Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 352 King's Misunderstanding

The sniper stared at the enemy who had forcibly deflected his bullet with wide eyes, and his face was full of disbelief.

He could understand that ordinary bullets would be deflected before, after all, some guys with terrible defense had extraordinary resistance to blows.

But now he has already used special armor-piercing bullets! Why can the opponent still block it? This bullet can ignore defense!

The sniper, who didn't believe in evil, once again raised his sniper rifle and began to shoot wildly at Qin Ming below.

Qin Ming, who was standing in front of King, kept waving his right arm, accompanied by a loud clanging sound, sparks flying, and several bullets were accurately intercepted by his arm guard!

Until a click, the bullets in the gun were completely used up, and the sniper finally stopped sniping.

Looking at Qin Ming below with shocked eyes, the sniper suddenly realized something and suddenly turned his head to look to the other side.

But he found that the two adventurers who had been acting with him were now lying on the ground motionless.


Looking at the body of his companion, the sniper took a deep breath, frowned and lowered his rifle.

After disassembling it skillfully, he looked up at the sky without saying a word. The next second, he disappeared from the spot. When he appeared again, he was already a thousand meters high.

With his limbs spread out and his gliding wings opened, he turned into a flying bird and disappeared over the city in a blink of an eye.

The enemy is too strong! Sniper failed! Retreat!

In the bar, Qin Ming looked around vigilantly at the sudden disappearance of the enemy.

After finding no trace of the enemy, he slowly lowered his right arm.

As for his dominant left hand? From beginning to end, his left hand has been hanging beside him, without even moving.

This is not because he doesn't want to move, but because this hand can't move. This hand has been temporarily useless!

It was disabled by someone's talent skill!

[Talented Skill: Challenge of a Layman]

[Effect: Lock one of the target's limbs, making it incapable of action within five minutes. In one mission world, it can only be launched once against one target]

[Introduction: You can fight, right? Then you have the guts to let me have one hand! ]

With a stern face, Qin Ming lowered his head, looking at the arm that was hanging limply beside him and didn't obey his command at all, and thought about the sniper who suddenly disappeared just now. He suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"What kind of talent is this!"

Before they met and didn't fight, he first destroyed an arm or a thigh. You can imagine how shameless this ability is.

If the opponent still couldn't beat Qin Ming in a two-on-one fight after giving up one hand, Qin Ming would really be in trouble this time.

Turning around and looking at King, Qin Ming suddenly raised his eyebrows at the woman who was already scarred.

"How is it? Still alive?"

King rolled his eyes when he heard this, and grinned while covering his bleeding wound.

"If you don't know how to speak, you don't have to."

Looking up at the messy bar around him, King looked miserable.

"Who did I offend again?"

…………More than ten minutes later, in the ruins of the bar, King, who had changed his clothes and treated his injuries, walked out of the room while tidying up his short hair.

Before he came out, his voice had already spread to the hall.

"The loss of the bar is all your fault, after all, it was you who caused it."

Qin Ming, who was busy, twitched his mouth when he heard this.

"It was you who started it first!"

"I was moving my hand for Wu. Who told you to cheat her and then run away?"

"I've said it several times! I didn't cheat her! There was no such thing as cheating! No! Do you believe what Mai Shiranui said? She's a ninja who specializes in cheating!"

"I don't believe everything Wu said, but there's another Blue Marie next to her. They both said so, so I can't help but believe it."

"That unreliable private detective? She's not as good as Mai Shiranui!"

"No matter what, you have to pay for the loss, and today's fight doesn't count! Let's have another good fight after I recover!"

King, who had transformed into a beautiful woman in men's clothing, pulled his collar hard and walked out of the room in a heroic manner. He straightened his collar and spoke with a stern face. At the same time, he punched several times in the air to stretch his muscles.

"Just now I just suffered from the lack of intelligence. Now I have figured out your fighting style! If you fight again! Don't expect to catch me easily! Rely on flexible steps to fight! But it is also the specialty of Muay Thai! I..."

Halfway through the words, King suddenly froze and the sound in his mouth stopped.

She stopped and slowly looked up, and the fist that was originally raised gradually drooped.

In front of her, Qin Ming, who was holding a dried corpse in his hand, was looking down at her expressionlessly.

At this time, Qin Ming's height was two meters and three meters...

Looking at Qin Ming, who had grown by nearly one meter and had transformed from an ordinary person into a giant with a body that could hold two of him, King widened his eyes and looked extremely dull.

Qin Ming threw away the body that was sucked dry, suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch King's head, and shook it left and right twice.

Although Qin Ming's attributes did not increase at all with the sudden increase in size, a large body also has its advantages.

That is to look down from a high place! Get the upper hand!

With the dual advantages of height and weight, Qin Ming suddenly threw King and shook violently from side to side, making him unable to stand at all.

