Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 381 Qin Ming's killing intention

Qin Ming didn't know who these guys were, nor had he heard of the God of Death Squad.

Anyway, just by hearing the name, he felt that their captain shouldn't be that old.

He should be on the same level as the Ultimate Tyrannosaurus God! Aotian Kuanghu Emperor!

Qin Ming didn't want to know who these guys were subordinates of, and what grade they were in, and he was too lazy to know.

His purpose of coming this time was very clear, that is, to get benefits.

As the so-called Jianghu rules, meet and share half, he came here, he can't go back empty-handed, that would be so embarrassing.

What? There are seven people on the opposite side? But he is only one person? He can't get half?

Are you kidding! You only count the number of people! Why don't you count the weight! He can beat four people on the opposite side!

Looking at Zhen Yuanzhai, who had been severely injured, and Shii Kensho, who flew out of the gourd on the other side and was already breathing in more than out, Qin Ming's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly pointed at Shii Kensho and spoke.

"I'm not greedy, just give him to me."

Qin Ming didn't lie, he really wasn't greedy, because the so-called greed requires you to be one of our own people first.

He really wasn't greedy! He was robbing! Robbing openly!

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, the faces of the adventurers on the opposite side turned black.

They had seen arrogant people, but it was the first time they had seen someone so arrogant.

It's true that the other party is very good at fighting! But there are seven people on his side! He didn't even count the number of people on both sides!

Footsteps sounded, and the man with the treasure gourd hanging on his waist suddenly walked to the front of the team, looked at Qin Ming with sharp eyes, and said in a cold voice.

"Do you think we are soft persimmons? Do you really think we are made of mud? You want to take half of the benefits right away?"

Looking at the man who showed his head, Qin Ming silently glanced at the treasure gourd on his waist, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"I want half, which is already a courtesy to your God of Death team. I advise you to be sensible, otherwise I will take more than half."

"Then it seems that there is no room for negotiation?"

"If you give me one, I can still be friends with you."

"In that case! Let's see who is the real one! Look at the magic weapon!"

With a loud shout, the man suddenly raised his hand and pulled out the gourd from his waist, pointing it at Qin Ming.

"Boy! I call you grandpa! Do you dare to agree!"

"…………Hey? Wait a minute? What do you call me?"

Qin Ming, who was originally alert and stern-faced, and had already prepared to deal with the gourd, was finally hit.

After all, the opponent really didn't play according to the routine. It was the first time that Qin Ming saw someone give the other party a seniority before the fight.

He was shocked and instinctively asked, which instantly made the gourd react.

With a flash of light, Qin Ming was sucked directly into the gourd, which made the man who shook the gourd vigorously couldn't help showing a proud expression on his face.

Several teammates next to him cast admiring glances at him.

"Boss Appraiser! Your trick is absolutely amazing! It is 100% effective! No opponent will not react when they hear it!"

The adventurer codenamed Appraiser grinned when he heard it.

"That's right, don't say you haven't heard it, even if you have prepared in advance, most people will not be able to help but agree when they hear my words, okay! Stop talking nonsense! Kill them both!"

With an order, several people rushed towards Zhen Yuanzhai and Shii Kensho again.

At the same time, Qin Ming, who was forcibly pulled into the gourd, stood in the sauna with an expressionless face.

That's right, it was a sauna.

The corrosion effect of 50 points per second may be very scary for others, but it is just like that for Qin Ming.

It is the limit to make him uncomfortable for a while, as for wanting to dissolve him? That was just overthinking.

Standing in the rolling mist, Qin Ming realized that he had been fooled, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

Good guy! He actually played such a low-level trick on him! Attacking the weakness of men who like to fight for seniority!

A toad sleeping like a frog! He is ugly, but he is quite good at playing!

Looking up at the enclosed space around him, and the corrosive mist that kept drifting out along the wall of the gourd, Qin Ming stretched out his hand with a stern face and tried to touch a little.

Looking around, after making sure that there was no one around, he directly put his finger into his mouth...

Hiss, it's a bit numb, even more numb than the vodka + gunpowder that Kasamoto Eri poured on him...

Sixteen seconds later, with a flash of light, Qin Ming was finally released by the gourd.

He just appeared and looked up to find that he was surrounded.

Five adventurers were surrounding him at this time, looking at him fiercely.

The other two were attacking Zhen Yuanzhai, who was already exhausted, with all their strength, trying to kill him.

As for Kensou Shii? He was sleeping peacefully now, and he would probably never wake up again in this life.

Looking at the suddenly changed environment around him, Qin Ming, who was a little overwhelmed, was stunned.

