Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 375 Happy Birthday Song

Kyo Kusanagi's red flame bloodline is A-level, and his white flame bloodline is also A-level. Now that the two collided, his flame was swallowed up instantly, and he had no power to fight back. This situation is definitely not normal.

Qin Ming, with a serious expression, finally locked his eyes on the skill list of Kyo Kusanagi, the power of Ame-kurosakumo that he had never heard of, and his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"One of the three artifacts, Ame-kurosakumo sword?"

Hearing the whispers here, Kyo Kusanagi put one hand on his waist, with flames on his fingers, and shook it very casually.

"That's right! It's the Ame-kurosakumo sword! The power of the ancient artifact! The power that my Kusanagi family has passed down for generations! It can enhance the flame of Kusanagi to the extreme!"

"Heh, no wonder it can swallow my fire instantly, it turns out to be the power of the artifact, I thought it was your power."

When Qin Ming said this, Kagura Chizuru, who had already walked out of the bunker on the opposite side, changed her face suddenly.

Knowing that things were going to get bad, she hurriedly turned her head to look at Kyo Kusanagi.

"Kyo Kusanagi! Don't listen to his nonsense! Join forces to deal with him!"

Kagura Chizuru reacted quickly, but unfortunately, her reaction was fast, and Kusanagi Kyo's reaction was even faster.

His smile collapsed on the spot, he raised his hand to stop Kagura Chizuru from talking, and looked at Qin Ming with a stern face.

"You want to provoke me? Do you really think that without the power of the artifact, you, a street bastard, can be my opponent? Good! You want to challenge my authority of Kusanagi Fire, right? Then come on! Kagura, don't interfere, I will deal with him alone."

Kyo Kusanagi said, and he took a step forward.

Kagura Chizuru, who saw this scene, raised her hand and slapped her forehead hard, with a look of despair on her face.

This IQ! She was really speechless!

And seeing that the other party was fooled, of course, it could also be that Qin Ming, who was skilled and bold, really wanted to fight with him alone, and did not use the power of the artifact, quickly smiled on his face and took a step forward.

While moving his shoulders, he laughed grimly.

"Boy! I'm going to make you burn!"

Kyo Kusanagi took a fighting stance on the opposite side, and his mouth curled up when he heard this.

"Are you another cannon fodder villain who speaks arrogantly before his death? Big idiot!"


With a roar, he raised his hand and punched hard, and the fire above was boiling.

Skill! Wild Bite!

Qin Ming followed suit when he punched here, and used the same action.

Imitation-Wild Bite!

With a loud bang, the two fists collided in one place, and the white flames and the red flames intertwined, burning inseparably.

The shock wave generated by the collision blew the surrounding gravel into pieces, and forcibly cleared a ten-meter square arena.

The first punch! Equal!

The red flame of the Kusanagi family is characterized by high temperature. Even if it is not amplified by a divine weapon, the temperature is far higher than Qin Ming's white flame.

Although Qin Ming's flame temperature is not as high as Chi Yan's, his fire has a penetrating effect and can reduce the opponent's defense. The most important thing is that his own defense is terrifying.

It is unknown whether the raging fire that penetrated Bai Yan and hit him can burn him.

But Kusanagi Kyo, whose defense was reduced by Bai Yan, was definitely hurt.

In pain, Kusanagi Kyo suddenly grinned, and after looking up and seeing Qin Ming's half-smile, he forced his expression to be serious.

The next second! The combo begins!

Wild Bite + Nine Wounds + Nanase!

The classic three-hit combo of the Kusanagi family!

Waving his hands with raging fire, Kusanagi Kyo came up with a set of combos.

Qin Ming's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and he used the same combo without hesitation!

Kusanagi Kyo used Wild Bite! He used Wild Bite! Kusanagi Kyo used Qin Yueyang! He also used Qin Yueyang! Kyo Kusanagi uses Orochi Nagi! He also uses Orochi Nagi!

What? Skills? Qin Ming's moves have no skills! They are all imitations!

Qin Ming didn't think he could win the battle with the protagonist of the fighting world in terms of technology, so he simply didn't fight.

I will use whatever you use! If you block, we will fight! If you don't block, we will fight each other!

Anyway, Qin Ming is thick-skinned and not afraid of fighting, let's see who can't stand it first.

The two of them fought for more than 30 moves in a row, from the original flame duel to the later fist and foot fight, and finally it turned into a sweep kick.

The cause of all this came from an instinctive sweep kick by Kyo Kusanagi.

He swept his leg, and Qin Ming followed suit, and the calves of the two collided fiercely, making a muffled sound.

The two who failed to defeat each other looked at each other, and then swept their legs and kicked out at the same time, and then continued to sweep their legs, and continued to sweep their legs, and swept their legs with all their strength, and they collided with each other for more than ten times.

The first time they collided, the two sides collided accidentally.

The second time they fought, the two chased instinctively.

But when their legs collided for the third time, the meaning of this duel had completely changed.

The two who were unwilling to give in to each other! They kicked each other with all their strength! And they always hit the same place! No one was willing to retreat even half a step!

In the end, after a hard duel of seventeen times, the two retreated at the same time to open up the distance.

