Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 395 Wind's Sorrow

Goenitz's soul-diging skill did kill Qin Ming instantly.

However, his special attack method failed to successfully kill Qin Ming, but it caused Qin Ming to completely open the shackles.

That's right! It was to open the shackles!

Qin Ming's soul is not a help to the body, but a burden.

Because Qin Ming has common sense, he will instinctively dodge when facing various attacks and think about the consequences of resisting.

But the body controlled by instinct will not do that. The instinct of flesh and blood absorption is only to devour! The body of the steel body is only reckless!

One is responsible for fighting with others! The other is responsible for prolonging his own life!

When there is no rational limit, Goenitz is no longer facing a fighter, but a beast, a pure beast! A monster born only to kill and eat people!

Looking at the Qin Ming in front of him, who has lost half of his brain, but is not dead, but still alive and kicking, attacking him desperately, Goenitz has a look of horror on his face.

After his throat was ripped open by Qin Ming, he no longer dared to fight Qin Ming at close range. His body flashed strangely and he disappeared on the spot.

Skill! Space transfer!

Relying on the power of space, Goenitz successfully distanced himself from Qin Ming's body. Seeing Qin Ming on all fours, he rushed towards him again frantically. Suddenly, he struggled to raise his only right hand holding Qin Ming's soul high.

With a flash of light in his hand, the skill of God! The sun shines! Start!

Chaos descends! Let everything return to nothingness!


The bright white light lit up on the spot with the palm as the center. Wherever the light shines, everything is melting at a very fast speed.

The ground is melting, the buildings are melting, and even the soil under his feet is crumbling.

Goenitz, who used the final killer move, had a serious expression, and his body was now covered with cracks.

Obviously, this continuous burst of power has caused his body to collapse a lot.

In the sky full of flashing lights, before Goenitz, who was about to release his skills, stopped attacking on his own initiative, he suddenly heard a violent movement in front of him.

He looked up in astonishment. In Goenitz's shocked eyes, a monster whose whole body was dissolving at a high speed, looked bloody and blurred, and had long lost its facial features and even human appearance, was actually facing the sun! It was madly rushing towards him on all fours!

Qin Ming was not dead yet! Instead, he rushed up against the attack!


A terrifying roar sounded, and Goenitz, who was floating in the air, was directly knocked away, and his skills were forcibly interrupted.

He rolled to the ground, struggled to get up and was ready to resist, but when he looked up, he saw that the monster that rolled to the ground with him was actually tearing and devouring flesh and blood.

And it was not Goenitz's flesh and blood that was eaten! It was Qin Ming's own!

Qin Ming, whose body was seriously damaged, actually opened his mouth and bit his arm desperately, biting off his arm in a few bites, and absorbing all the blood in this arm.

Just in this way of actively breaking a limb! Obtained blood by force! Recovered from the injury!

Then he ran and roared, opened his bloody mouth, and pounced on Goenitz again.

Goenitz, who was stunned by the scene in front of him, finally came back to his senses when Qin Ming pounced in front of him.

With a slight tremor at the corner of his mouth, he suddenly loosened his hand that was tightly holding Qin Ming's soul.

This caused the soul, which was no longer bound, to fly out with a whoosh and directly return to the body.

With a snap, Qin Ming, whose three limbs were soft, slid and fell to the ground.

Goenitz, who saw Qin Ming's soul return, lay on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly closed his eyes.

In the storm, in the eye of the storm, both sides fell into silence strangely.

After a few seconds, with a slight friction sound, Qin Ming, who fell to the ground, finally struggled to get up with his hands on the ground.

Shaking his broken head desperately, he felt severe pain all over his body. He knelt on the ground and struggled to look up at Goenitz.

He found that Goenitz was lying on the ground and gave up resistance, or in other words, he was no longer able to resist.

Goenitz, who was covered with cracks all over his body, one arm disappeared, and was covered with wounds all over his body, looked up at the sky and was motionless, in a daze.

Qin Ming struggled to get up, covering the gap on his head, clenching his teeth in pain.

Finally, he couldn't bear the pain anymore, so he suddenly took out the gong and knocked it, directly summoning his black horse mount.

Then he forcibly drew blood from the black horse to recover from the injury.

With the wriggling of blood and flesh, Qin Ming's wounds gradually recovered.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief, staggered to Goenitz, and looked down at him with a complicated look.

After looking for three seconds, he suddenly spoke.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

Goenitz, whose body had collapsed, was indeed unable to defeat Qin Ming's body, which had gone berserk and completely mad.

But being unable to defeat the body did not mean that he could not defeat the soul.

