Infinity Throne

Chapter 1155

The devastated giant of the sea gathered together again.

Restore again and again.


The giant of the 10,000-meter sea was like an aggrieved young woman in front of the absolute power, wailing and struggling desperately, but unable to resist.

On the Guili sword, the gears rotated at high speed, the sky above the head split open, and a dark red light pillar separated Calypso from the middle.

Calypso whimpered, and finally, after being beaten hundreds of times, the seawater could no longer condense and fell with a splash.

Over the years, Calypso has been unable to possess an entity, and can only hide in Tibet, relying on various forms of "entities" to exist.

In the exploding sea water, a cloud of brown breath floated in the sky, hazy and dissipated.

Yi Lin took a look and saw the clues.

That is the prototype of "authority", but there is still a long way to go before it can truly become "authority".

"Not even close."

Yi Lin rushed forward with his forehead, and with a clean headbutt, the aura was dispersed, like stirred raw egg yolk.

The strong "resentment" was sucked into his forehead, and the dead skin on his forehead shook violently for the first time in a long time.

As Yi Lin's strength grows, his methods are endless, and his free methods are complex and changeable. Among the abilities evolved from [Laughing Mask], the most practical one is the "Ten Death Body", as well as the ability to burn the soul from the spiritual level. The "Swallowing Spirit Fire" is a bit of a icing on the cake and has not been used for a long time.

Of course, the more means, the better, and Yi Lin never dislikes it. The dead skin that had been thirsty for a long time was fed by Calypso's nourishment. Yi Lin was shocked, and her whole body was covered with a layer of gray-black flames. It seemed to be blazing, but in fact it was an icy cold temperature.

After dispersing the "Spirit Swallowing Fire" on her body, Yi Lin patted her chest, entered the hub, and took a look.

On the throne, a gray-brown aura huddled in a corner. The brand belonging to Calypso had long been obliterated, leaving only the pure "prototype of authority".

"It could be made into a 'deputy authority', but it's a pity that we don't have time now."

The basis for building authority is "understanding." This process requires a lot of time and energy, and now, Yi Lin can't afford it.

A "Unit No. 1" sprayed fireworks at its feet and hovered next to Yi Lin.

The light bulbs in the mecha's eyes flashed, and the sound-producing component emitted an electronic sound: "I thought her realm was like a 'demigod' in fantasy novels, but I didn't expect that she wouldn't be able to withstand it for a few times."

It's Meng Xingfan.

Meng Xingfan has a "conscious clone", and his main consciousness is stored on the hard drive for safekeeping. Yi Lin lent him a machine to let him move freely.

Now Yi Lin manages the huge Gaia Fortress, and there is Xi'er who is trapped in the main world waiting to be rescued. The family has a big business and heavy tasks, and needs all kinds of talents, so it takes advantage of the opportunity to absorb Meng Xingfan and Ruth .

There are various skill balls and epic props in Yi Lin's warehouse. There is no shortage of these. It is not difficult to create a qualified combat unit in a short time.

Hearing Meng Xingfan's emotionless sigh, Yi Lin sneered: "Demigod? Far from it. If you have to say it, I am closer to... a god than she is."

Yi Lin is not bragging.

Although his infinity has not been completely formed, he holds the throne of "Infinity", carries the authority of "Missing", surrounds the deputy authority of "Extreme Intent", and is a sequence D nightmare knight. He is in the entire Gaia Fortress, or in all hope No other registrant in Paradise is closer to God than he is.

But the closer she got, the more Yi Lin could feel that the gap between Sequence D and Sequence C was like a bottomless chasm, insurmountable.

After easily solving the "side mission BOSS" Calypso, everyone landed on the Gaia Fortress again.

Yi Lin raised her index finger and swirled Calypso's gray breath on her fingertips.

This is Calypso's "prototype of authority."

Yilin was deprived of her life.

This may seem cruel, but Calypso almost killed him. Now, it's just retaliation for old and new grudges. In the parlance of Qigong practitioners, this is "cause and effect".