It wasn't until King recovered from the shock that he broke free of his hand and took two steps back, finally escaping from Qin Ming's clutches.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was completely different from just now, King screamed out in surprise.

"What's going on with you!"

Qin Ming shrugged slightly when he heard this, his expression was very innocent.

"Don't be surprised. I was in the sage state in a special period just now. Now I am in my normal state. Oh, by the way, you still want to fight, right? Tell me when to fight. The time and place are up to you."

Hearing this, King's eyes twitched and his face turned dark for a moment.

beat? How to fight this? Originally, he couldn't beat the opponent in a head-on battle! Now the opponent's size has exploded to this point again!

You must know that there is more to being big than just being heavy! The main thing is for large-bodied people! They often have long hands and long legs!

Your arms are longer than your legs! How can you fight?

Wander? You can kick the opponent by straightening your legs, but the opponent cannot hit you. This is called wandering.

But after the opponent has swung his arms, you will be hit as long as you get close, and you won't be able to dodge. This is not called wandering! This is called looking for a beating!

The advantage of wingspan is a big trump card for a boxer to decide the outcome. Sometimes if you are very skilled, it is difficult to make up for the disadvantage that the opponent's hands are longer than yours!

And Qin Ming at this moment! Arms are no longer just as long as they are long! His arms are almost catching up with King's legs!

Even though they hadn't fought yet, just seeing Qin Ming's size, King had already imagined in his mind that after the two sides started fighting, he failed to hit his opponent with a flying kick, but was knocked down by the opponent's punch in advance.

Forget it if you can’t hit it! I can’t hit it now! How can we fight this!

Looking at Qin Ming with a straight face, King gritted his teeth and shook his hand hard.

"It's okay to fight with people without skills because of your rough skin and thick flesh. You bully people because of your size. I've never seen a guy who doesn't have the style of a fighter like you! It's true that Wu and Mary called you a bastard." That’s right!”

Qin Ming grinned brightly when he heard this.

"So, you're admitting defeat, right?"

"No! Don't think that just being big can scare people! Wait until I'm healed! Let's fight as usual!"

King's unyielding words made Qin Ming shrug slightly, raised his hand to take out five gold coins from his arms, and placed them gently on the bar.

"This is my bar compensation, but it doesn't include your medical expenses. If you want medical expenses, go to my senior sister."

King, who walked over and put away the gold coins, turned pale when he heard this, and said with almost gritted teeth.

"You don't need to tell me this, I will go and have a good talk with those two best friends myself!"

The main reason why King suddenly attacked Qin Ming was because he suffered a loss in intelligence.

As Mai Shiranui and Blumari's friends, they often visited her bar as guests.

Naturally, you have to drink when you come to a bar, and Mai Shiranui is a heavy drinker. As a result, she likes to talk nonsense after drinking too much, and complains to the King. Ninety percent of them are about Qin Ming, who has been away for more than a year. It’s from a junior brother who doesn’t even have a letter.

The most important thing is that the more you talk about it, the more evil it becomes! The more you say it, the more exaggerated it gets!

Especially when she was trying to get rid of Andy who was pestering her, that took the situation to a new level.

In Mai Shiranui's words, Qin Ming has become a bastard, scum, and social scum who always gives up, is irresponsible, and runs away after playing.

She agreed to work with her to revive the Shiranui Gym. When her grandfather was dying, he knelt down and swore to protect Mai Shiranui and continue the Shiranui bloodline.

It turned out that her grandfather had just died. After learning all the secrets of the Shiranui family, this guy just walked away. He left for more than a year without any news. He was simply the ultimate shameless person!

Originally, King didn't believe Mai Shiranui's words. After all, she also knew how unreliable this guy's words were.

But I can't stand the fact that there is a Brumarie beside me who is adding fuel to the flames, fanning the flames, and just watching the fun without taking it too seriously!

With the three of them becoming tigers, in King's impression, Qin Ming's image was basically finalized, otherwise he would not have been ready to beat him up without hesitation after recognizing him.

As a result, I found out after taking action! The information provided by those two scammers was all wrong!

It’s not just the wrong personality! This way of fighting is not right either!

Why not be good at martial arts! Just a layman who knows how to do some tricks!

This front side is pretty good! Easily defend against all your own attacks without taking any damage! Also called not good at martial arts?

Why is he just a stinky gangster who beats people with his rough skin and thick flesh? This is so thick-skinned! This is clearly the result of weighing the weight into essence!

Forget it if you lie to yourself about character information! He even lied to himself about the military intelligence! Isn’t it obvious that he is here to be beaten?

Okay, both of them! Are you cheating your best friend so much? Don’t beat them up next time we meet! I’m not called King!

She can't beat the guy in front of her! I can't beat the two of them!

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