Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 351 Melee

The sudden situation here made everyone look confused.

After all, the originally planned assisting plot character King was in a five-on-one situation. How come someone ran away before the fight even started? This is different from what was expected! Could it be that he knew the other party?

The three adventurers who were ready to take action were very confused, and Qin Ming, who was suddenly attacked, was also confused. Only the big man who broke the window and ran away on the spot was not confused at all, and ran so decisively.

What? Five against one? The advantage is theirs?

Advantage is bullshit! Two S-level skills! Two A-level skills! And a terrifying A-level bloodline!

Let alone four people! Even if you say forty people come, they can't beat them! If you don't run, are you waiting to die!

The reason why he didn't run just now was not because he didn't want to run, but because he was scared and didn't dare to move!

Now he finally found an opportunity! Finally, there is a bird that is willing to stand up and help him attract firepower! How could he not run!

The big man's name is Tianmu, and he is an adventurer with good strength. The most important thing is that his talent skill is very special.

And the reason why he chose to escape without looking back this time is precisely because of this talent skill.

[Talent skill: Tianmu]

[Effect: Can see through all the detailed attributes of any existence, including adventurers]

[Introduction: Hehe! You are like naked in front of me... Why are you hitting me! I am not a hooligan! I am just an adjective! ]

Tianmu's talent is very special. He has awakened this ability and his personality is also very unique.

His action plan can be summed up in one sentence, that is, hugging thighs!

He can always find strong people and naturally become the thigh pendant of the other party. In addition, he has good reconnaissance ability and long-range auxiliary ability. The most important thing is that he knows what to take and what not to take, which led to his previous success.

And what he hates most is the killing mode, because this mode is simply a natural counter to his style of play, but he just hates it, but he is not afraid of it.

After all, he could see clearly at a glance who was stronger and who was weaker, whether he could beat the other party, and what treasures and trump cards the other party had in their pockets. When he found an adventurer he couldn't beat, he had already fled before the other party found him.

Tianmu had done this many times before, and was familiar with the behavior of quickly executing a strategic retreat when encountering a strong man.

The reason why he was so panicked and nervous this time was purely because of fear.

S-level skills! The legendary S-level skills! Not to mention in the mission world! Even in the intermediate trading area! Tianmu had only seen it twice in others!

And an outrageous monster with two S-level skills on his body at once! He didn't even say he had seen it! He had never even heard of it!

Tianmu admitted that he was scared, scared to death.

He was afraid that the other party would target him, and he was even more afraid that the other party would know that he had seen through all his attributes.

At that time, he would really die without a burial place!

And those skills are secondary! The most important thing is the other party's innate skill!

You can fuse items to upgrade! What kind of talent is that? !

Run! You must run! Run before he finds out!

Tianmu, who broke through the window, rolled and crawled into the distance and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Only the confused people were left there, and they retracted their doubtful eyes after a long time.

The other three adventurers didn't know what kind of visual impact and psychological pressure Qin Ming's attribute panel brought to Tianmu.

The three people who didn't understand why this guy suddenly ran just looked at each other, then shrugged slightly, and once again raised their weapons towards Qin Ming.

The big man holding the double axes opened his mouth and roared.

"King! Don't be afraid! We will help you kill him!"

Hearing this, King and Qin Ming retracted their eyes.

The two who were still entangled and kept pressing on the bar suddenly looked at each other.

"Uh, are these your friends?"

"No, your helpers?"

"I don't know them either."

"Then where did they come from?"

During the conversation, King took the initiative to loosen her legs, and Qin Ming also released her arms that were locked on the spot.

In the dull eyes of the three aggressive adventurers next to them, the two who had just fought to the death, as the three people intervened in the fight, unexpectedly stopped fighting!

Obviously, these three adventurers were not familiar with the personalities of the fighters in the King of Fighters world, and they didn't understand how much they respected fighting.

If the three people didn't intervene, Qin Ming and King, who were already really angry, would probably fight until one of them lay down.

But as someone else intervened in the fight, King and Qin Ming chose to stop very tacitly.

After all, with someone intervening, the victory or defeat of this fight has no meaning.

What's the point of winning if you win unfairly.

Qin Ming took two steps back, rubbed his neck hard, and grinned.

King sat on the bar counter in ragged clothes, gently moving his bruised arms with frowned eyebrows.

The sudden stop of the two made the three adventurers who had already drawn their weapons look extremely embarrassed.

They looked at each other, their expressions were tangled, they didn't know whether to go up or not, they were in a dilemma for a while.

Why did they suddenly stop fighting? If they suddenly stopped fighting, it would make them look very embarrassed!

The bar became silent. After the two sides stared at each other silently for a few seconds, one of the adventurers suddenly gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"This guy must be seriously injured! Don't give him a chance to recover! Go together! Kill him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew up without hesitation.

Seeing this, the other two looked at each other and chose to follow without hesitation.

A plot character who had been beaten and a powerful adventurer who had fought with the plot character for a long time and was definitely seriously injured.

This good opportunity of fighting between the snipe and the clam must not be missed!

