Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 69 The fish that slipped through the net

After killing one person instantly, Qin Ming, with eyes wide open and a ferocious expression, stretched out his other hand and fiercely pinched the neck of another woman! He lifted her up in the air!

The woman reacted quickly, and she was a speed-type adventurer at first glance. With a swing of her hands, she stretched out two steel claws from behind her arms, and she directly cut Qin Ming's back of the hand with her claws! Completely hooked in!

Qin Ming, whose arm was almost pierced on the spot, screamed in pain, and the next second he forcibly pulled the woman in front of him, opened his bloody mouth and bit her neck fiercely.

B-level skill! Essence absorption! Activate!

As her whole body twitched violently, the female adventurer, who was originally ready to pursue the victory, began to shrink rapidly.

Although she was not beaten to death on the spot, her whole body attributes were deducted by five points, and she was directly disabled.

Without waiting for her to continue struggling, as the skill was activated, Qin Ming, whose physique had grown rapidly, directly pulled out his revolver and pointed it at her body, and fired several shots!

The second person! Killed!

Qin Ming's killing method was very decisive, and he killed two people in a flash.

Mary on the other side was also extremely decisive when she took action.

Don't think that this woman is a flower in a greenhouse. If you had known that her father was an agent, she would have gone to the enemy alone to assassinate the enemy's leader and several important personnel in order to avenge her father.

This guy has also killed people, and not a few of them.

She knew very well that if the plane had an accident, she would definitely not survive, so now she used a killing move.

She supported the seat with her hands and kicked one person in the neck.

Then she jumped up and clamped the neck of another person, twisting her body with all her strength.

With a sharp click, the adventurer's head was twisted to 90 degrees!

Skill! Spinning down!

One move killed one person in one second! Mary grabbed the body that had not fallen yet! She supported the opponent's shoulders with both hands! She used the force to kick again! She stepped on one of the chests!

The second kick followed closely while she turned around! A side kick hit his temple! She kicked the opponent's head on the spot and made a cracking sound!

The guy whose head was kicked directly and spun around fell straight to the ground, and Mary, who had dealt with two people in an instant, crouched and rushed to the third person quickly.

It was at this time that the last person who finally realized that something was wrong finally stood up.

Looking at the bodies of several companions who had fallen, this guy's face was pale, and he actually took out a grenade from his arms on the spot, raised his hand and prepared to pull the ring!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who had just thrown away the body, couldn't help but change his face. He turned around and prepared to throw out the sonic hand knife, but it was too late.

At this moment, in the cabin where screams were rising and falling, a residual image suddenly flashed by!

It was Mary! Mary activated her ultimate move!

B-level skill! Mary Typhoon!

With a whoosh! Mary dragged a lot of afterimages behind her! She crossed several meters in a flash! She crashed directly into the big man!

Then her body shuttled back and forth as fast as lightning! She kept hitting the big man all over!

Hands! Legs! Ribs! Spine! Head!

After a series of collisions! The big man's bones were all broken! The grenade in his hand, which had not been activated yet, fell instantly!

Mary suddenly stopped her skill and reached out to grab the falling grenade. At this moment, her forehead was already sweating from fear.

As for the adventurer standing next to her?

His whole body suddenly softened, and this guy collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud. There was no intact bone in his body!

Don't think that when Mary was fighting Qin Ming before, her locking skills didn't seem to be very good.

But that's because Qin Ming is thick-skinned enough!

And high defense! Strength and physique are almost full again!

After opening the essence absorption, Qin Ming's physique and strength are 40 points respectively! The other is 38 points! Defense is as high as 13 points!

In addition, Mary's attributes are deducted by 5 points! She can't be twisted!

The two of them can fight equally, mainly because Qin Ming is tough enough. It is also for this reason that Mary, who is a sandbag of the same level, is eager to pester him and wants to arrest him and bring him to justice, at least to get back the stolen gold.

After all, she has taken the task and even collected the other party's deposit. She can't return empty-handed, otherwise it will ruin her reputation.

Nowadays, ordinary low-level adventurers are like paper when facing Mary, and they will break at the touch. This is the state of normal low-level adventurers facing plot characters!

Looking at the grenade in her hand, Mary reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead and shook her collar hard.

When she looked up and saw Qin Ming looking at her, she smiled and raised her hand to give Qin Ming a thumbs up.

However, what responded to her was Qin Ming's horrified expression and the action of quickly raising his hand to protect his face.

Seeing this scene, Mary was stunned. Before she could react to what Qin Ming meant, a sharp jingle sounded suddenly.

Behind her, the door of the cab was suddenly opened. A man with a stern face took out a grenade without hesitation, pulled the ring, and rolled the grenade towards Mary...


A violent explosion sounded! The powerful shock wave spread in all directions! It directly blew up the steel plates on both sides!

Mary, who was hit by the shock wave, was blown directly towards Qin Ming in front.

But before she could fly in front of Qin Ming, she was pulled back by a strong airflow the next second!

In the cabin with a big hole, a violent airflow had already appeared, forcibly pulling countless passengers near there out of the plane.

Amid screams, these passengers were like rag dolls, directly thrown several meters away, falling towards the ground like flowers scattered by the sky, and Mary, the plot character, was among them.

With the gap in the cabin, the entire plane was seriously unbalanced and began to shake violently and uncontrollably.

Qin Ming, who was holding the iron sheet with one hand and firmly fixing himself in place, couldn't help but grit his teeth when he saw this. He realized that the plane could not be saved, and struggled to move towards the cockpit, ready to get a parachute to escape.



With a harsh sound, just as Qin Ming violently opened the cabin door, he looked up at him in the cockpit, but happened to see the glass shattered, and several parachute bags flew out through the window.

There was still a man standing in front of the window. He was the adventurer who had just thrown the grenade.

He was carrying the last parachute bag on his back. When he turned around and saw Qin Ming, he immediately grinned at him.

After raising his hand to salute, this guy jumped out of the window directly, ready to parachute to escape!

He jumped very coolly! He jumped very neatly! His jumping action was perfect!

But just after he jumped out of the window, he suddenly felt cold.

It turned out that Qin Ming, who was standing at the door, gave him a sonic hand knife with a flick of his hand.

Qin Ming didn't know whether this hand knife seriously injured the adventurer, because he didn't aim at the other party at all.

He aimed at the parachute on the back of the guy in front of him!


The adventurer whose parachute bag was directly cut in the middle screamed in fear and fell rapidly towards the ground below.

The parachute bag he hurriedly pulled open behind him just opened, and it split neatly in half from the middle, and could no longer hold the wind.

"You screwed me! You still want to leave alive? What are you thinking!"

In the cockpit, Qin Ming walked in with a dark face, looking at the instruments that he couldn't understand at all, and the dagger stuck in the instruments, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He pulled the captain's body away and searched everywhere, but he didn't find anything. He looked at the ground below with a tangled face.

As a result, this look gave him hope.

Because under the plane, one of the parachutes that had been thrown out before was actually hanging on the exploded iron sheet!

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