Infinity Throne

Chapter 1 Tower Era 2121

"Humanity has spent thousands of years conquering the sky, but on this day, the sky became a forbidden area for God..."

On the podium, Lao Wang read aloud.

Yi Lin yawned and turned to look out the window.

In that direction, far, far away, there is a tower towering into the clouds with no end in sight.


Following the teacher's roar, a short electronic pen hit Yi Lin's forehead with great precision.


The force of the electronic pen smashed out a small red bump on Yi Lin's forehead.

Wang Fenbi is male, 40 years old, unmarried, withdrawn, irritable, and petty. It is said that his "mental" attribute is as high as 3.2, and his throwing accuracy is as high as 93%.

"Yirin, stand up!"

Hearing this, Yi Lin rubbed the red forehead that was hit, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and he slowly stood up.

"Yilin, answer this question! Human beings have conquered the sky for thousands of years, but on this day, the sky became a forbidden area for gods... Which day does the day in the sentence I just mentioned refer to? ?”

Yi Lin sighed.

Then he looked towards the distant horizon, the huge gray tower that towered into the clouds.

"You don't understand, do you? If you don't understand..."

Lao Wang, who was on the podium, saw Yi Lin's reaction and just wanted to scold him with a straight face. Unexpectedly, Yi Lin said the answer leisurely.

"November 11, 2111..."

Lao Wang's expression turned cold, and he silently held another piece of the electronic pen.

"I think Teacher Wang is definitely not satisfied with this answer that the whole world knows."

As soon as Yi Lin's words changed, Lao Wang forcefully took back the electronic pen that he had just wanted to throw away.

Yi Lin smiled slightly and continued: "On November 11, 2111 AD, four giant towers appeared out of thin air on the earth. In our country, there are more than 200 million giant towers in Jiaoyan, Chu'an, and Xizhou provinces. The population evaporated out of thin air..."

"At 23:00 that night, 3,422 artificial satellites in outer space fell to the earth at the same time, triggering the most 'spectacular' meteor shower in human history... This night is historically known as the 'Night of Stars'. That is On this day, mankind completely lost control of the air."

"And from November 11, 2111 AD, many people proposed it as the beginning of a new era...the Tower Era."

"But considering the source of the original text, it comes from the paper "To the Sky that Humanity Will Eventually Lose" published by Molly, a tower researcher, in the journal "Creation" on January 5, 2114. That sentence This paper, through various data and experiments, confirmed the real existence of the 'no air zone' above 3,000 meters."

"So the answer Teacher Wang wants should be January 5, 2114."

After saying that, Yi Lin looked at Lao Wang calmly.

Lao Wang's eyes widened. He had never thought that this quiet and honest student would actually have some knowledge of "Tower Studies".

"Teacher Wang, can I sit down?"

"Ahem!" Lao Wang coughed twice to cover up the embarrassment in his heart. He straightened his expression and clapped his hands: "Yilin is serious and studious, and has a profound understanding of the history of tower studies. He deserves encouragement! Yilin Classmate, please sit down."

"Thank you, teacher."

Yi Lin calmly sat back in her seat.

This small episode did not interrupt Lao Wang's enthusiasm for class. He pressed the button to clear the content on the screen and started writing with the electronic pen again.

"This day is the biggest disaster in human history, but at the same time, it is also the beginning of a new civilization for mankind..."

Yi Lin's eyes drifted out of the window involuntarily again, as if staring at the huge gray tower across endless time and space.

Listening to Lao Wang's lecture at the lectern with great interest, Yi Lin shook her head. This is the "reality" that humans currently recognize.

After class, Yi Lin packed up her textbooks and prepared to leave.

A tall figure walked up to Yi Lin.

Yi Lin raised his head and looked with a bright smile on his face: "Brother Yang, it's you, what's the matter?"

As he spoke, Yi Lin silently read the name of the future man three times in his mind.

Henry Zhang, Henry Zhang, Henry Zhang.

"Hahaha, Xiao Lin, you don't want to take the tower exam in the future, do you?" Henry Zhang put his hand on Yi Lin's shoulder condescendingly and asked with a smile.

"Right..." Yi Lin put the book in his hand into his bag, and then smiled helplessly: "I heard that the country now needs a large number of professionals to study 'Towerology'. In order to respond to the call, this year's key universities across the country, The tower science major will lower the total attribute requirements,’s one more hope.”

"Yes, who makes Xiao Lin just an ordinary person..." A trace of disdain flashed in Xiao Yang's eyes, but the smile on his face became brighter, he patted Yi Lin's shoulder hard, and then changed his tone: "By the way, today's history Operation……"

While talking, before Yi Lin agreed, Henry Zhang stuffed a thick pile of homework into Yi Lin's schoolbag.

"Oh...homework! It doesn't matter, I'll take care of it!" Yi Lin happily put away the homework that Henry Zhang had pushed over.

"You are indeed my good friend, Henry Zhang. Don't worry, Brother Yang, I am a genius with strength, agility and mental measurements exceeding 10.0. I, Henry Zhang, will not miss you when I get ahead in the future."

Yi Lin chuckled: "Yes, we are good friends. Then if Brother Yang has nothing else to do... I will leave first."

Yi Lin finished packing and was about to leave the classroom with her thick schoolbag on her back.

