Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 374 A fighter without martial ethics

[Name: Kagura Chizuru]

[Strength: 30]

[Constitution: 30]

[Agility: 30]

[Spirit: 60]

[Skills: Kagura-style ancient martial arts (B-level), Three-tone formation (A-level), Zero foundation (S-level)]

[Bloodline: Kagura bloodline (A-level)]

[Introduction: Kagura Chizuru is not a qualified fighter, because the real heir of the artifact is actually her sister, but she has not undergone systematic training, which does not mean that she is not strong. After all, the Kagura family never relies on their own strength to fight.]

Looking at the Kagura Chizuru who raised her hand to pose for a fight, but the action did not look like a fighting posture, but more like a dance posture, Qin Ming, whose skills were still sealed, had a flash of light in his eyes.

The attributes are not high! Not resistant to beating! The only scary thing is the skill sealing effect! But the problem is that her passive skills are not afraid of sealing at all!

In other words! I can kill back!

Qin Ming, who had murderous intent in his eyes and one of the three major illusions of the game in his mind, suddenly raised his hand to signal.

Kasamoto Eri, who had been hiding behind the bunker, nodded vigorously and rushed up with an axe without hesitation.

She did not dare to shoot rashly, because the sound of the gunshot was too loud and would attract people around.

She was ready to rely on close combat to assist Qin Ming and forcibly eliminate the enemy in front of her.

Qin Ming was not afraid of skill seals, and Kasamoto Eri was not afraid either. To be precise, she had no active skills at all!

One of them swung a fist and the other held an axe, and the two boss-level beings rushed directly towards Kagura Chizuru.

Kagura Chizuru, who relied on sneak attacks to hit Qin Ming hard, found that she could not hit the opponent at all. Looking at the two rushing from the front, he frowned and did not choose to retreat, but took the initiative to meet them.

The clone attacked and rushed straight to Qin Ming.

Seeing Qin Ming swinging his fist, the clone instantly dissipated, and the real body rushed to the left of Kasamoto Eri, and began to clone again.

The drifting phantom flew up and down, erratic, and the real body and the clone switched back and forth, making it impossible to catch.

You thought it was the real body that attacked you? You punched it and it became a clone!

You thought it was the clone that passed through you? The next second it became the real body!

The terrifying ability to convert between reality and illusion made Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri dizzy for a while.

Even though Qin Ming has a high-level A-level fighting technique, he didn't know how to deal with it at this time.

Or it can be said that there is no way to deal with it at all!

The clone can hit people! The real body can also hit! And the two can switch freely!

Unless the two attack together, it is impossible to hit her at all, but the problem is that if you want to attack both together, she can retract the clone and release it again, and run out of your attack range in an instant.

Weird body movements! Terrifying speed! The most important thing is the disgusting skill sealing effect!

Qin Ming, who originally thought that Chizuru Kagura had a weak attribute and had caught a soft persimmon, not only did he not hit her at all, but was beaten up instead.

Now he finally understood why the Kagura sisters could survive and protect the artifact even when facing Goenitz, a top-notch monster, and the opponent attacked first.

Just based on the opponent's ability! If there is no sneak attack! I'm afraid even Goenitz can't kill her!

In the howling wind, three figures flew up and down in the courtyard, running back and forth.

The flowers were crushed, the trees were broken, and a good little garden was ruined in a moment.

The result of the fight between the three people was that no one could do anything to anyone.

Qin Ming and Eri Kasamoto couldn't hit Chizuru Kagura, they really couldn't hit her at all.

Chizuru Kagura couldn't hit Qin Ming either! They couldn't hit him at all!

She could beat Kasamoto Eri, but this woman was extremely fast, and her reaction was even faster after turning into a dinosaur, so it was easy to get into danger if she was beaten.

Therefore, Kagura Chizuru rarely took the initiative to attack her, and she kept surrounding Qin Ming and hammering him.

After fighting for several minutes, the three finally stopped the game.

Qin Ming and Kasamoto Eri, who had been playing back and forth for a long time, leaned on their knees with both hands, panting for a while.

Kagura Chizuru, who kept wandering around, was also tired and sweaty on her forehead.

As the two sides stared at each other, Qin Ming, who swallowed hard, suddenly waved his hands vigorously.

"That's enough! Sister! We are all taught by the same master! We can't break the moves! How about this! Let's go!"

Qin Ming really didn't want to fight with Kagura Chizuru at this moment. He had fought all his life, but this was the first time he encountered such a thing.

Qin Ming, who had just fought for a long time and finally got a chance to catch Kagura Chizuru, watched Kagura Chizuru, who was held by him, disappear into a residual shadow.

He dared to swear! He really caught the entity! He even caught the wrong place! He was slapped by the other party!

But the other party still ran away, which means that she was not fast at all! This was teleportation!

She could switch positions with her clone out of thin air! How could she fight!

So Qin Ming couldn't help but have the idea of ​​retreating and prepared to retreat strategically.

Hearing what he said, Kagura Chizuru frowned. Although she was exhausted, she didn't mean to give up. Instead, she raised her hand again with a stern face.

