Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 425 The Chosen Sword

The sudden sound of wind behind him made Qin Ming's pupils shrink.

Before his brain could react, he instinctively raised his arm to protect the back of his head under the reminder of the Nest Combat Suit.

Almost at the moment when he raised his arm, a big sword fell down and collided with his arm.

With a loud bang, dazzling sparks flew.

The legendary holy object Sword in the Stone hit Qin Ming's arm head-on, cutting into most of it on the spot, almost cutting off the entire arm with one blow.

The sharp edge of the Sword in the Stone! It forcibly broke the injury-free function of the steel body!

The arm was severely injured, which caused Qin Ming to grin in pain.

He swung his hand to sweep away the weapon, and suddenly turned around and raised his other arm to aim at King Arthur. As the flesh above twisted and deformed, it turned into a thick flesh cannon barrel on the spot.

K-type gene arm! Cannon form!


Amidst the loud noise, King Arthur, who had not expected Qin Ming to have this trick, was caught off guard and was blown away by a cannon.

Before he could roll to the ground, Qin Ming, who was holding up his arm, was already moving forward and firing continuously.

And the wound on the other arm that was naturally drooping and had been severely injured was still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the wound was completely healed, Qin Ming raised both arms and launched a fierce bombardment from the front.

He fired more than 20 cannons at King Arthur in a row, and saw him start to raise his sword to block. Qin Ming, who found that the attack was ineffective, swung his arms.

With a crash, the flesh and blood twisted, and the arm turned into a blade shape.

K-type gene arm! Blade form!

With a roar, Qin Ming, with white flames wrapped around his arm, swung his hand and slashed at King Arthur.

King Arthur, who heard the wind, was not to be outdone, and also swung out the holy sword to attack.

With a ding, sparks flew, and the flesh and blood arm collided with the holy sword from the front.

One was indestructible, the other was unstoppable, and the two were evenly matched in this attack.

Seeing that the attack did not work, Qin Ming and King Arthur, who were looking at each other, attacked again.

The swords and arms were waving wildly, constantly colliding with each other. The two people who had fought for more than 20 moves in a row slid back at the same time while using their weapons.

Qin Ming, who had slid more than three meters away, stopped sliding and suddenly lowered his head.

Looking at the gaps all over his arms, his eyes were gloomy.

King Arthur, who had also slid several meters away on the opposite side, swung the sword in the stone, which was still as smooth as new, with great force.

Even Qin Ming's S-level skill Iron Body! It couldn't block the sharpness of the holy artifact in the stone from the front!

Qin Ming, who found this scene, was not angry but happy, and his arms twisted while swinging his hands! Suddenly he shouted.

"Good weapon!"

The stronger the sword in the stone! The more Qin Ming likes it!

After all, the more powerful the weapon, the more valuable it is!

If he can't even break his own defense, then what's the point of Qin Ming having the Sword in the Stone!

As long as he can kill King Arthur! Then this Sword in the Stone will be his!

He charged forward and accelerated instantly while sliding.

Skill! Heavenly Slide!

While accelerating out, the flesh on Qin Ming's arm deformed and turned into an electric drill.

Skill! K-type gene arm! Drill form!

The high-speed rotating flesh electric drill has a frontal destructive power that is definitely higher than any of Qin Ming's skills.

Seeing this scene, King Arthur's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly raised his sword to try to defend.

A-level skill! Knight Block!

King Arthur reacted very quickly and immediately made a defensive move, but he obviously underestimated the destructive power of Qin Ming's move.

The acceleration of Heavenly Slide! Combined with the impact of the flesh electric drill! At this time, Qin Ming is simply a high-speed charging locomotive!

King Arthur used his body to hold the sword back and completely pressed the Sword in the Stone against his shoulder. The moment he was hit by the electric drill, his body had already slid backward uncontrollably.

Qin Ming pushed him forward for more than 20 meters, knocking away a large number of soldiers from both sides along the way.

King Arthur, whose palms were cracked by the shock and bleeding, suddenly roared.

Seeing that Qin Ming's speed had finally slowed down, he suddenly swung his sword and forced Qin Ming back.

Then he slashed out with a sword! Hit Qin Ming's shoulder!

C-level skill! Knight Heavy Slash!

With a click, King Arthur successfully hit the target with a sword, and this sword fully exerted the power of the Sword in the Stone.

The giant sword fell and actually cut Qin Ming's shoulder armor on the spot, breaking through the flesh and bones, and completely cut into Qin Ming's body along the angle.

Qin Ming, who was almost cut in two by this sword, was now in pain.

Seeing the ecstatic look on the face of King Arthur opposite him, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at him.

And that arm, at some point, had turned into a cannon barrel.

Close-range cannon!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amid a series of loud noises, King Arthur, who was bombarded closely, staggered and retreated.

The gorgeous silver armor on his body was twisted and deformed, and even blood splashed out from behind.

The most fatal thing was that as he was attacked continuously at close range, the sword in the stone that he had been holding tightly! It also loosened!

With the last loud noise, King Arthur flew backwards completely.

Qin Ming, who consumed a lot of blood in one breath, took a deep breath and raised his hand to pull out the sword in the stone that had cut into his body.

Qin Ming, whose wounds were healing quickly, looked down at the sword in his hand, and couldn't help showing an ecstatic look on his face.

Just as he was about to check the properties of the magic weapon, he suddenly felt his hand sink.

The next second! The sword in the stone seemed to have a thousand-pound weight! It drove Qin Ming's arm into the ground!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, with a look of shock on his face, pulled hard, but the sword in the stone did not move at all.

Only the chosen one can pull out the sword of the chosen one! This is a rule recognized by the world of the Knights of the Round Table!

And now that the sword in the stone has been out of King Arthur's control, it is obvious that it does not recognize Qin Ming!

[Name: Sword in the Stone]

[Category: Weapon (Ordinary Legendary Plot)]

[Effect 1: Chosen One (When killing an enemy, there is a chance to get 1 point of random attribute improvement. The greater the difference with the enemy's attribute, the lower the chance of getting it)]

[Effect 2: Sword of Stone (Ignore Defense)]

[Introduction: This is the Sword of the Chosen One that can only be pulled out by the Chosen One. It is also one of the two sacred objects in the world of the Knights of the Round Table, symbolizing the supreme kingship]

[Hint: Non-space-approved equipment, cannot be taken out of the mission space]

Looking at the attributes of the magic weapon stuck in the ground, especially the first attribute, Qin Ming widened his eyes in shock.

An artifact that can permanently increase attributes by killing people! This is really the first time Qin Ming has encountered it!

With an excited look on his face, Qin Ming, who reacted, stretched out his hand and tried to draw the sword again.

But even with full power, the sword stuck in the ground still had no reaction.

And before he could continue to try, King Arthur rushed over again.

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