Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 387 Emperor vs Emperor


Amid screams, the adventurer who brushed past Qin Ming, before he could land on the ground, his clothes exploded behind him.

As Qin Ming raised his hand and grabbed, the blood that had already merged into the adventurer's body condensed into a solid and shot out from behind the adventurer! Forcibly leaving a large number of penetrating wounds!

Countless blood that was originally Qin Ming, with more blood from adventurers, whistled into Qin Ming's palm and gathered into a blade in the next second.

Qin Ming threw the blood blade again and hit another adventurer. His other arm suddenly raised, and his palm turned into a pistol and aimed at the third person.

As the blood in his body surged, a large number of blood beads flew out along the skin, shooting at the enemy in front like bullets, at an astonishing speed, scaring the opponent to retreat and dodge in a hurry.

Seeing him dodge, Qin Ming chased him. As his arm moved, the blood beads condensed into a cone, crackling and shooting continuously.

Whenever a blood bead hits an enemy, it will fly back at high speed in the next second, and will also bring out a large amount of enemy flesh and blood.

Ever-changing! Can attack or defend! Can be extremely sharp! Can also be indestructible!

This is Qin Ming's new ability! The S-level skill of flesh and blood absorption! The terrifying ability that should really be possessed!

As the soaking in the potion is completed, the flesh and blood absorption ability and the steel body ability are perfectly integrated. Qin Ming's skills have not changed at all, and the two have not merged into one.

But Qin Ming understands that at this moment he has truly transformed.

He used to be able to only store and release blood, and knead blood into various balls to throw at people, but finally he can truly control blood and drive it like an arm.

This comes from the blood in his body, and it has even been enhanced by the steel body skill. After condensing into a solid, it will become extremely hard!

Hard! Not only can it be used for defense! It can also be used for attack!

As long as you are sharp enough! Fast enough! Then hard enough blood! It will become the sharpest weapon in the world!

This is the situation at the moment!

Blood condensed on his arm, turning into a shield to instantly block the knife attack of one person.

The other hand swung back and slapped the opponent's chest.

As the blood and flesh absorption skill was activated, the blood spurting out of the arm hardened on the spot, turning into countless blades to cut the opponent's flesh and drill into the opponent's body.

And in the next second, it broke out of the body with more blood and flew out from behind the opponent.

Before the spurted blood scattered, Qin Ming had raised his hand and grabbed it, condensed the blood into a cone again, and inserted it into the back of the adventurer's head with his backhand, piercing his entire head on the spot.

The adventurer who was hit in the vitals did not die. His digitized body made his vitality extremely tenacious.

But before he struggled to escape from Qin Ming, the blood cone in his brain had already dispersed into blood, and suddenly condensed into a ball, shooting out in all directions.

With a crash, countless blood beads spurted out from the adventurer's brain, tearing his entire head apart on the spot, causing him to die beyond death.

Qin Ming raised his hand to recall the blood, condensed it into a ball, and shot it at another person again.

Condensed, thrown, spread, recalled, and condensed again.

Countless blood changed back and forth under his control, and in just a blink of an eye, he had already torn four people apart.

Although Qin Ming's original blood had amazing impact, it was liquid after all, resulting in insufficient lethality, and almost no armor-piercing ability, and the effect of hitting hard objects was extremely poor.

And this mutated and evolved once, or it should be said that the flesh and blood absorption skill that was completely developed, has become indestructible after being fully controlled by Qin Ming and being hardened by the ability of the steel body.

If Qin Ming shot a water gun bullet before, then at this time, he shot out a real bullet.

With the penetration and high temperature effect of the white flame, if someone still wants to use their body to forcibly withstand the blood bombardment, what awaits them is no longer the blood scattering, but being beaten into a sieve.

The blood only inherits the strengthening effect of the iron body, which has almost doubled Qin Ming's combat power!

Seeing their companions being pierced by countless blood and turned into honeycomb coal in a blink of an eye, the other adventurers were frightened and turned pale and retreated repeatedly.

Only Lucard stood there expressionlessly, looking at this side with his hands on his chest, and his eyebrows were furrowed at this moment.

As early as the first fight just now, Lucard actually understood that Qin Ming was coming with bad intentions.

He asked his younger brothers to go up and kill Qin Ming, not because he looked down on him or was unwilling to lower his status to fight him.

These were just excuses. The real reason why he ordered his younger brothers to go up was that he was a little unsure of Qin Ming's strength.

That's right! These younger brothers who rushed up! They were just cannon fodder used to test Qin Ming's methods!

Rugal was able to become the so-called fighting king, but he didn't do it by rushing all the way. On the contrary, this guy has a sinister personality.

He always tries to figure out the opponent's fighting routine first, and then targets it. After confirming that he can break it, he will go on the field to have a peak showdown with the opponent and then defeat the opponent head-on.

Collecting enemy intelligence, especially the intelligence of the enemy that he recognizes, has always been Rugal's most important thing.

After all, his eyes were forcibly removed because he was too slow back then and did not detect the opponent's ability in advance, which led to Goenitz's instant kill with his speed.

