Infinity Throne

[Volume 10·Summary at the end of the volume]

Tell a hell of a joke.

Each author's summary at the end of the volume is a summary of the results.

except me.

This volume is finally finished.

This volume was destined to end with a knife from the beginning.

I wanted to write a female character, a woman who makes Yi Lin feel pain every time she thinks about her. She will raise her head and look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, trying not to let her sadness show.

When I first started to think about this dungeon, I knew that it would be difficult to integrate a complete and original fairy tale background into a dungeon.

So we can only do subtraction.

Remove unnecessary fighting plots, remove some character branches, and remove the complicated upgrade system.

What I want to write about is the bonds and stories between people.

As Yi Lin realizes, and what I want to express, this is a more real world.

Not everyone's story will be related to Yi Lin.

His existence is just a passerby to this world.

In this copy, I wrote a few favorite characters.

As for who they are, I can’t say.

The end is not necessarily the end, and death is not necessarily the end.

We still... miss you.

Isn't there a saying that says a person's true death is the moment he is forgotten by everyone?

Life will disappear, but thoughts will last forever.

Anyway, this volume is over.

Even when I wrote the four words "Yirin, death", I had the urge to type out "The whole book is finished".

However, whether it is for myself or for the few readers who are still reading, I cannot end this story hastily.

If nothing unexpected happens, there will be three more chapters.

If there are no surprises, it will probably end after the summer vacation.

I tried my best to bring a vigorous ending to this book, worthy of the first encounter between you and me in the vast sea of ​​books.

Next article preview:

Volume 11·I came from hell

【The world is unfair. 】

[The damned should die, but the damned should live well. 】

[If the world is fair, then "they", and she, should be able to survive. 】

I’ll leave you an Easter egg at the end:

Where did the "daughter" in reality come from? (white smile)

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