Adventurers are all opportunists, to put it bluntly, they are cunning + gamblers. As long as they seize the opportunity and they think the time is right, they will choose to go all in without hesitation.

And this time! It is no exception!

The first person flew up and forcibly entangled Qin Ming, the second person swung his two axes and went straight to Qin Ming's head, and the third person held a sniper rifle and shot accurately from a distance.

Their goal is very clear, which is to kill Qin Ming.

As for King? If they were still in good condition after getting rid of Qin Ming, they would not mind getting rid of King as well to complete the main task.

The three of them attacked quickly and fiercely, and their moves were clever, but the combined attack of the three of them hit Qin Ming, but it was just that sparks flew everywhere, and it was completely unable to break the defense.

What was even more terrible was that as the fight suddenly started here, just when the long-range sniper gritted his teeth and took out a few special bullets, ready to carry out a blasting sniper, a chair suddenly flew towards him, hitting his gun barrel tilted, and he could no longer lock the target.

King, who was sitting at the bar, raised his leg and kicked the chair to the sniper, and at the same time jumped out and kicked the sniper in the chest, and at the same time, he kicked with one leg.

Don’t think that this kind of continuous kick is useless when hitting Qin Ming, it’s mainly because Qin Ming’s defense is too terrifying, and he doesn’t take this kind of fast attack at all, but it doesn’t mean that this kind of attack is not strong.

Now, other adventurers would be completely different when facing this kind of attack.

The sniper who was suddenly approached was kicked back continuously for a while, and he couldn't even stand steadily, let alone counterattack.

The violent offensive made him exhausted and there was nowhere to escape.

Especially the last burst move: Fantasy Dance, which kicked him more than 20 times in a row, and ended with a kick.

The sniper who was hit in the chest was like a cannonball and flew backwards, his body was completely embedded in the cabinet, and he was completely motionless.

In the case of losing the initiative in close combat, the sniper was actually killed by a combo!

No! It's not right to say that he was killed! At most, he can only be regarded as losing his combat effectiveness!

The sniper lying in the ruins struggled to look up, watching King rushing towards him, and suddenly activated his talent skill.

The next second, with his body twisted strangely, he disappeared in the bar on the spot. When he appeared again, he had come to a room in the opposite high-rise building, just at the window, facing this side.

[Talent Skill: Sniper Tactics]

[Effect: Teleport to the position locked by the eyes, can be activated three times a day]

[Introduction: Occupying the commanding heights is a compulsory course for snipers, but how to move as soon as the enemy discovers the position is also indispensable knowledge]

The sniper who instantly moved to the opposite floor took a deep breath.

Without time to pay attention to the severe pain in his body, he suddenly pointed his gun at the bar below, without even aiming, and fired a shot without hesitation.

Blind sniper!


Amid the loud noise, King, who was originally stunned by the sudden disappearance of the enemy, suddenly shrank his pupils and his head almost instinctively turned to the side.

The next second, her temple hair exploded, and a high-speed rotating bullet flashed past her head and instantly hit the wall in front, leaving a bullet mark on the top.

Relying on his combat instinct, King dodged the sniper at the critical moment and ran to the side without even looking back.

She ran! The sniper sniped! With the sniper rifle shaking continuously! One bullet after another was fired at the bar!

The bullets made the drinks explode, the walls shook, and King was bitten to death.

Even if King hid behind the bunker, he could use special bullets to shoot directly through the wall, break the wall blindly, and force King out from behind the bunker.

In just a blink of an eye, the offense and defense of both sides had reversed. King, who had an absolute advantage in close combat, became a pure prey at this moment, with no ability to fight back. He could only flee desperately to avoid being chased.

If it was a period of complete victory, relying on King's skills and speed, she would not be unable to fight with her opponent.

It's just that the previous high-intensity battle, especially the legs were paid special attention to, which affected the speed, which greatly reduced King's skills.

After dodging more than 20 sniper shots, King was finally cornered by the sniper.

With a bang, King, who had nowhere to escape, had a line of blood spurting out of her shoulder, and she groaned in pain.

She instinctively reached out to cover her arm, gritting her teeth.

The adventurer who hit the target with one shot and was an ace sniper in reality, moved the muzzle of the gun without hesitation and pulled the trigger again!


Amid the gushing flames, a bullet was fired at high speed, spinning in front of King who quickly turned sideways and took a parrying posture, trying to minimize the damage.

The next second...


A sharp collision sounded, sparks flew, and the bullet hit the object at high speed, but was forcibly bounced off the next second.

Seeing this scene, the sniper who was holding the sniper rifle had his eyes wide open, and dropped the weapon in his hand with an unbelievable look on his face.

And below, in the bar he was aiming at, in front of King, Qin Ming, who had come up at some point, raised his hand and directly crossed King's chest.

The sniper bullet hit the dim gold-level arm guard on his arm and was forcibly bounced off!

The arm guard with 50 points of additional defense, with the blessing of Qin Ming's S-level skill, has nearly 100 points of damage immunity!

Forget about sniper bullets! Even if you hit it with a shell! It can't be hit!

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