Infinity Throne

Chapter 1154 Everything is legal: Mechanical Mage (5600 words)

As the saying goes, "When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher."

While analyzing the awakening abilities of the "Four Emperors", Yi Lin learned one thing from "Teacher Nirvana".

In other words, secretly touching the authority of "Teacher Nirvana" instantly expanded Yilin's pattern and horizons.

The promotion path Yi Lin took was completely opposite to that of Mo Rendi.

The promotion of the sequence and the condensation of authority are just the results.

But the process has different paths and different methods.

If Mo Rendi uses "pure force": one punch can penetrate everything.

Then what Yi Lin uses is the "ultimate magic": explosion is art.

He and Mo Rendi spent nearly twenty years in the cabin of time and spirit, confirming each other, fighting and training, and finally succeeded in condensing the "Ultimate Intention", but their interpretations of "Ultimate Intention" were completely opposite. , two paths leading to the same end.

When analyzing the power of "omnics", Yi Rin successfully analyzed the truth about the awakening abilities of Ruth, Amakusa Seishiro, Meng Xingfan, and Elizabeth Rin.

The [START] signs on different parts of their bodies are nothing more than a "startup program". What is really responsible for transmitting "omnics" to the world is the "nanobugs" located in their brains.

After Yi Lin stripped out the activation program alone, Amakusa Seishiro died, which could not be verified. However, after the activation program in Meng Xingfan's body was stripped out, the nanoworms in his body fell into a deep sleep and no longer responded to Nirvana entrenched outside the world. Mexis sends a covert signal.

"This is also a kind of 'law', a law called 'mechanical'."

Yi Lin stared at the "startup program" that was peeled off in her palm and confirmed this.

Nemesis, who can condense the power of "omnics", must not be treated as a simple information life.

This is what Yi Lin learned from Teacher Nirvana. The form of "Dharma" should not be limited to what it thinks it is. In fact, if Nemesis was treated as a member of the same profession, Yilin might even be called "Mechanical Mage" when meeting Nemesis.

Call Ruth and Elizabeth Rin here.

Yi Lin looked at the two of them wearing swimsuits, their bodies were slippery and shiny, and they were obviously wearing sunscreen. He couldn't help but ask more: "Who put on the sunscreen for you?"

Ruth covered her mouth and smiled: "Captain, are you jealous?"

"No." Yi Lin said firmly, "I'm just curious."

"Who else could it be, but the dog you raised?"

Ruth curled her lips. She could see that Yi Lin said it was one thing and said she wasn't jealous, so she really wasn't jealous.

There was no bitterness in the straight man's eyes, Ruth was sure of that.

Yi Lin ignored Ruth's strange eyes and disappointed mood, and nodded: "I will take you to a place."

The orange rotating halo of light shrouded the three of them from top to bottom.

When Ruth and Elizabeth Rin regained their vision, they found themselves in an underground facility.

"You came."

In the room, all the screens lit up at the same time, and Meng Xingfan's pale face appeared on the screen.

Elizabeth Lin subconsciously took two steps back because she suddenly discovered that a corpse was soaked in a glass cabinet not far away.

"It's you!"

They obviously knew each other.

Yi Lin waved her hand, and Xiaomei, who was wearing a maid outfit with a small wing decoration on her back, was holding a two-meter-high ice cube in her hands, and dropped it in front of a few people in the cold air.


Gayageumimi held up her skirt pitifully.

"Do business, don't make trouble."

Yi Lin gritted her teeth and pushed Gayagemimi back into the subspace.

Before Ruth and Elizabeth Lin could be shocked by the boldness of Xiaomei's costume, their attention was attracted by the ice cubes standing on the ground. There is a frozen corpse vaguely hidden in the ice. The slightly curly black hair and closed eyes reveal the identity of a person - Amakusa Seishiro.

Ruth muttered: "Captain, when did you hide his body?"

Ruth was there when Irin killed Amakusa Seishiro, but she didn't notice that Irin put away Amakusa Seishiro's body.


Yi Lin ignored Ruth, and the little bat skillfully got out of Yi Lin's back door and flapped its wings in the room. When Yi Lin called out, Green looked up and made an "OK" gesture with his wings, indicating that Yi Lin could take action.

With a snap of his fingers, layers of light curtains rippled strangely on the walls of the room, and an invisible barrier was laid. Although Yi Lin also knows that "building a barrier" in front of the real boss feels a bit like hiding one's ears and stealing the bell. The key is still Green's cover-up, but doing so will make Yi Lin feel safer.

