Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 70 Parachuting

Amid the shrill creaking sound and howling wind, Qin Ming held the iron sheet tightly with both hands, and dug a lot of holes in the steel along the way. He just hung outside the plane and struggled to crawl towards the parachute bag.

The plane was seriously out of control at this moment.

All the pilots died, the cockpit was destroyed, and there was a big hole in the plane itself.

This caused the plane to fall downward at a high speed, and there was no possibility of control.

Qin Ming gritted his teeth and followed the iron sheet to the bottom of the plane against the airflow. He stretched out his hand and finally grabbed the parachute bag.

Qin Ming, who was hurriedly carrying it on his back, patted the backpack on his back, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then he hung on the outer shell of the plane with the strength of his hands and crawled forward.

He was going to crawl back into the plane along the gap, adjust his state before jumping.

After all, he had never played the skill of parachuting before, so he had to be more cautious this time.

The more preparation, the more possibility of survival.

Just as he struggled to climb to the gap, he saw an unexpected figure in front of him.

Mary, the plot character who was sucked out of the plane by the airflow of the gap, was actually hanging on an iron plate outside the gap at this moment!

She held the iron plate tightly with both hands, and her body surface was severely frosted, and her clothes were stained red.

Obviously, the sudden flight before caused her a lot of damage, and even caused her to hang there, and she couldn't even crawl back.

Mary, who was already frozen to a state of confusion, struggled to see Qin Ming, who was also hanging on the iron sheet opposite, and was obviously stunned for a moment.

After reacting, her eyes widened on the spot, her face showed a look of joy, and she opened her mouth to call for help.

As a result, as her nerves relaxed, her palms that had been frozen for a long time instinctively loosened.

And this loosening directly caused her to leave the body.

With a scream, Mary was instantly thrown away by the plane and floated towards the back like a kite with a broken string.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming shook his head, too lazy to care about her, and struggled to continue crawling towards the gap in the plane.

Just after climbing to the gap, he saw through the gap that in the cargo layer below, a dog was in a cage at the edge, turning his head to look at his Dalmatian...

"Damn it! Why am I so unlucky!"

Looking at this stupid dog, Qin Ming couldn't help but curse, and then suddenly broke the iron lock, stretched out his hand to clamp the Dalmatian's neck, and forcibly pulled it out of the cage.

After that, Qin Ming, who was holding the Dalmatian, let go on the spot, and the two-meter-high large grid fell down like a cannonball!

Adjusting the direction all the way! The whole person is streamlined! Continuously accelerating the fall!

After more than ten seconds! Qin Ming finally saw Mary who fell before!

And Mary, who was floating in the wind, also looked up and saw him.

The two looked at each other, and the next second they moved towards each other at the same time.

After getting completely close, Mary instantly wrapped her arms around Qin Ming's waist, hugged Qin Ming's neck with both hands, and hung on him tightly.

Qin Ming also unceremoniously stuffed the silly dog ​​in his hand to the other party, and growled at the same time.

"Here! Your dog!"

After saying that, Qin Ming finally let go of his hands and pulled the rope behind him.

With a bang, the parachute bloomed in the sky on the spot!

The speed of the two people and the dog hanging under the parachute began to decrease sharply, and finally avoided the fate of being smashed into mud.

However, the weight of the three guys added together was obviously a bit overweight.

With the rapid descent, the huge parachute began to shake violently, gradually losing balance, and swinging back and forth in the air with the three guys below.

It looked like a plastic bag rolled up into the sky, and no one knew where it would float to in the next second.

In the howling wind, Qin Ming, who was holding the rope tightly with both hands, tried his best to control the out-of-control parachute, but unfortunately no matter how he pulled, the parachute was swinging back and forth and didn't listen.

And as he continued to exert force, a crisp sound suddenly came into his ears.

Qin Ming, who heard the noise, looked up quickly, and saw that the rope of the parachute had begun to break because it could not bear the weight.

Seeing this! Qin Ming hurriedly reached out and bit a stack of banknotes from the inventory! Immediately activated his talent skill! Trying to strengthen the parachute urgently!

It must be said that Qin Ming's reaction was very fast, and he successfully carried out emergency strengthening before the rope broke.


Ding Dong! The parachute was strengthened successfully!

The white damaged parachute that cannot be taken out of this world! Successfully evolved into a green deluxe rare collector's edition that cannot be taken out of this world! The damaged parachute!

Looking at the parachute that became much more gorgeous on the spot! But the rope was still broken! Qin Ming's face instantly turned purple!

"Fuck you!!!"

Amid screams! Three figures hugging each other separated from the parachute! Falling down at a high speed!

And after more than ten seconds! There was a muffled sound!

Amid the splashing water, the three guys slammed hard on the sea surface...

A few minutes later, at the edge of the coast, a figure struggled out of the water, dragging another guy in his hand.

Qin Ming grabbed Mary's clothes and dragged her to the island.

Turning his head to look at Mary, who was still holding the dog tightly even though she fainted, Qin Ming let out a long breath, let go of her, and sat down next to her.

He panted heavily to recover, and even took out a chicken leg from the inventory and ate it frantically, using props to recover from his injuries.

With the help of props, Qin Ming recovered almost immediately.

Then he turned his head to look at Mary who had fainted next to him. He couldn't help but frowned, and instinctively reached for the pistol on his waist.

He pulled the trigger and silently raised the muzzle to aim at Mary's head. Qin Ming squinted his eyes and was silent for a moment, but in the end he didn't choose to pull the trigger, but put the pistol back on his waist.

It was just a silver treasure chest, and Qin Ming didn't need it. He didn't want to take advantage of others.

Besides, this woman has been thrown into such a ghostly state now, and coupled with the special fighting mechanism of this world, don't let her explode a blue key after killing her.

Quickly picked up a pile of branches and lit them.

Qin Ming, who was sitting by the fire, had a blank expression on his face, and Mary, who was lying next to him, shook her body after a few minutes and finally gradually regained consciousness.

Mary suddenly sat up from the ground, her eyes wide open, quickly scanning the surroundings, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after finding that she had landed.

Turning her head to look at Qin Ming who was looking at her, her vigilant eyes obviously became much softer, and the whole person relaxed.

"It seems that we all survived?"

"Yes, we all survived... temporarily."

"Temporarily? What do you mean temporarily?"

"Because I found that there is nothing on this broken island, no food and no fresh water. If we can't leave immediately, we will still die."

At this point, Qin Ming's tone suddenly paused, and he slowly turned his head to look at the Dalmatian next to him who had not yet woken up.

"Of course, there is an emergency food, which can barely last for two days."

Mary froze when she heard this, and hurriedly hugged her dog.

"No! Antonio is not food!"

"Yeah, that's right, it's only big enough for a few meals, and I didn't say it was emergency food."

"Oh, so you didn't say it, I was shocked, I thought... Wait a minute?!"

Mary, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly turned around and looked around.

Looking at the small island with nothing except the three living creatures on her side, she suddenly realized that something seemed wrong.

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