Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 498 Cooperation

【Ding! Adventurer 441985 has returned! 】

[The main task has been completed, and you will be rewarded with 10,000 points and 10 free attribute points]

[The optional task has been completed, and you will be rewarded with 10,000 points and 10 free attribute points]

【A total of obtained this time…………】

Listening to the notification sound in his ear, Qin Ming frowned. Before the other party could finish speaking, he hurriedly ended the statistics in advance and returned to the room directly.

After returning to the room, he sat on the bed and rubbed his forehead due to a headache.

The regular army's artillery bombardment was blocked by Qin Ming without any injuries.

Seeing that these guys actually dared to attack him directly and chose to completely break up, Qin Ming stopped talking nonsense and decisively chose to cooperate with the rebels in public.

The Hound Force and the Rebel Forces officially joined forces to form a new Rebel Army, a rebel force that was even more powerful than before.

And in just one month, nearly half of the territory was conquered.

But as a month passed, Qin Ming's maximum survival time also came and he had to withdraw from the world.

As for the future development of the Metal Slug world, Qin Ming no longer wants to know, because he has more urgent things to deal with now, and that is the magic lamp!

Qin Ming took out a small golden lamp from his arms, raised his hand and wiped it gently, frowning.

This golden lantern is the final reward Qin Ming received after fulfilling the three wishes of the Djinn God, a whiteboard-level prop.

That’s right! It’s the lowest level white level!

[Name: Useless Oil Lamp]

[Category: Props (white level)]

[Effect: None]

[Introduction: An ordinary oil lamp of no use]

No attributes, no special effects, nothing. It looks ordinary, just......

As the sound of wiping sounded, a thick smoke suddenly spurted out from the lamp. The next second, the djinn flew out of it with his arms folded, and shouted as soon as he flew out.

"Congratulations on summoning me! Qin Ming! Now you need to fulfill my three wishes!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming's face was expressionless, but the djinn who had opened his arms and finished shouting, fell down happily with a bright smile the next second.

"I just like this line. Every time I say it, I can see the shocked expression on the summoner's face."

As he spoke, the Djinn looked around cheerfully. After seeing the surrounding furnishings clearly, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and his eyebrows slowly wrinkled.

"Is this a nightmare space? I hate the smell of it."

Qin Ming, who was sitting aside, played with the oil lamp in his hand and looked up at the genie with an expressionless face.

"Why is this light just a whiteboard device?"

The Djinn floated to the cabinet next to him and sat down, crossing his arms and shrugging slightly.

"Because I don't want to attract the attention of the nightmare space. If it finds me coming in, it will definitely ask you to hand me over."

"What if I don't pay?"

"I'll find a way to kill you. After you die, the equipment will naturally belong to it. Although you are very special, believe me, compared to a powerful enemy, it does not lack a special younger brother."

Qin Ming nodded slightly when he heard this and threw the oil lamp over.

The djinn raised his hand to catch it, glanced at Qin Ming with a smile, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"so what have you thought of?"


"How have you considered what I proposed?"

"…………Not ready yet."

"Oh, why are you such a grown man? Give me the right words as soon as possible. You can either cooperate with me or hand me over. Choose one of the two."

Floating to Qin Ming's side, he hugged Qin Ming's shoulders and sat down. The Deng God said with an indifferent expression.

"Cooperate with me. Let's find a way to escape from the nightmare space. With your ability and mine, we can create a space of our own to compete with it. If you don't want to cooperate with me, then hand me over. You will definitely It will make a great contribution, and it will be considered as fulfilling my wish in vain. Which one you choose is up to you."

Upon hearing the words of the Djinn God, Qin Ming's eyes flashed and he clenched his fists fiercely.

That’s right! The djinn can form a space by itself! This is also the main reason why it will be completely sealed in a world by the nightmare space!

The seal of the nightmare space was very complete, but it just relied on accumulating energy to become a so-called djinn and slowly escaped from the trap.

The power controlled by the djinn is called the power of fantasy. To put it bluntly, it is fantasy, and fantasy is realized.

This ability is very strong, but also very weak, because it consumes too many resources.

Unfortunately, the djinn encountered the nightmare dimension before he could grow up, and was quickly crushed to pieces by the other party, and was brutally sealed.

But now, the Deng Shen, who has taken a fancy to Qin Ming's ability, has sent him a cooperation application, trying to use Qin Ming's power to re-establish the space after escaping here and compete with other spaces for a second round.

This is also the reason why Qin Ming is struggling now.

Watching Qin Ming lower his head and remain silent, the Deng Shen shrugged slightly and sighed suddenly.

"I know that the treatment in the nightmare space is very good. You can live forever and be the overlord of the world. You only need to help it fight. It is a life that countless people dream of. So if you are unwilling to cooperate, I can understand it. After all, not everyone Everyone is willing to step out of their comfort zone. You will definitely be reused in the future, and your treatment will only be better. There is really no need to take risks with me. After all, if you fail, you will die. "

Qin Ming frowned at the words of the lamp god, and looked up at it deeply.

"What? You don't want to persuade me?"

"No, I need a warrior who can help me and fight with me wholeheartedly, not a burden who blames me for cheating him with sweet words once he encounters setbacks. You decide how to choose! But after choosing! Remember! This is your own choice! Don't blame others!"

Qin Ming lowered his head again after hearing the answer. After being silent for more than ten seconds, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, gradually revealing a hideous smile.

"What is going against the nightmare space? This is really... Heh, it's a bit interesting."

Looking up at the lamp god, Qin Ming stretched out a hand.

"I'll join your team!"

Hearing this, the lamp god's eyes lit up and hurriedly handed over his hand.

"Then from now on, you are my partner. After the space is completely established, you will own half of the space in the future!"

"I don't need half. Just don't bother me too much. I just like to fight with others. Fighting in the nightmare space is boring. I want to go out and fight with others."

"That won't work! I don't like to be in charge! I need someone who can be in charge! The last failure was because the person in charge was useless! So you come this time!"

"…………Then, happy cooperation?"

"Happy cooperation!"

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