If there is a cause, there will be an effect. If there is an effect, there must be a cause.

This is also the "principle" of all things.

Calypso was indeed the aura of the "new god" they noticed when they first arrived in the water world. However, this "god" who was about to be born did not have time to hatch and died on the way.

In fact, later on, Green also made it clear that it was theoretically impossible for a trance to be born in this world. In the ruined world, the remaining "source" is not enough to hatch a new god. The "disorder hunters" located outside the world's barriers are decomposing the world all the time.

Not to mention, there are salvage teams outside the world that are watching. Nemesis's thoughts are simple. He is like a patient hunter, quietly waiting for the moment when the fruit is about to ripen, or when the prey in the juvenile stage grows up, he picks it at will.

Nemesis was intercepted by Yi Lin like this?


Yi Lin sighed. After thinking about it for a while, he figured something out. It wasn't that Nemesis was cut off by him, but that from the moment Gaia Fortress came here, everyone who belonged to the "Nightmare Knight" became the prey of the Nemesis salvage team.

Whether it is everything in the Gaia Fortress, Calypso's "prototype of authority", even Yilin's "infinity", and the "thoughts" entrusted in the Xiaowu container, they are all regarded by Nemesis as " prey".

As for "Nightmare"?

Forget it, even if Yilin helped Nemesis's AI dictionary with "courage" written all over it, it wouldn't dare.

When he raised his index finger, the rotating gray aura separated into a thin "thread" under Yi Lin's "gaze". The end of the thread was hidden, and it was unknown where it led.

"I'm looking for the 'Core of the World'."

Yi Lin turned around and asked everyone in Gaia Fortress to remain on alert and prepare to leave.

"I want to see it."

Molly took off the VR helmet link port and raised her hands high.

"Me too~" Ruth clung to her and acted coquettishly, wanting to join in the fun.

"Me too too~" Elizabeth Lin smiled, stood next to Ruth and made a request regardless of her seniority.

Yi Lin's calm eyes looked at Elizabeth Lin and Ruth respectively. In those eyes, they were calm and emotionless, with a faint "divine" light that seemed to be able to see through everything.

Elizabeth shrank and said, "What are you looking at?"

Yi Lin smiled and shook his head: "Okay, you guys, you might as well go and have a look."


Wearing the hanging ring on her hand, Yi Lin opened the portal and stepped into it with the three women who asked to follow her.

The light of "reason" was so subtle that Yi Lin changed directions several times and finally caught up.

At sunset.

Yi Lin came to an empty sea area.

The line of reason points straight to the bottom of the sea.

"Is it at the bottom of the sea?"

Yi Lin snapped her fingers, and the broken light spread out a faint light curtain around the four of them.

"Go down."

Using the "Water Avoidance Barrier", the four of them headed to the bottom of the sea.

One hundred meters.

Five hundred meters.

One thousand meters.

Three thousand meters.

Three thousand meters below, it was pitch black, silent, and without any living creatures. The naked eye could not see the floating objects, only a pitch-black nothingness.

Click, click, click.

The water pressure three thousand meters below presses on the barrier, and fine cracks are distributed on the surface of the barrier.

When she learned that they had dived three thousand meters below the seabed in this casual way without relying on any equipment, Molly was already numb to Yi Lin's abnormality, and silently calculated the result: "Assume that the gravity of this world, The density data of seawater is similar to that of our main world, and the pressure outside the barrier has reached about 35,000 kilopascals. Can you... not be able to withstand it?"

The implication is that Molly is doubting Yi Lin.

Of course men can't say no.

Yi Lin snapped her fingers again, the light gathered slightly, the density of the barrier increased several times, the cracks were repaired, and the density was restored.

Soaked in the deep sea, with no light on all sides. Yi Lin frowned, feeling that he was almost at the end, and the end of "reason" was not far away. Yi Lin fired a ball of light, which penetrated the tight film with a "pop" sound. The darkness faded away, and the dark deep sea was reflected by the bright light into a magnificent blue fluid.

