Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 380 Adventurer's Hunt

On the street, a fierce fighting was going on.

Relying on the method of luring people out and attacking first, the nine adventurers succeeded in severely injuring Shiiken Chong, thereby holding back the other two.

Otherwise, if there is a head-on confrontation, with Asamiya Athena's ability, if she just wants to escape, no one will have any means to intercept her.

Relying on this method of first injuring one person and then gathering around for reinforcements, everyone was able to hold back Asamong Athena, who was unwilling to abandon her companions, and the already old fighting master Zhen Yuan Zhai.

Nine against one, and he was the first to ambush, directly destroying one person.

The most important thing is that they were very stupid and mixed the good wine with poison and gave it to Zhenyuan Zhai in advance.

It can be said that the nine people at this time have already taken advantage of each other, but the current battle situation is not one-sided.

They had obviously made so many preparations, but as they took over completely, the adventurers suddenly realized that they had seriously underestimated the strength of this team of superpowers!

The strength of the three of them is so strong! Far beyond everyone’s imagination!

Athena Asamiya flashes around, and her movements are impossible to capture. Maybe the basic panel is not very good, but this ability is extremely weird.

Super mental penetration with real damage effect! An extremely terrifying phoenix arrow burst out! And the combination of offense and defense! A crystal barrier with extremely lethal power!

This is so young! Athena Asamiya is only sixteen or seventeen years old! He is actually a first-class warrior level strong man!

Even Shiiken Takashi, who had been severely injured, relied on his special recovery power to forcibly recover some of his condition by eating steamed buns to supplement his nutrition, and then he almost blew up an adventurer alive with an explosion of immortal energy. .

Shiiken Takashi is also a guy whose frontal combat power is not weaker than that of a top-notch warrior, but like Athena Asamiya, he doesn't have a lot of fighting experience.

And their master, the slovenly drunkard Zhen Yuanzhai, showed even more terrifying strength at this moment.

The short body swam around in various attacks. Even when one was against five, Zhen Yuan Zhai was not defeated.

That extremely flexible body was able to dodge all punches and kicks with ease. Even when faced with a shot from a submachine gun, his hands captured all the bullets with lightning speed.

This outrageous scene of catching bullets with bare hands made the adventurers around them look dumbfounded!

Zhen Yuanzhai is already old, his body functions have seriously declined, and he no longer has the bravery he once had. After all, the saying that boxing is afraid of young people is no joke.

It's just that even though he no longer has the courage he once had, Zhen Yuanzhai's fighting experience is still there. This means that with S-level fighting skills, he can stand at the pinnacle of a first-class warrior just by relying on his fighting skills!

What he is afraid of is the kind of existence that can defeat cleverness with force! This is not a siege by a group of third-rate people!

The two sides were locked in an indistinguishable fight on the street for a while. With three against nine, Zhen Yuanzhai and others were not at a disadvantage.

Until two adventurers were killed in succession, they gritted their teeth and activated their trump card.

A bazooka from the world of Dino Kombat! Book of the Earth from the world of Three Kingdoms! One person even took out a treasure gourd from the world of Journey to the West! He forcibly sucked in Asamiya Athena, who had been scurrying around! It wasn’t released until sixteen seconds later!

When Athena Asamiya came out of the gourd, her clothes were corroded and torn, her mental energy was greatly consumed, and she no longer had the same cool energy as before.

Looking at the trio of masters and disciples who gathered together in embarrassment and put on defensive postures back to back, the remaining seven adventurers who also looked in embarrassment surrounded them with ferocious expressions and kept looking at each other.

As intermediate adventurers, and also good players among them, it is impossible for these people not to have treasures at the bottom of the box.

It's just that they formed a temporary team after all, and each has their own hidden agenda and are always on guard against each other.

Even if these people are all from the same team.

Now that they were finally about to gain the fruits of victory, instead of pursuing the victory, several people fell silent in unison.

"How to divide it?"

"Each one depends on his ability!"

"No one in your team has died! You are quite confident now! Didn't you already agree that one will be divided into one family?"

"Stop arguing! It will lead to long nights and dreams! Kill them first!"

While several people were talking here, the trio of Super Power Team members who were blocked in the corner were also nervously discussing countermeasures with serious expressions.

Zhen Yuan Zhai's face turned black after being poisoned, and Zhi Quan Chong, who was seriously injured by the sneak attack, also looked pale.

Athena Asamiya, the only one who was not seriously injured, was not seriously injured, but her sailor skirt became a battle-damaged uniform, which led to a happy ending.

Raising her hand to support Shii Kentaka, Asamiya Athena looked at the fierce-looking people opposite her with a somewhat panicked look on her face.

After all, she is a singer by profession, and practicing martial arts is just a hobby. At the same time, it is also for her to learn how to control her natural powers and avoid going berserk. How has she ever risked her life with others like this?

"Master! What should we do now!"

Hearing his apprentice's inquiry, Zhen Yuanzhai put his hands on his stomach and looked solemnly.



"Athena, with your ability, if you want to run, they can't stop you, just run."

"But you and Shiikentaka..."

