Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 68 Cabin Crisis

A car was driving at high speed on the highway.

The car was fast, and the two people who were fighting in the car were also fighting happily.

And as the two guys were fighting, the little boss Dalmatian next to them saw that his master was bullied, and he rushed over to help.

It bit Qin Ming's arm in one bite, and Qin Ming's facial features were distorted in pain, and finally let go.

Then he stared at the dead dog with his eyes wide open, and without hesitation, he also opened his mouth and bit the Dalmatian...

Amid the barking of the dog, Mary, who was desperately twisting Qin Ming's arm, hurriedly raised her head when she heard the sound.

When she saw that her dog was bitten, she was so angry that she clamped Qin Ming's neck tightly, swung it with all her strength, and clamped Qin Ming's head with her legs and bumped it everywhere.

While bumping, she also shouted.

"Don't bite my dog!!!"

Hearing this roar, Qin Ming obediently let go of his mouth... and then bit Mary's thigh again.

After all, who made her the closest to Qin Ming's head?

Amid screams, the vehicle whizzed away from the street, leaving pedestrians on both sides of the street staring at each other in disbelief.

They didn't know that the people in the car were fighting. They only saw a woman wrapping her legs around a man's head, and the man buried his head in... ... Dululululu! Young people these days! They play so much!

A few hours later, the vehicle finally stopped. The car that passed through a large number of checkpoints was now parked outside the airport at the US border.

As the car door opened, Qin Ming, with a footprint on his face, walked out of the car with a dark face.

And Mary, the plot character, also came out from the other side holding the dog.

With her short hair already messed up, she stroked the several tooth marks on the dog, and her expression was very indignant.

In the narrow terrain where she was best at, she didn't even get a little advantage. This was the first time she encountered such a situation. This damn stinky hooligan!

Feeling Mary's gaze, Qin Ming rubbed his face and suddenly turned around, pointed at her and said.

"Don't! Follow me again!"

After that, Qin Ming turned around and left, and boarded the plane to Japan directly.

A moment later, he who had just sat on the plane had a figure beside him.

Turning his head slowly, looking at Mary who sat next to him after checking in the pet, Qin Ming couldn't help shaking his eyes.

Mary, who was sitting next to him, quickly picked up the newspaper and opened it to check, and directly covered her face with the newspaper.

The plane took off and flew quickly into the sky, gradually stabilizing after reaching a certain height.

Sitting in the cabin, he had been glaring at the woman next to him for a long time, but found that the other party was Qin Ming who was pretending to be an ostrich with a newspaper. He was bored for a while, and his eyes began to scan the surroundings, but he was suddenly stunned while looking.

Hesitantly holding down his sunglasses, he frowned and looked to the side, and then looked into the distance.

After observing for a while, he finally retracted his head, sat there expressionlessly and remained silent for a moment, and suddenly kicked Mary's foot with his leg.

Feeling this scene, Mary, who was flipping through the newspaper randomly, immediately put down the newspaper and looked at him with an unhappy face.

"What are you doing? Don't bother me if there is nothing to do! I see you are upset!"

After that, Mary raised the newspaper to cover her face again, but Qin Ming suddenly stretched out his hand to poke the newspaper open.

Before Mary, who was angry on her face, could speak, Qin Ming looked at her expressionlessly and spoke in a low voice.

"We may be in trouble."


Hearing this, Mary was stunned, her expression was very surprised.

Qin Ming continued to speak in a low voice with a straight face.

"See the man on the left, and the two men and women sitting together on the right, and the two women in the back, they are terrorists."


Hearing this news, Mary's eyes widened on the spot, and she immediately sat down after reacting, taking out another newspaper and pretending to check it, while approaching Qin Ming and whispering.

"Don't joke about this kind of thing."

"No joke, and they're not coming for the plane, they're coming for you."

"Me? What's there for me to run for?"

"How should I know, but I've just observed that those guys have been looking at you intentionally or unintentionally, and their goal is very clear. We're in trouble."

When he said this, Qin Ming's eyebrows were already frowning.

The few people next to him were certainly not terrorists, but in a sense, they were scarier than real terrorists.

Because these guys are just like him! They're adventurers!

Qin Ming couldn't figure out how these adventurers locked onto Mary's trail! And were able to quickly get on the plane!

Anyway, he knew that something was going to happen now!

Through the dinosaur glasses, he had confirmed that there were five adventurers in the cabin. Five people dared to challenge Mary, a plot character. I'm afraid they weren't easy to mess with.

The most important thing is, this is a plane! Everyone is still flying in the sky at this time!

If we can't make a quick decision and deal with them quickly,

Once they find that they can't win, they will choose to destroy the aircraft cabin without caring about their lives.

That will be a lot of fun! Qin Ming doesn't want to try to see if he can survive a fall from a height of tens of thousands of meters!

Just as Qin Ming frowned and thought about a solution, Mary, who was sitting next to him, had already secretly observed the surrounding situation.

Then her face turned ugly.

Because of her amazing insight, she immediately found that Qin Ming did not seem to lie, and the guys around her were indeed observing her intentionally or unintentionally.

The most important thing is that when she used her Qi to carefully sense, she could clearly sense that these guys were all emitting strong hostility. One of them kept his hand hidden by his side. Maybe it was...

Take a deep breath, Mary quickly retracted her gaze, spread out the newspaper, pretended to read the newspaper as if nothing had happened, and whispered to Qin Ming.

"What should we do now?"

Qin Ming's eyes flickered slightly when he heard this.

"What else can we do? Get rid of them, at least make sure they lose their combat effectiveness, otherwise who knows what crazy things these desperate people will do. If they blow up the plane, it will be over. You are fast, take care of the first three, I am slow, take care of the back two, move quickly."


Nodding slightly, Mary, who leaned back on the chair, gradually became sharper in her eyes, and her muscles began to tense up.

At this moment, the two women in the back suddenly stood up, came to the position behind Mary and Qin Ming, and whispered to the guests there.

Using the excuse that they were close to the wings of the plane and could not see the scenery, the two relied on their beautiful looks and sweet mouths to directly exchange seats with the guests here.

Sitting behind Qin Ming and Mary, they chattered non-stop, and laughed from time to time, looking very lively.

However, during the casual conversation, one of them had a black needle in his hand, which gently pierced the seat, pierced the backrest, and slowly stabbed towards Mary's back in front...


A loud noise suddenly came out! Before her black needle hit Mary! Qin Ming, who was sitting next to her, jumped up first!

Turning around and waving his hand! A terrifying airflow swept out! Turned into an air hand knife to cut the seat! Just hit the woman directly!

B-level skill! True-sonic hand knife!

This sudden attack obviously exceeded everyone's expectations. The woman had no time to react and was hit directly.

The sharp air blade cut her head! It actually cut off half of her head on the spot!

A fatal blow!

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