The three girls, Molly, had not yet had time to marvel at the spectacular scene that looked like they were in an "Ocean Park", with rows of decaying houses, scattered and floating broken bones, hollow eye sockets of skulls filled with shimmering creatures, twisted road signs, cars, and corners. , outlining a silent and dead city under the sea.

Not far away, the bright light reflected a fallen clock tower, and the angled hour and minute hands had stopped moving, as if to indicate the scene in front of them: time had stopped at the moment when the city was destroyed.

"This is...the British Empire!"

After the shock, Elizabeth Lin recognized this place. Back then, she was the princess of this country, and she was loved by thousands of people.

Today, the prosperity of the past and the memories of the past are soaked in the cold and dark seabed, forgotten by the world.

After Elizabeth Lin said a sentence, she fell silent, secretly feeling sad about everything in the past.

But after all, she is no longer a little girl. Even if she is moved by the scene, she will not shed tears because of it.

The end of "reason" points directly into the dark museum. Yilin controls the barrier and enters the museum.

The great flood submerged the world in just one minute. Although the underwater museum was in a mess, the objects and rotting corpses inside could vaguely make people imagine the tragic scene when the disaster occurred.

Yi Lin waved his hand, stirred up the undercurrent, and took a box inlaid with gorgeous gems, breaking through the barrier and taking it into his hands.

Green emerged from the back of Yi Lin's head. When it was time for her to be there, Green was never absent.

"You found it now?"

“It took a lot of work.”

Yi Lin told the truth.

The box itself is meaningless, Yi Lin finished speaking and opened the box. Although there is a waterproof seal on the edge of the gem box, the craftsman who made this container seems not to have expected that this box will one day fall under thousands of meters of deep water, and a lot of turbid seawater will be immersed in the container.

Yi Lin has always been curious about what the so-called "core of the world" is. The moment he opened the box, Yi Lin was stunned. The contents inside the box exceeded his expectations.

It was a relatively well-preserved flag, and the effects of oxidation were minimized under the deep sea. Yi Lin unfolded the flag and found that it was a naval flag. The original color of the flag had long since faded. The pattern of the flag was a lovely white eagle, majestic. In the corner of the flag, someone embroidered a line of words in Juanxiu font:

"Calypso presented it to Admiral Frank."

The three women looked at each other. They did not expect that the object Yi Lin had been looking for was such an ordinary thing.

Yilin held the military flag in her left hand and held up the prototype of Calypso's authority with the index finger of her right hand, repeatedly confirming was correct.

This military flag is indeed the "core of the world" he has been looking for.

The incubation of new gods and the core of the world are all due to this.

"The truth hidden beneath the surface?"

Before Green could remind him, Yi Lin had already realized the truth.

If the "military flag" in the box is a locked box, in fact, he has already obtained the "key" to unlock it.

Yi Lin carefully touched the "Calypso's Prototype of Authority" and the "White Eagle Flag". At the moment when the two came into contact, the rudiment of power was like concentrated sulfuric acid, and the general's flag melted in the blink of an eye, leaving only black water with strange bubbles in the box.

As the black water rolled, bubbles burst one by one. In the bubbles, strange fragments emerged one after another.

Accompanied by the fragment of the bubble bursting, the conversation between a man and a woman echoed softly on the silent seabed.

The Age of Discovery began and pirates were rampant.

A handsome blond admiral came to a Gypsy settlement.

A simple girl fell in love with the general at first sight.

The admiral shoulders the mission of exterminating pirates. On a starless night, they made a private commitment for life. The next day, the admiral set sail with tears in his eyes and promised to come back to marry the girl one day.

The girl personally sewed a flag for the general. It was her first time doing needlework. The girl accidentally pricked her finger, and the blood dripped on the head of the white eagle, which happened to be like the eagle's eyes, making the eagle majestic. .

The admiral set sail, and for three years and three years, the girl stood on the seaside looking forward to it every day.

