Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 426 The Sword in the Stone! Evolution!

King Arthur rushed over fiercely and hit Qin Ming with his shoulder, trying to knock him away from the sword in the stone.

This hit was successful, but Qin Ming did not move at all, and King Arthur was bounced back.

Qin Ming, who supported himself with his legs and took the hit, ignored King Arthur who was standing unsteadily, and once again tried to pull out the sword in the stone with both hands.

However, it was obvious that the sword in the stone could not be pulled out by strength. Even though Qin Ming had used so much force that veins on his arms bulged, the sword in the stone was still stuck in the ground.

Seeing this, Qin Ming was so angry that he raised his hand and turned it into a cannon, aiming at the ground and fired a cannon.

With a loud bang, the dust flew up, and the bombardment that could directly shatter steel did not move the soil at all.

The piece of soil where the sword in the stone was inserted actually emitted a special glow at this moment, and it also became indestructible.

"Your grandmother!"

Qin Ming, who had not expected this situation, frowned with anger. Just as he was about to continue pulling hard, King Arthur on the side had already rushed over again.

King Arthur strangled Qin Ming's neck from behind, with a ferocious expression, while locking his throat, he used his other fist to hit Qin Ming's head madly.

Seeing that Qin Ming had no reaction even with the banging sound, he still stubbornly tried to pull out the sword.

King Arthur roared and loosened his arms, and actually grabbed the sword in the stone, pulling and snatching the weapon from Qin Ming.

As they fought for it, the sword kept shaking, and King Arthur pulled out the sword in the stone several times, but was pressed back by Qin Ming.

King Arthur, who looked up and hit Qin Ming with a hammer, was even kicked away by Qin Ming.

The two of them fought frantically for a long time, and finally with a crash, the sword in the stone was unsheathed in the dust.

And the person who pulled out the sword in the stone! It was not King Arthur! Instead, it was Qin Ming!

Under the shocked eyes of King Arthur, Qin Ming burst out with all his strength and directly pulled up the sword and the soil together.

With a large piece of hardened soil hanging at the end, it was no longer a sword in the stone at this moment, but a weapon that should be called a hammer in the stone. Qin Ming hit King Arthur on the spot with a dark face, and instantly swung him out.

Looking at the enemy who flew out with a bang, Qin Ming, who continued to swing the hammer in the stone, was furious at this moment.

"You fucking bastard! I let you grab it!"

The big sword swung, bringing up a gust of wind, and Qin Ming chased King Arthur, who was rolling and crawling, and hammered him.

Although the sword in the stone lost its sharpness at this moment, it increased the blunt damage, and the lethality was also good.

Caught off guard, King Arthur, who was chased and hammered, tried to struggle to stand up several times in a row, but was knocked to the ground every time.

Seeing the bad situation, several Knights of the Round Table rushed over to try to support, but they were hit by Qin Ming's hammer just as they approached.

Qin Ming was holding the Hammer in the Stone at this time, and he was unstoppable on the battlefield.

Just when he pulled out the magic weapon in an alternative way and was about to beat the original owner to death with it, a roar suddenly came from the side.

It turned out that Lancelot, the first knight of the empire, rushed over.

He was known for his unparalleled martial arts. Although he could not stop the crazy charging Triceratops, he was extremely powerful when fighting.

Possessing A-level fighting skills, holding a single-edged sword, he jumped up and slashed Qin Ming's back from behind.

Qin Ming heard the sound and swung his sword back to attack, but he was also forcibly blocked by his sword.

In the sparks, the two weapons collided fiercely, and they were evenly matched.

Obviously, the uniquely shaped single-edged sword in Lancelot's hand is also a magic weapon.

Looking at each other, Lancelot and Qin Ming both had fierce looks on their faces. The two of them, waving their weapons and fighting each other frantically, had already exchanged hundreds of moves in a blink of an eye.

With a loud ding, Lancelot was thrown out by the huge force, rolled to stand firm, and just when he was about to rush again, he saw Qin Ming whistled fiercely.

As the whistle spread, the Triceratops, which had been severely injured by a sword before but had recovered by relying on its self-healing ability, roared and rushed again.

And this time, King Arthur and his men no longer had the magic weapon that could cut iron like mud and intercept the Triceratops head-on.

Seeing the Triceratops rushing like a tank, Lancelot, who had already tasted the taste of being hit, turned pale.

Turning his head and observing the surroundings, he found that his troops had begun to collapse completely. He turned around and ran without hesitation. When he passed by King Arthur, he did not forget to pull King Arthur and run with him.

While running away, he opened his mouth and roared.


In the distance, Merlin, who was dealing with Mai Zhuo and dodging with his teleportation ability, gritted his teeth when he heard the voice.

Seeing Mai Zhuo turn into a ghost and rush towards him again, he suddenly swept his staff towards the ground.

With a bang, a raging fire suddenly appeared, and a wall of fire gushed out.

Seeing this, Mai Zhuo protected his head with both hands, rushed into the sea of ​​fire without hesitation, and broke out of the fire on the spot.

But when he rushed out of the flames and raised his head, he found that the enemy in front of him had disappeared without a trace.

He teleported away and came to King Arthur and Lancelot.

He was also frightened by the crazy rush of the Triceratops, and he threw his hands to perform the space transfer technique, and disappeared with the two of them.

The Triceratops hit nothing, and rushed out more than ten meters away with a whoosh, and then struggled to stop with his limbs on the ground.

In the distance, Qin Ming, who watched King Arthur and the other two disappear in front of him, had a very gloomy look in his eyes.

Holding the Hammer in the Stone, he silently withdrew his gaze and looked around with his sword.

The battlefields around him were now full of corpses.

Mai Zhuo was responsible for holding back the great wizard Merlin, Kasamoto Eri used a gun to kill the ordinary knights who came to disrupt the situation, and Qin Ming fought King Arthur alone.

The three of them still cooperated tacitly, but the number of enemies was still too many.

The most important thing was that the space transfer technique of the great wizard Merlin could not be held back by speed at all. When Mai Zhuo faced him, he could force Merlin to be unable to take action and use his ability to assist King Arthur in the battle, which was already the limit.

If the opponent wanted to escape, Qin Ming had no effective means of restriction.

If Asamiya Athena, who was also good at space movement, was summoned, there would be some hope.

Looking at the chaotic battlefield around him, Qin Ming, who had no time to be annoyed by the enemy's escape, once again raised the hammer in the stone and roared towards the enemy.

After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the Knights of the Round Table were completely defeated, and the nearby villages and towns belonging to King Arthur officially changed hands.

Another brilliant victory, and a direct victory over the invincible Chosen King, made the Pitchfork Knights extremely excited.

Especially when they learned that their boss had snatched the Chosen Sword from King Arthur, the soldiers were extremely excited and spread the word that their Majesty was the real Chosen King.

And the Chosen Son Qin Ming, he is now... uh... digging stones.

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