Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 357 Aikido Showdown

"No introduction is needed, I am originally from the Todo Gym."

"That's it?"

"Yes, he is a registered disciple. This is my ID. By the way, is Master Todo Kasumi here? I have something to talk to her about."

Qin Ming was very polite. After all, he was inviting someone else to compete this time. Judging from the size of his gym, he probably had an invitation letter, so he couldn't be more polite.

However, although his tone was very polite, when he heard that he was looking for Toudo Kasumi, the eyes of the disciples around him changed instantly.

Everyone who stopped practicing martial arts gathered towards this place, and some even picked up the wooden swords nearby.

That's right, it's a wooden sword. Todo Gym not only teaches Aikido, but Kendo is also a course taught by them. Todo Ryuhaku is a famous dual master of Aikido and Kendo.

Looking at the people gathered with unkind eyes, Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto, who noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, secretly glanced at each other.

As their footsteps moved, the two of them were already silently back to back, protecting each other's vital points.

Looking at the disciple in front of him who had greeted him warmly just now, but now the smile on his face had disappeared, Qin Ming twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Everyone, what do you mean?"

The disciple standing in front had a gloomy look after hearing this.

"What do you mean by looking for our hall master?"

"We have something to discuss."

"Do you want to discuss something? The last person who wanted to discuss something took out a submachine gun, the older one took out a long gun, and one even injured several of our Tengtang Gym disciples with grenades. What are you going to discuss with us? ?Um?"

After the disciple finished speaking, Qin Ming's expression froze instantly.

At this moment, he finally understood why these guys were so vigilant when they heard that he was looking for Toudo Kasumi.

After working on it for a long time, someone had already used this excuse to come to see Toudo Kasumi and started a fight! The most important thing is that more than one group came!

That group of adventurers might have triggered a hidden mission, or maybe they were adventurers who felt that Kasumi Toudou was alone and young, so he might be easier to bully! I came here trying to pinch a persimmon!

Looking at the many menacing disciples around him, Qin Ming took a deep breath, and the next second he suddenly grinned, showing as kind a smile as possible.

"If I say this is just a misunderstanding, will you believe me?"

After hearing this, everyone looked up and glanced at the kind smile on Qin Ming's face, then silently turned to look at each other, and then...

"Go! Take them down!"

With a loud shout, a Toudou-ryu disciple next to him suddenly took action, raised his wooden sword with both hands, and came up with an uppercut move.

With a snapping sound, the wooden knife hit Qin Ming's shoulder hard and broke in the next second.

Before he could scream in surprise when he saw this scene, Qin Ming, who was under attack, instinctively took action and suddenly threw out his arm.

With a loud bang, the disciple whose chest was hit hard by his arm was smashed into a C-shape, knocked away from the crowd and flew backwards.

The companions were eliminated in an instant, which shocked the others. After reacting, they all rushed forward with roars.

Todo-style ancient martial arts! Todo-ryu sword ball! They were used one after another!

Amid the flash of swords and shadows, these disciples fought with Qin and Ming on the spot.

To sum up, Todo-ryu's kung fu actually has two characteristics. One is fast! The second is stability!

Todo-ryu martial arts is good at defensive counterattacks, using instantaneous explosive power to attack the enemy first.

Therefore, the disciples around them are very good at parrying, whether they are boxing practitioners or sword practitioners.

It's just that this parry also scores points for the opponent. Facing ordinary warriors, their parry and counterattack style is of course very smooth.

But the problem is that at this moment, facing Qin Ming, a giant with infinite strength, their parry is somewhat ineffective.

Completely ignoring the chaotic moves of the disciples around him, Qin Ming relied on his strength and weight to punch almost one punch at a time.

Anyone hit by his fist will have the wooden knife in his hand broken on the spot, and the whole person will fly backwards.

Qin Ming raised his arms, and his two arms were like two maces, sweeping away a large area.

Accompanied by a burst of screams, the disciples who rushed up and tried to surround him were knocked down in the blink of an eye, more than twenty of them!

Just when there was chaos here, a loud shout suddenly came from the gym, and the next second, a figure flew out fiercely.

While running quickly, he used his strength to catch the flying disciple and put it on the ground with a wave of his hand.

The attacker, whose running speed had not slowed down at all, approached Qin Ming and launched a straight punch.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he heard the sound of wind, and he instantly understood from the sound of breaking wind that the speed of the visitor was unusual.

Therefore, without even thinking about it, he turned around and fired a jab, preparing to trade injury with the opponent.

However, the fist he punched this time failed to hit the opponent, because the moment the fist came close to the opponent, the enemy who was attacking him suddenly changed his moves midway.

The pierced palm was raised upwards, and the claws grasped the elbow joint of Qin Ming's arm, and the other hand grabbed the opened wrist.

As he slides closer, he twists his body at the same time.

The person who took the initiative to get into Qin Ming's arms pulled Qin Ming's arm on the spot and threw him over his shoulder!

Mixed legs! Get out!

Skill: Aiki Throw!


As the dull loud noise reached his ears, Qin Ming felt his body light up, and the next second he fell to the ground as hard as a cannonball.

