Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 497: The ruthlessness of the government forces

The area where Qin Ming was located was directly destroyed during the laser sweep.

But before the smoke and dust dissipated, a figure with golden light all over his body had already walked out.

Reaching out to pat the dust on his body, Qin Ming, who had activated the defensive skill and took this move, waved his hands vigorously.

"Go! Kill them!"

Hearing the order, the hound troops around him quickly dispersed, raised their weapons and began to shoot into the sky.

Qin Ming also accumulated power fiercely, and the energy ball in his hand was shot out at high speed while rotating, like a cannonball.

Qin Ming's firepower is extraordinary, after all, he is well-equipped.

However, no matter how good their equipment is, it is only light weapons after all. It's okay to hit tanks and planes, but want to use them to hit the giants in the sky that are more than ten kilometers away? I'm afraid they can't even scratch the opponent's skin!

After all, if you use a nail to poke an elephant, although it can poke it, it can't kill it!

Just as they were madly shooting and engaging in a head-on bombardment with the alien spacecraft in the sky, the rebel members on the side also reacted quickly.

The next second, those who got on the fighter planes got on the fighter planes, those who got into the tanks got into the tanks, and everyone launched an attack on the alien spaceship in the sky without hesitation.

The two sides, who were still tit-for-tat and had been fighting each other for more than a year, chose to join forces at this moment! Without exchanging even a word!

After all, the so-called rebellion is ultimately a human civil war.

Now that the aliens suddenly turned against them, how could they continue to fight with their own people!

Fighters soared into the sky! Tanks kept rushing out! Originally used to deal with the hound troops! Various experimental weapons used to deal with the federal government! At this moment, they were all pulled out!

The rebels were cautious after all, and did not completely trust the aliens. They only gave the other party conventional weapons and equipment, and did not give the other party the latest experimental data.

The most important thing is! They did not provide the other party with any information about the hound troops! They were just preventing the other party from turning against them!

Now! These hidden weapons began to work!

Just as the three parties were fighting and the huge alien spaceship in the sky was pouring firepower downwards, the clouds on the side suddenly exploded.

The next second, in the shocked eyes of countless Martians, a huge warship emerged from the clouds on the opposite side! It was not much smaller than theirs!

It was the aerial aircraft carrier of the Hound Force! Sky City!

The Martians, who had no idea that humans had such black technology, had dull expressions, while the Sky City on the opposite side opened the cabins on both sides.

The next second! Countless fighters flew out! A large number of paratroopers also began to make forced landings!

The large force of the Hound Force! According to the coordinate prompts! Flying directly over!

It's just that they originally wanted to attack the rebel headquarters from the air, but now it has become an attack on the Martian spaceship!

In the air! Sky City and the Martian spaceship fired wildly!

On the ground! The Hound Force and the rebel forces joined forces to fight against the Martian infantry corps!

There were fighter planes chasing and fighting with countless Martian single-unit flying saucers, which turned the entire mountaintop into a battlefield.

Chaos! Fighting! Roar!

Amid the chaotic sounds! Qin Ming stood in place and controlled a large number of blood balls! Shuttled back and forth in the crowd! Destroyed one enemy flying saucer after another!

The blood balls that could track automatically! The penetration was extremely amazing! Under the blessing of the killing intention fluctuations! No flying saucer could block a shot head-on!

The soldiers around him had already gathered towards Qin Ming at this time, and with him as the core, they immediately formed a small stronghold.

The hound troops and the rebels fired wildly with guns, cooperating with Qin Ming to launch an attack.

Don’t think that the rebels always suffered defeat everywhere after facing the hound troops, and they were not opponents at all, but that was mainly because the hound troops were too well-equipped.

You hit the opponent ten times, and the opponent had no reaction. The opponent hit you once, and you died on the spot. Facing this kind of dimensionality reduction attack, no one can beat it.

But the rebel soldiers are actually an elite force, more elite than the Hounds, with better morale, better equipment, and more terrifying combat skills.

Now facing the aliens, they fought a coordinated battle with the Hounds, and even shared equipment. For a time, their combat power was even higher than that of the Hounds!

The powerful combination of the two elite soldiers! Completely suppressed the Martian forces!

And finally, along with the Sky City in the sky, they crashed into the alien spaceship.

With sparks flying, the two huge spaceships fell to the ground together, stuck in the soil, and completely lost their kinetic energy.

Seeing this scene, countless soldiers cheered, raised their weapons and began to gather towards the alien spaceship, ready to annihilate the enemies inside.

Qin Ming, who was following the troops, suddenly looked up at the sky.

With his amazing eyesight, he saw a large number of fighters roaring in, and the mark above was the federal government.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"You're so late again. You didn't come when the war was going on, but you came quickly when it was time to collect the benefits. You're a bunch of rubbish."

As they spoke, the fighter planes had already come above them. At this moment, the voice of the lamp god suddenly rang in Qin Ming's ears.

"If I were you, I would definitely run away."


"Based on what I have seen in countless Metal Slug worlds, I think they are not here to deal with aliens. Instead, they are most likely here to deal with you, so you'd better run away. Oh, by the way, let me remind you, the federal government has an advanced black technology called energy impact bomb, which can kill high-level adventurers who are good at defense head-on. You can also call that thing a micro-nuclear bomb!"

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard the words of the Ear Deng Shen, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because as the whistling sound passed from above, he could clearly see that the hatches of the fighter jets opened, and a large number of shells fell from them and were thrown randomly downwards.

What stood below was the alien's spaceship and Qin Ming's hound troops! And the rebel troops!

Kill three birds with one stone! The other party actually planned to kill everyone below!

Energy blast bomb! And there are hundreds of energy shock bombs!

"It's your uncle's fault! Get out!"

Reacting suddenly, Qin Ming shouted.

When the surrounding hound troops heard the movement, they instinctively obeyed the order and started running, but their legs could not outrun the cannonballs!

Just rely on the indiscriminate large-scale bombing from above! Among the people present! Except for those vampire soldiers! No one can escape!

Realizing that the situation was not good, Qin Ming gritted his teeth and rose into the sky, flying directly towards the cannonballs in the sky.

He didn't know if he could withstand the explosion damage of these shells, but he had to bear it if he couldn't.

Because as he said, he can not care about other people's lives, but he cannot care about his own little brother's life!

Qin Ming is very defensive!

Just as the bomb was getting closer and closer to Qin Ming, and Qin Ming controlled the blood cells to detonate it in advance, a sigh suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Idiot, the power of this thing detonating in the air is even greater. Really, my third wish is no wish! Congratulations on fulfilling all my wishes! So now! I can grant you one wish! Do you want some? What? Do you need me to help you stop these bombs?"


"Very good! The wish comes true!"


The words just fell! Hundreds of energy shock bombs in the sky have exploded together!

The terrifying shock wave spreads in all directions! The direct formation shattered the earth and tore the sky!

The attack range of these bombs is not far, only a few hundred meters, but the problem is that the destructive power is extremely fast!

Spread out with the shock wave! Just in the blink of an eye! The mountain below is truly dangerous! It has been razed to the ground!

The woods disappear! Snow melts! Even the stone has been burned into a crystalline state!

Just within this ruins! The most central location! But there is a huge circular area that is safe and sound.

The translucent energy forms a bowl to protect the lower part! It completely blocked all the impact of the explosion!

Everything in there! Including aliens! None suffered any damage!

All requests are answered! Djinn!

Or it should be called: fantasy space!

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