Her friends made fun of her and looked down upon her, but the girl believed that one day the admiral in her dream would fulfill his promise, and the "White Eagle Flag" would fly again at the end of the sea.

Seven years later, the white eagle flag arrived as promised, and the girl rushed to the seaside, waving her silk scarf.

But the White Eagle Flag that returned this time was not the admiral who came to marry the girl, but the "White Eagle Army" of the Royal Privateering Corps.

The White Eagle Army burned, killed, looted, and killed the girl's family in her hometown.

Before the last bubble burst, a desperate scene flashed above:

In the fire that filled the sky, the girl knelt in front of the corpses on the ground and scratched bloody marks on her face with her sharp nails, dripping with blood. She kept repeating the same sentence in a desperate and hollow voice: "I curse you, I curse you, I curse you, I curse you, life after life, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years..."

A girl named "Calypso" jumped from the cliff into the sea in despair, anger, and hatred.

The girl's experience was miserable, and Molly had already burst into tears.

"How did you end up crying with such a corny story?"

Yi Lin was speechless.

Tsk, woman.

Elizabeth Lin was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "I know this history."

"Oh?" Yi Lin raised his eyebrows.

He was not gossiping, let alone curious, he was just asking casually to see what Elizabeth had to say.

Elizabeth Lin slowly stretched her white palm into the box, where the black water was already calm. She said in a sleepy tone:

"Admiral Frank was the leader of the White Eagle Privateers, but he didn't actually know that his subordinates robbed and killed Calypso's village. After learning about this, Admiral Frank was extremely angry and executed him in private He killed all the officers on that ship. Later, Admiral Frank, he kept the flag embroidered by Calypso in a box and held it all day long."

"Later, Admiral Frank, who was only 45 years old, suffered from 'dementia'. He held the box and sat in a wheelchair under the sunset, saying only one sentence: I'm sorry."

"No one knew who he was saying sorry to at the time. When I met Calypso, I didn't even know that she was the woman in history that Admiral Frank, the leader of the White Eagle Privateers, felt guilty about."

After Elizabeth finished speaking, her fingertips were about to touch the black water in the box.

"Really? Thanks for the popular science."



Yi Lin reached out and took hold of Elizabeth's wrist, and before the other two women could react, she forcefully twisted Elizabeth's wrist off.


The crisp sound of fractures instantly stunned Ruth and Molly.

As if she didn't feel the pain at all, Elizabeth Lin turned her head ninety degrees and turned to Yi Lin.

Those blue eyes were covered with a cold metallic color at some point.

"Hello, Nemesis."

Yi Lin reached out and politely slashed at Elizabeth's neck.


Using their palms together like knives, Yi Lin cut off Elizabeth's head neatly.

Blood spurted out, but at the break of Elizabeth's neck, a dense layer of molten metal poured out, as if it was multiplying at a high speed. The molten metal condensed into the shape of a "head" on Elizabeth's blood-covered neck.

Yi Lin kicked "Elizabeth" out of the barrier, and the water pressure in the deep sea instantly crushed Elizabeth's body that had not yet been completely "metalized".

With a bang, Elizabeth's body was like fragile tofu, crushed into a lump of metal and blood. It was no longer possible to distinguish the pretty and lovely appearance not long ago.

Green Wings held up his chin and asked: "You kept her at first because you wanted to 'say hello' in advance, but I didn't expect that this was how you said hello."

Yi Lin's face was as dark as water, and he smiled calmly: "It has long been a fight to the death. This kind of greeting will not only make Nemesis angry, even if he is not angry, it will make him remember me. Why not? Besides, ..." Yi Lin looked at the smiling Green over her shoulder: "Will you, higher-dimensional beings, feel pity for the pain, wailing, screaming, and begging for mercy of humble human beings?"

Green smiled and shook his head: "No."

Yi Lin grinned, her teeth were so white, and under the illumination technique, the shadows between her teeth made Yi Lin's smile look like it was baring two rows of fangs of a humanoid beast: "Yes, you can't. "

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