This enemy in front of him is not tall, but very petite! He actually threw him up with a throw!

Qin Ming, who was lying on the ground with his arm still caught by the opponent, looked extremely shocked for a while. After all, with his current physique, there are not many people who can throw him up!

Although he was shocked, Qin Ming reacted very quickly. The most important thing is that his A-level fighting skills are not a joke.

Qin Ming, who almost changed his moves on the spot, didn't even get up, but he had already pulled his arm hard and kicked out with one foot.

Pull! Kick! Counter-throw!

With a whoosh, the enemy who was pulled over was hit in the abdomen on the spot, and was thrown out directly with the inertia of his arm.

She rolled on the ground, knelt on one knee and quickly raised her hands, posing a standard Aikido starting posture.

Qin Ming, who was lying on the ground, hammered the ground, and bounced up with the impact force. After getting up, he also posed the starting posture of military fighting skills.

In the instant of confrontation, both sides knew that the other party was no ordinary person.

The girl who was thrown out by Qin Ming with his size advantage slowly stood up while staring at Qin Ming and shouting.

"Who is coming! Tell me your name!"

Qin Ming crossed his arms and quickly answered.

"Shiranui Style! Qin Ming!"

"Shiranui? Why are you coming to my Fujido Gym? Fujido Gym does not welcome you to challenge!"

"Are you the current head of Fujido Gym, Fujido Kasumi? I have something to discuss with you this time!"

As Qin Ming finished speaking, Fujido Kasumi's eyes trembled when she heard the words "something to discuss with you", and the crazy people she met in the past two days appeared in her mind.

"Something to discuss again? I think you are here to fight!"

Almost without any hesitation, with a roar, Fujido Kasumi raised her arms high and posed with her middle door wide open.

The next second, with a flash of light from her body, her arms swung down suddenly.

Special move! Super heavy!

As the power in her body gushed out, a violent airflow instantly emerged.

Amid the flying dust on the ground, a blue shock wave visible to the naked eye was in an upright form, shooting towards Qin Ming! It was close to the ground and straight. !

The two-meter-high real air wave made Qin Ming's face change. He raised his hands without thinking and swung them downwards with all his strength.

Imitation-Super heavy!


Blue airflow versus blood-colored air wave! The two collided in mid-air! They were completely cancelled out!

Seeing that Qin Ming actually used his own unique skill that was almost identical in appearance except for the different color, Fujido Kasumi showed a shocked expression on her face.

Before she could recover from her astonishment, Qin Ming had raised his hand again to perform this move, forcing her to use her luck to fight back.

Instantly, the airflow exploded, and the two fought for five consecutive times in the gym, but there was no winner.

With the blessing of the fluctuation of air, the power of Qin Ming's blood moves is no longer the same as before. Even if it is against the original moves, it can compete with one or two.

Especially for this kind of long-range wave, the energy ball is originally unstable. Facing such a high-intensity bombardment, it is easy to collapse and disintegrate.

Therefore, unless facing some special energy, it is absolutely normal for the moves of both sides to cancel each other out in such a fight.

After five consecutive moves, Fujido Kasumi found that she couldn't win, and her face turned livid.

Now she has no time to think about why her own unique skills were learned by outsiders. She took a deep breath, her eyes showed a firm look, and suddenly changed her moves.

Her hands were raised angrily, and a white light flashed.

Super sure kill! Super drop!


The terrifying air wave blew the dust in the gym, and the disciples around her retreated uncontrollably.

With a cry, Fujido Kasumi dropped her arms with all her strength.

The next second! Several streams of air superimposed on each other! Spurted out towards Qin Ming!

The upgraded version of the super heavy dagger! It is also the strongest skill of Fujido Ancient Martial Arts! Use it!

Seeing the airflow coming, Qin Ming instinctively used the super heavy dagger again.

However, this time the two airflows collided, and they could no longer offset each other.

In Qin Ming's astonished eyes, the blood-colored air wave he shot was torn apart on the spot, and the blue airflow with the same speed rushed towards him at a high speed.

He actually lost!


A loud noise was heard, and Qin Ming, who hurriedly raised his arms to parry, was directly blown away by the airflow.

Amid the smoke and dust, a big hole was blown out on the wall in front of him. Fujido Kasumi, who blasted away his opponent with one blow, instinctively smiled on his face.


If the super heavy dang is the signature skill that Fujitang disciples must master when they start their apprenticeship, then the so-called super dangpo is the strongest killer move that a Fujitang disciple can only comprehend after reaching the pinnacle.

It is essentially a luxurious upgraded version of the former, which is the product of merging and compressing the airflow formed by multiple super heavy dang and shooting it together.

The principle seems simple, but it is difficult to actually operate it. Few people in the Fujitang family have been able to perform it successfully since ancient times.

Qin Ming can perfectly imitate the former with his ability to absorb flesh and blood.

But the upgraded super killer move that requires advanced skills to use is not something he can learn at a glance.

One air wave against four superimposed air waves! Of course, Qin Ming can't win!

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