Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 434: The battle of trapped beasts

On the battlefield, the fighting between the two sides has come to an end.

Facing the dual cooperation of the Pitchfork Knight and the Hound Troops, the coalition of King Arthur and the Evil Archduke, which had no advantage in either numbers or equipment, began to completely collapse.

The soldiers fled in all directions, the generals led their men in defeat, and the Evil Archduke and King Arthur also retreated to the royal city.

Even Lancelot, the first knight, was forcibly killed by Metro and Miles Kasamoto and their men because he was covering King Arthur's retreat.

As the war ended, the coalition forces from both sides finally escaped with less than 20,000 people, and all escape routes were cut off, and they were truly trapped in the isolated city.

There were hundreds of thousands of troops surrounding the city, including both modern and ancient troops. There was even a huge warship floating in the sky.

Seeing that his own troops suffered heavy casualties, Qin Ming did not rashly order an attack on the city, but temporarily stationed outside the city to let the soldiers treat their injuries.

There are many Pitchfork Knights injured this time, but it doesn't matter. Don't forget that the Hound Troops still have the black technology rations from the Metal Slug world.

As long as you are not dead and are a plot character, a pack of military rations can definitely bring you back. If it is not enough, just get another pack.

Eating special food and looking at their rapidly recovering injuries, the Pitchfork Knights who liked to call Qin Ming the Holy King due to their low level of education suddenly became more convinced that Qin Ming was the messenger of the gods.

The people in the Hound Corps are not superstitious, but they are very realistic.

If Qin Ming can bring them benefits, then Qin Ming is their God of Wealth. They will fight wherever they point them, without any ambiguity.

Under the recommendation of two adjutants, Shu Ke and Beta, Qin Ming quickly met with the new recruits in the army, as well as the officers who came to join the force of the five-star general Jamie Foss.

Of course, by the way, the valuable objects that these guys specially brought with them were also integrated and strengthened to stabilize the military morale.

Looking at his coffin book that was originally worth one hundred, with a ding, the price increased several times or even ten times.

The officers and soldiers who were originally skeptical of Qin Ming, a three-star general who had never met him and had only heard rumors about him, suddenly found their relatives.

And he said on the spot that from now on! The Hound Troop is their home!

Some of the coffins did not bring enough soldiers, so they beat their chests and suddenly felt like fools.

After beating their chests and beating their feet, they quickly thought of a new remedy, which was...

In the camp, Qin Ming sat on the main seat with a straight face, and beside him stood the two generals Kasamoto Miles and Mai Zhuo.

Below are the two friends Shukbeta and General Torretia.

Looking at the neatly arranged officers below, all of whom turned to look at him, Qin Ming looked very helpless at the moment.

"Shuke! Beta! Take care of your people! Don't let them fool the villagers anymore! They dare to sell anything! Forget about selling supplies! What do they mean by selling guns? Some even dare to sell tanks. ! Crazy, you guys!”

Upon hearing Qin Ming's reprimand, Adjutant Shuke kept a straight face and said nothing, while Adjutant Beta said with a smile.

"Boss, this is not easy, and it cannot be in vain. They are short of weapons, and we are short of money. Let's help each other."

"Then keep an eye on me! Don't cause any trouble for me!"

"I understand, boss, when will you return to our military camp? The brothers are still waiting for your command. And you don't know it yet, but that old guy, General Modern, has escaped from prison! I heard that he has started gathering people again to prepare for trouble! Brothers, we are still waiting for you to come back and lead us to perform meritorious deeds! Admiral Jamie Foss has promised that as long as you can lead people to destroy Modern! He will also recommend you to be a five-star general! !”

"Repaying a five-star general? A five-star emperor is useless! How do I know when I can go back! Just wait! Also, don't keep playing with that old guy Jamie Foxx when you have nothing to do, he is bad."

"I know, I know, we have been guarding against him, so don't worry."

After scolding the hound troops who were frantically selling arms, Qin Ming leaned on his chair and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

Looking at the map on the table, his eyebrows gradually furrowed.

Although the large force won the battle and disabled the coalition forces.

However, King Arthur and the Evil Archduke led several generals to escape into the city. It would be difficult to deal with these bosses together.

"...Notify the whole army to prepare, repair for a day, and attack the city tomorrow morning."


"Gather all the tank troops, as well as the fighter brigade, and let them see what modern siege warfare is tomorrow!"


As the order was given, the entire barracks began to move.

Countless soldiers put away their stalls and hurriedly began to prepare for war.

Selling things is selling things, but the soldiers can still distinguish priorities.

The most important thing is that they can clearly distinguish who they rely on to make money.

If you don't take advantage of the opportunity to get something valuable, it can only be regarded as bad luck at best. At worst, you can just make preparations in advance when the boss threatens you next time.

But if they don't obey the boss's command and are kicked out of the hound unit by the boss, then they will really lose their money.

In the hound unit, you must first listen to the boss. If the boss does not give orders, you must listen to Beta, the logistics officer. This is already common sense.

As for the other adjutant Shuke? Everyone in the entire military camp knew that this guy was a poor man who only knew how to fight, could not make money at all, and never cared about money.

It's fine to listen to his command during the war, but do you listen to him at other times? Then everyone will have to starve!

This guy has to rely on Beta to support himself, and he doesn't even want to take the opportunity to make money when he is on a mission! He is a complete stubborn person!

The mobilization of the army here quickly attracted the attention of the soldiers in the city.

Looking at those steel behemoths gathered together, the flying iron birds also began to form a formation.

Especially the huge island in the sky, which was also parked in front of the city gate.

The soldiers in the city turned pale for a while, and the people were even more panicked.

Although the rumored Holy King never seems to kill farmers, but will give them benefits, take them to rob everywhere... ... Divide the land!

But he lost so many people this time, who knows if he was angry this time.

If the soldiers in the city were not too elite, and King Arthur, who has been operating here for several years, had too much prestige.

The people in the city who had been frightened long ago would probably have opened the door and surrendered at this time!

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was getting closer and closer to dawn.

In the city, in the hall, King Arthur was drinking wine.

Sitting at the table, pouring malt liquor into his mouth, King Arthur looked haggard at this time.

The two generals who followed him to start the business all died in the battle, and the tens of thousands of troops that he had accumulated for several years were killed and only a few thousand were left.

From the previous chosen king, he suddenly became a stray dog ​​today, and was blocked at the door and beaten, which made King Arthur on the verge of collapse.

What really made him collapse was that the guy outside behaved more like a chosen king than him, the chosen king.

Now there were no soldiers, no swords, and no hope of breaking the deadlock. King Arthur could only numb his nerves by getting drunk.

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