Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 358: Unsolvable destruction without any throw!

"Cough, cough, cough."

A cough sounded, and along with the smoke in front of him dissipated, Qin Ming, who was blown away by a cannon, patted the dust on his body and strode out of the smoke, with a very painful expression.

Looking at the opponent who took her super special move and was not hurt and could stand up, Fujido Kasumi widened her eyes in disbelief.

She had met people who could take her special move.

But this was the first time she had met someone who took her special move so nonchalantly!

Fujido Kasumi, who found that something was wrong, raised her hand again and posed the starting posture of the special move.

Qin Ming, who had already found that he could not beat the woman in front of him, and that the overlapping air waves seemed to be specifically designed to overcome all long-range means, also suddenly exploded at this moment.

Since he could not fight with the long-range! Then let's fight in close combat!

A-level special move! Heavenly Slide!

With a whoosh, blood flashed, Qin Ming turned into a residual image and rushed over fiercely, so fast that Fujido Kasumi on the opposite side froze.

There are two choices in front of her at this moment. One is to force the ultimate move, and the result is a bet on speed to see who is faster.

The second is to change the move, give up the ultimate move that is about to be launched, and use other moves to deal with the enemy's attack, but the enemy will successfully get close to her.

With her pupils contracted, Fujido Kasumi made a decision almost in the next second. She canceled the ultimate move without hesitation on the spot, and instead put her hands down in a defensive posture of Aikido.

Want to rely on close combat to defeat herself? That can only be said to be picking the wrong opponent!

Fujido family martial arts! The strongest is never a long-range attack! But a close-range counterattack!

Ultimate move! Destroy the body without throwing!

Parry with both arms! Instantly lock Qin Ming's palm that was grabbed!

The next second! In Qin Ming's shocked eyes! Fujido Kasumi actually forcibly intercepted Qin Ming's Heavenly Kingdom Slide! Even broke the domineering effect brought by the skill! Fiercely threw Qin Ming up!

Block and break the move!


As the world spun, Qin Ming's body fell heavily to the ground again. Before he could recover from his daze, a black shadow appeared in front of him.

After instantly completing the counterattack, Fujido Kasumi actually rode on Qin Ming, clenched her fists, and aimed at Qin Ming's face with a set of lightning-fast close-range hammers!

Aikido! Tornado gun shot!

[Name: Fujido Kasumi]

[Strength: 35]

[Constitution: 45]

[Agility: 30]

[Spirit: 30]

[Skills: Fujido ancient martial arts (B-level) Super descent (B-level) Annihilation without throwing (A-level)]

[Introduction: The genius girl of the Fujido family, at a young age, has cultivated the super descent, and even the legendary magic skill: Annihilation without throwing, so never try to fight her in close combat! The harder you fight! The faster you die! 】

The reputation of the Tiger Rogue Rock of Extreme Flow Master: Takuma Sakazaki is resounding throughout the entire fighting technique, claiming to be able to take on all attacks head-on.

But what ordinary people don’t know is that the move created by Takuma Sakazaki is actually an imitation of the Fujido family’s unique skill: Destroying the Body Without Throwing.

The only difference is that one of the two is a counter-throwing technique, and the other is a counter-attack burst.

The reason why Fujido Kasumi’s father, Fujido Ryuhaku, was broken by Takuma Sakazaki was not because of his bad mentality, but because he lost to Takuma Sakazaki’s Tiger Rogue Rock, and he couldn’t break this move at all.

The famous skills of the family were imitated by the opponent, and the backhand hit was powerless. Anyone would lose their mentality!

It’s like you challenged someone, but they defeated you with your family’s moves, and they used them better than you.

What does this mean? This means that compared with him, you are not inferior to any martial arts! What’s inferior is you as a person!

Martial arts is a good martial arts! Even opponents are scrambling to imitate! It's just that you, a martial arts student, are a waste!

Others who steal without anyone to teach have learned it! They even improved another version by themselves!

You, the inheritor, can never learn it! Being defeated in public by others' own tricks!

Fujido Ryuhaku did not commit suicide on the spot, but ran out to retreat and try to comprehend his own unique skills. He was already in a good mood.

As the daughter of Fujido Ryuhaku, Fujido Kasumi naturally knew what tricks her father lost in the past, so she spent a full six months to finally learn the final secret of the family, trying to bring her father back in this way.

However, Fujido Kasumi, who was a little naive, obviously didn't know, and Fujido Ryuhaku, who knew this, would not come back before learning the secret.

After all, his daughter learned this trick in half a year, but he couldn't learn it in half a lifetime. Why did he come back? Is it embarrassing to come back?

Before he understood this move, he would not come back even if he killed Fujita Ryuhaku.

Qin Ming rushed over from the front and tried to force a close combat, and he immediately realized what the ultimate defensive counterattack was.

The Heavenly Kingdom Slide Skill was forcibly broken! The whole person was suppressed in an instant!

In just a moment, Qin Ming had fallen into an absolute disadvantage!

Qin Ming was not familiar with the ancient martial arts of the Fujita family after all, so he hit the opponent's gun muzzle in both fights.

You know, even Sakazaki Takuma didn't dare to fight Fujita Ryuhaku in long-range bombardment and close-range burst, even though these two abilities were his best means.

Takuma Sakazaki defeated Ryuhaku Fujido head-on by relying on pure fist and foot skills and extremely solid basic skills. He did not even dare to use the ultimate move of Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist from beginning to end, because he was afraid that Ryuhaku Fujido would use this move of body destruction and no throw to break through and kill him instantly.