Feeling the soreness from his calf, Qin Ming had a straight face and no expression.

"How do you feel? Kid who wet the bed?"

Kusanagi Kyo, whose whole leg was numb from the kick, tried his best to control his expression when he heard the words, and endured the severe pain of retreating, and the corners of his eyes trembled wildly and uncontrollably.

"Of course I'm fine! A worthless villain with only muscles!"

"Then come on?"

"Come on! Who's afraid of you!"

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

As they spoke, the two of them started fighting again, testing each other aggressively.

Looking at the two guys, one lame and the other crippled, with their legs and feet becoming less agile, Kagura Chizuru, who stood aside and watched for a long time, looked very melancholy at this moment.

"Kusanagi Kyo, why are you fighting with him if you have nothing to do? You and I will work together to get him quickly..."

"Shut up! It's none of your business here! Go away! I have to kill him today!"

"Shut your mouth! Wait until I kill him! I'll kill you again!"

Before Kagura Chizuru finished speaking, two voices sounded at the same time.

The two people who turned around and scolded them looked at each other again while their eyes moved.

The next second! Wild bite versus wild bite!


Amidst the loud noise, the two collided again.

Looking at the flames exploding in front of them, Kagura Chizuru stood beside him with an expressionless expression, her eyes filled with disgust.

She knew that she shouldn't expect a high school student to save the world.

The character of this generation’s heir to the Kusanagi family’s artifact is too unreliable!

Kagura Chizuru gave up on treatment. Watching the show with an expressionless expression on the side.

And Mile Kasamoto standing nearby was also watching the show.

Seeing her boss being beaten to a bloody head, the woman was very excited and kept shouting.

Until she screamed, she turned around and looked at Kagura Chizuru, who was looking over silently...

"What are you doing?!"

A scream suddenly sounded, followed by footsteps approaching, and a large number of people came after hearing the news.

Then looking at the chaotic battlefield in front of them, they were all confused.

Hearing the noise, the two groups of men who were fighting on the battlefield turned their heads at the same time.

At this time, Qin Ming and Kusanagi Kyo had developed from a fist fight to a street fight, and their fighting level dropped to another level.

Qin Ming was pulling Kusanagi Kyo's hair hard, while Kusanagi Kyo locked Qin Ming's neck and grinned.

Because of height! Kusanagi Kyo is now completely obsessed with Qin Ming!

On the other side, Kagura Chizuru and Kasamoto Miles were having a Western samurai duel with guns. You shoot me and I shoot you, and they fight back and forth.

Hearing the movement, the troops from both sides quickly looked over. Seeing the reinforcements arriving, their eyes lit up at the same time, and they hurriedly opened their mouths.

"Wu! Kill them quickly!"

After the words fell, the scene suddenly became silent.

Qin Ming and Kagura Chizuru, who spoke at the same time, turned to look at each other in shock, their eyes full of shock.

The reinforcements who came next to them, namely Mai Shiranui, Blumari, and King, instinctively looked at each other with confused expressions.

Only Yuri Sakazaki, who didn't know Qin Ming, rushed out excitedly, put on a fighting stance, and spoke loudly.

"Chizuru! Tell me! Who are you going to hit? Kyo Kusanagi, right? I've long disliked this arrogant boy! Look at my extreme skills! Chaos between dragons and tigers... Oops!"

Before she could finish her words, Yuri Sakazaki was already dragged away by King who came over.

Mai Shiranui took a step forward and looked at the four people present with a strange expression.

"Why are you guys fighting? By the way, Qin Ming, why are you here?"

"Ah I?"

Qin Ming, who didn't expect to meet Mai Shiranui here, still looked confused at this time.

Before he could react to what was going on, Mai Shiranui seemed to suddenly think of something, and turned around with a red face.

"Hmph! What? Did you remember that today is my birthday? It took you a while to find this place accurately, but don't think that I can forgive you!"

"Huh? Birthday? This... Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!"

Qin Ming reacted quickly. He understood that if he explained at this time, it would easily change from two against two to two against six. He suddenly threw Kyo Kusanagi away, clapped his hands and sang a birthday song.

The same goes for Miles Kasamoto, who cooperated with him tacitly. He even didn't forget to throw a grenade into the sky as a firework for fun.

The sudden situation here immediately stunned Kusanagi Kyo and Kagura Chizuru.

Only Mai Shiranui blushed slightly when she heard the birthday song and looked a little embarrassed.

"Hmph! You can actually remember Senior Sister's birthday! And come here! If you still have some conscience! Then Senior Sister will just forgive you once! Bring it!"

As he spoke, Mai Shiranui turned her back to Qin Ming and handed over her hand.

Qin Ming was stunned when he saw the slender hand held out in front of him.

"What to take?"

"What else could it be? Your carefully prepared birthday present."

"Gift? This"

After raising his hand and patting his body, Qin Ming hurriedly handed over his gift.

Mai Shiranui, who shyly retracted her hand, looked down at the grenade in her hand, and the smile on her face suddenly froze...

Three seconds later, Mai Shiranui suddenly turned around and hit a high upper leg! Kicked Qin Ming hard on the neck!

she! I won’t forgive Qin Ming again!

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