Infinity Throne

Chapter 2 Do you believe in God?


Henry Zhang was practicing body-building techniques and Longyoubu in his home gym.

I saw that his steps were extremely nimble, and he moved easily among the obstacles in the gym.


Every time he passed by the strength tester, Henry Zhang would punch the tester.

Shocking numbers flashed across the strength tester.






The light above the head suddenly flickered, and a few seconds later the room was completely plunged into darkness.

"Fuck! What the hell are you doing!"

Henry Zhang was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but cursed, stopped practicing, and groped towards the distribution box.

Right now.

In the darkness, Henry Zhang’s exploring footsteps suddenly stopped.

Just because a line of text suddenly appeared strangely in front of him.

【Do you believe in God? 】

【YES/NO? 】

That strange line of text exuded a gray and ominous atmosphere.

But at this moment, there seemed to be a voice in Henry Zhang's mind, like the devil's whisper, urging him to make a choice.


The moment Henry Zhang made his choice, his body suddenly disappeared from where he was.

One minute later.

Henry Zhang, who mysteriously disappeared from the house, appeared again silently just like when he disappeared.


Henry Zhang reappeared in the darkness, but fell to his knees on the ground, gasping for air.

No one saw that his forehead was covered with a large amount of cold sweat, dripping to the ground.

A few seconds later, Henry Zhang, who was still in shock, let out bursts of weird laughter: "I survived... Hey, haha, hahaha, I survived! I am indeed a genius!"

Tick ​​tock.

"From today on, I, Henry Zhang, am no longer a mortal! Hahaha..."

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Henry Zhang suddenly felt a little strange.

The sound of his sweat dripping on the ground was extremely clear in the room.

Does he sweat that much?


A hand silently reached out from behind Henry Zhang, with a cold light like a poisonous snake spitting a message, and gracefully passed across Henry Zhang's neck.


After a few seconds, Henry Zhang felt something was wrong.

"Why is your neck so wet... Huchi... Huchi..."

Henry Zhang originally felt a little strange and subconsciously touched his neck.

It's sticky and wet, and it doesn't look like sweat.

He wanted to talk to himself, but when he opened his mouth, Henry Zhang found that somehow, the breath that should have been exhaled from his mouth and nostrils somehow leaked out of his neck, making a sound like a deflated tire.

After a few more seconds, Henry Zhang fell to the ground weakly, his eyes full of panic.

who I am?

This is where?

What's wrong with me?

Henry Zhang clearly felt the rapid passage of life, and every inch of skin on his body was changing from warm to cold at a terrifying speed...

"do you know……"

In the darkness, Yi Lin walked out from behind Henry Zhang, and then slowly squatted in front of Henry Zhang.

His tone was calm, like an old friend reminiscing about old times and talking about everyday things.

"It took me 832 days to become a good friend in the eyes of my classmates."

"I imagined 26 postures and angles for you to return to the real world."

"In the past three years, I have used the opportunity of returning my homework to you to review the structure of your family in my mind 2542 times."

"I practiced cutting your throat 41,600 times using a dummy of your height."

"I also made 18 kinds of last-ditch plans in case the throat cut fails."

Henry Zhang tried his best to reach out to the black shadow in front of him, his eyes widened, full of fear.

His consciousness gradually blurred, but Henry Zhang could still vaguely distinguish the voice of his "good friend" Yi Lin in the darkness.

If Henry Zhang could speak at this time, what he wanted to say most was: You remember so clearly, are you obsessive-compulsive? ? ?

"Everything I've done to prepare is for this day."

"In order to be 100% and foolproof, I will kill you who just became an [Apostle]."

"You haven't had time to become the leader of the [Eight Shadows] under the [Death Knight]."

"You should also thank those who made various pamphlets about your personal information, right? The information says that the last time you wet the bed was in the sixth grade of elementary school? Haha..."

"Few people know that if you want to become an omnipotent [apostle]... there are actually two ways."

