Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 396 Generous War Gifts


Amidst the howling wind, a figure sprang out at great speed and pounced on Qin Ming. As soon as it got close, it had already displayed the unique skills of the eight young girls.

However, this move was obviously not very powerful and failed to pose a threat to Qin Ming. Instead, Qin Ming raised his hand to block it casually, and the user himself was thrown out by Qin Ming's collar.

With a snap, Shallan lay face down on the ground, motionless.

Qin Ming, who had easily dealt with her, rolled his eyes, put his hands in his pockets and was speechless.

"I'm warning you! For Gonitz's sake! I can indeed let you go one horse, two horses and three horses! But I am not a let go! This means that I have promised Gonitz to protect you! Otherwise, it's up to me You have such a bad temper! I would have torn you apart!”

As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, the little follower Kasamoto Miles who had been following him quickly added.

"Of course! It's possible that I slept with you!"


"Why are you everywhere! Go do your job!"




Scratching his belly, Miles Kasamoto swayed away with Qin Ming, leaving only Shalan, who had carried out countless sneak attacks but was still defeated instantly, lying motionless on the spot.

Goenitz is dead, succumbed to the backlash of his power, and no bones remain.

As his adopted daughter, Shalan was saved by Qin Ming. After all, at the last moment, Qin Ming nodded and agreed to protect Shalan on Gonitz's behalf.

It's a pity that this Shalan obviously doesn't appreciate it. She only has hatred in her heart for Qin Ming, the enemy who killed her father.

After being taken back to Shiranui Gym, she tried to kill Qin Ming in a sneak attack as soon as she found the opportunity, so as to avenge her father.

It's a pity that the one who learned the skills of the three-legged cat can't even break the defense, let alone kill someone.

Just when Shalan was holding her hands on the ground and struggling to get up, there were sudden footsteps in front of her.

After hearing the commotion, Shallan raised her head hard and found that the two women walking over were one of the members of the Eight Elites. At the last moment, Wei Si and Mai Zhuo chose to switch sides.

These two tall beauties wearing secretary uniforms were holding their hands on their chests and looking down at her. Mai Zhuo's eyes were still cold, but Wei Si's expression was very playful.

"Hey, isn't this Lan Lan? Why was she beaten like this? Get up, get up!"

As she spoke, Weisi smiled and stretched out a hand, but unfortunately, Shalan swatted it away.

Looking at Shalan who stood up stubbornly and turned around to leave, Weiss turned her head and looked at Mai Zhuo, with a smirk suddenly appearing in her eyes.

"Hey, Shalan, you can't get revenge like this. You can't even beat us, let alone that guy. Do you want to know how to get revenge?"

As soon as these words came out, Shalan, who had already turned around and left, stopped for an instant.

Although she hated the two bad women behind her who turned against her and killed her father, after a moment of hesitation, Shalan still gritted her teeth and looked sideways.


......... A few minutes later, Mai Zhuo and Wei Si strode away, leaving only a dumbfounded person. Shalan, who was obviously very shocked, stayed in place.

Mai Zhuo, who followed Weiss away, turned his head and glanced at Shalan behind him. Looking at her stupid look, he couldn't help but frown.

"Are you going too far?"

Weiss raised her eyebrows upon hearing this and stared at her with an unhappy expression.

"Why do I do this? It's us! We!"

"But I didn't even say a word from beginning to end."

"That's us too! Don't even think about getting rid of the relationship!"

"Okay, even if it's us, isn't it too much for us to do this? We deceive a silly little girl like this."

After hearing Mai Zhuo's words, Wei Si suddenly pursed her lips.

"Hey, Master Mai Zhuo, when did you become bodhisattva-hearted? You were previously responsible for killing people and exterminating them. Why didn't you go too far when you killed someone's whole family? Why didn't you think about others?"

"I've thought about them."


"So I didn't leave a single person alive."

Looking at Mai Zhuo with a straight face, Weiss rolled her eyes hard.

"Then according to your opinion, you want to kill her directly?"

"It's better than you lying to her like this."

"Did I lie to her? Isn't this a good idea? Isn't it possible to help her get revenge?"


"As long as you can get revenge, that's a good idea. As for the process? It's none of my business!"

Stretching her muscles vigorously, she finally got rid of the threat of Goenitz and no longer had to carry out the so-called mission. This made Weiss debt-free and in an unprecedented mood.

When she walked through the corridor and saw Mai Shiranui and Blumari coming from the opposite side, she waved enthusiastically and said hello.

"Hey! Busty girl! Little girl! Good morning!"

Hearing the commotion here, Mai Shiranui and Blumari's expressions darkened suddenly as they walked across from them. They didn't even want to pay attention to them. They quickened their pace and tried to walk past.

However, the two of them obviously underestimated how bad Wei Si's character was. Seeing that the two of them ignored them, they actually raised their hands and slapped the two of them on the buttocks the moment they passed by.

Amidst the crisp sound, Mai Shiranui almost jumped up after being slapped. She covered her butt and turned to glare at Weiss. Looking at this woman with a wicked smile, she dared not say anything in anger.