When the King of Fighters 95 tournament was held before, he would hold the so-called King of Fighters duel and stand at the finish line waiting for the final winner to challenge him. First, he didn't want to waste time on the weak, and second, he was also using the competition to collect information about his opponent.

At this moment, Lucard, who was concentrating on watching Qin Ming's move and quickly judging Qin Ming's ability and fighting style, frowned more and more tightly.

Control blood? What kind of strange ability is this?

Such hard blood, such ever-changing techniques, it's not easy to solve.

But it's just not easy to solve! If it was the old me! Maybe I would still have a headache! But now I am different!

He who has mastered the killing intention fluctuations! He is a god! A real fighting king!

No matter what the opponent's ability is! Just run over him!

Killing intention fluctuations amplification! 100% strength!

Rucard, with his arms suddenly opened, his eyes flashing red, didn't even say hello, and suddenly began to shoot energy balls crazily.

Super kill! Bloody slaughter!

One energy ball after another was as fast as lightning, shooting towards Qin Ming frantically.

Qin Ming's face changed when he heard the sound, and he suddenly grabbed upward with one hand.

As blood gushed out beside him, a blood barrier suddenly rose from the ground, and hardened rapidly under the power of the Iron Body.

With the power of the Iron Body, this solidified blood has more than 30 points of damage-free effect, which is truly harder than metal.

Accompanied by a loud bang, it was hit by more than a dozen energy balls in a row, but it didn't break!

And as soon as Lukar's skill stopped, the blood barrier had already dispersed from it. Qin Ming, who had already posed in the same posture with his arms open, roared and immediately fought back!

Imitation-no! It should be said to be modified-bloody slaughter!

The rapidly condensed blood solidified and deformed in the air, constantly turning into a half-meter-long blood blade, drawing various arcs and madly slashing at Lukar.

Raising his hand to condense a green energy shield, Rugal tried to take the attack head-on. After two consecutive hits, he realized that something was wrong and quickly changed his moves to dodge.

As he dodged, a large number of whistling blood blades passed by his side and slashed on the wall behind him, leaving several neat crescent-shaped gaps on the wall.

As he rolled to the ground, seeing that Qin Ming was not giving up and was ready to continue shooting at him, Rugal roared and immediately sent out Caesar Emperor Wave to counterattack.

On one side was a blood-colored blade! On the other side was a lightning shock wave! After the two collided head-on! Qin Ming's blood-colored blade was smashed into pieces on the spot!

Obviously, even with the ability enhancement of the steel body, the blood at this moment has become extremely hard.

However, facing the doubled attribute increase of Rugal's killing intention fluctuations, Qin Ming still couldn't match the wave.

It's just that Rugal can strengthen! Qin Ming can too!

The fluctuation on his body flashed! Skills activated!

A-level Qi wave amplification! 50% strength!

The ordinary upgraded Qi wave in Qin Ming's hand is obviously no match for the killing wave. Even though the two sides are of the same grade, the amplification effect is as different as heaven and earth.

It's just that the Qi wave can't compete! Qin Ming's blood blade can compete more!

The crescent-shaped blood blade is good at cutting! And it is also strengthened like a solid entity!

On one side is an unstable energy ball, and on the other side is a solid hardened blood clot. In this kind of confrontation, it is conceivable who has the advantage.

Qin Ming, who can't compete with Lucar in pure lethality, relies on the physical characteristics of blood to force back a game and fight against Lucar on equal terms.

The two of them fought fiercely for more than 30 times in the courtyard, and Lucar finally couldn't bear it first.

After Qin Ming threw out the skill, he activated the blood and flesh absorption ability and could also take back the blood that flew out, so the bombardment was almost not consumed.

But Lucard couldn't do that. If he continued to fight like this, he would be dragged to death.

He decisively stopped the long-range bombing, slid to avoid several blood blade cuts, and then Lucard roared and charged towards Qin Ming without hesitation, trying to fight Qin Ming in close combat.

Skill! Giant crush!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who stopped the bombardment, showed a ferocious look on his face. The next second, he slid forward and rushed out, choosing to attack against attack.

Skill! Heavenly Slide!


With a loud bang, the two burly figures collided fiercely, and Qin Ming was almost instantly pulled and knocked out by Lucard.

The two broke through the wall from this side of the house and broke through the wall from the other side.

After dragging Qin Ming out for a distance, Lucard's face was fierce and he directly detonated the energy injected into Qin Ming's body.

With a rumbling sound, Qin Ming, who was exploded from the inside, spurted blood from his mouth and nose, and even blood flowed from his eyes and ears.

He was severely injured on the spot, staring at Lucard with a ferocious look, and then he actually detonated the blood injected into Lucard's body.

It's true that his strength can't beat Lucard! But it doesn't mean that his moves can't beat him!

He just can't hit Lucard! But the skills can still be activated!

Heaven Slide! Explosion!

With a rumbling sound! Lucard's blood was boiling and rolling in his body! His eyes suddenly widened!

The next second! Blood splattered on his body! A large amount of blood condensed into blood beads was ejected from his body!

At this moment, he! It was like a fragmentation grenade! He was almost forcibly blown up by the steel balls inside!

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