"One is that a genius like you, with a total measurement attribute of over 10, has a certain chance of being [summoned]..."

"And the second one is to use the weak power of human kill the [Apostle] with your own hands."

Yi Lin suddenly laughed: "Ah, I'm sorry, I've been holding back some words for too long. It's really uncomfortable not to say them out. I feel much better now. Thank you, my good friend."

Thank you so much!

At this moment, a gray card, exuding a strange gray light, floated silently from Henry Zhang’s head.

"Oh? Dead."

Yi Lin's eyes were still as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"Your death posture is exactly what I expected." Yi Lin smiled slightly and without hesitation reached out to the gray card floating in the air.

【Do you believe in God? 】



[Unregistered personnel have killed the "First-order Apostle", and their qualifications are being transferred...]

【registration success! 】

[Registration area: Tower of Death. 】

[Registration ID: 1010. 】

[It has been detected that "Preparatory Apostle 1010" has an "unknown module". Do you want to load it? 】


"Unknown module?"

Yi Lin's heart moved and she took out the white card that had been kept close to her inside her clothes.

Four years in the future, in 2125, four Knights of the Apocalypse with terrifying powers appeared from the sky, bringing disaster and war to the world.

Wherever the Apocalypse Knight passes, there are corpses and devastation everywhere.

That is the real end.

The only one who can fight against the Knights of the Apocalypse is the [Apostle].

But under the overwhelming power displayed by the Knights of the Apocalypse, the apostles gradually split into two opposing camps.

[Order] and [Natural Disaster].

The Order camp fights for humanity.

However, the natural disaster camp succumbed to the power of the Knights of the Apocalypse and was willing to become the butcher's knife to kill humans.

One day in the future, thousands of apostles from the Order camp, including Yi Lin, will attack one of the four knights, the "Conquering Knight", resulting in heavy casualties. In the end, Yi Lin and others sacrificed their lives, taking away the first blood of the Conquering Knight. .

Yi Lin still hasn't understood that many people died, but he was the only one who "survived". After that, Yi Lin was inexplicably reborn in the year 2118 of the Tower Era.

That was three years ago.

Yi Lin never felt the [calling].

He remembered that in the future [Eight Shadows] information, the time when Henry Zhang became an apostle was around 10pm on July 8, 2121.

Here comes this series of preparations.

All the preparations Yi Lin has made in the past three years have been for this day.

Only by becoming an apostle can you have the strength to face the end of the world that is about to come in four years.

And this white card has been in Yi Lin's hand since she was reborn.

In the past three years, Yi Lin has also tried to study white cards, but found nothing.

But based on his experience, perhaps only after becoming an [Apostle] can he unlock the secrets contained in that mysterious card.

Yi Lin knew in her heart that becoming an apostle meant that Yi Lin would still embark on a road full of thorns.

Maybe he can't change anything.

There is no way to prevent the end from coming.

But Yi Rin had no other choice.

He just wants to live.

Even if there is only a faint ray of dawn, he wants to witness with his own eyes the bright future that may exist four years from now.


Yi Lin smiled slightly.

Everyone knows that a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm across the Pacific.

But no one knows how much effort this butterfly put in just to flap its wings.


The moment Yi Lin made her choice, the white card blended into Yi Lin's body like running water, bringing a slight chill.

[Analyzing "Unknown Module"...]

[Analysis successful...]

[Loading the module "Apocalypse Knight (Damaged)"...]

[Module loaded successfully! 】

Apocalypse Knight Template!

The moment these lines of text appeared in Yi Lin's eyes, his expression changed slightly.

The Knights of the Apocalypse were the most powerful existence four years later. Their power was as terrifying as a natural disaster. Yi Lin could still remember it as if it was yesterday.

"This is the secret of the power of the Knights of the Apocalypse!"

But damaged...

What means?

Before Yi Lin could carefully analyze the function of this so-called Apocalypse Knight module, it soon came to a moment that made Yi Lin miss it deeply.

Henry Zhang dropped the box into a box, and Yi Lin opened the box happily.