Even Takuma Sakazaki did not dare to fight and burst, but Qin Ming ran into him head-on. It would be strange if he did not suffer a loss!

Riding Qin Ming tightly, Fujido Kasumi gritted her teeth and aimed at Qin Ming's face and violently output, each move went straight to the vital point.

Her set of small punches hit you in the chest, plus the sudden defensive counterattack just now, obviously stunned Qin Ming.

After all, Qin Ming has only seen someone who can catch the move of Heaven's Slide head-on once.

He is a martial arts master, and at that time, it was a big move against a big move. Qin Ming has nothing to say if he loses.

But how can this woman in front of him win!

Qin Ming, who didn't have time to put on his sunglasses, was stunned for a moment when he saw the A-level skill in Fujido Kasumi's attributes.

But he was just stunned. Fujido Kasumi, who forcibly knocked Qin Ming to the ground and launched a violent attack, suddenly found something very embarrassing after more than 20 punches.

That is, his fists seemed to be unable to hit his opponent...

Looking at Qin Ming, who had been taking his output for a long time, not to mention his nose and face, he didn't even bleed from his nose.

Fujido Kasumi, who was a little out of breath, had an unbelievable look on his face and even opened his mouth instinctively.

And until this time, Qin Ming finally woke up from his confusion.

Looking at the silly woman in front of him who was riding on him and trying to KO him with fists and feet, Qin Ming's eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce light.

The next second, with his hands and feet shrinking, Qin Ming locked Fujido Kasumi, who was riding on him, on the spot and gave her a bear hug! He held Fujido Kasumi, who was riding on him, tightly in his arms!

Special move! Kill with his sister in his arms!


As his limbs exerted force, veins on Qin Ming's arms bulged.

Fujido Kasumi, who was held by force, screamed and struggled desperately to break free, but he couldn't get rid of Qin Ming who was wrapped around him.

Qin Ming, who had not won the wave and the burst, decisively began to use the lock technique!

Good at counterattack? Then I won't give you a chance to counterattack! It's just pure wrestling with you!

This gangster style successfully caught Fujido Kasumi off guard. She desperately punched Qin Ming's head, but she couldn't hit him. Feeling the arm around her waist getting tighter and tighter, she couldn't help but scream.

The disciples next to him saw that their own hall master had an absolute advantage in the previous second, and was wrapped like a dumpling in the next second. They were also frightened and ran over in a hurry.

One of them pulled Qin Ming's arm desperately, and the other used a wooden sword to chop Qin Ming's head desperately. A large group of people rushed forward, and they tried their best but failed to pry Qin Ming's limbs apart.

The joint tearing of the crowd caused Qin Ming to use more and more force.

For a while, Fujido Kasumi was strangled so hard that she couldn't breathe, and her tongue was sticking out.

In the end, Kasamoto Eri, who had been standing by and watching the show for a long time, couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed through the crowd and came over to speak.

"Okay, okay, okay! Stop strangling! If you strangle me again, my waist will break! Boss! We are here to find someone to form a team! Not to kill people! Calm down! If others see you in this shape! Be careful that they will say you are a hooligan!"

Kasamoto Eri's words made Qin Ming, who was trying hard, shrink his pupils, and after hesitating for a moment, he chose to let go.

As his palm loosened, Fujido Kasumi, who was held in his arms, took a deep breath. She finally breathed, and struggled to turn over and lay beside her. For a while, she felt a sharp pain in all her bones.

Qin Ming, who let go of Fujido Kasumi, slowly stood up with his hands on the ground, and looked up and looked around, scaring the surrounding Fujido disciples to retreat one after another.

Fujido Kasumi's strength completely exceeded Qin Ming's expectations.

Fujido Kasumi, who was originally expected to be only a third-rate warrior, at most on the same level as Mai Shiranui and Blue Marie, or even slightly inferior, is a second-rate master comparable to King!

And he is also a side-door warrior who specializes in one ability!

This kind of warrior is the most difficult to deal with, especially when they meet for the first time and can't figure out the opponent's routine, it is easy for the opponent to rely on his ability to kill him at the first sight.

Fujido Kasumi has no roaming ability, and her main focus is to defend against offense.

Anyone who dares to fight with her will die miserably. If you don't fight with her, the super-dropping move is very restrained against long-range means, which can be said to have the ultimate attack and defense.

But that's all. Apart from these two points, Fujido Kasumi's other strengths are all weaknesses.

And what about Qin Ming? He has no special skills! This means he has no weaknesses!

Then he has no weaknesses! After he has figured out your routines! Any areas that are weak! But they are all weaknesses!

That's how King lost, and Fujido Kasumi is losing now.

Qin Ming's extremely shameless defense and recovery ability allow him to withstand attacks and force any opponent to fight him in the fighting field he wants.

Unless you can kill him with one punch, or beat him so hard that he can't bear it, otherwise he wants to fight you on the ground, so he can fight you on the ground! If he wants to wrestle, he can wrestle! If he wants to fight, he can fight!

And as long as you can't beat him in one aspect! Then you will die!

The almost unsolvable close-range magic skill: Destroy the body without throwing, created the myth of Fujido style.

Today, however, because this move was too difficult to solve and Fujido Kasumi had never practiced any entanglement techniques, she was almost strangled to death by Qin Ming!

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