As he walked out of the door, Yi Lin suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Brother Yang, I think the weather is not right. It may rain heavily tonight. Remember to close the doors and windows. Bye~"

Henry Zhang looked at Yi Lin’s leaving figure.

It wasn't until Yi Lin left completely that Henry Zhang uttered two words with disdain.


"Welcome home, Yi Rin."

"It is now July 8, 2121, 18:30."

The moment Yi Lin opened the door, the lights and air purifiers in the whole house started to operate automatically.

A sweet but emotionless electronic synthesizer sounded.

Yi Lin casually threw her schoolbag aside: "Xiaoyi, help me heat up a quick nutritious meal, B flavor, to be eaten in 30 minutes."

"This is for you, Yi Lin."

Yi Lin looked up at the electronic screen.

Then he lowered his head.

He raised his head again.

Lowered his head again


Confirmed six times.

Today is indeed July 8, 2121.

Even the AI ​​butler makes mistakes sometimes. If it is normal, it will be wrong.

But today.

Absolutely no room for error.

"About 3 hours left."

Yi Lin nodded calmly and then came to the gym.

In the gym, the floor was filled with dummies.

The dummy's body was covered with deep and shallow scratches, but these scratches were more concentrated on the neck, in the center, which was deeply dented.

There are even some dummies that are split into two parts at the neck, which looks a bit scary.

Yi Lin came to the strength tester with an expressionless face.

Use all your strength and punch out.


Soon, a cold number flashed on the screen of the strength tester.

"It's only 120KG... converted into strength attribute, it should be around 2.0."

Yi Lin's expression did not change at all.

He came to the speed tester again.

After pressing the button, countless small balls are shot out of the barrel.

Yi Lin concentrated on it and quickly slapped the ball in mid-air with her palm.

"I missed 5...the agility is about 3.0? But it may not be accurate...but this is enough."

Yi Lin nodded with satisfaction, stopped wasting energy, and walked out of the gym.

After taking a shower, Yi Lin changed into clean clothes, took out a quick nutritious meal at just the right temperature from the microwave, and ate it in big gulps.

Although it is a nutritious meal, it looks like a mysterious paste. As for the taste...

that's not important.

A few years ago, the chief scientist of the Dragon Kingdom invented a magical instrument that could classify human talents into three attributes: "strength", "agility" and "spirit", and measure the specific values.

Among them, the level of strength attribute is related to muscle strength, physical explosive power, physical fitness, cell activity, etc.

Agility is related to reaction speed, running speed, sensitivity and other factors.

As for mental attributes, it is equivalent to a comprehensive score of various abilities such as memory, calculation, observation, understanding, and abstract thinking.

The emergence of attribute testers has completely changed all talent selection systems in human society.

Since then, all schools and units have canceled the "examination" system and replaced it with "measurements" attributes using attribute testers to evaluate everyone's talent potential.

Even five years ago, the country announced to the whole country two ancient fitness martial arts "Strengthening Technique" and "Longyou Step" that have been passed down since the Ming Dynasty. As long as you can persist in exercising, you can steadily improve your strength and agility attributes. From then on It set off an upsurge in martial arts practice among all the people.

Just like Yi Lin's Qingcheng High School, physical education classes take up half of the time.

According to data released by professional researchers, the measurement attributes of ordinary people are below 3.0.

By practicing the Strengthening Technique and Dragon Walk, you can steadily improve your strength and agility attributes, but the extent of improvement is related to your talent.

If a single attribute value exceeds 3.0, it is excellent, and if it exceeds 4.0, it is genius.

Yilin had undergone an official and authoritative "preliminary test" three years ago, and her measurements were...strength 1.5, agility 1.8, and spirit 2.9.

And the final comment turned out to be——

"Ordinary, ordinary people."


Yi Lin only did one thing and practiced the strengthening technique twice.

Promote digestion.

When nutritious meals provide enough energy, excessive fullness should not be allowed to affect the body's flexibility.

8 points full, just right.

Not one point more, not one point less.

It doesn't matter if you are too tired, too lazy, too full, or too hungry.

He has tried hundreds of times, eating a nutritious meal and doing two strengthening exercises an hour later.

"Just right." Yi Lin knew very well that she had a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially when it came to numbers. But it's not important, these don't affect the overall situation.


It started to rain outside the house. Just like in my memory, it was a heavy rain that day.

Seeing that the heavy rain came as expected, Yi Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past three years, he has not dared to even spit on the roadside.

I'm afraid that this mouthful of phlegm will trigger an unpredictable butterfly effect, causing heavy rain to turn sunny on July 8, 2121.


Yi Lin emptied her bladder completely.

He took out the black waterproof sweatshirt he had prepared three years ago from under the bed and put it on.

Then he dug out another box from the toilet that had been dusty for three years.

Gloves, masks.

One more...

Brand new dagger.

Under the desk drawer, Yi Lin tore it open and took out the small paper package stuck at the bottom with tape.

A small, square and thin paper bag.

Yi Lin carefully opened the paper package, and there was only a small card inside, with both sides blank and nothing in it.

But Yi Lin carefully placed the blank card close to her body.

"Let's go."

After Yi Lin was ready, she walked out of the house, left the community, and disappeared in the rainstorm in the blink of an eye.

Important reminder before reading: This is not the earth, not the earth, not the earth! It’s not a parallel world either! Don’t substitute any worldview or common sense~

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