[Now we will randomly draw the relics of "First-order Apostle (played by Xiao Yang)"...]

[Acquire the skill "Concealed Breath"! 】

[About to enter the ‘Preparatory Apostle’ trial mission! 】

The next moment, Yi Lin's eyes flashed and she disappeared from the spot.

"In the other world, I'm back."

Yi Lin smiled slightly.

When Yi Lin regained her sight, she found herself sitting in a long and narrow cabin.

His whole body was wrapped in a soft and comfortable seat, and the seat belt firmly fixed Yi Lin to the seat.

Yi Lin chanted silently in her heart as fast as she could.

"Apostle Panel."

In an instant, a holographic virtual interface that only he could see appeared in front of Yi Lin.


[Health] 100% (cannot be quantified specifically, deducted as a percentage based on the apostle's physical strength)

[Psychic energy value] 510 (affected by mental attributes)

【Module】Apocalypse Knight (Damaged)

[Level] LV0 (preparatory apostle)

[Strength] 1.8 (positively related to muscle strength, physical fitness, explosive power, and recovery power)

[Agility] 3.0 (positively related to shooting speed, reaction speed, flexibility, and movement speed)

[Spirit] 5.1 (positively related to memory, imagination, calculation power, psionic value, accuracy, perception, casting speed, and psionic recovery speed)

[Will] 7.0 (the embodiment of willpower, positively related to various types of resistance)

[Lucky] 4.0 (extremely difficult to improve under normal circumstances, please be careful and cherish it)

[Charm] 2.5 (extremely difficult to improve under normal circumstances, handsome and cherished)

【Skill】Concealed Breath

[Reinforcement] None

For Yi Lin, the scene before her had been away for three years. Over the past three years, Yi Lin had habitually recited the "Apostle Panel" in her mind countless times, but there was no response.

Now, Yi Lin, who has re-registered in the Tower of Death, finally sees her own panel attributes again.

Still a familiar recipe and a familiar taste.

He quickly scanned his properties...

"The three attributes of strength, agility, and spirit add up to 9.9? No wonder I wasn't 'summoned'..."

The dual attributes of strength and agility hover around the level of ordinary people, which is reasonable and expected.

But what Yi Lin didn't expect was that his mental and will attributes far exceeded the level of ordinary people!

The time when Yi Lin returned from rebirth in 2125 was just after the "preliminary test" in 2118. The first test tested Yi Lin's attributes before rebirth.

After her rebirth, Yi Lin's attributes were never tested by "official instruments" again.

Although I had known that the attributes of the instrument and the apostle's panel were somewhat different, I did not expect that the attributes of spirit and will were so high.

"Is it because of rebirth? The souls and memories of the two lives merged..."

Yi Lin quickly thought of a possibility in her mind.

Lucky, a little lucky.

Charm value...

Whatever, it’s not important.

After a cursory glance at the apostle panel, except for one more [Module], everything else is pretty much the same as what I had in mind.

Yi Lin took the time to check out the relics left behind by her good friend after they were "landed in boxes."

【Hidden Breath】

【Grade】C grade

[Consumption] 2 psychic energy points/second

[Effect] Reduce presence by 40%. Once the movement skill effect disappears, the cooling time is 300 seconds.

[Explanation] You can watch silently!

Skills that are hard to describe.

Yi Lin just wanted to study what kind of golden finger the "Apocalypse Knight Module" is.

There was a violent shaking all around.

At the same time, a sweet voice came from Yi Lin's head.

"Welcome to all passengers on board Flight 444."

"Flight 444 is about to enter a thundercloud area. It is predicted that it may encounter unstable airflow. Passengers please do not move around and fasten your seat belts..."

"During passing through a thundercloud area, the aircraft may experience varying degrees of turbulence, please do not panic."

"Generally speaking, you won't die."

"I am Xiao Tiantian, the flight attendant of Flight 444, and I will be with you on this journey..."

"If Xiao Tiantian is not here, it means..."


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