"Hmph! Goenitz's running dog! Don't even think about escaping from Kagura's house! You are either me or me today!"

"No! Why are you so impatient? I'm the one getting beaten all the time, okay! I can't hit you! You can't hit me either! It's fun for us to keep fighting like this... Damn it!"

Just in the middle of speaking, Qin Ming suddenly screamed and his eyes widened on the spot.

Because on the opposite side, Ms. Kagura Chizuru, one of the three artifact families and the heir to the ancient martial arts that has been passed down for thousands of years, suddenly pulled out a large-caliber revolver from her waist...


Qin Ming, who was instantly shot in the shoulder, was staggered by the shot and was successfully breached.

Kagura Chizuru, who was holding a large-caliber special pistol, began to separate his clones and started shooting wildly at Qin Ming and Miles Kasamoto who were surrounding them.

For a time, bullets continued to hit from all directions, hitting Qin Ming with sparks flying and blood spurting out from time to time.

Qin Ming, who was stunned by the opponent's sudden switch in fighting style, finally recovered from the shock after being shot three times in a row, and opened his mouth to scream.

"You're a fucking martial arts practitioner! You hit people with a gun?!"

Hearing the roar here, Kagura Chizuru, who was moving rapidly, couldn't help but curl up the corner of her mouth.

"You don't have to use a gun! How can you be a fighter! You're stupid when you practice martial arts!"

"You forced me to do this! Miles! Copy guy!"

Seeing that Kagura Chizuru was so disrespectful of martial arts, Qin Ming became anxious at this time.

Not caring about making a big noise or attracting other people, he raised his hand to catch the machine gun thrown by Miles Kasamoto, held the gun and started shooting wildly.

Miles Kasamoto raised his hand and pulled out the wooden-handled grenade from his waist, transforming into a bomber and blasting around.

For a moment, there was a continuous roar, and the scene that was just a duel between warriors turned into a battle with modern hot weapons in the blink of an eye.

Kagura Chizuru, who didn't expect that her opponent would be so ungrateful as a warrior and actually carry something outrageous like a grenade or even a machine gun, was shocked on the spot.

Facing the tyrannical firepower, she was overwhelmed and retreated, and had to hide behind the bunker.

Kagura Chizuru's ability is very restrained to warriors, but she is also very afraid of such thermal weapons, especially thermal weapons with an amazing rate of fire.

She originally thought of relying on a pistol to break the situation, but now she was suppressed.

Qin Ming, who was holding a machine gun, roared crazily, pulled the trigger and fired while striding towards Kagura Chizuru.

The huge rockery was smashed and shattered into pieces. Kagura Chizuru, who was hiding behind, was also shocked and dizzy.

The offense and defense of both sides were reversed on the spot!

But before Qin Ming could use his firepower to force Kagura Chizuru out of the bunker, while he was firing with a gun, there was a sudden sound of wind behind him.

After all, this is the territory of the Kagura family. He made such unscrupulous noises here, and after all, he quickly attracted other people.

The most terrible thing is that this guy is the first one to be attracted! It turned out to be the goal of Qin Ming's trip!

Kusanagi Kyo is also the heir to the three artifact families! The number one leading actor in the world of The King of Fighters!


The roar of the fire reached his ears, and Kusanagi Kyo transformed into a ball of flames, crashed through the rockery on the spot, and attacked Qin Ming from the side.

No! Not a collision! But melt! It he is relying on the terrifying high temperature! The rockery melted directly!

Kusanagi's Fire! Red flame!

A surefire move! Oroganagaru!

Looking at the huge flames coming towards his face and feeling the sudden increase in temperature around him, Qin Ming's pupils shrank sharply. Without thinking, he threw the machine gun and roared, throwing out a burst of fire.

Bai Yan! Imitation-Orochanagi!


Two huge flames collided in mid-air. Under high temperature versus high temperature, they actually fought to no avail.

Seeing the familiar moves appearing in front of him, Kusanagi Kyo burst out of the mountain with a look of astonishment on his face. After reacting, his eyebrows furrowed and he suddenly changed his moves and spun around, burning towards Qin Ming with flames in his hands.

Skill! Ghost burning!

As soon as this move started, Qin Ming on the opposite side had already followed up with the same move, trying to counter attack with attack.

However, this time the two collided, and in Qin Ming's stunned eyes, the white flame in his hand was actually swallowed directly!

The next second! The terrifying fire carrying high temperature swept over his body instantly! He lit it on fire and flew it away!

Qin Ming, who rolled to the ground, stood up and used his energy fluctuations to disperse the remaining flames on his body. He looked solemnly at the enemy in front of him.

Kusanagi Kyo, who had knocked back Qin Ming with one blow, raised his hand as he flew to the ground, suddenly dissipating the flames in his hand, and sneered at the same time.

"Playing with fire in front of my Kusanagi family? Looking for death!"

[Name: Kusanagi Kyo]

【Strength: 50】

[Physique: 50]

【Speed: 50】


[Skills: Kusanagi-ryu ancient martial arts (A-level) Orochimaru (A-level) Aman Congun's power (S-level)]

[Bloodline: Red Flame Bloodline (Grade A)]

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