Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 371 The Blind Master

As night fell, after a day of preliminary competitions, a large number of players were successfully screened out, and the competition finally selected the final 24 teams for the finals.

And Qin Ming's Fujitang team was naturally among them.

As the saying goes, some are happy and some are sad. With the end of the game, those fighters who were eliminated could not help sighing for a while, and there were also many adventurers among them.

On the street, three adventurers who came in a team were shaking their heads and sighing. They were able to become intermediate adventurers, and their strength was not weak. In other worlds, they could also cosplay a BOSS.

However, if they were thrown into this world of King of Fighters where there are so many masters, it would be different. Their strength was not even ranked there.

Walking on the street, one of the adventurers suddenly kicked hard, and instantly kicked the railing next to him into severe deformation.

"Damn it! How did we meet the Extreme Flow Team! If we hadn't met them! With our strength! We can definitely make it to the finals!"

The complaints of his companions made a female adventurer next to him shake her head and smile bitterly.

"That's enough. Robert beat three of us. What else can we say? We are not as skilled as him. We can't blame others."

"Hmph! We are good at joint attack! It's normal that we can't beat him in single combat! If he dares, let him fight the three of us!"

"Come on, Robert is already so good at fighting. I don't want to test Sakazaki Ryo's strength. Joint attack? We will die faster if we fight three against three!"

Just as the two defeated and eliminated were talking, the third person who had been silent suddenly raised his hand.

"Be careful! Something is happening!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two people who were communicating next to him reacted instantly, drew their weapons and looked around vigilantly.

Finally, at the wave of the leading man, they all faced forward at the same time.

The captain, who closed his eyes and carefully sensed, quickly used his special talent to accurately sense the hidden guest in front of him, and tapped the ground lightly with his cane.

"Brother in front, since you are here, don't hide and show your tail. Come out and see me."

[Talent Skill: Ultrasonic Perception]

[Effect: Can form an ultrasonic field around, accurately capture the shape and movement of any object]

[Introduction: What? Why do you still hold a cane when you can clearly perceive the surrounding environment? Come on, come on, stick your head over, I'll tell you! What is the cane for! ]

Blind Eyes, the captain of the adventure trio, is born blind.

But because of this, he has developed a terrifying hearing and perception ability, and this ability has been further strengthened after entering the nightmare space.

Because of years of habit, even though he can see things now, Blind Eyes still likes to rely on hearing to distinguish the surrounding environment. He captured the traces of the hidden person dozens of meters away.

And seeing that he had not approached yet, his whereabouts had been exposed. Footsteps sounded in the corner in front, and a figure walked out without hesitation.

And this person! It was Qin Ming!

Qin Ming, who was wearing a bulletproof suit and blocking the end of the road, had no expression on his face. His burly body, more than two meters tall, looked extremely ferocious under the reflection of the moonlight.

Seeing the uninvited guest in front of them, the two adventurers standing next to Blind Eyes almost gasped at the same time.

Obviously, they had recognized Qin Ming's identity and were extremely afraid of him.

Only Blind Eyes closed his eyes, leaned on crutches with both hands, and tilted his head to continue listening.

After two seconds of silence, he suddenly raised his hand and waved.

"Fei Ci, Zhan Che, go to Room 3 on the sixth floor of the left building. There is a sniper there, a female, take her out."

Hearing the captain's order, Fei Ci and Zhan Che looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and then turned around without hesitation and rushed to the next floor.

And the destination of their trip was exactly where Kasamoto Eri was hiding now!

Qin Ming, standing opposite, watched the two disappear at the stairs without even moving.

This made Blind Eyes, who sensed this scene, frown.

"I thought you would stop me."

"No need. Like you, I also believe in my companions' abilities."

"Oh, so we are going to fight each other?"

As he said this with a smile, Blind Eyes slowly turned sideways, closed his eyes, clenched the cane in his hand, and put the end of the cane on the ground.

Qin Ming's eyebrows twitched when he saw this scene, and he suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"You don't even ask me why I came to my door?"

Blind Eyes grinned and shook his head gently.

"No need, there is no need."

"What do you mean?"

"The Three Sacred Artifacts have also issued hunting missions. Just like you, as long as you hunt down the enemy and weaken their power, you can get contribution points, and the top items that can be exchanged are also crazy."

Blind Eyes' words made Qin Ming's pupils shrink sharply.

"It seems that I am not the first one to come to you."

"That's right, you are the third group. Because of my eyes, I am more accustomed to waiting for the opportunity than going out to hunt."

Holding the cane tightly with both hands, he turned sideways and pointed his ear at Qin Ming. The blind eye who had been closing his eyes suddenly spoke in a serious voice.

"You are a lone wolf, right? Others say you are very strong, but I am very curious. They have never fought with you, so how do they know you are strong?"

Looking at the blind eye who was talking and moving slowly towards him, Qin Ming immediately raised his arms and showed a serious expression.

