Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 511: Mai Shiranui's bad performance


A cold light flashed, and Baroque flew over at a frightening speed.

It was just that his speed was fast, and Mai Shiranui's speed was even faster, not only fast, but also very strange.

With a raging fire burning on her body, Mai Shiranui rushed out and took the initiative to meet Baroque. At the moment of collision with Baroque, her body suddenly turned into a blood mist and exploded.

Baroque, who did not expect this to happen, was startled, and his body was washed by blood and rolled to the ground.

He had just stood firm, and Mai Shiranui had already condensed from behind him with blood, and raised her hand to dance with a flower and butterfly fan.

The special paper fan wrapped with blood and flames hit Baroque's body one after another, making him groan, and turned around and waved his claws to block.

As soon as he knocked the fan away, he looked up and saw a ball of fire rushing towards him at a high speed.

Mai Shiranui turned into a fireball at high speed, and started with a super killer ninja bee.

Seeing this scene, Baroque's pupils shrank. He knew that he had met a master. He crossed his hands and slashed out an X-shaped sword light.

But the sword light had not yet touched the enemy. Under Baroque's shocked gaze, the fireball in front of him exploded again! It turned into a burning blood mist all over the sky again!

With a bang! The blood mist passed through the attack! It passed by Baroque!

When it came to the back, it turned into a human form again! Continue to use the ultimate move, Ninja Bee! It hit Baroque hard!

Baroque turned around and tried to attack with a scream, but he didn't expect Mai Shiranui to explode again and turn into blood mist again.

Condensation! Impact! Explosion!

Condensation again! Impact again! Explosion again!

Shuttled back and forth around Baroque, Mai Shiranui, with a raging fire wrapped around her body, was incredibly fast. From a distance, it looked like a moth in the fire, flying on the fire!

Baroque was constantly being pierced by fireballs. He couldn't fight back or run away. He was beaten and screamed for a while and was completely suppressed.

Finally, Mai Shiranui turned into a human form again, swung her skirt and swept out fiercely, ending with a dragon flame dance. Baroque, whose body had been burned on a large area, just spun and hit the ground, completely losing his movement.

As one of the four heavenly kings, the king of assassination known for his speed, Baroque was suppressed from beginning to end and lost to Mai Shiranui's speed.

And this is the power of the new ninjutsu of Mai Shiranui's family ninjutsu and the power of blood: the power of the blood Shiranui style!

With a snap, she opened the fan and gently covered half of her face, revealing only a pair of eyes narrowed into crescents.

Mai Shiranui, who easily defeated the powerful enemy, was extremely proud at this moment. If she had a tail, it would have been shaking long ago.

"Hmm, this is the strongest secret of the Shiranui style: the power of the bloody nine-tailed fox! It is also the power of Mai Shiranui, the strongest person in the history of the Shiranui family! A guy with no vision actually dared to look down on me! He thought I was a burden! Humph! Short-sighted!"

Obviously, a petty woman is still holding a grudge, even though a day has passed, she still remembers that Qin Ming despised her.

Qin Ming, who naturally heard Mai Shiranui's muttering, rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to this cheap senior sister.

Because you really can't blame Qin Ming for despising her, the main reason is that Mai Shiranui is really unreliable.

What is the highest secret: the bloody nine-tailed fox, isn't this just a continuous ninja bee!

Mai Shiranui does have the strength of a first-class fighter now, yes, relying on the mutant vampire blood inherited from Qin Ming, she is even a strong one.

But the problem is that whoever has inherited Qin Ming's direct bloodline is a strong one!

A diligent martial arts fanatic like King even developed a new fighting style, perfectly integrating his original fighting style with his bloodline.

Lazier ones like Blue Mary also developed several special moves and several practical skills.

Only Mai Shiranui! After obtaining the blood of a vampire! Knowing that she would be immortal in the future! She actually chose to lie down!

She didn't practice any skills! She didn't develop any skills! She just lived on her old capital! She was completely rotten!

Now in the King of Fighters manual, her strength has completely fallen to the bottom of the list, and even the little girl Sakazaki Yuri can bully her, and she has to rely on the special identity of Senior Sister Qin Ming to cheat.

Do you think Qin Ming would not despise her! If she was a little more diligent! With her own flame bloodline! In combination with the newly acquired vampire power! She would have grown into a top-notch master long ago!

Qin Ming was lucky to see her breasts... ...the relationship between the siblings in the past! She even fused an S-level skill to her! She still can't beat anyone! She can only come here to bully the characters! Useless thing!

Mai Shiranui didn't notice Qin Ming's psychological fluctuations and his extremely disgusted expression, and she wouldn't care if she noticed.

She was posing at the moment, enjoying the shocked look from Chunli.

Although she has completely become the bottom of the pile because of being too lazy, characters like Chunli don't know it!

Her family knows that Mai Shiranui turned a good hand into a one-on-three! Very lame!

But in Chunli's eyes! Mai Shiranui is a top master! A very rare female top master!

She can actually defeat Baroque head-on! This is definitely a first-class strong man!

And what about that extremely weird ability just now? Is it some special school?

Just when Chunli was extremely shocked and Mai Shiranui had finished posing, she was ready to brag about herself with a smile, when an accident suddenly happened.

Baroque, who had taken a whole set of Mai Shiranui's special moves, was still alive at this moment!

He proved it with his actual actions! The characters in the Street Fighter world really have a lot of health! That exaggerated muscle volume is not for show!

Baroque, who was originally lying on the ground and had lost his breath, suddenly bounced up, stabbed out with one claw, and went straight to Mai Shiranui's back! Prepare to pierce the chest with one claw!

Seeing this scene, Chunli screamed and hurried forward to help.

Mai Shiranui, who heard the movement, raised her eyebrows, and the fan in her hand opened with a swish, and her body exploded into blood mist directly, easily avoiding this sneak attack.

Mai Shiranui avoided it very casually, without suffering any damage. This weird blood mist ability is indeed very buggy. Without a countermeasure, it is difficult to break it.

But the problem is that Mai Shiranui easily avoided it! But Chun-Li, who was standing in front of her, was exposed to Baroque!

Baroque, who flew forward, stretched out his claws without hesitation and grabbed Chun-Li's chest fiercely.

Or maybe his target from the beginning was not Mai Shiranui with strange abilities! It was Chun-Li!

After just a short fight, Baroque, who had rich combat experience, had already understood Mai Shiranui's fighting routine.

Knowing that he could not kill Mai Shiranui with his own strength, he decisively chose to complete the task first!

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