After all, they really can't beat each other, and they may not be able to beat one of them together.

Mai Shiranui gritted her teeth, snorted coldly, turned around again and walked away aggressively, leaving behind only Weiss, who looked smug, and Mai Zhuo, who still had his arms crossed and looked expressionless.

After walking through the corridor and coming to the room, Mai Shiranui kicked the door open.

Then, she turned around and looked at Qin Ming, who was stunned, and strode to him, raised her hand and grabbed Qin Ming's collar, and shook him hard.

"Get rid of them! Get rid of them!"


"That Weiss and Mai Zhuo! Get these two bastards out! Shiranui Gym doesn't welcome them!"

"But they are masters, didn't you say that Shiranui Gym lacks masters? You don't want two first-class masters?"

"I want masters to keep the place in check! To protect the gym! Not to let them bully me! I am the gym owner!"

Mai Shiranui roared, and she was about to collapse.

With the end of the game, Qin Ming, who won glory for the sect and barely got forgiveness from Mai Shiranui, was able to successfully return to the martial arts hall.

And not only did he come back, he also brought back three good players.

Among them, Sister Sharan knew how to sneak attack Qin Ming all day long and fight with Qin Ming.

The other two did not dare to fight with Qin Ming, but the problem was that they might as well follow Sharan to fight Qin Ming together!

Because they like to bully people! Bully whoever they catch!

Originally, a lustful Kasamoto Eri and Qin Ming who likes to bully others by brute force are enough to bear.

Now there are two guys with worse personalities than Kasamoto Eri and Qin Ming! Directly occupy the magpie's nest! Stay here!

The current Shiranui Dojo! It's still her Shiranui family!

Have you ever seen a head of a family who is patted on the chest and buttocks by others when they meet, so that now the female disciples under the sect have rumors that Mai Shiranui got to the top by selling her body!

The newcomers Mai Zhuo and Wei Si like to bully the weak, that is, Mai Shiranui and the others.

Mai Shiranui and the others can't beat these two members of the Eight Heroes, so they can only vent their anger on Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who was beaten for no reason, naturally couldn't let it go, and would go to Wei Si and Mai Zhuo, the two culprits, to beat them.

Then Mai Zhuo and Wei Si, who didn't dare to offend Qin Ming, would be angry and bully Mai Shiranui and the others even more.

It can be said that the Shiranui Gym at this time has completely formed an internal small cycle.

Qin Ming, who finally sent Mai Shiranui and Blue Marie away with great effort, finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the closed door.

This time he didn't rush to beat Wei Si and Mai Zhuo immediately, mainly because it was useless to beat them.

Those two guys only remember to eat and not to be beaten, and their character is just like this. They are essentially two bad birds.

Do you expect them to turn over a new leaf? The last one who tried to restrain them by force was killed by them.

Qin Ming closed the door with force, turned around and sat back on the chair. After easing his mood, he suddenly raised his hand and took out a few items from his arms.

And these items are all the spoils he got this time.

Four keys, plus a treasure chest.

It doesn't sound like much, and it's pitifully poor compared to the amount of harvest in other worlds.

However, the quality of the spoils this time is surprisingly high, ridiculously high.

Among the four keys, one is the key of the plot character Cai Baojian, which is not of good quality. Even if he was killed in a single fight, it is only of ordinary silver quality.

After all, he is just a bottom-ranked third-rate warrior.

One is the loot, the key of Kensho Shii.

Because several adventurers participated, the gold content of this key has also shrunk to a certain extent, and it is a dazzling silver key.

In addition, the rest are all highlights.

Lukar's key! Dull legendary quality!

Goenitz's key! Dull legendary quality!

And the final reward of the King of Fighters Tournament! A champion treasure chest of the same dim legendary quality!

That's right! The final King of Fighters competition! Qin Ming became the champion! The reason is that he directly stopped Goenitz's conspiracy!

And this final reward did not live up to his life-threatening journey. This time he made a lot of money.

Three legendary keys, how terrible the harvest this time is can be imagined. Qin Ming, who had never obtained such trophies, was so excited that he couldn't even control his emotions.

He originally planned to open the box after returning to the nightmare space, but in the end he couldn't resist the impulse in his heart and decided to open it in advance.

Qin Ming always opened the treasure chest after returning to the space, instead of opening the box on the spot, so as to gain combat power immediately. In fact, there is a reason.

Because there are too many uncertainties in using props, and the nightmare space itself is equivalent to a safety mechanism for adventurers.

You fuse bloodlines and inject props in the nightmare. Even if there is any rejection reaction, the nightmare space can help you solve it, at most spending some points.

But it's different in the mission world. Here you can only rely on yourself.

Imagine if, before the final battle, you accidentally acquired a skill and chose to merge with it.

But its power didn't match yours and you were severely injured on the spot, or some negative effects appeared, then how could you continue the final battle?

So you can only merge blood and use props in the nightmare space, which is the consensus of all adventurers.

If he didn't really want to see what was in the treasure chest, Qin Ming wouldn't even open it.

After all, he knew his situation, and Qin Ming was afraid that after seeing the good stuff, he would be unable to resist his instinct and use it directly.

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