"Because they have seen me fight."

"That's even more strange. How can a real master let others see that he is strong? Don't they all solve the battle in an instant? After fighting with others, it takes a long time to defeat the opponent. What is your strength? Can I learn from you?"

As they were talking, the distance between the two was less than ten meters.

Hearing this, Qin Ming kept looking at the blind eye who was approaching, and his eyebrows were frowned.

He had seen the blind eye's game, but to be honest, the opponent's performance was very average, especially in the last battle against Robert, Robert had a one-on-three.

This is why he dared to come here to hunt three people alone.

However, when he really faced the blind eye at this time, Qin Ming felt that something was wrong.

His A-level fighting proficiency had been warning him that the opponent was in great danger, but he could not sense where the danger was.

Finally, seeing the other party approaching within three meters of him, Qin Ming's sight suddenly locked on the cane in the blind man's hand.

Blind man! Amazing insight! The cane... is a cane knife!

Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and he reacted suddenly. He took a step forward and took the lead in attacking, trying to rush in close to the face to prevent the other party from drawing the knife to occupy the best distance.

As soon as he started to move, the blind man, who was about to get close to Qin Ming, also moved.

He pulled the handle of the cane! He suddenly pulled out a gun from the cane? !


With a loud noise, Qin Ming rushed over quickly, trying to stop the other party from drawing the knife. Looking at the musket pointed at him, his eyes widened on the spot.

With an unbelievable look on his face, he wanted to dodge but it was too late. He just raised his hand to protect himself, and the next second his body was hit by the fire!

Blind man is indeed good at Iai! But it's not Japanese Iai! It's American Iai!

[Equipment Name: Duck Buster (Duck Shooting World)]

[Category: Weapon (Ordinary Gold Plot)]

[Effect 1: Kill with one shot (The first shot of the day can cause damage equal to your own strength x5, and ignore defense)]

[Introduction: Your job today is very simple, hunter, just shoot the ducks that fly out of the bushes after being frightened by the hunting dogs... Don't shoot the dogs! ]

Duck Buster! The top redeemable item in Duck Shooting World!

You need to hit a thousand ducks in a row! And not miss a single shot! To get it!

This is absolutely an impossible task for others, after all, in such a large forest, who knows where the ducks will fly out from.

And sometimes it's not the ducks that come out of the grass, but the damn dog that actually laughs at you after you miss a shot.

But this task is not an impossible task for Blind Eyes, he has good marksmanship and a strong perception ability.

Don't even mention waiting for the ducks to fly out! He could even sense the ducks in the bushes!

So he got this top-grade equipment, and with it, he was able to overcome all obstacles and successfully advance to an intermediate adventurer.

Blind Eyes did not lie. Two groups of adventurers had come to find them before, but they all died in their hands in the end.

And basically, one of them would be killed as soon as they met. Ignoring the terrifying effect of defense, the huge damage was multiplied by five times, and the outside family shot at the face, which made no one able to withstand his sudden attack!

This time! It was the same!

With a loud bang, Qin Ming, who was shot in the body, was directly hit by the strong impact and flew backwards.

Blind Eyes, who fired a shot instantly, grinned, holding a toy light gun that did not look like a gun at all, and suddenly spoke.

"Why is it that when you see a blind man holding a cane, your first reaction is always to use a cane knife and rush towards me? Is this the so-called master's intuition?"

Raising his hand to collect the gun, he put the light gun back into the cane, lowered his head and leaned on the cane, and shook his head gently.

"It seems that your so-called master is just like this. Ha, a master who has been fighting with others for a long time? What a joke."

As he said, the blind turned around and prepared to leave.

Just as he turned around, his steps suddenly paused. The next second, his face suddenly changed, and he turned his head in shock.

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who he thought had been killed by a fatal blow and died on the spot, stood up staggeringly at this moment.

Qin Ming, with his arms hanging down, suddenly looked down at his arms after standing firm.

Looking at the arm guard that blocked the vitals at the critical moment and helped him resist a bullet in the center of his eyebrows.

Looking at the deformed bullet that was inserted into the golden arm guard, completely embedded in it, and even successfully penetrated the armor and inserted into the arm, causing blood to flow.

Qin Ming's eyes trembled uncontrollably.

Counting the extra defense of the arm guard, the metal arm guard with nearly 100 points of damage immunity was actually shot through by a bullet.

What kind of damage is this!

He raised his hand to grab the bullet and pulled it out of the arm guard with force.

Looking at the bloody bullet in his hand, Qin Ming suddenly clenched it and looked up at the opposite side.

Looking at the blind man with a shocked expression on his face, who was even shocked to the point of opening his eyes, Qin Ming threw the bullet in his hand away.

"So, you, the master who looks down on me, are good at this American Iai move? So, Master, if this move doesn't work, do you have any other skills? If not, then it's my turn!"

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