The five members of the God of Killing Team, who had blocked the surroundings in advance and were ready to work together to kill Qin Ming, looked at Qin Ming, who was scratching his belly with one hand and sucking his fingers with the other hand stained with an unknown liquid. They all widened their eyes.

The two sides stared at each other in silence for three seconds. In the end, Qin Ming was the first to react.

He put down his palm, which had been frozen and stuffed into his clothes, and pulled out the fingers in his mouth at the same time.

Qin Ming, who had a stern face, looked very indifferent at the moment.

“…………You’re dead!”

As soon as the words fell! Flesh absorption started! Dinosaur form started! Heavenly Slide was released!

Qin Ming! Killing intent! Unprecedented killing intent!

Looking at Qin Ming who suddenly jumped up on the spot, rushed towards them madly, and grew bigger while charging, the adventurers around him woke up as if from a dream.

The light came on, and several people did not hesitate to use their special moves and attacked Qin Ming together.

The appraiser with the magic gourd did not even want to roar when launching the attack.

“How old are you! You still suck your fingers!”


Four minutes later, chaotic footsteps sounded on the street.

Accompanied by the whistling wind, a figure rolled and crawled out of the corner, and while sliding on the ground with his legs, he used all four limbs to run towards the alley.

As soon as he turned around, the next second, a scream came from behind, and a companion flew backwards and rushed out of the corner.

And just when he was halfway through his flight, he was hit hard by another guy, and his shoulder hit the wall.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the wall was directly hit by this blow, and dense cracks appeared. The person who was hit was half embedded in the wall.

Before he could struggle to climb out, the big man who hit him had already grabbed his head with a dark face and started running at high speed against the wall.

With a harsh friction sound, the unlucky guy whose head was completely inserted into the wall was pushed out more than 30 meters away. His head plowed a straight gully in the wall, causing gravel to fly.

When the big man let him go, the man whose head was severely rubbed had already lost his facial flesh and blood, and he couldn't be deader!

Qin Ming threw away the corpse in his hand, his eyes flashed red, and his body had grown to three meters away. He was panting heavily through his nostrils and chased the appraiser in front of him like a human tank.

The fight between the two sides was very brief. Facing Qin Ming, who was running wild on the spot with all his skills activated.

The five adventurers who tried to kill him together were torn apart by hand, one was hammered to death, and two were folded into foldable screen phones.

Qin Ming, whose strength is no less than that of a first-class warrior, is even more powerful than ordinary first-class warriors in a short period of time after all his skills are activated.

The most important thing is! He is still taking the defense + recovery route! As a result, he is a pure chicken killer!

Those who can beat him! Kill him!

Those who can't beat him! Kill him!

It can be said that when facing the enemy, his situation is completely at two extremes, and the thing he is least afraid of is a group fight.

This is also the reason why he dared to come over to ask for benefits. If the hunting team was only one or two people, Qin Ming would never dare to drag the big ones to jump down and ask for benefits. After all, this shows that the other party is an absolute master and is not easy to mess with.

But this hunting team fights by numbers! Then he is not afraid!

Because he is least afraid of numbers!

Frontal firefight! He tore two of them apart with his hands despite the attack!

Then he turned around and punched the other guy's head into his chest!

At this moment, Qin Ming was more brutal than ever before, and he really wanted to kill people.

Now seeing that the other two guys wanted to escape, he didn't even care about Zhen Yuanzhai, the seriously injured and dying trophy, and chose to chase and kill without hesitation.

After killing another person by collision, Qin Ming, who had solved all the members of this team in an instant, chased the last guy and started running for his life.

He chased! The appraiser ran! The appraiser's face was as white as a piece of paper while running!

"I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything!!!"

Hearing the appraiser's words, Qin Ming was slightly stunned, and ran even faster the next second!

With a loud bang, the appraiser who finally failed to outrun Qin Ming was instantly hit by Qin Ming against the wall.

Before he could fall off the wall, Qin Ming's sandbag-sized fist had already hit his face. He pushed the appraiser against the wall and started to hit him madly.

After hitting him more than ten times, he grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall until the whole wall was completely destroyed. He finally stopped hitting.

He grabbed the appraiser's legs and chest with both hands and suddenly lifted him up high.

The next second, with full force falling, Qin Ming smashed the appraiser directly on his knees, the action was like breaking sugar cane.

After hitting once, seeing that the appraiser was not dead, he picked him up and hit him twice in a row.

With a click, the third folding screen appeared.

Looking at the appraiser who was smashed from I shape to inverted V shape, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction after confirming that he had died. After throwing away the body, he suddenly turned back and stared behind him, with red light flashing in his eyes.

Wait a minute! I almost forgot! There is another person watching the show!

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