

Before completing the main task, everyone was a potential enemy.

The four protagonists and four adventurers could act one by one and go to four areas.

Jack's partner was Monkey, a good friend who had saved his life.

Mustafa's partner, needless to say, was naturally his boyfriend Tank.

The last flying dragon was paired with the big guy Mais.

As for Qin Ming's side...

On the road, the sound of the engine sounded, and a Cadillac car drove from a distance at high speed.

The people sitting in the car were Hannah... um, and Kasamoto Eri.

The two of them were chatting happily at the moment, very happy, talking and laughing all the way.

Behind the car was a war horse, and Qin Ming was sitting on it alone, looking at this side with a stern face and expressionless face.

He couldn't understand why things turned out like this. Logically speaking, Hannah's favorability had reached 650, which had reached the standard of passionate love, so she shouldn't be very easy to talk to him?

Why was it not him who got in the car, but Kasamoto Eri?

And it's not just Hannah, whether it's Sun Ji in the Three Kingdoms War Chronicle world or the female characters in other worlds, every one of them is very good to Kasamoto Eri, and they are more enthusiastic when facing her than when facing themselves.

What? Is his title fake? Or can Kasamoto Eri share the effect of his title?

Qin Ming, who was driven to ride on the horse, is now confused.

And Kasamoto Eri, who was chatting with Hannah in front and quickly gained her favor, was like a fish in water.

The reason why she can get along so well is actually very simple, because she has grasped the traffic password.

That is to discredit Qin Ming, the boss!

A high favorability does not mean that there will be no conflicts. On the contrary, the higher the favorability, the easier it is to have conflicts!

At this time, if there is a person who can talk very well and can scold Qin Ming together, then you can quickly get familiar with each other!

This is called an internal circle! It is called having a common language!

Of course, Kasamoto Eri dare not tell Qin Ming about this, because she knows the other person's character too well.

If the other party knows that she secretly scolds him behind his back in order to please others, he will be a ghost to let her off easily!

Guess why those female characters like to go against Qin Ming one by one even though the favorability is so high? There are reasons for this!

In Qin Ming's brain circuit, if he does something wrong, then everyone has to talk about reason.

As for if he does nothing wrong? Then what reason should I talk to you about!

Everyone around him counts! All have been poisoned by him! Especially the follower Kasamoto Eri! The two of them quarreled three times a day! That was because both of them were in a good mood today! Or maybe Kasamoto Eri ran fast enough!

Qin Ming, who entered the dinosaur world, was no exception this time. With just three sentences, he successfully annoyed Hannah, who had already exceeded the standard of favorability towards him. It must be said that this is also a skill.

With a car and a horse patrolling along the right road, they strolled for a whole day and night, and even took time to have a barbecue in the wild at night. At noon on the second day, they finally found the traces of the speeding gang.

Looking at the huge number of speeding gangs rushing forward in the distance, and the trucks protected by them in the middle, which were full of small dinosaurs and dinosaur cubs.

Hannah, whose eyes lit up, stepped on the accelerator without hesitation and rushed up.

Kasamoto Eri, who was sitting in the co-pilot, quickly took out his machine gun and mounted it on the window, ready to shoot.

The two people who had a lot in common had become very close after a day and a night of getting along. This was good news.

The bad news was that, for some reason, Kasamoto Eri, who had helped Qin Ming to regain his relationship, had gotten along well with him, but Hannah's attitude towards Qin Ming became worse, which made Qin Ming very puzzled.

Looking at the two people who had already rushed forward, Qin Ming threw the reins in his hand vigorously and rushed out without hesitation.

And while charging, the two weapons on the warhorse under his crotch started to fire wildly.

In an instant, the powerful firepower swept over, hitting the defenseless biker gang members in front and screaming.

At this moment! The bikers are not thugs! Qin Ming and his three people are!

After all, the opponent is at most fighting with rifles and submachine guns! Qin Ming has already directly used artillery and grenades!

Compared with the opponent! Qin Ming and his men are more like a group of reckless desperadoes!

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