As long as Goenitz wanted, he could have crushed the soul at any time and taken Qin Ming to death.

But Goenitz did not do so in the end, but chose to release the soul.

Hearing Qin Ming's question, Goenitz, lying on the ground, finally retracted his gaze and looked at Qin Ming standing beside him.

"Since it is a battle, there must be a winner, right? Qin Ming, congratulations, you won this time."

Qin Ming raised his hand to cover his still aching head, frowning.

"I won?"

"Yes, you won, and I lost, but I have to die at the hands of my opponent, not at the hands of an irrational monster."

Slowly closing his eyes, his body had completely collapsed, and his face began to drop debris and fragments. Goenitz, who was like porcelain, showed a bitter smile on his face.

"Evil cannot defeat good, it's really a standard ending, but who is evil and who is good between us?"

"Who cares? I don't care anyway. Do you care?"

"…………Heh, I don't care either."

After the words fell, the two people, one standing and one lying, laughed almost at the same time.

At the same time, as Goenitz's body could not bear it, the storm that had been raging wildly around him finally began to gradually subside.

Countless fighters and adventurers who were blown away began to hit the ground like rain, and those masters who were not blown away came over with serious expressions.

Looking at Goenitz lying on the ground, his body was in pieces, and even his entire lower body had disappeared, many masters had complicated expressions.

This was the first time they had seen such a terrifying force. As fighters, they admired Goenitz's strength, but at the same time they were very hostile to his cruelty and brutality.

Even though the winner had been decided, they still felt a little scared just thinking about the terrifying storm just now.

In the crowd, seeing that Goenitz was dying, the eyes of those adventurers who were lucky enough to survive began to flicker slightly. Some of them couldn't help but secretly stepped forward.

It was just that Qin Ming, who had been standing next to Goenitz, had just moved here, and he turned his head slowly with a stern face.

Feeling Qin Ming's cold eyes, looking at Qin Ming's hideous face covered with scars.

The adventurers who were impulsive in their hearts froze suddenly, and hurriedly retreated back into the crowd.

Just when Qin Ming relied on a look to successfully scare away his colleagues around him, footsteps suddenly sounded next to him.

The next second, the crowd was knocked away, and a figure stumbled in.

The person who suddenly ran in was none other than Goenitz's adopted daughter, the Christian nun, Sharan.

She was still wearing a black nun's uniform. She realized that something was wrong after seeing the huge storm that suddenly appeared in the city, and rushed over.

After all, her adoptive father's ability was the wind!


Looking at Goenitz, who was surrounded by the crowd and whose appearance was no longer miserable, with less than half of his body left, Sharan exclaimed, ran over, knelt on the ground and hugged him tightly.

Goenitz was stunned when he saw Sharan appear.

"Why are you here? What are you doing here? Go back!"


Hearing her father's scolding, Sharan did not give an answer, because she had already burst into tears at this moment.

She didn't understand why this believer of God, who had always been kind to others and helped others for free, and a benevolent communicator, would end up like this.

Although she knew that the god her father believed in seemed to be different and had been doing something secretly, in Sharan's eyes, Goenitz was still perfect.

Kind, gentle, kind, and unwavering in his faith.

He shouldn't have ended up like this. He should have had a good end. He should have returned to the embrace of God in his own Bible prayers a hundred years later.

Why is this!

Looking at Sharan who was crying while hugging him, Goenitz's face gradually softened. He sighed softly and suddenly showed a gentle smile on his face, a sincere smile that he would only show when facing Sharan, his adopted daughter and child.

"Don't cry, you won't be beautiful if you cry again."


"No one is immortal. This is my destiny, Sharan. It's good like this. At least you are safe."

Raising his hand to hug Sharan's head, touching his forehead with hers, Goenitz's eyes suddenly flashed, and he spoke softly at the same time.

"Shalan, everyone has their own destiny. After the gods come to the world, they will judge everyone. This is inevitable. But you, only you, child, I dare not guess your destiny. Now, I finally don't have to be afraid anymore."

Looking up, Goenitz, whose face was already broken, suddenly turned his head to look at Qin Ming who was standing next to him.

After looking at him, he spoke in a low voice.

"Qin Ming, please."

Qin Ming was expressionless when he heard this, and did not give an answer, but just nodded slightly.

Seeing this scene, Goenitz squinted and smiled.

"If I am not a member of the Eight Heroes, maybe we can really become friends."

Hearing this, Qin Ming's eyes twitched.

"Then if you are given another chance, will you give up the mission?"


"Then we will never be friends, Goenitz."

Looking at Goenitz expressionlessly, Qin Ming's voice was very firm.

"Because I will never make friends with those who dare to touch my people, forever."

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