Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 512 BOSS Appears


A flash of cold light instantly tore through the steel claws that tore through the shower curtain on Chunli's chest, but stopped suddenly at the last moment.

An arm stretched out from the side and grabbed Baroque's arm tightly.

Kasamoto Eri, who flashed over, looked at Baroque with sharp eyes.

"You dare to touch the things I like!"

With a buzzing sound, a flash of light, Kasamoto Eri controlled the air with one hand and slammed Baroque's chest with a palm.

Baroque was hit and flew backwards, smashing the tables and chairs in a mess. He stabilized his body while rolling, knelt on one knee and covered his chest, looked up at everyone, and his face was livid.

Looking at Chunli who was panicking and covering her chest, he glanced at the few people who came around from all sides with unfriendly faces.

Baroque, who found that these guys were all extraordinary in strength, gritted his teeth, suddenly turned around and rushed to the window, trying to escape from here.

There are so many top-notch masters here. The mission cannot be completed. Let's leave first.

I have to admit that Baroque, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, is really good.

His reaction speed is extraordinary and sharp, and his body is flexible enough to twist at will to avoid various attacks.

Kasamoto Eri flashed in front of him and swung his sword, but he twisted his body to avoid it in an instant.

Mai Shiranui flew out of the fire and launched her ultimate move, Ninja Bee, but he easily avoided it.

His shoulder hit the glass, and Baroque rushed out of the building directly. Then he stepped on the glass with his legs and ran straight down the glass in a vertical posture at an amazing speed.

Just after running a few steps, Baroque's ears suddenly moved and he turned his head sharply.

Then his pupils shrank and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Because behind him, a figure was holding his chest with his hands, also in a vertical posture, and his body slid straight along the glass at a high speed towards him.

That's right! Just slide towards it!

Qin Ming, who rushed out from the gap, didn't run at all, but almost floated to chase this side.

While falling freely against the window, Qin Ming's arms, which were clasped in front of his chest, finally fell apart while his eyes were fixed on the fleeing enemy in front of him.

His right arm drooped, and blood was entangled in his palm.

Skill! Tracking Hadoken! Four consecutive shots!

With a buzzing sound, four Hadoken whizzed out, drawing various arcs in the air, and shot forward like missiles.

Baroque, who saw this scene, was so scared that he continued to run while twisting his body into various shapes, passing by the four Hadoken.

It was just that the Hadoken that just flew past, turned around and flew back in his shocked eyes the next second!

Tracking Hadoken, although this skill did not provide Qin Ming with any substantial attribute improvement, it seemed that it was not worthy of the evaluation of S-level skills.

But in fact, the effect of this ability is actually very terrifying.

Once the target is locked, it is almost an automatic tracking ability that will never stop.

and a weird fighting style that can change direction freely according to Qin Ming's thoughts.

The combination of the two has doubled the threat of Qin Ming's skills!

Imagine that when you are playing a fighting game, your opponent keeps shooting at you, and you finally jump to avoid it. Just when you get close to the opponent, those energy cannons that have been avoided will automatically fly back to continue shooting at you.

Then what should you do! How shameless is this ability!

The opponent does nothing! Just shooting waves can kill you alive!

At this moment, Baroque has become the first lucky person in the Street Fighter world to experience the full burst of the tracking wave fist head-on.

He rolled back and forth on the smooth glass to dodge, constantly dealing with four wave fists, and kept dodging.

Qin Ming, who was following behind, did not continue to attack, but hugged his shoulders and returned to the posture of watching the show. While his body was stretched straight and free falling, he watched Baroque and his wave fist fight wits and courage.

Baroque, who had been hiding for half a day, realized that he could not rely on brute force to consume the Hadouken after seeing that they had been flying for a long time but were only a little smaller.

Therefore, he decisively chose to intercept them by force. Seeing a Hadouken coming from the front, he swung his claws without thinking.

The next second, with a loud bang, the glass of the building was directly shattered on a large scale, and even the wall behind began to collapse.

With the collision point between the Hadouken and Baroque as the center, a circular pit with a radius of more than ten meters was blown out of the building!

Baroque, who did not expect the power of this Hadouken to be so terrifying, was blown away with a scream, but was able to use the force to accelerate and temporarily avoid the pursuit of the other three Hadouken.

A Hadouken with the killing intention wave blessing! The lethality is terrifying! It is no less than a large-caliber artillery shell!

When dealing with the two adventurers before, Qin Ming was just showing mercy. If he hadn't shown mercy and had also added the killing intent wave, those two guys would definitely not have survived!


His body fell rapidly like a cannonball, and Baroque's back hit the ground heavily, and he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He smashed the ground into dense spider-web-like cracks.

Before Baroque, who was in great pain all over his body, could take a breath, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he bounced up with his hands on the ground, and instantly fled from the place.

Almost at the moment he fled, a loud bang exploded.

Following the extremely fast fall of Qin Ming, he adjusted his posture and landed with his legs together, and stepped directly on the place where Baroque had just been lying.

The ground shook instantly! Half of the street was cracked!

Qin Ming's feet were forcibly blasted into a deep pit of several meters in radius!

If Baroque had not been able to dodge in time and was really hit by this kick, not to mention whether he could survive, it would be a question whether he could leave a complete body!

Qin Ming frowned after missing the attack and looked up at Baroque opposite him.

Baroque knelt on one knee, swung his steel claws, and flew up to rush up.

But before he could launch an attack, a whistling sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

The next second, the remaining three wave punches actually fell from the sky, flew past Qin Ming on both sides in an arc, and shot at him again like lightning.

Baroque's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and he jumped up and kicked the vehicle next to him.

The heavy vehicle was kicked away by a kick, and it hit the front at a high speed, and collided with the three wave punches on the spot.

Amid the roar, the wave punch, which had been flying for half a day and had already consumed most of its energy, was forcibly detonated, causing the entire car to be blown to pieces.

Burning iron pieces flew everywhere, and Baroque, who had escaped the disaster, was shocked and broke into a cold sweat. Just as he swallowed his saliva, he suddenly saw the smoke in front of him explode, and a burly figure strode out of the smoke with his hands on his shoulders.

Qin Ming, who was extremely tall, looked down at Baroque opposite him, and a smile suddenly appeared on his ferocious face.

"Not bad, you can actually withstand my four wave punches. You can be considered a master. In this case, I will come to play with you in person!"

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