Infinity Throne

Chapter 1033 She is Xia Ruxue

In the returning light, Xia Ruxue suddenly looked back.

Everyone died.

The shattered corpses in the air didn't even have time to fall.

Ling Yiyi has arrived behind Xia Ruxue and Yi Lin.

She gets closer little by little,

It seems very slow,

But in fact, her "speed" was hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand times faster than Yi Lin and Xia Ruxue's speed when they stepped into the passage.

At this moment, Xia Ruxue turned around and looked at Ling Yiyi approaching, and she suddenly understood.

She understood everything.

She vaguely understood the meaning of her existence.

If her life existed for something that happened at a certain time, moment, or place, then it must be here.

Her whole life, what she has learned, her life, everything about her, exists for this moment.

The senior brother had brought warmth and sunshine to her life, so now it was her turn to open a smooth path home for the senior brother.

Behind that door is Senior Brother's home, Senior Brother's true destination.

"It was indeed a dream."

Xia Ruxue smiled sweetly.

This smile is so charming that the sun, moon and stars lose their luster.

Even if she can't grow old hand in hand with her senior brother, if her beauty can be engraved in his memory forever, then she will have no regrets.

"Xue'er... can I be your 'missing' senior brother?"

No wonder, in the ninth heaven, the master taught her this technique.

Yi Lin held Xia Ruxue's hand tightly, and her palm suddenly became empty.

His hands were empty.

Xia Ruxue's warmth is no longer there, and Xia Ruxue's skin can no longer be felt.

Some, just cold snowflakes.

Xia Ruxue was completely white. In the blink of an eye, pieces of her body peeled off, and the peeling flesh and blood turned into flying snow. In an instant, everything in front of her was completely frozen.

She turned into snow.

The flying snow in the sky condensed into a looming figure of a woman, gently holding the stunned Yi Lin and hugging him into her arms.


The vast flying snow burst into pieces in Yi Lin's arms, completely covering Ling Yiyi's body.

Ling Yiyi's body paused for a moment.

The surface of her body was covered with a layer of frost.

This is a unique skill that Murong Shuangxue has realized in her long life.

Transform into thousands of miles of snow, able to freeze everything.

Including "time", including... "reason".

"I'm sorry, senior brother. This time, I let go first."

"But if it's okay, senior brother, just forget about me."

"But... I don't want senior brother to forget Xue'er."

"Can you at least remember one thing? I am...Xia Ruxue."

"Your...Xia Ruxue."

"Stay alive, senior brother."

In the falling snow,

A faint sigh echoed.

Yi Lin stared blankly at the snowy scene in front of her.

Before his eyes, he fell into boundless darkness.




"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"

In the boundless darkness, a little girl with braids appeared in front of Yi Lin out of thin air.

At this moment, Yi Lin lost her five senses and was floating in the dark space like a dead corpse.

There is no light, no sound, no temperature.


A glimmer of light appeared in Yi Lin's gray eyes.

That is a kind of light called "hate".




The intense hatred caused the dead skin on his forehead to crack and enter the next level.


Now Yi Lin is like a puppet that has lost its soul, and is not interested in anything external to the body.

Only hatred surges like flames.

He even wanted to step forward and strangle Xiao Xi to death.

She directed all this.

As soon as he understood what "love" was, he lost everything.


If before, Yi Lin and Xia Ruxue got married, fell in love, and got along with each other, and they were somewhat driven by "fate", then when Xia Ruxue turned into thousands of miles of flying snow and disappeared in front of him, at that moment Yi Lin finally Understand, it turned out that Xia Ruxue had become an indispensable woman in his life without knowing it.

Xiao Xi looked solemn and raised a finger.

"It's a desperate gamble."

"Me and you, and my ship, under the supervisor's 'monitoring' and under the so-called 'just judgment', we have no future."

"If there is, if there is really a future that allows you and everyone to live, the only one is now."

"In this tenth of a second, in the tenth of a second that Xia Ruxue sacrificed her life to create for you, you can enter the 'return passage' and return to the world you are in."

"At that time, you will have the 'power' to win the 'bet'."

"You...haven't you been longing for 'power'?"

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

He didn't speak.

In other words, he lost his "interest" in talking.

But what he was thinking about at the moment was that the "everyone" Xiao Xi mentioned did not include Xia Ruxue.

Just end it.

that's all.

Let it all be over.

He's... tired.

Xiao Xi in front of her did not interact with Yi Lin.

She is like a "video" that has been saved in advance. At a given time and in a given scene, she plays a "video" for the desperate Yi Lin.

Xiao Xi's fingers changed from one to two.

She sighed softly:

"I can roughly imagine how you feel now."

"Then, I'll give you two choices."

"First, move forward, step through the door, and return to your 'reality'."

"Second, turn around and kill Ling Yiyi."

"This time, it's up to you whether to move forward or stay here."

"Your decision will determine... the only 'reality' and the only 'future'."


The video left by Xiao Xi disappeared.

Yi Lin opened her eyes.

Those eyes were not human-like, they were bloodshot and the eye sockets were cracked.

Ferocious tears of blood flowed from the corners of Yi Lin's eyes.

But unexpectedly, the corners of Yi Lin's mouth split to both sides.

