Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 370 Legendary Item! Fragment of the Great Snake's Will!

"Hello, Mr. Qin Ming, let me introduce myself formally. I am the leader of the Eight Masters, the Breath-Blower Lankonitz."

In an inconspicuous church, Qin Ming was sitting on the church seat. On the high platform in front, there was a man wearing a priest's uniform, holding a Bible and introducing himself with a smile.

And this polite-looking man is none other than Goenitz, the SS of the King of Fighters.

Qin Ming finally chose to join the group, and was immediately personally received by Goenitz.

Obviously, Goenitz, who also witnessed Qin Ming's fighting style, valued him very much.

But after introducing himself, Goenitz couldn't help but frown as he looked at Qin Ming sitting in front of him.

"Mr. Qin Ming, you seem to be in a bad mood. Is there anything that's bothering you? If so, you can tell me. I'm better at listening to other people's sins and helping them solve their troubles."

As a professional priest, Goenitz is not lying when he says this. He is a well-known professional priest on weekdays and has strong professional abilities.

It was his job to listen to other people's sins in the confessional.

Upon hearing Goenitz's inquiry, Qin Ming fell silent and remained silent.

Of course he was in a bad mood, because after they tricked him into joining the gang, the two guys, Mai Zhuo and Wei Si, who had agreed to receive benefits, actually changed their minds at the same time!

It's true that these two women like to fight each other, but Qin Ming completely ignored one thing, that is, these two guys are also very good at cooperating!

After joining the gang, no matter who Qin Ming goes to find, the two of them have become very consistent in their rhetoric, that is, first deal with the guy opposite them. If they don't deal with the other party, they will not be obedient and let others manipulate them.

How should Qin Ming solve this? Use force? Let alone the two who were on guard, Qin Ming might not be able to win if they faced each other head-on.

Just relying on the speed of the two of them, he couldn't catch up at all!

At this moment, Qin Ming deeply realized what it means to be evil in people's hearts, and he also understood that there was a reason why these two women, Wei Si and Mai Zhuo, could become villains!

These two guys are indeed not good people! Originally, Qin Ming was not very good at using his brain! They actually teamed up to deceive him!

Seeing that Qin Ming did not respond, Goenitz asked again with a smile.

Upon hearing this inquiry, Qin Ming finally responded and looked up at him.

"Are you good at problem solving?"

"Not very good at it, but I'm better at solving the source of the problem."

"Then Mai Zhuo and Wei..."

"They are companions, and so are you. I generally won't get involved in conflicts between companions. I'm afraid you have to resolve this yourself."

Holding the Bible in one hand, Goenitz interrupted Qin Ming in advance and quickly changed the topic before Qin Ming finished speaking.

Obviously, Goenitz is also very aware of how bad the characters of his two younger brothers are.

"Mr. Qin Ming, no matter what, you are welcome to join the Eight Heroes Group and become a believer in the gods. Please believe me, the gods will not treat you badly."

As he spoke, Goenitz stretched out a hand towards Qin Ming.

Seeing this, Qin Ming's eyes flickered and he immediately raised his hand to hold it.


【Ding! Congratulations on officially joining the Bajieji camp! The villain title mission has started! The redemption bar is open! 】

[Title Mission 1: Descendants of Gods]

[Task requirement: Become one of the Eight Masters]

[Complete to obtain the silver title: Set of Eight Heroes (randomly inherit one basic power from the eight powers of earth, fire, wind, thunder, and dead dark beast)]

[Title introduction: Starting today! I am one of the Eight Great Snakes! 】

[Title Mission 2: Ending Fate]

[Task requirement: Kill one of Iori Yagami, Kusanagi Kyo, or Kagura Chizuru with your own hands, so that the three artifacts will no longer be complete]

[Complete to obtain the silver title: Terminator of Destiny (when attacking the protagonist, ignore the target's defense)]

[Title introduction: Protagonist halo? What I am aiming for is the halo of the protagonist! 】

[Title Mission 3: Resurrection of Gods]

[Task requirement: Help the Earth Will Serpent to resurrect in a perfect posture]

[Complete to obtain the golden title: Descendants of Gods (obtain the full version of Bloodline of the Orochi)]

[Mission Introduction: One general can make thousands of bones dry? No! This time I will sacrifice the whole world! Come to the altar! 】

Three title missions! Each effect is more terrifying than the last!

This time the title mission! There are actually two silver ones and one gold one!

And this gold level title! Even Qin Ming has never seen it before!

In addition to initiating the title mission, Qin Ming also saw interchangeable items from the Eight Elites' camp in front of him, and his eyes were quickly attracted to the top items among them.