Sensing Yi Lin's movements, Elizabeth Lin took a step back warily, covering her chest with waves and scenery: "What do you want to do?"

Yi Lin explained: "There is a god who has set his sights on this place. Not long after the great flood began. What you thought was 'awakening' was just that it planted a kind of machine called 'nanometer' in your brains." life."

Even Ruth didn't know about this. When she heard about it for the first time, Ruth looked shocked: "God? Nanobug?..." She felt that her pattern was instantly opened by Yi Lin. Her lips moved and she was stunned for a while. Ruth didn't know where to start asking. Her mind was so messed up that she could only subconsciously squeeze out a question: "What does he want to do?"

Yi Lin smiled: "Not just you, if I guess correctly, everyone in the world, whether they show the ability to awaken or not, have nanobugs in their bodies. And you are the most outstanding one. Four of you, the 'nanobugs' deep in the brain, should be the 'master bugs' in this batch of bugs. With you as the leader, the nanobugs in everyone's brains in this world will form a huge 'network'. Combined with me Information, this is most likely the way he intends to 'control' the world, or 'plunder' the world."

There was one thing Yi Lin didn't say.

Nemesis is also looking for the "core of the world", or in other words, this is how the salvage team survives.

Elizabeth Lin didn't believe it at first, but when she recalled the voice she heard when she woke up, she couldn't help but feel the hair on her back. Yi Lin's tone and expression were particularly convincing. Ruth moved her eyes expressionlessly. When she inadvertently saw the captain wearing an armband with the word "Discipline Committee" on his arm, she vaguely understood something, nodded, and stopped talking.

"Then, let's get started."

After preparations were completed, Yi Lin's shoulder blades bulged, and the blood turned into blades, piercing the skin and muscles. Behind Yi Lin, the blood, as crystal clear as blood crystal and as flexible as liquid, twisted into the shape of two arms.

In a blink of an eye, Yi Lin turned into a "monster" with four arms.

When Elizabeth Lin and Ruth saw this, they gasped in the stuffy underground facility.

Meng Xingfan silently turned on the ventilation.

"Analytical Horizon·Microscope."

"Free Method·Gamma Knife."

The thin streams of light converged between the fingers of the four arms, converging and converging. The light grew from weak to strong, and finally turned into a thin "thread".

"The operation begins."

The surgical procedure sounds complicated, but it is not.

What Yi Rin has to do is to use the "Gamma Knife" under microscopic conditions to invade the brains of Ruth, Elizabeth Rin, Amakusa Seishiro, and Meng Xingfan along the texture of the brain circuits, and carefully remove the nanoworms.

It is worth mentioning that.

Before taking out the nanobugs from the brains of Ruth and Elizabeth Lin, Yi Lin followed the same method and peeled off the startup programs on Ruth's thighs and Elizabeth Lin's arms in advance, and sealed them with magic.

After sealing the "activation program", the nanoworms will have no source of information and will fall into a "sleep state".

It was said to be a surgery, but in fact, Yi Lin's "Gamma Knife" cut along the skin texture, and the wound was not even visible on the outside.

To take a step back, even if his hands were shaking, it would not cause much damage to the brain substance.

Safe, painless, sterile, and even comfortable.

Ruth and Elizabeth Lin closed their eyes tightly, their long eyelashes trembling continuously.

There was no pain at all when the nanoworms were taken out, but when Yi Lin's gamma knife invaded, Ruth and Elizabeth Lin strangely had the illusion of an "intracranial orgasm."

It took two hours.

Yi Rin is done.

There is an information connection between the four "main bugs". Removing the four "main bugs" must be done at the same time, otherwise the result will be in vain.

Otherwise, Yilin could have used Amakusa Seishiro's corpse to practice in advance.

Death is a big deal, and it doesn’t hurt to practice.

After the operation was successfully completed, Ruth and Elizabeth Lin collapsed on the ground.

Yi Lin waved his hand and sent the two girls back to the fortress. He turned back and nodded to Meng Xingfan, indicating that his mission reward was paid first.

At that time, he promised Meng Xingfan to help him escape from the control of "Nemesis", and now it has been completed.

Taking a step forward, Yi Lin entered the space of evil thoughts.

The sky is gray and the ground is brown. Xiaomei, Xiaobai, and Xiaohong, the three little female spirits, have been worried for a long time and are waiting here.

It may seem like a simple thing, but in the grand scheme of things, it is actually confronting the disobedient gods.

Yes, Nemesis, Teacher Nirvana, Mechanical Master, all the names may sound unqualified, but it is indeed a real "god" that is entrenched outside the world, without any water.

