Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 433 Legendary Weapons


Muramasa, who was constantly being sucked out blood, also realized that something was wrong.

He was also a ruthless man. After seeing that he could not pull away the demon sword, he immediately took out the short sword from his waist and cut off his own arm.

With a clatter, the broken arm fell to the ground. The arm that was still connected to the demon sword was swallowed up and dissolved by the demon sword in just a moment. All the flesh and blood were absorbed by the demon sword, leaving only the pale bones of the hand.

Muramasa, who was holding his broken arm, staggered back, his face extremely pale at the moment.

After being severely injured, he just wanted to use the Fenghuoshan Forest Technique to escape again, but he didn't expect that the demon knife that fell on the ground would follow the blood stains on the ground from his broken arm, spread out countless squirming blood vessels, and attack him again.

Muramasa, who had never expected that he would be backlashed by the weapon that had been with him for many years, had already been greatly reduced by the demon sword.

Facing another attack from the demon sword, there was nowhere to hide.

Amid the screams, Muramasa fell heavily to the ground as countless blood vessels wound up his legs.

He kept struggling to pull at the blood vessels with his only remaining arm, but no matter how hard he struggled, it was to no avail.

Gradually, as more and more blood vessels split and spread, his facial features were gradually covered and penetrated by blood vessels, and the sounds of struggling became smaller and smaller.

The blood in his body did not belong to him in the first place, but was injected by the demon sword to help him recover from his injuries. Even more so when it came into contact with the demon sword, it was directly assimilated and absorbed. It can be said that there is no resistance.

In just a few minutes, a master who could face off against Qin Feng died under his own sword.

By the time the demon sword stopped sucking blood, Muramasa had completely turned into bones, while the demon sword was restored as new.

Looking at the skeletal remains scattered on the ground, and the shining Muramasa demon sword inserted into the bones.

Qin Ming, who was in the distance, had his eyes wide open at this time, and he was far away from here.

Qin Ming has fought dinosaurs, Qin Ming has fought tanks, and he has experienced all kinds of strange things.

But this kind will kill itself! Or the knife that kills the wielder! This is really the first time we meet Qin Ming!

What the hell is this! The world of Knights of the Round Table is not a standard Western kingly game! How could such a curious weapon appear!

Qin Ming, who had witnessed the demon sword killing his master with his own eyes, was really frightened at this moment.

What he didn't know was that Muramasa's demon sword and Muramasa himself were really not products of this world.

In the game setting, Murata is a ronin samurai who accidentally traveled from another world. He is obviously a samurai, but he learns ninja skills and holds a demon sword. He is an existence from another world view.

Because after coming to this world, he was not recognized by the local warriors and instead regarded him as a monster, so he had to cross the ocean and seek refuge with the evil archduke.

Muramasa Demon Sword! It is not a product of this world at all! The abilities are naturally completely different! Out of tune with the whole world!

After standing there and watching for a few seconds, seeing no movement from the demon sword opposite, and seemingly no intention to continue killing, Qin Ming finally plucked up the courage and walked over.

He picked up a sword, stretched out his arm and stabbed the demon sword. After realizing that the demon sword really had no desire to attack, Qin Ming raised his hand and pulled it out.

Then he lowered his head and looked around, and found that the dead Muramasa did not reveal any treasure chests.

Or! He just exploded the weapon! The Muramasa Demon Sword replaces the loot chest!

[Name: Muramasa Demon Sword]

[Category: Weapons (Dark Legend)]

[Equipment requirements: recognized by Muramasa Demon Sword]

[Effect 1: Blood Blade (sharpness can be improved by storing blood)]

[Effect 2: Muramasa (can restore himself or the holder's injuries by consuming blood)]

[Effect 3: Demonic Knife (wounds caused by this knife cannot be cured by ordinary means)]

[Introduction: The Muramasa demon sword is one of the legendary evil swords. It is rumored that it will bring misfortune to the user. Anyone who uses the demon sword will eventually die under the demon sword. Users, please be careful not to let it down, because once If you meet a better person and show signs of decline, the demon sword will probably abandon you, or even eat you as nourishment]

Legendary weapons! Qin Ming really got it for the first time!

Raising his hand to gently wipe the blade, Qin Ming looked at the shiny blood-red blade in his hand with a look of amazement.

Before he could finish looking at it, the demon knife in his hand suddenly shook. In the next second, there were many scarlet blood vessels spreading along the handle of the knife and inserted into Qin Ming's arm.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming was startled. He hurriedly threw away the demon knife and stepped back to distance himself.

After stopping, he lowered his head and discovered that the broken blade originally inserted into his chest, as well as the blade fragments inserted into his flesh and blood, had strangely melted and integrated into his body.

The wound healed quickly, and the original healing and suppression effect disappeared on the spot.

Looking at the blood that actively helped him heal his wounds, Qin Ming suddenly shook his head and smiled. He walked to the demon knife again and raised his hand to pull it out.

Looking down at the weapon in his hand, he couldn't help but whisper.

"You are really a wallflower. You rebel when you say you want to. How can others dare to use you?"

Obviously, the demonic sword in Qin Ming's hand is intelligent, and it is very disloyal.

When he saw that Muramasa couldn't defeat Qin Ming, he decisively chose to attack Muramasa in order to find a stronger master for himself.

The reason why Muramasa, such a strong man, died without any chance of fighting back is that he had too much blood of Muramasa Demon Sword fused into his body.

Those bloods are like the derivatives of Muramasa Demon Sword, and they will still be controlled by it.

It is okay at ordinary times, but once Muramasa Demon Sword turns against you, the more blood you have fused into your body, the more vulnerable you will be in front of the Demon Sword, and the more powerless you will be to resist it.

Those who hold the Demon Sword will inevitably die under the Demon Sword, this sentence is not a joke.

The so-called master is essentially a feast that the Demon Sword has carefully cultivated.

When it encounters a better feast, it will be the time for it to enjoy the fruits.

There are many people who can see through this, after all, many people have witnessed the whole process of the Demon Sword killing its master.

But facing this kind of evil weapon that can help people recover from injuries, can be broken and reborn, and can even keep people in peak state, almost an alternative immortality, how many people can resist the temptation and not use it.

Before, the previous holder Muramasa could not.

And Qin Ming...

Gently shaking the weapon in his hand, Qin Ming's mouth suddenly curled up as he looked at the Muramasa Demon Sword in his hand.

"Control blood? What a joke, you fell into my hands and ran into a gun."

Flipping the weapon, Qin Ming turned and strode towards the battlefield, while raising his hand and grabbing, controlling the blood around him to quickly gather towards his palm.

Trying to control the blood in Qin Ming's body to kill him? You're kidding! Do you really think Qin Ming's S-level skill of flesh and blood absorption is just a decoration!

The blood that enters Qin Ming's body! Who will he listen to at that time! But it's still uncertain!

As for the little tricks of the Muramasa Demon Sword, Qin Ming, who has special abilities, doesn't fall for it at all.

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