[Name: Blood of the Serpent (Wind)]

[Category: Lineage]

[Grade: Grade A]

[Exchange requirement: 10,000 contribution points]

[Effect: After use, you can obtain the blood of wind among the gods in heaven]

[Introduction: I watched TV! 】

[Name: Blood of the Serpent (Beast)]


Weiss's bloodline of death, Metro's bloodline of beasts, and even Goenitz's bloodline of wind, are all redeemable here! And it’s the only exchange!

In other words, once another adventurer takes it away in advance, others will not be able to get a second copy even if they meet the exchange requirements.

In addition to these three bloodlines up to A level, there are also many props and equipment that can be exchanged in the church.

For example, Metro's women's suit, Weisi's formal dress, Goenitz's priest's suit, etc. The first two are brilliant silver grade, while the latter is actually an ordinary gold grade!

In addition, various skills of the three people, and even their favorite special moves, can be redeemed here.

What is placed at the top of all the redemption props is not these top-quality equipment, nor the three A-level bloodlines, but a very special item.

A prop that shocked Qin Ming!

[Name: Orochi Will Fragment (Crazy)]

[Category: Consumables (Legendary)]

[Effect: After use, your soul will be integrated with the will of the big snake. If you die in the nightmare space, you can be reincarnated as a group of eight heroes in the world of The King of Fighters and become its original inhabitants]

[Introduction: Boy, congratulations on your official retirement. The game is over. Of course, if you are willing, you can come back and continue to work for Nightmare Space. Nightmare Space welcomes you at any time and promises to provide five insurances, one fund and pension services! 】

[Exchange price: exchange for one of the three artifacts]

Fragments of the serpent's will! Legendary props!

After death, you can become a native of the plot world! Get rid of the nightmare space completely! And gain the ability to be infinitely reincarnated!

Looking at the items at the top of the exchange column, Qin Ming's eyes widened for a moment. It took a long time before he recovered from the shock.

He suddenly looked up at Goenitz. He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but he never thought that before he could make a sound, Goenitz had already smiled and spoke first.

"You also want to ask about the fragments of gods?"


"Don't be too surprised. You seem to have some special intelligence channels. Everyone who joins seems to know that I have this thing in my hand."

Holding the Bible in one hand, Goenitz's eyes were very gentle and his tone was neither impatient nor impatient.

"I do have a fragment of the will of the gods in my hand. This was once a reward given by the gods to our loyal believers. It allows us to have unlimited reincarnations and eternal power. Unfortunately, as time goes by, some people begin to become No longer pious, no longer believe in gods.”

While speaking, Goenitz suddenly raised his hand, and the moment he opened his palm, a ray of light emitted from his palm, an incomparably bright light.

And what appeared in his palm was a magatama, a blood-red magatama!

Looking at the magatama in his hand, Goenitz's eyes were blurred, and he suddenly sighed.

"I gave him a chance. I gave him several chances, but he just didn't listen. He actually chose to give up the mission that has been passed down for countless lives for the so-called love of a lifetime. He is no longer a believer in the gods, so I We can only take back the gifts we received from God!”

Suddenly holding the magatama tightly, Goenitz suddenly raised his head and looked at Qin Ming, his eyes becoming very sharp and serious.

"Qin Ming, the Eight Masters Collection is no longer complete. The Eight Masters Collection, which symbolizes the power of madness, has completely died, so now there is a quota for the Eight Masters Collection. I can replace the gods and give you this opportunity to kill Find the heirs of the three artifact families and bring their artifacts back. As long as you can complete this task, from now on, you will be the new descendant of the God of Heaven! "

Goenitz's words made Qin Ming stand silent for a long time. Finally, he suddenly nodded and turned around to leave without speaking.

The moment he turned around, Qin Ming's complexion turned extremely livid.

Because he understands! Things have changed now! The next battle may be extremely brutal!

If there is no conflict of interest, normal adventurers will not fight to the death. After all, there is no benefit, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Even if there is a conflict of interest, adventurers who find that their opponents are stronger will usually choose to retreat despite the difficulties. After all, life is the most important thing.

But now with the appearance of the fragments of Orochi's will! Everything has changed!

What does it mean to be a member of the Eight Elites? This not only means that you will gain terrifying power! It also means that the user has the opportunity to completely get rid of the nightmare space! And it can also be in the King of Fighters world! Immortality in an alternative way!

Get rid of the shackles of the nightmare space! This is something that adventurers don’t even dare to think about!

Under normal circumstances, there is only one way to escape from the nightmare space, and that is death.

But now there is another way! And it comes with so many benefits!

When other adventurers die during the mission, it means they are completely out of their minds!

But for adventurers who have integrated this item, it is just equivalent to the end of the game! He just stopped playing!

In order to compete for this prop! All adventurers will risk everything!

Now, all the same kind really become opponents, fighting to the death.

Standing outside the church door, looking up at the sun, Qin Ming took a deep breath.

The next second, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised uncontrollably.

Things seem to be getting more and more interesting.

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