Elizabeth Rin and Calypso's move to repair the "Trident" offended the supreme god "Poseidon" and caused a "disaster" that could destroy a world. This shows how terrible the anger of God is. How can mortals bear it.

"Space of Evil Thoughts·Kaleidoscope."




Yilin developed the "multi-layered subspace" technology based on the "multi-layered dream" principle of the Nightmare Lord.

Overlapping the spaces of evil thoughts can, to a certain extent, avoid the prying eyes from higher dimensions.

Yi Lin spent a lot of spiritual energy, and after going deep into more than twenty levels of evil thoughts space in one go, the psychedelic mist and the sheen of gray and white made Yi Lin feel like she had entered another world.


Green is online.

Multiple layers of subspace can block God's sight, but they cannot block her.

Easily, Green came in.

Yi Lin and Green looked at each other and started to do things without hesitation.

Opening your palms, you will see a "nanobug" that is unrecognizable to the naked eye sleeping in each of the four groups of faint light.

On the surface, there are only four rays of light on Yi Lin's palm, and there is no filling inside.

But Yi Lin knew that what he had in his hands was more than just "nano bugs" and the matching "activation program".

By analyzing this set of gadgets, Yi Lin can try to understand Nemesis's authority - "Omnic Machine"!


Green asked: "Actually, you should have discovered it, right?"

Yi Lin was silent and nodded.

"But why did you keep her? Because of the ridiculous emotions of Homo sapiens?"

"Heh..." Yi Lin pointed to her eyes: "Did you see my eyes?"

At this moment, the indifference shining in Yi Lin's eyes showed no humanity, only divinity.

In the "divine mode", Yilin is cold and ruthless. He will give up everything, including the Gaia Fortress, as long as it is valuable.

"Oh." As expected of Green, after a brief deduction, he understood Yi Lin's plan: "If you do this, you will look a bit arrogant."

"Isn't it?"

In the strange conversation between one person and one bat, the outline of the Infinite Throne appeared behind Yi Lin.

Lifting up the Xiaowu puppet, Xiaowu's "missing" also flashed beside him.

The pure white "Extreme Meaning" is like a satellite, circling in the orbit of "missing" and "infinity".

"The Law of Freedom·Deconstruction."

Analysis begins.

Beep beep beep.


In an instant, four rays of light seemed to be magnified countless times in front of Yi Lin, and Yi Lin clearly saw the structure of the "nanometer bug".

The "principle" of the spiral is covered all around the nanoworms. This is knowledge that does not belong to this world, not to "Xi Paradise". It is even a "field" that Yi Lin has never seen before, and it is a brand new world of knowledge.

Yi Lin is immersed in the ocean of "omnics", like a dry sponge, tirelessly, even a little crazy, absorbing the "unknown" that he does not understand.

The basis for gathering authority is understanding.

All power is based on "understanding".

Analyze, analyze, understand, try, reconstruct.

Yi Lin has her own way of doing things.

I do not know how long it has been.

Deep in the multi-layered space of evil thoughts, Yi Lin was alone with Greene day and night.


Until one day.

Yi Lin was motionless, and the Infinity Throne rotating behind her suddenly took on a different color.

Colorful lights like neon lights take root and sprout in the corner of the Infinite Throne.

Gradually, metal tentacles suddenly stretched out from the throne base, which was originally composed of "1" and "0" data streams. The metal tentacles were twisted and twisted, and in a blink of an eye they turned into a deep color like steel, as heavy as a mountain, and as cold as iron.

"As expected of...the source code."

Green looked at the changes in the "Infinite Throne" greedily, and her eyes were filled with one word: greedy.

When Yi Lin came out of the multi-layered space of evil thoughts, the space shook. Still in that underground facility, the extinguished screen lit up again.

Although Meng Xingfan and Yi Lin are not familiar with each other, Yi Lin has become his only hope for "resurrection" and "escape from the world". Maybe their purposes are different, but they are indeed on the same front.

Yi Lin's eyes disappeared and she said to Meng Xingfan, who was looking at the screen helplessly: "After dealing with the 'nano bug', it should soon realize that something is wrong here."

"Take me away."

On the screen, Meng Xingfan's eyes fell on his "corpse". His corpse had been soaked in nutrient solution for decades and had long since rotted beyond its appearance.

Beep beep beep.

On the instrument, a hard drive sputtered.

When things came to a close, Meng Xingfan hesitated: "Can I...believe you?"

"You have no choice."


The hard drive spit out.

Meng Xingfan's "conscious clone" was uploaded to the hard drive.

