Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 388 Absolute Power

One side turned the opponent into a high-explosive grenade, while the other side turned the opponent into a fragmentation grenade.

It is hard to say which of the two methods is stronger.

But if they continue to fight like this, Qin Ming will definitely be more popular, after all, Qin Ming is best at recovering from injuries.

The two men, who were bleeding all over, raised their hands and blasted each other crazily, standing in place and aiming at each other and hitting each other continuously.

The fists carrying the fluctuations of qi hit the opponent's body so hard, and no one was willing to retreat or defend even for a moment.

After fighting for more than 30 consecutive punches, Lucard suddenly roared and hit a straight punch.

Qin Ming, who couldn't keep up with the speed, was hit in the chest on the spot and flew backwards.

Lucard, who knocked Qin Ming away with one punch, maintained the posture of punching, standing in place with heavy breathing, and his body was covered with bruises.

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, who rolled to the ground, got up and shook his dizzy head vigorously. With blood flashing in his eyes, he looked up and looked at Lucard again.

As the blood absorption ability was activated, Qin Ming's injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a moment, he had recovered to his peak state.

Seeing this, Lucard's pupils shrank and his expression gradually became serious.

After staring at Qin Ming silently for two seconds, he suddenly sneered.

With a grab of his hand, a violent blood wave spread out from his body.

"Boy, do you think you are the only one who can heal yourself?"

The blood of the kingdom of heaven is activated! Injuries are healed!

The blood of the snake in Lucard's body is the blood of the snake without attributes, and it is also the most basic blood of the snake.

This resulted in him not being able to control the power of various snakes, but he still had the most basic effect of the blood of the kingdom of heaven.

Self-healing! Amplification! Strengthening! Simple but effective!

Rucard, who quickly recovered his condition by controlling the blood of the gods in his body, suddenly raised his strong arms and raised his head and roared.

"Power! Speed! Defense! Self-healing! Now I am close to perfection! I will return to the King of Fighters ring! And defeat Goenitz in the spotlight! And take off his eyes! And you, a low-quality product who came out of nowhere, you are not qualified to be my final opponent!"

Equally able to imitate moves, equally good at physical combat, and equally tall.

It can be said that Qin Ming and Lucard's abilities are extremely similar, resulting in the two of them fighting extremely savagely and without any skills.

Lucard will recognize Zhen Yuanzhai who fights desperately, and will look up to other masters with special skills, but he will not recognize Qin Ming.

Because in his eyes, Qin Ming is just an inferior version of himself, a lower-level replica that is far inferior to himself.

On the road to the fighting emperor! I am enough! There is no need for a second guy!

The raised palms suddenly clenched, and a large number of blue veins appeared on the skin. Lucard's expression became extremely ferocious, and blood gushed out of his body.

"Let me show you! The real power of the Fighting Emperor! The supreme power to defeat Goenitz!"

Murderous intention fluctuations and the blood of the snake! Fusion! 50%!

Murderous intention fluctuations can amplify the power of all punches and kicks and even qigong, and the effect is outrageous.

But this amplification cannot satisfy Lucard. He wants to become stronger and unstoppable. He wants to surpass Goenitz's perfect bloodline in the power of the blood of the snake, so he chose to completely merge the two and use the murderous intention fluctuations, which can amplify everything, to forcibly amplify the blood of the kingdom of heaven!

And he has reached the threshold!

Due to the erosion of the murderous intention fluctuations, dense blood-colored lines suddenly appeared on the skin that had turned gray.

Rucard, who opened the final trump card, swung his hand and swung his claws fiercely. Driven by the airflow of his arm, three blood lights were instantly left in the air, and he slashed straight at Qin Ming on the opposite side.

The power of the gods of the kingdom of heaven! And the purest killing power! Just fused and mixed together! A new kind of terrifying power was formed!

The supreme power belonging to Lucard!

"Boy! You will die in this killing feast that should have been prepared for Goenitz!"

Lucard swung out a claw, roared and launched a combo, and the claw shadows shot wildly.

Wherever the cold light passed, the ground was cut into deep scratches, and the wall was shattered in an instant.

Qin Ming protected his head with both hands and controlled the blood to block in front of him. The blood barrier only lasted for less than a second before it was ruthlessly torn apart.

The next second, countless bloody mouths burst on his body, and a large number of interlaced claw marks covered his whole body.

The violent speed, the terrifying killing, and the amplified blood power.

Lucard, who only had incomplete snake blood in his body, under the amplification of the killing intention, the blood power at this time actually surpassed the ordinary heavenly gods! Chasing Goenitz's perfect blood!


"Not enough! Not enough! This power is far from enough!!!"

Looking at the opponent being beaten without the power to fight back, and even unable to dodge.

After several attempts to control blood to counterattack, the blood was instantly chopped into pieces. At this time, Qin Ming, who had been cut into a bloody man, could only desperately protect his vitals.

Seeing that he had exploded his final trump card, he still couldn't deal with this unknown third-rate guy who suddenly appeared, and Lucard's expression became more and more ferocious.

With a fierce light flashing in his eyes, he once again desperately activated the two powers in his body.

Fusion state! 70%!

"Go to hell! Die at the feet of the emperor!"

The power of the blood claws he swung increased by nearly one-fold. Rugal, who completely shredded the building behind Qin Ming in a few strokes, attacked more and more frequently.

This caused Qin Ming, who relied on his steel body for defense, to gradually become overwhelmed.