"If we continue to break up, we will suffer chaos. Call for reinforcements immediately when we get back. As for whether we live or die, it depends on our fate."

Zhen Yuanzhai was an old man, and he understood that breaking out in this situation was absolutely useless, so he decisively chose to let Athena Asamong escape alone.

Seeing that Asamiya Athena was still hesitating, Zhenyuan Zhai even growled.

"Every second you hesitate now! Our chance of being saved will decrease by one second! Athena! Listen to Master! Run!"

After hearing this, Athena's eyes became firm again. After nodding heavily towards Zhen Yuan Zhai, she activated her skills without hesitation and disappeared in an instant.

When it appeared again, it was already a hundred meters away.

Athena's teleportation technique can only transport herself. At most, she can bring some small objects with her, but it cannot transport other living people with her.

She was not an idiot. She knew that going out to call for reinforcements at this time was indeed the best solution, so she immediately chose to execute the order.

Seeing her suddenly flashing away, the expressions of the adventurers on the opposite side changed.

Knowing that things were about to go bad, they looked at each other, and the next second they did not choose to pursue them. Instead, they attacked Zhen Yuan Zhai and Shii Quan Chong at the same time.

Kill Miyako Athena? They never expected to kill this woman in the first place!

After all, the ability to teleport is too buggy!

Their goal! It’s Zhen Yuan Zhai and Zhi Quan Chong from beginning to end! To be precise, it's Zhen Yuan Zhai's S-level fighting technique! Follow Shikikentaka's S-level skill Dragon Power!

These two abilities! This is their ultimate goal!

Amid the shouts of killing, the two sides fought again.

The moment one of the adventurers rushed over, he had already raised the treasure gourd in his hand.

With a flash of light from the gourd, Shiiken Chong was sucked in on the spot.

And this gourd! It's the Legend of Journey to the West! The magic weapon of the Golden Horned King! Treasure gourd!

Not a consumable! It's a serious prop and magic weapon! Gold level treasure!

[Name: King Golden Horn’s Treasure Gourd]

[Category: Special props (bright golden plot)]

[Usage requirements: None]

[Effect 1: After locking the target, forcefully inhale the target into the gourd, causing 50 points of corrosion damage per second. The duration is one-fifth of one-fifth of one's own spirit. It can only be used on the same target once in a day]

[Effect 2: If you call the opponent when activated and the opponent responds, the duration will be doubled]

[Introduction: Let me call you! Do you dare to agree? 】

Shiiken Chong was forcibly taken away, resulting in a seven-on-one situation. The adventurer, who hung the gourd on his waist, did not participate in the battle with a straight face, but was watching the battle silently from a distance.

To be precise, he never participated in the battle from the beginning to the end. He only used the treasure gourd to give Zhen Yuan Zhai and the other three a blow.

But just this time, they had successfully severely injured three people whose basic attributes were not high.

Facing the siege of six people, Zhenyuanzhai, who was already in poor condition, began to feel overwhelmed.

Gritting his teeth to block attacks from all directions, he struggled to hold on.

And seeing that they were about to work together to defeat this master and obtain the opponent's treasure chest, the several adventurers who were in a state of excitement became more and more ruthless, and began to use their own unique tricks.

After fighting dozens of moves in succession, with a loud noise, two adventurers took the opportunity to punch Zhen Yuan Zhai in the chest. He instantly flew backwards and rolled to the ground.

In a one-on-six fight, he was injured, but after nearly three minutes of hard work, he was finally defeated.

"Zhen Yuan Zhai! Take your life!"

Looking at Zhen Yuan Zhai, who was struggling on the ground and trying to get up again, one of the adventurers suddenly shouted and flew towards Zhen Yuan Zhai.

But before he could pounce nearby, a harsh wind suddenly sounded.

The next second, a black shadow fell from the sky and hit the ground hard. The shock wave it brought about forced the adventurer who flew towards him to fly away.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who was lying on the ground, was blown over again.

This sudden situation shocked the adventurers with serious expressions on their faces, and they quickly raised their weapons and stared in this direction.

One of the leading men even shouted loudly.

"Who is coming! The Killing God Team is doing something! Get out of the way!"

Hearing the roar from here, a figure slowly stood up in the smoke exploding in front of him. Before the person walked out of the black fog, two dazzling red lights had already lit up.

"Don't rush to chase people away. It's so lively here, why don't you count me out?"

While he was talking, the person who came had already walked out of the smoke. It was none other than Qin Ming who ran down from the roof of the building!

Qin Ming glanced at the people around him with a straight face. Qin Ming, whose legs were numb from the shock due to his rapid landing, stood there frozen for several seconds before he recovered.

However, the people opposite him didn't know that his legs were numb due to the shock and he was motionless.

Looking at Qin Ming walking out of the smoke, several adventurers took a step back almost at the same time, their faces turning very livid.

"It's you!"

"it's me!"

"What are you doing here!"

"I'll pick it up!"

"We don't want to be your enemy! Why don't we just pretend that nothing happened! Do you insist on going against me?"

"But I want to talk to you... don't pretend that you know me well, okay? I don't even know you!"

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