Yi Lin put away the hard drive and left here.

Returning to Gaia Fortress again, the crew was looking forward to it.

Some time ago, the president's soul food made them all jealous. No one expected that the president would be away for a month. Rumors spread in the guild that "the president is angry and doesn't want to cook."

"Enter level one alert."

After sending Ruth and Elizabeth away, Yi Lin did not explain her next actions, but turned around and disappeared.

In the multi-layered space of evil thoughts, it takes a month to analyze the power of "omnics".


Everyone was huddled in the Gaia Fortress and did not go out.

The waters near the Gaia Fortress where the president was present were unprecedentedly calm and the weather was sunny, which was uncharacteristically normal.

This "abnormal" situation made the crew feel a sense of depression called "the calm before the storm".

Yi Lin is waiting.

The salvage team also seemed to be waiting.

Until one day.

A "No. 3" mecha known for its lightness, flexibility and speed quietly left the Gaia Fortress.

Three more days.

Arctic Ocean waters.

On the surface of the calm ocean, a ferocious face appeared. Looking from top to bottom, it looked like a crazy soul, struggling and roaring in the sea.

"Meng Xingfan, you lied to me, damn, you lied to me!"

The "authority" Calypso wants to gather is "curse".

She wants to transcend this by becoming the "curse incarnate".

When the "Trident" was repaired, Calypso benefited from the resurgence of the curse in the water world, and his strength greatly increased.

Calypso has been hiding all these years.

The hiding place is easy to figure out, it's nothing more than the depths of the ocean.

The vast sea contains countless legends and rumors. Since Calypso is no longer possessing Ruth and Elizabeth Rin, he must be hiding in the depths of the sea.

Meng Xingfan has always been in contact with Calypso, and Calypso gave her a bargaining chip, but obviously, her bargaining chip was not as convincing as that given by Yi Lin.

Meng Xingfan made a conscious choice.

He sold Calypso.

As for Yi Lin, she just did a small thing: using a piece of legendary equipment, she fished out Calypso like a whale.

Calypso got inspiration from the pollution of the "Trident" that angered the gods and caused the "Great Flood": As long as he can find more "god relics" similar to the trident and follow the same method, attracting the wrath of more gods, he will naturally Can enhance her strength.

Calypso, as a native incarnation of the curse, has a different level of knowledge than Yi Lin. She only knows one, but not the other. A little bit of the scent of legendary items made her confused.

When Calypso appeared at the designated place, the [Human Emperor's Seal], bound to recognize its owner, rotated over the ocean, emitting an awe-inspiring light.


Thousands of miles in radius, the sea roared and split open, and the sea area where Calypso appeared was cut separately by Yilin with his legendary power.

The ravine as deep as the bottom of the sea was square and square, trapping the ferocious face in it.

high altitude.

Ripples vibrated, and the scarlet Apokolips brought an ominous red light to the world. Gaia Fortress, bathed in ominous light, appeared over the divided sea area.


After hiding for so many years, Calypso has long been filled with resentment, aggrieved and miserable. Now that she has been deceived by Meng Xingfan and blocked by Yi Lin, she has no way to escape. She has only one choice left: Fight hard.

The sea water rolled up, and the giant of the sea, which was tens of millions of meters high, held a trident the size of a bamboo pole between its index finger and thumb. It was now like a toothpick in the hand of the "giant of the sea".

Yi Lin laughed at this. Calypso wouldn't think that just a "legendary" weapon discarded by the god of power could make a comeback.

A similar scene happened again after many years, which made Yilin feel a little nostalgic.

The difference is that it was Yi Lin who wielded the toothpick back then, becoming a legend. This time it turned out to be Calypso, and the fortunes took turns, and the fortunes took turns.

Swish, swish, swish, swish.

Rays of light burst into the sky from behind Yi Lin.

The lights of different colors complement each other in the confined sea area.

The Oriary Book, Noah's Ark No. 9999 prototype, the Immortal Killing Spear, the Human Emperor's Seal, the Gaia Fortress, and finally the Guili Sword that can split the heavens and the earth.

There is also the legendary · Mo Ren Enemy.

Pan Zhengyi's four-leaf clover halo.

Mechas all over the sky were like locusts crossing the border, and they all took off from the fortress.

Yi Lin held the Guili Sword, without any intention of "bullying others with the help of legendary items". She fought quickly, with a wave of horizontal push, legendary light, artillery fire, and Mo Ren's fist. The "giant of the sea" transformed by Lypso was beaten to pieces and turned into salty rain all over the sky.

"Times have changed, Calypso."

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