He laughed so hard that the corners of his mouth cracked.

Xia Ruxue bought him just one tenth of a second.

By walking forward and crossing the door, he can complete the "invasion" and return to the "reality" where he is.

These are the "two choices" Xiao Xi gave Yi Lin.

In this tenth of a second,

A "moment" that barely had time to complete in the blink of an eye.

Yi Lin turned around and faced Ling Yiyi with a weird gesture and a weird smile.

This is not a choice at all.

He doesn't have to choose.

At this moment, he no longer thinks about so-called "interests" and no longer tries to find ways to "live".

At this moment, he was no longer "Yi Lin".

But... "Lin Yi".

He is Xia Ruxue's husband, Lin Yi.

Yi Lin slapped his chest, and the rich blood rose into the sky like a beam of light.

His hair stood up like a glaring Vajra, and his expression was like an evil ghost, extremely terrifying.

The strong hatred overwhelmed everything and Yi Lin's reason.

The shadow of the throne appeared behind Yi Lin.

Thousands of streams of light converged on Yi Lin's fist.


The dark beam of light pushed everything aside.

Yi Lin punched out the twisted space, tore apart the subspace, and submerged Ling Yiyi's figure.

After this punch, Yi Lin lost any strength and knelt on the ground slumped.

Ling Yiyi stood still. Xia Ruxue's move to freeze everything at the cost of her life only froze Ling Yiyi for less than a second.

The frost and snow peeled off, and Ling Yiyi walked towards Yi Lin.

"Execute 'anti-intrusion procedures'."

Ling Yiyi made a cold sound that was not human.

At this moment, Ling Yiyi seemed not to recognize Yi Lin, the childhood sweetheart she had grown up with.

Under Yi Lin's punch,

Everything in front of him was divided into two halves.

The steel city was torn apart by terrifying force, and on both sides of Ling Yiyi, the bottomless abyss spread in a fan shape.

The residents of the city suffered numerous casualties.

Yi Lin's punch didn't even have the slightest thought of "not hurting innocent people".

But the power of this punch actually avoided Ling Yiyi and everything behind her.

Yi Lin lowered her head.

He knew that it was not Ling Yiyi who defeated him, but Yi Lin who defeated him.

In Green's nightmare, Yi Lin simulated "trying to kill Ling Yiyi" a total of 13,672 times.

Only the last time, Yi Lin succeeded.

But when the real "Ling Yiyi" came to him, even Yi Lin watched helplessly as his beloved and his best friends were killed one by one by Ling Yiyi. With such strong hatred, he still lost to himself. .

The brilliant dagger stabbed into Yi Lin's heart.

This is not an ordinary attack, but... "obliteration".

Yi Lin lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice: "Who...are you?"

This is not a question.

It's an affirmative sentence.

Yi Lin just waited for "this existence" to say that word himself.

"watch dogs."

Distorted bands of light appeared out of thin air from all around.

Countless bands of light, like chains, wrapped tightly around Yi Lin's limbs and body, making him unable to move.

A dark door suddenly appeared at Yi Lin's feet.

The black door opened, and inside was an endless and deep quagmire.

Countless bands of light dragged Yi Lin down into the black mire.

In the process of falling,

Yi Lin's ferocious eyes stared at the indifferent Ling Yiyi, and her hoarse voice squeezed out word by word from the gap between her teeth full of blood:

"watch dogs……"

"Even if I'm in hell,"

"Even if I become undead,"

"Wherever I go next,"

"I'll crawl out,"

"I'll do whatever it takes to get out,"

"I will do my best to crawl out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood...climb out...climb out!"

"Then I'll kill you..."

"Kill you!!!"


The dark door was closed.

In the quagmire, only half of Yi Lin's face was left.

But he still raised his head stubbornly and used his last strength.

It was as if he wanted to remember this face deeply in his heart.

Yi Lin, death.

Yi Lin seemed to have entered a river.

Float and float, seemingly endless.

There is no time, space, or even any "concept" that he can feel.

Everything is nothing.

He looked at his hands and feet, only dark shadows were visible.

Not long ago, his own "death report" rang in his ears.

he died.

Completely dead.

It's been a long, long, long time.

"People" began to appear around Yi Lin.

Many people are like shadows, without facial features and hazy.

They were like driven animals, moving in a certain direction.

My eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

Finally, they came to a square.

In the square, there are many "people" who are like Yi Lin, who have no form, and it is not even clear whether they are alive or not.

No one spoke or chatted. Everyone, including Yi Lin, was like a zombie, standing quietly in the same place, crowded.

A long, long, long time passed.

A terrifying white mask suddenly appeared in the sky, with a sinister smile on its face.

"You are all 'trash' eliminated in every time artifact."

"Hehehe~ As rubbish, you should have the consciousness of rubbish."

"But now you have a chance to do it again."

"Among you trash, one of you will survive in the end~"

"'That person' who survives the most severe test can leave here."

"By the way, I think you bunch of trash should be curious about where you are now."

"You are now in the 'Garbage Recycling Bin'."

"To use your words, it's 'hell'."

"And now you are the eliminated undead."

"Hey hey hey...hell, you're welcome."

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