His flesh and blood were torn apart, and the bones inside were gradually exposed at the wound.

Qin Ming, who tried desperately to mobilize blood to recover from his injuries, but could not keep up with Rugal's offensive, actually chose to take medicine and use recovery potions!

He witnessed Qin Ming's body like a roller coaster, rotten and healed again, and rotten again, and he was still alive even after being cut like this.

Rugal, whose skin had turned blood red, looked more and more ferocious and terrifying.

He could not tolerate that his strongest killer move would not be able to take down an ordinary fighter, a low-grade inferior product walking on his road to becoming an emperor.

In his strongest state, even Goenitz should be dealt with like cutting melons and vegetables, and kneel down in front of the emperor.

Not enough! The fusion of power is not enough! The power of the Supreme Emperor is definitely not limited to this!

Continue to merge! Forced fusion! 80%! 85%! 90%! 95%! 100!

"Go to hell!!!"

A roar that had become inhuman sounded, and Lucard, whose body had completely turned blood red, suddenly swung out a claw with all his strength.

With the flash of blood, Qin Ming, who was desperately defending on the opposite side, suddenly widened his eyes.

Because under his shocked gaze, the pair of extremely hard golden arm guards on his arms, which had a full hundred points of damage-free effect! Were cut from the front!

With a click, the arm guards were directly split in two.

Immediately after that, the two arms were broken! The cold light that cut off the arms continued to cut towards the body with undiminished power! It slashed Qin Ming's chest fiercely.

Qin Ming, whose entire chest was almost cut open, was directly blown away by the powerful impact and fell in front of the building that had long been turned into ruins.

The brutally severed arm spun and fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Seeing this scene, seeing that Qin Ming could no longer withstand his output, Lucard laughed wildly, laughing crazily.

"Hahahaha! See it! See it! This is the power of the Supreme Emperor! The power of the King of Fighting! Can defeat God! And become the power of God!"

Raising his hand and waving it, he swept out a huge claw mark, which spread dozens of meters away on the spot. Rucard, who tore the entire ground next to him, looked down at his bloody hands excitedly.

"I will defeat Goenitz! Defeat the so-called God behind him! And replace him as the new God! Then go to the unknown world you mentioned! Kill all the strong men who are worth fighting! Make them all into bronze statues for collection! I! Am the God of the New World!"

Amid Lucard's crazy roar, Qin Ming, who was almost cut in half by a claw, struggled to stand up.

Controlling the blood, Qin Ming pulled the two severed arms back to the wound. With the activation of the blood and flesh absorption ability, Qin Ming immediately connected with the arm and restored the broken arm in a moment.

Raising his hand to twist the reconnected arm, Qin Ming looked at the crazy Rucard opposite with a blank expression.

He did not choose to reply. After looking at Rucard, he suddenly turned around and left.

Seeing this scene, Rucard was stunned. After reacting, he grinned and roared.

"Where are you going? Do you want to escape? You are scared, right? Qin Ming! Come and continue to challenge the emperor! I haven't allowed you to escape yet! Come!"

Hearing the voice behind him, Qin Ming's footsteps paused suddenly. After a moment of silence, he suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

"The challenge is over. There is no point in continuing."


"Rucard, I admit that I am not your opponent. I lost this duel, but you don't win either."

After that, Qin Ming turned around and strode away.

This made Lucard stunned in place. After he reacted, he was completely furious. He raised his finger and pointed at Qin Ming and prepared to chase him.

"You self-righteous guy! Before the king agreed to your defeat! Who allowed you to leave on your own initiative! You dared to point your back at me! You... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, Lucard was suddenly stunned.

Looking down at his outstretched arm, he had a dazed look on his face.

And his arm... no, it should be said that his whole body was constantly dripping with red liquid at this moment.

The skin was dissolving, the flesh was melting, and at this moment, Lucard, after 100% fusing the blood of the snake with the killing intention, his body was actually melting! It was like an ice cream in the sun!

Did Lucard's power fusion succeed? Obviously it was successful.

He was a super genius himself, and he subdued these two violent powers and made them work for him.

It's just that the characteristics of the blood of the snake and the killing intention fluctuations are too unique. The blood of the snake is the blood of the gods, which can control and absorb the power of nature and grow.

Even if it is just one of the eight bloodlines, once it is developed to the extreme, it can be upgraded to S-level bloodline, just like Goenitz, it can be said that it has unlimited potential.

And what about the killing intention fluctuations? It is pure malicious power. The stronger your killing intention is, the stronger this power is, and the stronger this power is, it will also affect your killing intention.

One can absorb the power of nature, and the other can absorb the power of the mind. Both are essentially the ultimate power with no upper limit! What will limit their strength! Is the user's container itself!

Originally, the two powers in Rugal's body were not complete, but with his talent and faith, he could still perfectly control them and use them for his own benefit.

However, as Rugal merged the two powers together, the two powers, which theoretically had no upper limit, collided head-on. Then, when neither of them was willing to give in, the two began to grow madly.

Regardless of the consequences, regardless of the host's life or death, just to fight for victory and suppress the opponent's growth.

Rugal thought that 100% fusion was the end, but he was wrong. This so-called 100% fusion was only the end he could bear, but it was only the starting point of the competition between the two powers.

As the two powers entangled with each other and continued to increase their strength, Rugal, who could no longer bear it, collapsed physically.

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